YOU V/ERE HERE ? H-ave the tini..e of yo-tr life i ONTARIO DEPARTMVENT 0F TRAVEL AND PUBLICITY H-on. Bryan L. Cathcari, Min/ste, BOY' STOMA SAWYER COTTON SHIRTS- Short sleeves, printarj patterns, sizes 8 ta 14. Priced ............. -..........19 Also Boy's printed Cotton Shirts, short sIeeves, size 16 and- 18. Prced .$2.98 BOY'S JERSEYS-mn plain or stripes, size 4 ta 6X and small, mnediumi and large. Priced........... ......... $150, and $1.89 BOY'S COTTON CQRD PANTS-with eastic back, cal'our green, size 8 ta 14 years. Priced..... ....... .... .-..... $3.25. silion of casmeri of Comrmerce. iirman and soi), Mrs homlie wvintei ington ndMr.s. Jamies Mrs. W~ maîmilli, Mr Mrs. V DougGamby 7sence. Mr. '1]1and rs.AMilton Conilsh of o OCQ o ~oc~Mihl~~okare ovinig to Stittsville, 1D~~~'4ThT helheuisacpe a position on1 i YOU ERTIANIG 9 CA EE RANIG Mis o'ohDurilop celebrated i ie leftl 'brthdiay, last Wednles- NIT A Y lM E day y eterainng igh ___________o f ito au dinner paty-in iher. ti ~ ~ ~ (Oj_ Th saaBsns ihome. Colleg r Weked isitor-s With Mr. and q ~sopcn al yer ad or h rs.Gea Dunop ereMr. amid-Mis. nsuconprits you to PR Hollinigsworth anld Armnond Of fiý strlainytme cowanville, Miss Jo)an ýalrsliall of J CanirigtOni, Mr. and HMrs. 1fi Dun1)itl 'ýiopn 'hron of Scarborough, 8 Dy-ho i Couses from UJMr.and)( Mrs. Lloyd Dunlop and whîich to, ýcoose p famly of Victoria Harbour. _______ ~The Leamen Family ahrd at EVENINGCLASSES the hioe of Mi-. . J. Leamn n 0 -NMotherVs day to e cafe eir 7:00 ta 9:00, Laen1l b int 1 Classe fli u men, Oronio; Mr. and Mrl)s. R. Lea-. Iouswive - Siftwrksr n en and son.-Robert, Brampton; Mr. Teen-Age Typists andMrýls. H. Leamen, Brampton; M1Wr. an'd Mrs. Reg Robson, Oakville;' Mr. FREE - fi ~and] Mrs. Fred- Robson and tocid PRELITERATURE "ren, Oakville; MNr. and Mrs. Lee. AVAIABL iMasel, Alersot, rs.R. Ct[J AVAILAperthMase, adshors. B R. ou-e' J ipe rthaieand Mrs. etatyi, Nolf 10 Q;co 1Sreet North fiAg.invOu1rt. Dinh RA. 5-3375o COMING EVENT - i connection wit'h terMeeting on 9 Tursay venngMay 2*5)th. The Junir Grdenier's Cltib is imeeting' th e sam re ji ght1 at 7 o)'clock, and both rmeetings are being hieldl in the, Odd-! felow's Hall. Theý following is a Eist of the en - tresthlat members 0of thé oit are invited] to exhibit in: 1. Dining- table arrangemient of' Spring flowesio ve 0jce lu height. Prizes: lst a Rose Bush dlouated by Brookda'le igwa I NusenesBowmnvile;21id 75c'; 3rd, 50c. 2.MoeistcarneetTu lips predoitiu11g. lst prize Rose, BJuishi, donated clbyv Brookrdale Nuter iles; .2ndi7,5c; 3rd 50c. 3. Buffet arrangemnent uising daf- fôdils lst prize Rose Buish donalted by Brookdale Nurseries; 2nid '75,c; 3r d, 50C. 4. Best Tulip, any - colour. lst prize 75c)ý; 2nid pize 5SOc; 3rd, 35c. 5, Best Dafodil or Nacîs s s 75-)c; 2nd, .5(c; 3rd, 35c. The Junior Gardeniers will also hiave a cance to show thieir talent in the follewýýing classes andid must be I.. Dinling table axgm n't nt over 10 iches high. lst prize 75c; 2. A special prize wiII be P d for- a miniature arneet s-, ing real flowers, not over -1 inchJes SUNITEDO 3IJRCH - Orono Pastoral SUNDAY, MAY 21st CHURCH ISERVICES Kirby ý........... 9:45,) Orn ............. 11:00 a.m, Lesikard..-....2:00 p. m. SUNDAY SCHOOL Oronýo --. 10 Kîby - Combined wiýýith Churcli Service. Leskard - Combiniec with Chiurch Service. $Z95, BOY'S COT'TON CORD JACKETS-Rayon lined, knittedi collar and cuffs. Elastic at side. Calaur beige and green, Size 8 ta 14 years. Priced ........... -ý.. .. $7.50 BOY'S WASH SUITS.-ýirinted tops with plain Broadcloth Pants Size 2 ta 3X $1.95 BOY'S NO-IRO>b WHITE SHIRTS-Short sleeve Cotton and Arnel. size 2 ta 5 years. Priced .. . . .