A shippin- friend of imy fa - thr'old Ime that :if 1 want1edJ te help hirn 1lstioiuld staýrt at qonce to earn mny own living, and Visat if 1I,,greed he wvou-ld help me to gel a job as office-lboy. .~cordngl, amed with a Pair of o!ew kid gloves (boght befor e the disaster) iand lettes-s cf intro- duction, I set forth. Mly visit to the Baltic Shipping xhnewhere I had the Ilirili, o! hearing mem-beýrs "calleei" in a stentorian voice, proved fruit- leas, becauise Mix Sigîsmun Mendi mucli regretted that the viacancy for an office boy lad just been lilled; but my vi"sit le a ship and insurance brok;er.s in Crosby Square proved1 successful. Thse principal cff this long sýince dlefunict fis-m leoýked at mle and at my kid gloves, aiii thenase ifIwas prepared to sweeàp eut the office oves-y rorning. I1se- plie:d "ce'rainly" .,vithI suchl con- výiction tsaI lie appoinitetime at the ps-evailing %w,,ge of 10s Od per wieek, (about $1,40), -thiough rceaning was not amoign y dut- les. Whcen 1 look baýck aI those tinys in Crosby Square 1 arn filled wilh &raazem-ent. 1Iwas con- staýn'y eut dlvrnglte- and messages, and wet aily te Lloyd's. I neyer wlcdif I ýould rua, ant Iûlarnt ail the short cuts throughi buildlings from one street to another. WVe somTyetimes w o r k e di incredible hours; mails had alwvays te be caught, though letters we-re sel- dom signed unlil tise last me- ment, and had then te be copied in an old-fashioned t'issue lettr book. MI we rissed the laie fee post at the local office wve had to go tise GPO, andi if we missedi that thse Newcastle lers hati to b. posteti on thse train et King's Cross. Wei always started sharp at 9 am,, however late we wes-e thse nighl before, and à p.m, aot 1 p.m., was thse closing lime on Sattirdayï. TOp other office boyt, 1 must àgVe "Geed . à IStrnge freak, elatias I1alwkys was <aIt he ýemlgtino f my pas-eiits friend &md prince o! sn o b r, John %hrimpton) hiajfrock coal andi v11k hat-the mor-e s because, ôwing' to our liberal upply o! théon At 'home, I w-as ahi. to fol- low Joseph Chambeslain's ex- emple and i weas- an orchid in my buttonhole! But there is ne0 doubt thisaIluthose cdayr, it se- cured ime attention rd tise coun- t.ess o! other otfices w%ýhicis, clati miore mnodestly, I migist not have Yreceiveti. - Prom- "Tise Truth Abota Publisherý." by Sir Stan- ley Unwin, MANT.LE OF ARABIA - Like a'n Araib shisit surveyinq the dlesert, Mickey Manlle beats the heeat during New York Yainkemes boisebail praztice before f irst gdme of the. secison. Hi.s turban. a to'wel. Suddn Dath On A Race Track b1:is day bga es-ywile -ise sun as stililwanti tise col ts w'es-e plaýying la tiseis- s-alls, acesigfor1hay.v a nti water anti a ch-ance te itua . Il w-as oaly 6.30 one mes-niag se- cealy, but Roy Gilber-t, a len- der-, pcppe-y 22-yensr--eh witl ai close -cs-op of bs-owa hais-, i7oarni-eti tise bas-ns aI BeImont I-as-k, N.Y., falkP-iag raci(,ng witli Eddie Yowell1, tlisetranes- who isatimatie liii»unIe a wîanming Jockey. GlîberI loveti tise slrong smell o! tise bas-ns anti tise ile chattes- o tise groorms, "I'm go- ing te b. a joclkey," le once sai, "or die ts,-ing." Not foras- aay, ila anothes- -ec- lion o! tise Belmoat 'bas-na, Frank