OId Londlon Town asked mie recently where t feIt sýhe could find London "chairac- fers" I had ne hiesitatien la send- ing lier along te somne of this cifïy's famnous markets. The street traders are amcng 'tondc's e 1or f ui characters. ~They r ie feafured recently la e stage production - "Mvakýe Me An Offer." Go te Berm-ondsey, te the New Caledlonîzal Marliet ona aFriday meirning, andi you -wili find a group where one question about their wares brings a terrent 'of eloquence. The Fre-ncli wonni whe trades i jewelry discourses learnedly on enamnels from Lim- oges. The mian with "cverythisg in bas on lis staîl, from a F larg1e planter te a, bob stand, waxýes cloquent on the history cf horse brasses. On the cutlery s;tand thse Silver Quicen" 0f the markct knows fIe hallrnarks fron 1Georg-e 111 tte Ipresent aY. On Saturday some eff these earne peop)le, ai-dd many others, rtring eut along fhe curbside cf thfe Portobello Road la the Net- ting I1111 district. In Berwvick Maýrk-et cvery day the fruit andveebltadr cf Sohocii in fruits inative and foreign, liumderum and exotic, Writcs Miý,elita Knowles in the Christian Science monitor. The linik between fruit mnar- ke-t and the stage lias eccurred time nýnd timie agais since Neil Gwvynn cf Old Drury scld lier oranges and capfuired fIte hcart ef isg Charles Il. The Royat, Opera lieuse is inexftricably linkled te the zmelis of c&bbagcs aend the cries of Covent G;ardenr markýet, which sweep up te ifs -vcry doors ev-en before flic hlas, top-liatted opera-geer lias take- hid cab home. On the -teps - !Aearby St, PauI's, the actot, churci, fthe original Eliza Deo- littie offered her "luv'ly vi'letg. leo Berniard Shanw and won ll morfality as "My Fuir Lady,. "- Drury Lane, te whieli the mu- gc&a 'came frein Broadway, la jusf %round flie corner. MY acquaintance wifli a "bar- i#r boy" 1 ietthinflic treet ymasl- Net near my home lisd n eyer tb eyo-nd the rtage cf asking maivtoes or bananas and asngthe t ime ot day, or ob- #erving the kïnd of weaf ler. -.One 4ay, however, lie flared f- ie sudden camaraderie. Thiît;-lm how If happened. IMe gave me a ishilling toc mnuch ehange. I gave If back te hlm, explalniag wliat had liappeard. Xe looked at me, iacredulously î thought. - possibly couldn't believe he'd male Ra mistake! Thes lie smniled and said, "Thank YOu-, Ymum -- split the differ- csice." H-e handed ine back six pence. I put if int o my peeket., We've becs budd1ies ever silace. It has been stted inlabitants- et flic U.S. 'send and receive ynose than six,,ty-onie billion ipieces cf mail a year. - o)r t thirds cf al fIe rmail Iliandled hugli1-ý0OUt fic world, Anid fur- thier investigation might disclose a heavy percentage o!ftila mail lcta ndressed te that vâsýt clan reacled by fourth-class mnail )knlown as "Occupant" DRIVE CAREFULLY- The lite youx save may be your own. ,. ' U League left-handlers, A twenty- 'j game winrer in eleveIl separate seamons, Spahn's first no-hitter camre onfly 1i0a S t September a g a i ni s t Philadeiphia. "It's crazy," lie saidt last month. "AIl those years of coming so close and now two of ili-em. Iow do ¶ you figure it?"