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Orono Weekly Times, 25 May 1961, p. 1

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'Orono Takes Oecisiv Win Over Belleville Club Every question in the 1961 Census servýes d(efinite useful purposes~ No question has ee icde mierely because the resultant sýtatis-1 tained By Toronto Croup k ______________________________tics wouldbe interestîng. The .cen-Tusalja Oh rn ssquestions finaIly asked arer theý On Turdv Jy 0hDon TheOrnoIntrmdite asbai ~ W& ~resuit of a great dea1l 0 f pann High School students played hosts to teami openied in their first game of ishîlg iv liii Spear during wich e-achI gete ques-itesxy tdn-1fteGleCu the schedule on Mnda afternoon t. ion bas been subi ected to rigorous of R. H. King Collegiate in Torontý'oý at the Orono Park with an 8-2 vic JnIi Ia xniationi. The prime cýonsider- under the direction of -Mr. Johni ýtr.The opposition was supplied IUIJII.LIl3 IKI ationis of course, were Ille ueu-Fori hi rga nlddto b 'tory. vll tamnless o ch j questionl,a Idlte Inum- groupIs of soags, classical and l mod- The victory was pitchied by Erie Fia moraing in Cobourg M/r.- ber Of users. ern. Three girls sang "Smok e Gets Carleton who allowed only eight Austin A4norh a chaged w\ith Wil there h1ad !0 be a con inl Your y" and a soprano soloist bits in iis f ull aninn hings 0f pitchi- hvn hs ossinaSpear ing reason for inc(luing i',each qe-sn M i" nte at0 h ing. In this stretch b le took four wtî fifty feet of thle waters edge tionl, one of the main values of the progr'am wasa collection of pieces strike outs and gave up only two Of a 1tem ess sta tprmt td ffrom Shwbat. rs. 'Rihr walks. On the other hand the Orono On this couat A insworth wvas fn-raiospsbeltween a nuierofMrtn pianist for Élie aftertoon crew drove out twelve bits onwhc ed a sumi of $75.00adcst iha fcsaot aaaspouain played a beautiful piano solo. .. to collect their eigh ruais. adic;tionial finle of $50 and costs The1(-im lportanIce of thiis is illustrated The Glee Club rcie a stanidinlg The On-oilo team waýs imade up of for. fish1ing :at aigbit vith a lighit toibya oiiisa with the meteoro- ovation and was thiankled by Stu- som-e of the negulan core of formier'take fish. P ogist'Cs understandling of weathen, dents' Council President Doug Mar- yeairs along with aý number of M1r. Doug Powell, local gamne!whch, oud e Mal nee fheta yoringer Playe'rs from thle Village. warden, warnis cgainst the use of ke the Iasen o only one ques- DJon Mlvercer, an Onono pro, bagged suchi equipment and points out that'tioni ,v"What is the ground îemper,-- A small Teai Dance wvas hield af- four bits for four times at bat. Th is such a ýviolationi of thle Game anCue"L stema hosnso ew sdn hh"cfresh- record wýaa oloe by Charles F~ish ,lwýs (cairnes a heavy finle aslobservations from whichl it is, pos- ments of donuts and pop) were serv- ,Arnstoa withi a 2 for 3 record; 'brn out ini Cobourg last Friday sible Io establisbi the connection be-I ed. An enjoyable afternoon wýia S 1hadr ~Tim Cox a 2 for ! and John Shietier m1rnlg. tecn temperatures at variFous al- by ail with the promise of nanly ne- 2 for five. Other biits -for Oronol titudes, dîrection and velocity of niewed fniendships in' thefuue boys were Dean West and Erie Caril- * h Il 'L D I wind, rainfi yae, n ooDiane Gilbart eton oneapiece. Ntgiit vp~sit DO jfl- -jthat f ormns the basis ocf wea.