Op<ONO WEEKLY TIMES 7REE PLANTING UNOERWAY -er n ue REV.DRTELFORDyer fJue The annual sprinig plantiing pro- RESIGNS CHARGEDrTefodwabrnnScta gameof the Departntenýtrofl and in Canada hle studied at Queen' Land.s anid Forests iS flow in full111 Rev. Dr. G--eorg,'e Telford, miinier University where he obtained hi wngin the Lindfsay District. A { of St. Aiidrews United church since mnaster of arts and bachelor of dlivir ttlof 535,000 trees will be planeuted beoethe m-idie of My.Th-e mi98 has tendered hias resignationi toi ity dere.lie camne to Oshavi ori'ty of these trees will b red andm( the churcli board and will retire o)n fromn historie St. Paul's Church, i <ate pine. pension, at the end- of the church fredericton, N.B. DRIESSES A new shipmnent cf dresses gives you- a wide choice includ- ing rayons, cottons and novelty wveave fabrics. Variety of styles including full skïrts and slim sheaths, shirtwaists, coat-dresses. Alil the top colors of the season in prints and plains. Sizes 9 to 241,1 . Priced f rom $ 7.95 to $23.50 BLOUSES Wash-and-wvear Terylene and cotton. Overblouses and tuck- in styles. Several pastel shades as weil as white. Sizes 12 to 20. Priced from $2.25 to $6.95 SKIRTS Pleated, full or slim styles in washable mnaterials. Ail the new Summer shades. Sizes 10 to 20. Priced f rom $4.95 to $10.95 SWEA-TE'RS Glenayr "'Kitten" Sweaters in B3an-Lon, Orlon or Pure Wool. Pullovers anici Cardigans. Classics and- Dressmiaker styles. Beautiful summr-er shades. Sizes 34 to -14. Pr-iced fro-m $6.95 tg $12.95 PANTIES - "Harvey Wocods" Briefs and Bloomners wvith cuff. Rayon f andý Cotton, white cnly. Size small, meF-dium, large and X-large Pr-icul pr pair $1.OO to$1.69 GLOVES Shortie style anci longer length in Sheer Nylon, dJouble,-woven nylon andf Cotton. Pink, blue, beige, white. size-s 6 to 8. Priced fromi 89e. to $2.9-5 IIAN,\DKERC'IIIEF S A good asrtnert of fancy Hlandlkerchiefs in aIl white or white vw.ith coloured flowers. Priced each 39c. to $1.50 ta, seerasYin ahro plastic. Black, navy, brown. Prieed $3.50 to $9.95 Store 0Opei Monýdiy - SLIPS Nylon, drip-dry Cotton, Nylon adAcetate. Tailored or daintilY trimmed styles. Size 32 to 44. Prieed $2.95' )to S6-95 Haîf Slips in drip-dry cotton Or nylon with front shadow panel and fancy trim. Sizes S, M, and L. Priced $1.95 to $3.95 SLEEPWýE AR Nîghitgowns and Pyjamas in cool cotton batiste, drip-dry cottoli andi armiel. Several styles and colors Sizes S, M, L, and XL. f:r iceà$2-. 9 5 to 49 "Butte.rfly" Nylons with seamis or se-ls.Also fine full-fashioned !isle. Ali the new sumimer shadles. Sz-e Q ;t011. Priced $1.00 to $1.95 Armstrong's Evenngs Friday zinc!Saturday Open Ail Day Wednlesctay TWJCE the help-HALF the work with our 2-Account Plan IPay ail buis by cheque on a Personal Chequing Accouint. The 10w service charges are prepaid. Your cancelled cheques are your receipts. 2Keep your Savings Accounit for saving. Add to it from every pay. As your balance grows, you'I yaiji new peaee of niind. Sar# Plonned Savtng ci oiir neur.at bronch now. CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE MON&Y IN THE tANK MUANS PIACU OF MtNg.-1 ment Of fHydro-Electric power, 1 'l'lePostmaster General iso stat- 'ed thia'tnôtonly the countries he- receive thie assistance buttecut ries whiichi contrîoute, beniefit from mue Coiomnoo 1>aj. Canada,whe ct-O'UIoutîg oVeC $215 illiiion, lhad beneifitedl, oec-ause ru iolyail. 