ý Sam Jon-es of the Giants, who aliowed onily five hits in d1efeat, figured the answer ws control "ýicdn't feel too bai, about los- ing,ý," said Jones. "Spahnr's get Hle had amnazing control. He put the bali where he w-anted il, every tm. LEGAI. UPSET - Two county eml- ployez ýurvey a moun<i of Iaiw books in the San enito, Calif., Cou rthouse lîbrary. The books were tossed to, the ficor by on Picture 0f A Master Pitcher His aýrt is a blendc inlfinite care, infinite thought, and inflîx- ite skill. Wýhe-n Warren Spahn pitches, he drawts ueall his resources, the leitt rnstîi li- ber and strong, the right leg that kicks incredibly high, and, mest of all, th'- Y ýn sxth es born tay up late thinkling. Spahii wvill b. thinking for himisoeIf." The niglit before bis Milwau- kee Braves faced the San Fraii- ciscco Glants last month, Dres- sen sleptwel Spahn, now' 40, thought ebout fzi.liar Giant hittersý - Willie Mays, Orlando CepeDda, mwondering whethEr they had changed their batti.ng styles. He thoughit, toc, about unfam- iliar Giats - Chuck Hiler, Harvey Kuienn- - wondering what pitethes they iiked, what pitches they disliked. Then ca;ine th-e game at Mil- waukee Ceunity Stadiuim. On the f irst pitch te Hier, Spahn punped, smoothly, deliberately; icefluidly, effortlessiy; and delivered a iow slilder, a pitch that lie addecl te higrab-bag assotrment cf fast lls, cuirve balis, screw halls, Und change- Ups 01n1Y a f ew yea"rs o.HdIeir popped up, The pa-ttern was set. Frein then on, Spahn was at the peak cf his art. In nine îr- ings, he faced only 27 batters. 'wo men walked; both were retired on duble plays started by Spahn hi mself. No oïe ht safely. By 1-0, Warren Spahn won the second no-hitter of hisý career. The victory was.Spahn's ý290thk in seventeen aorlagesea- sons, the shutouýt bis 52nd, both PERFECT 300 - Robert (Corky) DeGraff, 24. hugs wf, Ardith *fter becoming ycungest mai-l ever to ra44 a 300 game in aon Americca'n Bowing Conqress tournament, Joncs cexaggerated slightly.. Net eveni Spahn puts evcry pitch wlwere -lie wantsý it. Facing Mays in tise elgîi inin, Spahn quýckly thwtilc we strikes. Then he tricd te svaste a pitch, low and awa. e slipped, andt the pitch sailcd in ig'h, oves tIhe iart er the plate, rîght te Mayas' power. But luck rode with Spaha. Maýys.sign liard, bouni-ced back- to tIe pitcher. Spaîni ensily threw h-im eut. Lin the naiwhea piadeli-hit- fer Matty Aicu diragged a buat down the lise in a desperate at- tempt te frustrate fIe no-h-.itter, Spahn ipoutnced, caflike, uipen the b il isthovnrwl beant Aicu, çi palai, amserfePems ters evcry phase cf"flic pitcher's Iart. In sprinig triniing only two metsago, hie ran moye flan an,, the'r pîtchler oni the Braves. On the second dlay ocf rkus lie beganthroiagfastbalîs anud curves f0 a catcher 120 f cet away, double fic distance fremn home plate te thle pitchcr'o mound. Hie set biscn pace. "I jet hlm dIrwhat lie wanits," Dressen said. "Thcre's oaiy a fe w fellas you car de that witl. They do't che t cu" The enly dbeating Spýmhn deoes la against ithe law o! aige, At 40, f-ic oldest pitcher la fhe league, lie is spry, treng, succestufl. His faýce is - harp aznd al-gular. So ila lis .pitching. FromNE SWEE K Beeti. Cars By The Million MVy Ymuch-load lit tle Brifish beef le car seema ,0ai the more. p.esky silIce if bcamele knW fIat prýeductien cof fils particular model liad passed fIe 1,000,000 ma -rk. I am taik-ing about m.y -Morrisý Mnrsaloon. This modl islagen- eraliy acclnimed te be the most eucccssfu-l British aaicar ever produced. There la -a romnantie cf ory, belind its evolutiori. Aiecc Issigonis, ifs designer, %vas bora uin Turkey cf a Greek father and an kustrian )mother. The father, a ahipowner, lad becs educated la Bitain -,n d adopted, Britishs nationnlity lie- fore lc arid During~ Woild War Il Alecvwa s woî king at t1icMorri ot or f ac- tory at Oxford. Wle e a fircw.atching duringig ir raids lie uised te doodle sketches of liýs drcam isi-ail car.,1He aimicd espe- cinily at first-rate ron;d holding, sporujts car stenring, and suspes- sien- suitable for rougli eversens ronacs swell as smoofl Britisil ro;ids. The first Min1ors wecre sold ini 194i8. Tliey ooked ike beeties. But îe wese an immiedia te suc- ce-sa. The notable ttinig is fIat flic sio0del liaS remaIlined uLn- dlianged in basic body and engi- neering desiga fer 13 years. 