$1.95 LADIES WEAR- We are having a'new shipment of Cotton Dresses each week. Cam-e in .and see these fine dresses. Armstrong s 1Evenncmgs 1 Fr ï4ll y anidSaturday ¶oper Ail Day OG~~o=O 0 For Fast Film Processing Stut s Phrmacy FARM BUIÏLDINGS -'. Any Colar INDUSTRIAL RESI DENTIAL Anywhere - Anytime Re.1sonable Rates - Free Estîmnates Ali Wark and Materiais Guaranteed Write or Phone Goliect Modern Painting Ca. PR M. SIMPSON & SON Pt'~RA 324355 Il Ontario Street =aa Ontario 8 Big Days, Thutrsdlay, May l8th to Satur.; May 27th See the large Sale Bis in the mail t'-o-day. DON'T M1,ISS-TUESE ITEMS- Neckiace and Earring Sets, Three-strandl Neckiace, assortedcl olors and mnatching Wafer-style Ear- rings. Special May Sale. ............ Set 88e- Men's and Boy.. Boyis Athietie 'Shrts and Shortsý, icGarment Men's . 46e Gairmenit Tumiblers, 9V 2 ounice ýsize, new patterns, Sale Price now onfly ..-............ .... 6 for 59e Pillow Slips, pair in Cello bag, reg. $1,25 noxv $1,00 Men's andc Boy's Chinio Pants, washable assorted colors. Boy's size . . .. $1,81 Men'is .... $2,81 I3eauitiful Nylons, Micr-omesh, seamless, 400 needies 15 Denier, first quality, limited quantity Regular 77e now for only......... ...... 5îc Ladies' Briefs, printed rayon, band leg and elastie, leg lace trim. An outstanding value Mýlay Sale.........35e each or 3 for $1.04 Ban Roil-On Deodorant. Special............. 76e A~rdDeodor-ant, large jar .............. 44C URONO kc, TO $-1.00 STO'"RE atafw-asdt carboro visite,] on Saturday with C*ýwhe ndiie.Necatl zlthJle. m-d M~lier moUher, Mrs.J. . .Stevenson. Crwhr nd ame Nwcse ýi O)laf atl' aa______________ spenit Sundlay Witli Irs. Charles _____________________- -Wood. Other visitors dluring h i iS a patint in tho ~weekend wr Mr. ani lts.Fe saiti. r~.FI. ut-U Oparish and babyHeather, Osýhawai, \11s. \VlonNuac iMr. and MrIs. Davâld Phasey and faim iceduingheb jqj ~ ly Tyon, r. anid 1Mr.,Ry Met-1 cýa1fea'ir. Ross Metýalfe,Mal MoM MrS. Harley BillingS of I'andMss udyBi [1 ings of Oshawa spent thie weekendj 24 vUh Mr.and Mrs. Carl Bi lings. 3 v fi r. anid- iMrs. Wm1. BaiIeyan M T7:0P. M.- a Miss NýjIan Halida of Toronto spentl Arr oures atudayith MArs. Harry Bilev Mr and Mrs. JackBryson and diaht r of S(aboogh pe-irtHe 0weC ekiend xihMrs. MlrdShier- Cct bî,,Mrs. Ruth T z va grt Wi nd Lawrýen(e. U1062, Orona F-Mr. E0Grahamreturne to bis Spansored by The hoe on Stra after spending J Orano Amateur Ahei Uuwi 1 u.n Start planning now! Mail the coupon for fréliterature. Look forward to your most refreshing summer ever-in Ontario! RmEI'L'OTHES GIRLS SU-N SUITS-in mercerized Broadclath, Embroidery trimi. Colour viite wvith red; blue with ^,hite. Size 3 & 3x Price $2.95 GIRLS SKORTS AND BLOUSE SETS-Colours red, blue. Ye[laW. pk.mauive, beiqe. Size 2 -rx. Price$19-25 DRESSEFS-mn Dan River wash and wear. In - ellaw ar green check. Size 3 and 3'X. Priceti at ý ... ... $2.95 ILSSLEEVELES-,'S BROADCLOTH DRESSES-Lace trim in calors of flamne, iold, mauve and pink. Size 4 ta 6X .., $2.95 GIRL'S COTTON CHECK SWIM or SUNSUITS-Sizes 2 ta 6x. Priced frarni... ................... _..... ._.... $1.95 ta $2.95 GIRL'S SLIMS 'with MATCHING TOP-Size 1 to ~3 in calours of gold. mauve or green. Pi'iced at - ... _... .... _............. .. . .. $2.9 5 GIRL'S SHORTS-Size 4 ta 6x. Priced at *............. ...... ,. 95c. CHILDREN'S FLEECED-LINED POLO SHIRTS-with haod, size 4 to 6X. Priced at _ ._...... .......>..>...... .... .. .... .... ..... $1,95 C.HILDREN'S SLIMS-in Cottan, Broadcloth Cord or Corduroy' Size 1 tao 3. Priced at.._.......... --...... 1.... ..... ... .... $1.95 BABY'S WEAR-We have Bonnets, Diaper Sets, Dresses, Ramper Sweaters, Jerseys, BIaiukets. Boaots, Bibs and Sleeper Sets. GIRL'S SLEEVELESS TOPS-With Rick-Rack Trim alsa 'Itinge at bottom in cataurs of-ýwhite. mauve anid pink. Size 8-14 19 GIRL'S BLOUSES-Dan River Wash and Wear in checks and plaids. Size 8 taû 14, -Priced at.........__...... ..........$1.50 GfLSCOTTON CORD SHORTS-Calaur gald, green or blue. Size 8 ta 1f4. Priced fram... ........... .. ....... $1.75 ta $'2.25 BO'S COTTON CORD PANTS-Elastic at back. size l tai 6x. Pricedaýt'................... Store Open fvonday N N '4 -'4 '4 N N il N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N *~1 N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N