1 niis rnoney hiad beeni spent in Can- Sada for, the purcli-ase of equipmient a>suIpplies. l'lie ColmboPla1e1 aoie Caadato rcogizeits ou- 1ig0Linsto heleasSpopru a 1 ions of thie xyord, anid help to raise living standards iin other cutis aswell as increasilnig pi-osperity ai hlome. Tl'le new starip Portrays tw fig- ursholding a bIueprint in front of ahuge iHydrio Power jIlt. One fig. use is clothied in wvesterni gardi. Thel oerwears a turban and trop>icail crlotihing typical in thle south East I Asîatic conre.Iii the top left conrappeýIr the words "Le Plan dJe Colomoito Plani", andc along thle- boQttom of thie stamip, are the wordsi "Psts anIada Postage." The figurýes anid foreground willý be prînted ini blue on a background of lighit brown. The stai-Ap is a large horizontal de(signi, measurini 11'/2 in- c(hes by 1Ili. Thirty million of these stamps - will be prînttedl andthd commence- - . ment of their sale on June 28th, 19- 61 is in time for the officiai anni-. -versaryv of the Colombo Plan wich started 0on July lst, -1951. UNITED CeijURCH Orono Pastoral Charge M inistei- Rev, Basil iong SUNDAY, MAY 14th, 1961 CHURCH SERVICES Kirby . . -.-.... 9:45 a.m. orono .. 11..... 00 fla.m. Leskad .. 2:00 p.mn. SUN ÇYICOOL. Orrono .... ......... 10 a.m. kirby Combined with Churchi Leskard. Comnbined with Cht-h 1i R 1nmge lis ý-. 1)u1b_ýwho gradu-O ý-a ted thls.ea as a Civil Engineer f O1-narl Wate'r Resoturces COMmi-Si Midýr. A.,m n Va ndh e-rand ývrd0f the W dnsayiiy 24 death of their m1-other, Mrî. ander- f AT7:0PM j spruit, in Lisse, FloIland, Thursdayo Api?7th. -f tMrs. Galbraith of Bown'anville is' A mo res Lj Mrs. John Berry. at fContact Mrs. Ruth TaggartU 'Mrs. and Mrs. C. B. Sissoti returii-i 1062, Orono f ed lidme last week after travelling fioolordb h to thie Canary Islands and Greece. G rono Amateur Athletic The Orono iMission Band of the Orono United Chur-cl meet on Mon-, day afternoon 'with thirty present. ~ C N BGN f CrlGilbank opened the »ieet- ling with the Mission Band hymn U A ER TR IIG~ wihSaron Allen leading the grout YJ7"~K in the Mission Band Purpose. gUo I~J IVL The collection was taken Up by' Th Oshawa Business College Ral DeJong-e vith Nancy Forrester - is open ail year and our, reading- the Offeratory prayer. meo o instutonprivsiduto meeting was proviided by Dorettà O ilChalice with a piano solo. Sharonlr 8 Day-School Courses from g Aldendaa Dorothi*y Dunlop also pro hc to choose f EVEN ING CLASSES Elaine Forrester, Dorothy Dunlop U TE findTUREA and Sharon Allen read the scrip- oTEDVadTUSA tures. Darlene West read a prayer. fi 7:00-to 9:00 p.m o Choice of Subjects -Mrs. C. S. M1,cLiiren told the chulti-fi ren~~~Seca aClasseis fsoorowd y hynt, 'Teil rue thtie stories of Jesuis" pcalCase o by Group one. lrlousewvives - Sifirky Janie Rthefor, th seretryTeen-Age Typists redthe minutes of the Jiast meet- i FREE LITERATURE t ing. -AVAILABLE Stcamos _____ ontîned fom pae 1)10 Simcoe Street North f (C _____Dm1 RA. 5-3375 lias trîbtea o the CoIlrnbo ý Â~~d1, plLluiary intri OOViop '-N Mother 's Day Sunday, May l4th Lady Beth, Nylon Hose, Seamless, stretch sizes A, B and C. Reduced pr-ice per pair.ý...... 98c. -Aprons, Ladies Terry Cloth. Special this -week 66c. Pillowvs Cases, Embroidered, bo-xed,- floral desiguis Mr. and Mrs. and lis and Hers This wveek-ýs price only............ .... ....... pair $1.77 Wear a flower on Mothers Day, Artificial Ca'r- nations, wh ite and coloured. E'ach ......ý. .. 10c. Diapers, Flannelette, 26 juches by 26,inches, package of 2/ dozen. Special this week . ...- $1.144 Cannister Sets, 4-piece Plastic, regular $2.75 Clearing price .... ........ .......... $1.95 Sheif Paper, package of 15 feet, many attr-active patterns to choose from. Regular, pkg. 35e now 29e Mangetie Flashulighits w\ith two standard batteries Special complete for ............. ...... 79c. Shirts, Mens Sport, long sleeves, cotton, sanforized pocket, assorted patterns and colors. Size small, mi-edium or large. This week special . . ...$2.67 Log Cabin Chocol'ates, assorted, enjoy the best One pound box f or only............. ...~.. 88c. URONO kcTO10$1.00 STORE g THE SGIFT SHOP fi Agents for, gNEWCASTLE-1 UDRY CLEANERS1 gAND LAuN.DErPERS g Operatedi by Jack Lees fFOR PICK-UP & DELIVERV" fi PHOiNE ORONO 252J1 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N * N N N N N N N N N N N N s- N -N N N - N N -N N N N N N -N N -N N N N N N N N N N N '~1 N N N N N N N N N N N N N '-I N N "t N N N N N N N N --.5 N N "t 1 i