1And yet ose meets new MV'iner oewnerg- today wlie falk est husiast ically lif laving ciscovmed amfresli ex- periesce il a by cars. The Minora are scattered wide- iy o"Ves the wor-id. O!fX i 1,00 000 preduced up te Jatîuary, 1961, just cv-c 500,000 have becs sold in Britain. More flan 100,- 000 have gone te Australi, 50,000 te the United Sftates, 35,000 f0 flic Republiecof Ireland, 34,000 te South Africa, 34,000 to New Zealnnd, 29,000 te Canada,' 25,000 te Swecden, 16,000 te Ma- laya, and e on. The basic price ocf tIc Miserj ai B3ritain today is £C416 (about $1,-164) compnrcd wili £280 in 1948. But if aceounit is taken cf fIe faîl ia value cf curresncies, todny's price la said It e leequl- valent te £0254 or liower flan fh. 1948 figure,- But -las, purch-Iýas-E or Sales fax lu thie ogre o! car buyhin a rif- in today. The Mlinor's basic Prie o! Z 416 l isedte £590j before a -new ïewner cas drive away bis purdliase, vWitea Peter Lyse in th6 Cîristian Science AeENTS WANTEI RiGII, PROFITS, sellislg Imports every- one needa. Juiceus, Noodie Machines, MantcSoep Holdler $1.0p. $peclal! sape5()ý1.Importera 153 - 1il St. N.E. Medicinie Hat, Alberta. SELL, Colerful Religious, Clipper Shipa, Old Masters, other types of Pictureýs. Set of six, 12xl6, $1.00 postpaid. Good Profits. lrv. Shemmaïn, 1270-C 'Broadway. New York 1, New York. AUTOS - TRUCKS ACCESSORIES MONEY SA VER! Went Spark Pluget gua-ranteed for 15,000 Miles? Write Me. Bill Cross, 526Iis Drive, Irving, Tex.% BABY CIICKE AVAILABLE prompt shipnient, Bray 'dayolds and startedt, RIExERtlýS, Patrka 11P7, Amaes Series 505 and 424C Rlequesi Newr Summner pricelist. Order Junie-Jul ' brollers noir. See local agent, or write Bray I-atchery, 120 John North, Hasmilton, Ont. IBUSINESS OFFORTUNITIES YOUR OWN BUSINESS A rare opportunlty te build your own businiess. Exclusive products are easi>' sold as the>' are ix ever>' day use. If Yeu are prepared te lnveiat leGs thaix $1l0000 xvth a profit te 40%r, Write te us and we wilff show you bow te seUl homnes. Chus-ch groupe3, Institutions, etc. This ta a boniafide offer, please ne triflers. l'durford Custm Packaglng Company, 1554 Yong-e St., Toronto i. Yorkers wýho nIicknamre thein Mine goes a'bout 40 miles te a gallon vith a top speed cf arouind 75 mn.p.h. and an easy cruising speed cf 60 mn.p.h. when needed. 1 air, truly grateùil that father Isigýonis came from Greece and thaýt bis son Alec now is chief engirleer cf the British Mvotor Corpo)ration ,whIich embrace,- the Morris, Auistini, and ethier motor Mr. Issigeonf, Jr., has already designed a type cf even smaller cars WvhiCh are streaking toward their million mark. But a big- iest ion in the British meotor world is: "When will the Minor be replaced by a new,miodel?" Spokesmen of the British Mo- for Corporation are keeping mium n- r this. Some motoring experts forecast there wili be a new MincIr by the. end of 1961. 