Wrighst, a personable, Ieî4ise-y' trames-, siudied bis las-ses One, a bay two-yeas--ol i !liy arsned Plenty Papaya, vvis going to run ai tise fouiii race aI s-earby AqueducltishaI afles-noon, Wight Ctil hati nol namnet a rides- for île race, anti a few jockeys' agents stop pedt t see him. "My boy'si free for tle fouris,' encis offered. "Want tc, usehm" "No, tisanks," Wright siid. 4'l hInk ve got Gilbert" At almost thse sanie mnimnt,, Gilbert restlessly aikedti isaines- Yoweii: "Want mie tb wos-k Mers-y Rules--?" "No, let tise exorcise boy ws-k hlm," Yoweii said, Mers-y Ruier, a fine tisreo-yeas-oli, finisiset fisst în -tise Swft Stakes andthie- *Bay S'hore lait' month, witl Gil- HIGH OLD TIME - A tightrope ort differisg 'f rom th4 circus version sc.mectay may be a sta'tdo'rd miitary opercition. Saipper (eriginotir) Charles Ga-yson of the British Army checks his position as ho drives a Land Rover over two suspended ateel wires at Fort Tregaontle England.- Specekil cuter wheels hold the. 3,600-pocund vehicie on a àtea'dy keel vious tart, aise bai gene off aI 3-1, haseti on fait practice limes. But againsi competition, she lad -efused te sun anjd bh-ad fiaisbed cieaId.lest. "Tisrew; back lier iseati .lot Wviîen she got csowdeti," 5sîid Bob Ussory, lier fisst rides-. 'But lisat's aotfiing iiýunsualtfor a1. green toyarod"Since then, se httraineti with blink- crs.~ Like mest twov-yeas--olds, she wais upeicnl but aow sec sisocweti no b;ti, ner tiangerous hïbbils By neon, Cijbýîî, >repor>--te tise jock:eys' ron aI Aqueducî ai-i sllpped ie riduusng pants and. boots. TheCu lie watclied tise films a! te ise mIsraice from týhe previeus day. He lhat woxs, ,after îhulshing thinti, wisea $ýew,~ar-d dîsqualifiedth ie fisst týwo horses. "~got lucky," Gilber-t aiti. After tise mairies, he clicceti tise daily EsaI of mounts anti rides-s. As he knew, lie was tsp on Mvortal Lock, one of Ediîe Ycowell's lâcrses, in tise fiflis race. For tise firat limne, lie ciscovered ise was riifing Plnty Papaya. During tise fisst two races, Çillerî t ae ping-pong with Willie Bolan,uti,- feliow jockey. Gvilbsrt mon. Afler tise second race, ChU fCartea' came in, for a ca."Mostal Lock looks gooti," - le said. Gilber-t, sipping coffee, nodiiet. Nejîher agent nos- boy menîloniet i enIy Papaya Then Gilbiert began gettiag isesseti. Oît's colti ouI," his vale't ~ai, "Btts-weas- sornethîng wa-n"Undes-tise black - anti- wh71ite silka of Japjpy Hill Fagsn, OWnes- o! I'lenty Papaï, Gil1bcti t p>ut on a rubb>er jacket and R turflene.0, sweater. lio adjusat_ oct lis plastic lielmnet anti cover- e t ilWitis a black silk cap. At 2.45, lie walkedti Iisougis the catacomibs tisa leadt thie sadçli- ing as-en. Fraak Wright, waitin., witli Plenfr Papaya, greeÉed lifin."it like you 10 ts'y smtî4 Wright said. "She doesn't seemn 10 like tise whip. Woutd you liand-ritlies-e?" "Suref," Gilbertsl. "Rode & I'm'se like tisat tfo rVIt vt5wd once," A,%,sGilbertl climbed aboas- th ie fiyfor tise fisst lime, se nost- tâ anti slook natus-ally. Tho joc- keCy ser lies- easlly onto 'tise race ani, a fow minutes before 3, Plenty Papaya, listedj on tise 1Izahing lot. board aI .89-1, ymev- e*d te the aIartig gate with