'Round Abot Us Bjrns FuIIy Cooked Skinless Shankless, Smoked whole r or half lb 53ic BURNS Regular of FulIy Cookeci 112 Cryovac 21½ to 3 lb. Boneless Dinner Hams lb'85c, lb pkg 43c lb pkg 69c California Veiencias - Sunkist No. 1 Grade Size 180's ORANGES 4 doz $1.00- Fresh and Flavourful No, 1 Grade Size 45's CANTALOTJPES ....25(% No. 1 Grade- Size 30s FRESH- LETTUCE... ...... for 25C Long Green Slicers, No. 1 Gradie King Size CUTCUMBERS...........2 for 29e Refreshing FlàVour No. t Grade Size 1401S SUNKIST LEMONS ....... .......... 6 for 29e NOW AVAILABLE - A FINE SELECTION 0F SROSE BUSHES * BULBS * FLOWERING SHRUBS Boxed Plants AT MOST [GA STORES Fruit Punch, Grape, Orange HI-C DRINKS 48 oz tin Libby's Deep Brown BEANS & PORK 15 oz tin KETCHUP Heiz 11 oz btl for- 89C 3 for 45c 2 for 45c 28 oz 39a tin ai MEAT BALLS 15 oz29 & GRAVY ICA tin29 ROSE Sweet Relîsh & 16 oz J Mixed Pickles jar I ,OKELY Honey Pod 215 oz 49C. Fancy Peas ~tins PLAIN - NIPPY - SWISS Royal Gold 28o Cheese Slices 3pkgszu7c COMBINATION OFFER! 2 6-oz Tins ORANGE JUICE, Donald Duck 1 6-oz Tin PINEAPPLE-LEMON Sunkist Punch 1 6-oz. Tin RASPBERRY-LEMON Suikist Punch 1 6-oz. Tin STRAWBERRY-LEMON Sunkist Punch 1 6-oz. Tin GRAPE-LEMO-N Suinkist Punch Ail 6 Assorted Tins For Only 99e reg value $ 1. 23 i Port Hlope and V. Auger, Bowmaîn- ville. FUEL DEALERS COMPLAiN AB3OUT BOARD'S GAS- HEATING PLANS- The riatuiral gas c-ompanies were acc(usedj of takîng away business from local Port Hope fuel dealers, and o! taking rhoney eut Of Ilhe town71. Insinuations were also made that the Port Hope public sehocol board was .encouraging Ithese meas- ul-res by not onily using natural gasi for heating but alsQ by considering thie use o! natural gasý for the heat- îng of the Central School ýwheni the new hecating systemn is installed. W. C. Keyes, R. D. Raby and A. J. Trotter, three local fuel oil deal- ers, appeared at the public school board meeting at Central School to, complain cf recent plans o)f h board to use g-as. 66 CompetitoTs In Livestock Complalition Th-e Durham Cocunty Live Stock Judging Competition was held in the Newc,-astle area Don Satur-day, Mvay l3th with sixty-six ccn1petitors, taking part. The E. A. ,Su-nrers Memorial Trophy te the Ji _on- testant, presented by thie Bowman- j ville Lions Club was wvon by, Grantj Dowvn, Bowmaniville, while Ilhe coach cf thle highl team and wvinner .o! th-e, Fedieration of' AgriculitureTrcphiy ~was Donald Welsh. Th'le igh nvc and winner of the( C.N.E.' Shield was Elden MletBwavle The contestants judged c1tw"o cla- ses of sheep at the fairm Aýo! Lloy Ayre, Bewm-anville, two classes of swine at the far-m of Gerry Browni, Bowmnanville, twvo o se f Shert- horns at G. ~ B. RcadBowan-, ville, and twe clasýses of dairy cattie at Francis Jose, Ne\wcast1e. Fellow-ý g THE GIFT BHOP gg Aents for g NEWCASTLE gDRtY CILEANÉERS i gAND LAUNDERERi-s gOperated by Jack Lees gFOR PICK-UPR & DELIVERY PHONE ORONO 252J ~U g . e s O UR POINT -HEATINGrj Service Guarantees Co-m i uihEconomy! oughly cde àanard recond itio y our heat*wasting soot ard scale fron Your furnIace. flietifically reg- ulate your 011 burner so it wilI 'un efficieintly and With low ol! con. any emergencyser. vice which may he rieeded auring the year, Contr',of extra cest. <aUtematic deliver. les 0 1 top.quality dil of the r1lit grade for your oïl tunier. Ail this for ai low crnnucil maintenance chüary: plus the cost of the oil you use. Not only is it the finest kind of heating service, but the niost eco- nomiîcal and satisfactory. Phone Us Now For Deftails Feor YourHo ORONO FUEL & LUMBER IIMITED Oron, Onarj Phone 14816 SUR STOCK UP FOR TF~ HOLIDAY Delmonte Fancy FRUIT COCKTAIL BUR~NS Hot Dog Weiners TABLERITE RINDLESS Sliced Side Bacon 'i ODURHAM TEACHERS ing the judging, the group met at ELECT OFF ICERS the Newcastle Lions Centre in tî.he~ 1The following is the siate of of- Community Hall for reasons. Th-Qse' ficerseecd to the executive o! ini charge of the classes wvere: SIiep, the Durhm County branch of h r Alvin Blades, A ssistant Agri-u1 Ontario Seondfary- School teachie7is' tural Representative, Ontario Coun- Fedratonat meeiheld in Bow- ty; Swine, Mdr, Donald Smith, Ass man11vile. tant Agricuîtural Rpeettv~ Priden-G.S. Walker, Port Hope Victoria Counity; Beef, Mr. JcImýu pas preidnt R. W. Sherlidlan, CockIburni, Assistant Ag-riclutur-al Bowanile;1sft vice presidentRpntte, Northumberland Mis W.Hobs, rono and 2nd viceICounty and Dairy, Mr. DaleMilr pr( ejet Ructe Ball \l, owaniville. Aý s'iat Agricultural Representa T~ rachpublic relations com- tive, Peterborough County. The comî- fnitteec0c"n3sst of J. Buchan, Port petitionl was undpr the direction of R. cot, wmavile;MIs, A. O. Daîryýmple, Agricultural Rep- Hope;ing vEIr rad .fa,'jesentative and 'Mr. Lee Weber, s Arrnst rôog.MilrokadK a-sistant Agrâiutural Rpeettv ze, O vtr. r! A Visifor Durham Ceunty. Those assisting- Secetay-teasrer15 . Wlso, wthrecords were- Marion Muir, 1secL- Por Hoe.retary, and Mr. John Ingratta-, Frit'ý The teacher board cornmiùtee is and Veg'e (table Specialist from D,'e-~ mae p of S. Scott, Port Hope; partmecnt of Aigricutlture ia Bow.v Miss WV. Hobbs, Orono; G. Walker, mlanville. ýOrono, Ontario