1There is a stery that the build- ers cf the Mý'iner are aqlways look- ing over their shoulders at the Volkswý,agen tii-rn in Germ-any which has fhe same record cf *bout 13 years cf unchanged de- sign. If is saýd. the Miner i.5 ready to change Wheïffthe Tolk.s- wagen cedes. The Volkswagen record is ev-en more remarkable, ia-ving passed the 4,000,000 markx with thse salne m-odel. But the Germnan, firm bias ,madce only the one ear.while the British f irrn lias been producing, a large range of different ie motor veiceles. But whatever- their nationality; these beetie cars by the million have transfcrmed the lives., of countlcss people th-oughdut flie world. The 1f00&~~nx inished in a rather daringc shade cf maùve, has been pr-es.-nted te fIe National Union cf Journalists in London te raise funds for jour- nalistic charities. Perhaps that is anotlher reason why my ývinor seemis se te strain at ýthe leash these brisk spring rnornings. How Con I? By Robertaî Lee Q. ow can 1 facilitate the skinniig of tomiatoes? .A, By placing fhef oratoes in a basin, pouring sosie boiling water over thein, and letting Stand for -a minute or se. You will then find that the skins can be rcmnoved wifh a mninimurn cf trouble. Q. Can you give me somne tipi- for the neat ironlng of tucks? .A. To keep tim seat and f lat, iron them untîl they are absolu- tely dry-otherwise, they will pucker and look wavy. Vertical tucks should be pulled faut and ironed lengthwise, While hori- zontal tucks shouJd be ironed by starting on fhe top an-d workîng te -the bottomn. BU$INESSOPOTNT! ATTIENTION! Garage nid servire sta- tion ownera. Llmlted number of asso- ciate store dealerships avallable. Only smaIl capital requlred. Fe comipetitive. lAutoinari Associate Stores, 195 St. 'aui St. W., St. Catharines, Ont. INVESTORS WANTEO. Initerested iii Investing in good fasi. growing coin- maunity. Comme rcial, Indusirial, Subdi- visions, Raw and Improved Lands. WilI arr.ange adminilstration. Write: Frank Johnson, R, L. Iollis & Co. Lid., Real Estate, 5007 Gaetz Ave., Red Deer,AI berta. PARTNERS$41P - CONCReTE AND CULVERT CONSTRUCTION BUSINESS in operation over four years within a 78 mile radius of London. Interested in experleniced concrete mian to buy. part Interest or operate. Eqlpmient 19 adequate and In good condition. BONX Iý NEWBVRY, ONT. "BUSINES ROMERTIES FOR SAL!É FOREIGN car dealership. L3ody shop, garaÀge and showroomn. 2 modern apis. above, located on main ai. in village, 10 milles f romi Buffao on Canadian îide, The building Is 40 x 50 situated on c>or- nier lot, close to schools, etc. A real buy ai $35,000. l11 bealIth forces sale. Building suiteble for ther types of business If deSired. Ternis can be cmr- ranged. Box 2ü7, Ridgeway, Ont. GARAGE, 2-bey, 9-car, ImpDerial pro- ducis,gstoref homne, also motel Ai e, frontage 150, situated about 100 inilem north of Tortoteon llgbway 35. Rea- son, owner changing business, estab. llshed 14 years. Only interested pairties apply. Eason Motors, Norland. RESTAURANT for sale In Gowganda, Ont. Building 2 storeys, baibroom up and alow nst airs, hot and cold water, adjoining 2 lots, estabILsed businessý, retiring. Apply D. Lafrance, tlowganda, Ont. COINS .MNW!! New!! New!! 3rd Edition - 1961 - Guide Book 0f Canadlien Coins". 964 pages, 2,000 Illustrations. Latest In- creesced values on alI of Canaida's coins, tokens, and peper money. The most comprehiensive and wldely used bock on ibis subject!! Just released. Price - e.95. Regency Coin, 153 Rupert. Win- ipeg. SEE us before you 4eal-for 'arm aund Indwustriel, iractors, leaders, baükhoes, Combines and Balers. New and used. Xeconditioned, guaranteed and as-le, Convenient termas and higbest trade-i allowances. The Ilamnilton aree's largeet dealer. flanson Supply Limltte4, 124 Ring St. W., Stoney Crack. P1ixne LI. 9-5917. TWO Cobey 200 bushel apreaders, tit good condition, $450 