seven other two-year-olis. Tise flve-fwsiong race wa,. o1ff ,t 2.59, Coming ouI o! post posi- lion six, Plenty Papaya s-tartetid a1es-vously, tisen vees-et abs-uptly !owvard thle oulside. Gilbert, ciluhchiag tise reins, pulledth ie filly la. Sudtienly. enrageti, se holetitewrd he inside, straigit thtie alumninum g1,uand rail. An *:saîbef os-e Penty Papatya rmidtise raýil, Gilbert sîip'pe,3 !s-orn lir backr, but lhis-mmen- hum casïr-s-ed hlm into tisesail. He tumbledti 0tise grounti, un- -onîsc ieus, bieediaig fe'om ,tise eft ens-. Tise fill y, miel batily isurt,' biouadeti awaiy. A feW Mintes Iter, on îllý Il'ay37 b a local hospital, Roy Gilbert, thse victiin i o!mltiple ikuil fractures, dieti. In the.jQckey's soomn, the. pinig-- pong andi pool ganses sboppeti, anti tiseboy,' ittle men»,wjjth big Jobs, -quietly sli.ppedlb frseu silks, At 3.28, tise fiftl-, rae at Aquedulet wen1t off. Prom NEWSWEEK. Tise vworst part o! kic-king rran wison ie's down îîis tt iie ma'y gel Up. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ps-es- B CIK ly in BAY an iglve POmtShilhent day is of- oleïs anti tarti 'SoRm.cl S0 hxL anti Parka HP7, Aynes Sre 35ad424. o!f New aummer pricelst available. Booli June4July broillrs new. Sete local agent, large or rite gray Ntchery, 120 John Norths, con- i1 emîlton, Ont. nowever, one sïgislylarringsz note in the scen--behinti the ofiilsdeaic sat a hutge - potteÔi plant with a çatcher's imitI ern- bedded in ils branches. -Now 1 don't know wh4y 1 wenit on this show," the bânker was ayn,"cause 1 as' gonna do any more of this acting businesg andi then 1 met this producer and this w:rîtes-, both nice feila.s, and, isey persuaded îme te go on tlLls here sýcript altisougis I don't lkaow whý1at they got on their niinds wýith this 'Young at Heas-t' bus- iness. I met Jane Powell who is aL good-iooking girl, anti that Art Ca-,iney looks lhke h. coulti be R pretty fais- bal-iplayer anti could possibly be vos-y goode, so I sigred, you might i;ay." Ia Revised Standard Syntax, wisaî the vice president of tise Toluca Lake Branch of tise Val- ley National Bank in Calilprniia wa alkcing about was lise tact that on April 28, Char-les Dillon (ay)Stengel willlgo tO bat on a onie-hour NBC variety spe- cial, "'Youngi at Heart," v-hich would also star Jane Powell and Art C -a r in e Y. Septuageniarian Stengel, Vwho guided the Ntw Yéork ýYankees 1 toen pennants in Iwelvo yeas-s beffore he was forc- ibl1y relis-cii lait f ail, will tackie a ecomedy skçit in wrhich lie wili play a spos-scaster inlervîewing "ýbailîplayer" Art Carney, remi- nisco a littho about the 1920m with tise ebuilient Miss Powell, and, for tise chef-d'oeuvre of tise evening, even dance a few steps. For Stengel, whoolias bDeen kno,-wn le keel over in a mock f ait te psotest the deciloÀn o! an umpire, tise show will net mark hils acting debut. Las.t $o- vembes- lie took a brie! tus-n on the NBC "Pers-y Camo, Show," and even ad iibbed a ine dui~g some liglit hantes- with Corne w-,hen tise eue cards got shuiffled (,'This la even worst than ther lait gaine of tise, Ses-les">. "You mnight say I enj'oytid that show," he recalied as ho lit a cigarette. "In a wvay I iiked do- ing it because of