'RoundAbout Us ROWN INTO CREEK in Murray Sr., 70, of Newl was reported in satisfactory ion i1n Mecmorial Hospital,ý anville, after he sufferedi sev-1 its to the knees and face in a cident on Saturday niglit. 1 rotai 0f $34.00 .00 IN BONUS TAPES .Tins lb. Gag FLOU R SOAP ATOES MARGARINE 2 lb pk g s 5p7 c Direct from Califarnia - Luscious, Plump Na. i pint4 2 boxes 49C 10- for 59e No. 1 Grade - Size 96's Girapefruit 10û for 49c Na. 1 Gradie - Crisp Garden Fresh CELERY"., 2for 25c Turkey, Chicken or Beef MORONPlIES 48oz $10 !l LADY BETH CHOCOLATES lb box 87c 12 oz tin41c 1 lb fin 39c 1 lb pkg 34c 6 for 49c 2 for 49c 2lb $1.59 I .1 Lean Mild Cured Peameal ChOTTAG E RO-LLS whole l 9 lb 59c Tablerite Pure Park - Sm-ail Iink or Country Style Sainusage lb' 49«c F:: 55C I '---.-#, i I --Q.. Mr. Mra was a passenger ina ', car die by 11obert Fraser, 45 ,ofý Quee-n strpeet west, Toronto, wheni i collidedýr with a, bridge niear Waltona I Park, Newcastle. 1Fraiser was taken to hospital suf- ferfing cults and bruises. He was dis- eharged Sunday. iPolÏice said -Mr. Murray was thrown through the windshield, Sstr--uck ani abutmnent, then landed in a créek followý,ing, the collision. The car was travelling south to-1 i rdls Newcvastle Beach at the time, lofIlthe accident and th'e driver ap- parently lost control of his vehicle.. TWP. COUNCIL FEARS EFFECT 0F RAISING POND LEVEL Reeve Stewart Gray of Hope Towný,tship reported that the Ganar- aska River Conservation Authority thdraised the water level at the Garden Hill Pond causîng the wxater to ýorne within a few -in-ches of the roadway anIhat it had covered Ià culvert with about three feet of water. The Authority, hie said, wvishied to raise the water level still higlheri but that would be impossible Wîth- out flooding the road.1 Russell Baker, roucd superinten- dent, salit that it would be the re- sponsibility of thie Atoiyif cdam- age was caused toc the ra by the raisin- of the wvater level. If work h1ad to be done to the road so ite pond could be raised, it too wvould be thie resp)onsibility- of the Authi- ~ority, he said. FIRE CHIEF BAIRD ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT Fir'e Chief K. R. Baird of 1the Co- bourg Fire D)epartmiet i s now Pres- ident of theOtal Fire Chiefs As- sociation. Thle Cobourg fire chief was letdlast w(eekajt Ilhe cn vninof lire chiefs in Toronto. Fire Chiief Bali4d notified ,ounciilý of thie honour by letter on - M1ondayý *Council mioved to send a letter ofi coingr-atulations, to the Fire Chiief on iÈs election tc",Ithe offiýe. LAUNDROMIAT TO OPEN IN MILLBROOK *Mn Joe Leqirle of Leyuire Plu-- bing11 and Hleating is installiing 'sever- ail ahr and dryers preparat.ory to hlis openling of' a coin laundry in - file front part of their premises oni K~in- Street, Mlbro.This is thie fîr-St lauindromnat in Nlilibi-ook. crnytime S anywhere WITH A MODERN MADE-BY-KODAK CAMERA BROWNIESttqaL, OUTFIT With Star/lash Camera in your choice of colorn Everything needed for day.and.. ,ighit snapshoot ing. 'Brownle Starfiash Camera that takes EU. tachrame color sides as well as black-and-white and Kodacolýr snaps. Bult-in *flshoder. Plusý batteries, flashbulbs, Verichrome Pain Film, hinstucejons. Camnera int choice of colors: coral red, sky. fine blue, alpine white,,let black, all £or $I5 STuT PIIARMACY ýORONQ PHO NE 16S 4~ BURER "-~- SERICE I i DUIR P9!¶ F ' *ýcieparts or 0otol f your Oil burner, at ile Wtra tout. 4. aWemake automatic deliver- les of top.quality 011 of t he right grade for your 011i burr. Ail this for a low annual maintenance charge plus the. cost of the. oit you use. Not only is it the fin.st kind of heoiting servîce, but the most eco- nomicol und satisfactory. ORONO FUEL & [JIMBER tJMITED O0rono, Onitario Phone 14816 EXTRA No. 1 Grade - Tender Sweet COr mS TAPES i IGA INSTANT CHOCOLATE DOMESTIC SHORTENING IUM DOG FOOD 5'ANI FLUSH 15,oz tin -20Ooz tin ail APELESAUCE 2 loz trlfls 29e É LARD PEAR> pkgs 37c SAVE 26c dle Leal llams. 11 lb tin $1,39 Devon Slicecl Rindless Sicle BACO(JN RASP8ERRY- Jains r35C COMBINATION OFFEl¶ PKG. of 8 WEINERS, Maple Leaf... PKG. of & WEINER MOLLS, Dempâter