eech. -loyd Beck- hem mad Son, àiIassey Ferguson Dcaler, Governïors Rd., Woodsioek, acroFs front Drive-In Theetre. FOR SALM - MISCELLANEOUS "DESTROYER" fortuse ini outdoer toilets, ets dewn totee mmii, aves ciemning. Directions. Thousanda of usera, Ceasit tocoami. Prie *$1.10pe cen, postpald. LOG CABIN P1ODUCTS '322 York Roed, Guelph, Ont. l'oR. Sale - One bag concret. mixer wth hyds'eulic biieket avth or wIthisut Wisconsin motor. <Ine bag tiltlng con- fxet mtixer, both lin excellent condi- tion.,<One concrete block machine lis new condition. Write: FYnos jS. Martin, 31. 3, Wallenstein, Ont. Oeog-raphic4il Journois, London, Vocl.1 May 1935 to Vol. 82 April 1960, unbound 300 copes. Wbat offers? Write: 7c . B Mann, 66 Bray Crescent i Mdicine Rat. Alberta. "KAIR GOQCDS!" W i g sT o u~e es, Transformnationsý, Swltches made f-oi finest quallty heair. Write for ilistrated catalogue. Toronto Human Mair Supply Company, 58-P Bathaurst Street, Toronto. INSTRUCTION EARN Alore! Bookkeeping, SElesnman- .hlp, Shortbiand, Typew-rftlng, etc. Les- sons 50ý. Ask for free circular No. 83. Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Troronto. LANDSCAMING TREES and plants for homne and gar. den. Write or phone for free catalogue or viait Winidover Nurserles, Petrolia, Ontario. Ph. 6. MïONEY TO LOAN MORT'GAGE Loans. Funda avalleble ont suitable ferma, homes, stores, apnrt, mont, hoteLs, motels. Plenant cour- teouis service. For Information write, phone, or drop In. United County In- vestiments Ltd., 3645 Bathurst St., Tom- onto 19, Ont. RU. 9-2125. MEDICAL VON'I OELAYI EVERY SUFFERER 0P RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS 'SHOUJW TRY DIXON'S REMEDY.. M1UNRQ'S DRUG SYORE 5E GNOTTAWA $1.5Expresz Celleet POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISII the torment cýf dry eum rashes and weepin.- akin troubles. Post's Eccima SalIve m,111 not disappoint you. Itching, scldlng and burning ecze- mia, acne; ringworni, piiples and foot eczema wlll respond readily te the stainless, odorlesa oiniment, regardlese of how stubborn or hopeles tey ,eema Sent Most Freon Receipt of Prie* PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St. Clair Avenue aest, TORONTO 20 flOUSE PLANTp SLIPS $2.00. Bluaf ilydrangea $1,98. Tropical, 45290 Frances, N;onth Bumnaby, Britisb Columbla. oppoRTrUNiTIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER -JOIN CANADA'S LEADING tSCHOOL rami Opportunit>' Lee ai erdressing Fi"aset, dignified professioný good wae.Thouisands of succesaful Marvel Graduates, America's Greatest Systemi IllUtrated Catalogue Frac Write ou Call MARVIEL NAIRDREBSING ICHOOL 356 Bleer St, W., Tarent, Branches: 44 inig St. WV., Iinltamllt 72 Rfideau Sireet, Ottaýwe ÎSSUE 29 - 1961, ATTENTION PURCHASERS OF NUTRIA When purchaslng Nutria conlsid'er th« follow"ing Points 1wbicb this orgaDnisa- tion offers: 1, The best avallable stoc:k, no cross- bred or 'Standard types recomnmended- 2. The reputation of e, plan wblcb is provlng liIseîf substantiated by files of getisfled rancherS. 3. Ful Insurance ?ainst replace- ement, sbould tbey not live or lix tb* event of sterj1itY (al fully ï"xplalned lns our certificate cf nmenit. 4> We e you only m'utations whlcb are lnx demandf- for fur garments. 5. You receive fromn this organization » guarantced paît mariket In wrlïng. 6, e erssoc iii our e xcl1u s iv breçlý-' jszocation, wbereby only purcisers of Ibis stock may Partiel- paie in thea benefits seoffer-ed. 17. Prices for Breeaing -Stock start ai $200.e air Special offer te those Who0 quallfy: eamn your Nutria on our ceooperativ* basis. Write. Canadien Nutria Ltd.. R.R. No. 2, Stouffyitlm, On4rerlo PERSONAL HYGIENIC RUBRER GOOCOS TESTEU, guaranteed,nalled lib' Plain pareci, iludlng catalogue end sex book fiee vwlth trial assOrtmeIt. 