the fact tisat nobody throws things at ya. Pers-y even asketi me 10 becomne his mnanager, but titis acting business makes mie more nervous than a, bail gaine. To tell you the truth, 1 don't think M'I do ton yeas-s of study 10o become a gCreat actes-. On this special corning up, 'mr not sure if I shoulda saiti ne, or tîhey shoulda sai ne." The phione rang as lie rainbleti, and iil prox'ed b hoe an NBC rep- iesentative. Il seemiistere, was a conflict betweenr, reeassals for 'the Jane. Powell special and Casey's commnilment 10t trow out the fis-st bail on April 27 ah Les Angeles's Wrigloy Field. "We'll just have te start ths lies-ereheari-a nt5 intise morn- in.g cause I'm gonna throw tise bail oi-i" bas-keti Stentel. Tiseie wes-e sountis o! acute disli'ess on the other enti of the line, but Stengel hung up. "Five o'elock in the mosning-tliat's about tise limne these actas f ellaus go 10 beti," he snosted and gazcd dlis- consolately at a pile o! papes on lis hanking tiesk. 4'l gel lots o! mail from people interested in ubiseall-l'ni pull- lng for the Yankees thus -yeas," ho sald. "'Now about my bank- ing activities. I'ai not keeping books. YVou migît say T'ai a good-wiil man. 1 gel arouadti t nuswerous places. This lies-e baak la growing. We just openied up ,a nezw sub1siduýary [sic].' How albout lis use o! Stealg- elese in bankiag a!! airs? "I only use Ihis lies-e Steagelese you f el- las talk about wlien you's-o ask- ing for loans," explaineti Casey as lie casually blew amerke coul- ing-wanti. "if ya corne in -for aý tieposit, I'rn rtucl more lInes-est- eti in ya--tles-e won't be aay trouble aI ail unies-standling me." Tise higisest inii i-Fi: Now we 1ersn tle largest hi-fi sel in -tise worid las 112 speakers in ail andi ils fuîT voluie--or blast--can be heard twenty Miles away. ONTARIO'S LARGEST ÎTRAWIERRY 'GR0WERS ALCOMMERCIAL YARInTIESV 12 MILLION PLANTS Retumr ù f up to $2,500 per acre under Our znew growingsystem. Fer comvplets Information aud prie., list, %ýrite: eýB.F. BO.'-STON BERRY FARMS (REG.) R.t. No. 1, WILSONVILLE, ONTARIO FFîONE: WVATERFORD fHICKORY 3-5M07 MUSINÉeS OPPORTUNITIES INVÎSTORE WANTEC. Intereatedj In investirn 900(oodfast. growlng com- munlty. Commercial, Induntrial Subdi- visions, a and lmproved Landa. Wml arrange administration. Write: Frank Johusen R, J,. RoUlis S& Co..Ltd., KUsel Estate, 60"07 Gat Ave, Red Deer, AI- bert. BSZINESS PROMMIRTIES FOR, SALE REST'AURANT for sale i Gowgîtndm, Ont,.Billding 2 gtoreys, bathroomn up and downstairs, hot and cold water, adjiolnlng 2 lots, establlshed business, retirlng. âpply ». Lefranco, Gowganda, Ont, IIEAI. FAMILY SàusINEss OPPORTUNITY GENNERAL. store, post office, snack bar', rpumns mai four bedroom home. On nain higwa betwîeen North Bay andi Quabec border. $23.000 plus stock, Con- tact E. C. Altpeter, Feroni&, Ont. COIN$ NEW!! Newi! New!! 8rd Editios, 1961 - "Guide Book 0f Canadian Coins", 264 pages, 2,000 illustrations. Latest In- creaiseti values on aU" of Canada's coins, tokens, andi papes' mon-ey. The m1iO5 comprepislve 3n.dwidely psed booki cilthis subjectl!!Just relexisei. Fics - %1.5. egencey Coin,, 153 Rupert, iWîn- nlpeg. PEGISTERED Dcichshund Puppies B5y champiocn