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Orono Weekly Times, 18 May 1961, p. 3

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N~ ORONO WEEKLY TIMÊS TN1JRSQAY, MAY 18th, 1961 ,'Chicken Gradeý "A" Eviscerated For frying or roasting 2' . 3 lb. average FO0R MANY MORE INTERESTING SPECIALS READ OUR Advertise- ment-s in tlhe Bowmranville States- M ali. Libby's Fancy - 15 oz. Tin RE AN' CO R N 2 for 35e Clover, Leaf - Solid White TUNA FISH 7 oz tin 37c Van Camp - 20 oz. Tin Pork & Beans 6 for $1.00 Fresh Angelus Mahmallows îRurnl'3 Whlole Canned HOWME lMAADÉ PIES Trheýse Pies aree nearest- to Granma's Pastry we have ever seen. Pick up one wiith your next order and see for yourself. Apple, Bueberry, Raisin, Cherry, Peach, Rasp- berry, and Boysenberry. .00 Ororio, Ont. Phone 11'l21 KENDAL NEWS Mrs. Jack Stapeton -entertained hler tw'o dauighters, 1Mr1s. Jerry -Dos and Mrs. Dean West, thieir hùusùands I a~d ta. 'Iina. Johin Dea ilx "ls, ~ anf Mr. ad vIs.D ch at the-'lu moring srie chrhin Kendal on unay Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stevens were down to theesummer hime. :MAr and Mrs. Johin Hellebust and JohnI Stevens ere withthem. Kendal Sunday School A'nnivers- ary will be this Sundýay at 1I1:a m. We îare ms otnt isob- tahling RP(e\. E. K. Nom-11anl as thei minister before lie takes up his work as s-cre(tary of Chiristian Ed-l ucation for Newfounidland. Mrs. I Westheauser will lead thec children's Famîly >ýDay ewas na busy onmi Kendal United Church. Tfhe dauitght- er of Mr. and -Mrs. Aerial Langstaff and the son of Mr. and Mrs- Argus Curltis vwere b !aptiseýd. Mmoil HynBooks were ddia -do he' meumy of thnlate Ar. Blake Alex andler, Mr. Wm. MWercer and Mr. John Caýrscadilen. The sec(ond scrlp-, ture rin(flig (Mjatthew 25; 11-28) I was resetedla the formi of a, dramai by a cast of fiv-e, namnely CarolynlpOte, JudylFoster, June' Geach Joa Fais an Joyce Eliott. moterani'A childirea's story abou stwarshi" ws tld c byý birn Cathcart. The choir sang the, MrI. Jameýis Lxnla odhis farm to . Jack Cýarscadden. Quinte ~1.1 'a ;"], Harley's Bodby Shop, inj S.-E.MA.- 3 2301, Boim ailviII e, Ontla rio BODY MEN TO SE-RV'E YOU JimF A FRRO ï-Fankpu I NO JOB, TOO BIGm NO DOWN PAYMENT ON BODY WORK ASLO AS $M0O0 PER MO0N TH- OPEN FROM 8 to 6 Your Hydro announces THE EBIG EVENT- MAY 15 toJUNE 30 confere ncel .(Conltiaued from nawgo 1 ) ýstalled the floigofficers to Pas re1sident, Mr. . C. Ives, ?owmavill; Preiden,1Mrs. G. E. DabsBelevL st Vice, Mrs. 'W hA. Wetheirhead, Sharbot Lake; 2nd Vice, uIr. R.C1 llis.BeLvMOi3d I f iceMrs.C. . Bel, R 4, g r- borouh;4t Vic , sPD.L.More F. W. Spe-ar, Trenton: Correspond-j i ,,' og yecrutary, is J. E.TNMars h,I Belleville; Treasurer, M'rs. M. E. Hobh1; ,s, _ M1i llb)rook, ý -; Chairman of StandingComtte,:Chit-stian Cil- iznsip rs J. M. Cornfield, King- ston; Chirstian Stewardship, :Mrs. 1 A. A. Crowlv1e, Oshawa; Co-operation' w'ith lthe Board (of Chrisiari Educa-ý tion iMr. S.Branon, annringlon; nfWg, tirs.I . H.Trenton; Leader-i shîp E Lducation, Mrts. V. H-. Turek, BentPort IHope; Press, Mrus. A. E. Emmersn, Coboùg; WMS C~moerece kanh, rs. B3. Il. Sop. er, Smith Fails. Persbytery Presidents: Cobour)tig, Mirs. E. Wýa1ldi, Rose- nethiastings and Prince Edward Mi-Ës. F. aso, Belleville; King- ston; Lennox and Add1ington, Mrs. J. VroomanRR:2, Odessa; Lnsy Mr1s. Nrm")ac, Dertie St. -iilsay; O-shawa, Mris. L. Richard- sýon, '314 Cenrle St.,Whty Peter-1 borough, -Mrs. G. Close, Î473 Ardoni Ave., Peterborough; Rc-nfre, , Mrs. R. . Stewart, Pakenhamn.1 Representatives to Dominion Coun- rsW.A., ethreaSharboti Lak-e; Mrs. F. Samis, 277 Bradw,,ood1 Ave, Peterborough; AMrs. Stanley Murray WVoodVille. Nominations: L*Mres\W. C. Ives, Mis. S, -Murray, Ms. S. Botting. WHEIN YOU BUY A ELEÇTRIC RETFRIEAO-REE coi OÎR HOè,ýM FREEZER Buyan electrie home freezer niow, m arket in Your Home" insignia. ~E~LyourThis money-savingofferwill apply ~2O foo an attractive range of chest-. P20 food ype or uprighit electric freezers, orificato erat com bination r ef rig- or-re-ýezers of 13cubic feet capacity/ or larger. HODmieFRPEZERil TEALER Check these four; ways a home freezer can cut your food itS 1 You can. buy in bulk wheni prices are low. 2 You cen take fuIII adJVJntge Of sp)eciïl food salIes. 3You cen budgýet yur food rneeds mreefficienitly. 4 You get e free $20.00 food certificate if you buy now. -Co-operating manufacturcrs include the following : Beatjty Brotherts Belwood Applince Co. - Caniadian G eneral Electric Coronaido - Domninion Appliance Co. * Frigidaire* Genieral Steel Weres - Gibson e Gilson * Kelvinator* Philco . R.C.A. - Roy o United Co-ops * WAesting[IOLISe. Attention Hydro Rural Cujstomners: See your local ntiaHydro Area Office regarding- information on this special offer, N N. N N. 4-. N N. 4- N N. N. N. N N N N. s 'N N. N N. N s N -.5 s 5. N 5.

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