18 for $ 1.00. (Finea't qoalityl Wes4ter Distribu- tors, Box 24-TPF, Regine, SE24k. PHOTOGRAPHY FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, OALT, ONT, iilrs developed .nd 8 mni'ia prunis 40ý 1'2 magna prints Mc~ Reprinta 5ý each. KODACOLOR Developina r-oîl n9h (not lnc'lldinÏ prints>. Color prints 50,ùea'bextra. Ansco aii dEktachromne ' m.20 ex- posurea miouuted in slldes $V.20 Color prints trorn sldes 'M,ý each. '.oniey re- funded lix fuli for unprinied ,egativem. PROPERTIES FOR BALE 165 ACRES dlay. Parry Sound dlistrict. lake shbore, maple bus,,h, large bouse, sultable fer resort dev'elOPment Of farin or both. F. Jenkins, Box 39, Mlag- nletawan, Ont. MROFITABtLI OCCUMATIONS MARE $$$ At ilome! New,! ',ost un- uýsuel ittem proxited especlaillY fer Mailorder! Ras y instructions, aelAd?, and Actuel SaPles inclUded. $1,00' c o mi p 1 e t e. Satisfaction Guaranteed! Practical Producis, Box 12-Z Cincinnati 32, 0h1o. MARE NMoney Wr-iting Short Para- graphs. Anybody cen. puy $1 te hual- dreda. No 1ecilal education nleeded, Order ,Hoviw Write, SliI Short Para- grapha," $1. Delanio Publishers, 232 DIne Y'onkers, New YcÛrk. Ordee Noew! ïTAMP9 RE,60 different stamnpe, Includes »r. ClU.S.A., foraign, toe colectors e- qu(estiing pprovals. "Robins," 1322t jqloor WV,, Toronte 4, Ontario. SUMMER 'RESORTË FrOR comrplete 'Informiation on summner vacationin Muakoka, wirite for flre. colour f ohier, PD.lghtonIi luse, 3111 , port Carling, or phone ROA. 4155, REOIprivate vainP en Tomniko Lake, 36 Miles frein North Bey,;ecl lent fisbing or famlily vacïtionr cabine and mneals, hou sekeeping c o t t a g e s, beats, motors, etc., et lowest rates., For turtber information Write Moose Peint Lodge, crystal Falls, Ont._ _ HUNT - FISH - RELAX LQST LAKE CAMP ,2 mle IWest of New ike! donNe Jil hly., neer Gowgaixda, Onit Waleyes' N.Pike, Speckled Trout, L. Trut, BIIc. Bass.,IBeau hitlng spring &fal os huntln, Oct. 1 te October 15. ilirds, Ducit &. Partridge. Ioskelgcot- tages or AmneriCan Plan. Fer fil infor- mnation, ,vrite, FRANK & JAIÉ tqSOWEN ffk Lake, Ont.- Tel: SII TEACHERS WAI4TED Our Lady Immciculcite School STRATHROY Reurs2 teachers. Dutiem, to comn- menlce September 5. Grae 2 tO 6. Modem new 5 room achol1. Rteply stating quailificatÎona, sa)iry ex- pected anld namie of last Inspectojr to MvR. P. F. FLYNN' STRATHROY SEPARATE SCIIOOL B130D RR NO. 1 RERWOOD TEACHRIIwanted; MntwaigCo- tï)inuation Secool (2 roorns) ;IpProýimla.te- ly 36 pupils, requires quallfied Assist- at, male or femeale, te teach Grades Q, 10, il, 12, Latin, French, Englilh, Ceo- grahyand .Art, comnmencing ix Sep- tebr1961. Salery ' 4,500 Apply, stet- ing certificate numnber, experience, namne and âddress of last flnspecior te J. Nexnbmuff, Secmetary, Býox 16,1, ManI- iowvaning, Manitoulln Island, Ontario. Qualfied Teacher Wtànted l'er RYDE TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA Duies te commence september, 1961. Apply stating elcPerlene, name and eddmecss of lastiInspecter te mRs. FLORENCIE RERMAN . . 3, GRAVINMJRT1 N. N N. N N N -s N -s N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N .5- N N. N N N N. N N N. N N N N N N -s N N. -s N N N -.1 N N N N N s N N -N N., N N N -s. N. N k N. -s, N N N N N N N N 'N N N N s. N -s N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N 's, N N s., N N N N N N 'N N 'N N N N N