stock. Suiinie1olnse Ktinnels ln Dmehshuniis since 1935. DOUGLÀ.8 4OLE, UBRIGHT, ONT. FARM MACHINERY P#O SALIM MINNEAPOLIS Mole 44ý iacr134 plow is5e, 'with torquer-gmpllfierline pûwer talce off 3a t. liteh power teer- laiin £14bit yuiley. Ll6t new wltli lOhrm, Roal barguin. Watter gwenston, R.R. S, Rnckwood, Ont. UL. 0-t,7121 FO9ALI - MISCILLANEOUS FOR Sale - One bag concrets mIxer wlth hydrpaullc bucicýet wit)i or wlthout WlsensýJl nomtor. O ne bag tling cori- crete ixrer, both ln excelent êontl- tion, On.e concrte block machinel n ,dt.,Write: lRues S. M 1.i, ýt 9, allnstinOnt, OUR Powt.&b1e Watar Saftener at $20.00 Express Pald, will give you cLIltise soft water you waist. Catalogue. TWXEDDLE M-ERCI*ANDISING CO. FERGUS le, ONTARIO HORSCS Shettandts. Six Reglatered Shetland Mares, One RegIstered SIlver Dappla Stallilen wnt One Grade Mare. AUl choic*e breedlng. Cisyten Thornpson, Cooksville, Ontario. ATw,ýater 9.8045. r-oR SALE SILVER C$4STNUT FILLYi chestuut ratihta filUy, botis Shetlands ~with light malles and taill; nive ysar olti 3W' blaci, Shetland MKare. M1rs. Chris. Bowes, Box 8ý81, Meford, Ont. INSTRUCTION FAlIN M>ire!BookkeeplsiS, S21estii)t. shlp. Shortisanti, Typewrlttng, etles sens'50. Ask for fres t culai o t3inadn Core;Qndente Courses 1290 BEay Street To!ronto. LANDSCAMINO TREES andi plants for homse ant gar. tien. Write or phione for free catalogeps or visit Windover Nurseriês, Petrélia, Onai.PMONEY TO LOAN MUORTGAGE Loans. Funds avallable on sultable fanms, homes, stores, spart. mtnt;, hotels, motels- Pleapant cour- tecus service. Fer Information write, phone. or tirapis n. Urited County In- vestm'nents Ltid.,'3645 Bathuriýt St., Tor' onte 19, Ont. RU. 9-2125. MEDICAI. FRUlIT .UICES: THE PRINCIPAL INGREDI. ENTS ' IN IXON'S IEMEDY FOR RHÉ1UAATIC PAINS, NEURITIS. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 333 ELGIN OTTAWA $1 .25 Expfres CIlect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BAINISI] the tormient et dry eczemaz rashies and weeplng sikin troubles. Post's Eczemna Salve will flot dilsappoint you tclng, scaldîng anti bumnln ecze- ma, acne, rlngwom, pimaples ani foot eczema will responti readily ta the tainless, odoless olntmrent. regardies of how stubbonn ou hopeles tbe seec. Sent post Fr-, on Recelpet fPrIe. PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1965 St, Clair Avenu*e Hast TORONTO How Con I? Dy Uoberta Lee ATTENTION PURCKASERS Of NUTRIA When purchasfng Nutria eonsltidey thus followigpointi s whcb tis o rganlzk- 1-The beat ravaillble tok no croes- bref) or standard types reteomimended. 2. Th6 reputation Of Z Plan whlcb 15 provii ltself aubstlitltedby filea e 'tiediranchers. 3..-.,FuI1 Insurance againast replace- mont, should thoy not ilve' or in th* s*vsnt Of ateriltty (Il fully xplaîntd Ln our certificats 0f merit.) 4. We dive yen only mutations which are iantiemand for fujr garmenta.. ô. You recelve tram tÎhis organizatlOB* a, guaranteeti pelt markiet in wnting. 6. membershlp in o u r exclusive breeder' aac o ,,wh"rebv on!y puïrchasers 0f this stock may patIci- pate In the benoefits seo ffered. 7. Pie foir Beedlng Stock stan ai1 $2Q0. a pa0r spaciai offer te thse. who qualifyz sarià yozir Nutrrla on, aur cooperative basis Write: Canadien Nutria Ltd., RAL ,N. 2, Stouftvllle, Ontario. OPPORTUNITîES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANAOA'S LEAOIN C IIHOOL Great Opportunity Learu llardrorssng Pleasant. dignifleti profesion; 300<1 %vages Thlousuntis of suclcessful Mlarvel Gradtiaex Anserica's Greatest syiýtem Illustrateti Ctalogue lFree Write on Cal! MARVEI.HAIRDRÊSSING BCIIOOL 359. leor sIt. W.. Toi-ente Branches: M4 King St. W., Hamuilton 72 Rideau Street. Ottma AUTHOJIS invlted submlt MSS al types (lncludlng Ipoeîis) for book puibL- cation. rcasonabIe teris. Stoeh Ifl Ltd., fifracomibe, Englanti. (eatC. 1989). 4YGIMNIC RUSEER 00005 TES1'ED guaranteed, inai!ed in plainS p arcel, incliuding catalogue and sex oýolitfree %wlth trial assorUnent l18 for MM 00 Finest cualty). Western Dlstribu, tors, box 14- FF, Rtrina, Sask. P*40T0,RAP44Y-- PARMERIS CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, 0A1.T. ONWT. Filmns developed suid 8 magna pâmhts 40e 12 magna prhits 604 Reprnts U *ach KODACÇQLOft Devéloplng rol not hicluding prints Colotr periq frQefQ-ee~h extra. Ans9co andliktachrovae 05S mm20 cx- posures mnounted in U:ll4es $1.20 Coler elid roffi ldes 32è osch. àMoney ce- midt lnful fo unprinted negatives. PROPERTiraS FOR SALI! 165 ACRES Clay. Parry solind district, lako shore, miaple busýh, largo hous. sýuitable for resort development or larm or both. F. .fen-L1s, Box 89, Mas- îiet&wmn, Ont. summER RIU SORTS FORteomplote Information on sumr vacation in Mukok , writefor freo clour folder. Pailhton Nouse, RR 2, Port Carling, or phonle 110. 5-31.55, HUNT - FISII - RELAX LOST LAKE CAMP 62 m»e1s west of New Laer on No. Il hwy., sear Gowganda,'Onit Walle aes, N. Pikie, Speckle4 Trut2L. Trout, 131k. Bass. Bear huntingS sxpr4ng & fal MoO hunting Oct. 1 to Octuber 13. Birds, Dueks & Ps1rtrldge. flouaeplgcet, takecs or American pJiap, 1or fi nfor- mation, %Write, FRANK & JAN£ BOWLN hic Lae, Ont. Tel: 311 TEACHERt WAMTED TILA.WK Jurititon Plic 1tSchool Board requlres i etelbr E Pta,3t.it teacber, male pref-tl'rd, ptades '4-to 2 âpproximately 24 pupts.Please stt qu altifatons. a~f~ enxpected and name of.lat lu pcetor. Apply te: Sec- rc ta ry-rea sure r, lawk jon-ction pub- lic School Board, lahJnte.Dis- tiet of Algomia, Ontarlo. Quaqlified Té-,cher %Wonted For RYDE TO\,WNSHilP SCHOOL AREA Du.tjea le commence Spebr 91 salzuas' $s0M0 Apply tating eprece in u eAd11rcss f Laýdt 1pscetor te MRS. FLORENCE RLERMIAN R.R. 3, 6RAVENHURS;T MUSKOKA, ONTARIO) QUALIFIED Caýtholic tacrfoir Graf- ton îseparate achiool, te a,,triSnt 1961. Eigý,ht grades, about 36 te ';9ppl. $alary $ý3;200 plus qaiiainextras. or state slayrequired Rpiyto Fred Cinn, Sc(-raar r Gafon. ont. Our Lady Immasculate Schoal STRATH ROY Re-qt'îre 2 tepehers. Duties to cem.- msence Septem ber 5. Grades ,, to 6 Modemn new 5 roai school. Reply tating qu altificati ons, salajr3' x- pected and ,nme of IsatLinspector to MUD11. P. F. FLYýNN SýECRL-TARY-TREASURlI STRA,ýTHROY SEpý_ArATE SCIIOOL BOARD RR NO. 1, UErtWOODý N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 4, N N N N N N N N - N V N 'N N N N N '4 N i~; 'N N N N N '44 N N N 4,, N N N N N N N N N N N N N -'4 N N N N N N N N -'4