-thier ____________ Orono chetdterfirst rua iscenc.i tlie first when l3eato ced Off aý- i k ' ,ý!suisà Do Mre olel ecda fur- Ita hss at a e -associated ilerconwhahbi a sinlgle, JLast wýIeek teintlato )f a ithec te.Tutenm stole a base ýanid soe :o iageNiglit Depo(sit oxatth1 Oon fpolcfdiernagsianN r u u The slzxth innýing nttdOronoCommece ws cmpletcd Thl is, h cutofmnan oenjh tho rn oftw it y ece taltinw)Ienbe*ufnsme otl o eol ueplyd nva- Th rooAmturAhitH s fni o ih rsrn atn nd-aiiothii'tmak dcp.tslri1osoc0 pi)onls. :{wvr ec oitinhl Phir annua-I i ul ris round on afedrschoico. A- the 1baak other than thloi omlo-sc atasme ' r~e aeSale o Vdas-y1vna strdin a rw y htirMor, asked 1f'qr thiss ervc atleOomoee we ae b hmelewrepae ni' etinbok Beloile' cui (-icmela the The 1-nigb esitBxhbo adeciigtelvlofeuaino1-esaeadaambr cro. nsaled a hefrc tofth bnk eahe b Canacilans fr i O u fourtbînaîngwhen te olei-eda h ot-etsd ndi xe-mc oeueulif -s- 'dasth tltcwh ehz r os-r asrdiba Ih nlaigaihl,pv!E enier ha rî yS wl h Th oraisomonty. cher Jon S-ie'~-'. c'cbr; C('a(ï"ow ach moeàscoolifiareto- pried Arnistr5n, firsi-;Dean 'iVet sec- sf eIli Jruý;iic da'schltroercovie ha:Ier hee er furdrwshidli 'on; ete M(-('reth1 ird; 11ea-,br r tos lo -eib - ,nrns" iia mpratn-i-' ae fhe oper mantentsri- ton,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ shot top foldns Doni Ly oo fr howb ilteiwaltninsiOna-ibyA'sBuySloMr cet D n Me cr, T m o, ni i hih ca e o kei aatbih a nc ;1-11 o e- w er phn 1te a d Loas.- ala T e th e ter te ord owey ky wil h neessav t mae ths cty;averge icone cr prsa ant rrnfets wnt -o rs. ayeWes dCpsitin1heboxT-oe1ihlals aoraeill-rnecorf'A --! D: Tonan ad Ms. ac Trud~~~es Let~S i Iacsca ousdbyaioea1aylie tot der- t T ourcawas ednat w!, he ren Cb~abe afCommncebe erve "janc-1 1up9- At, nv l-nlclbu- badb nn ve" F or W~tr Syuism lL j iC lasa "- -""'n t"i ' t-se arnveic lr-iesiis' -eyn-Tee s" i r [ot-a-ec iotn e siealeee -o Toirac-o r at fs' casîrut-tha n- Pat i w' " aines ce sili n t he d e i npuaciecn d et chp Imips in'i-oc1 chd Mayi-e fhankaposibe bd 'c"c l Waters' s t ,3ia the iision Sreoi - eia-i-esme ili Local Boys Graducite - un e ( he endi cf ie yean. 'l teri-owil be reviewed ia se)me six moni-bls expei peli-tmonts matie %ill iag iengtbis of time csc I soe coi-initv)f Coi Authorized as Second Glass mail, Post Office Department, Ottaweix Subscription in Canada $1.50; in US. $2.5O,ý CCarke Coà%uncil Open Tenders For New Truck I,,iL$UflU ~U I Tuesday evenmng mn tmemn negular ak'bi-monithly session. Couadcil ai-t theý Meetn pened tenrders for thre f our- fake o T'ie fack on truck but dedision was left ove_ý until thre next regular meeting. Tbe Thre Monda holiday benaldeti reeve appointeti the Road Superin- summi-lYer' sport activities la many tendent and ithe Chairman of thec centres and lhanness naciag was Rond anti Bridges Cornmittee, D- cortainily not t:he least. Local boIsI-uty Reeve Savery to funther study men,>t wvith itheir trottiens andI pacers the tenders wl-hthlie purpose Of centres and especially la ULxbnidïge bningiag la a report at the nexi foaid activty open ila anumben of negulan mneeting. aad Peterborough. Tenders received -wene from Rob- Mr. Geralti Robiason, wbho bas son, MotorsBow nville for $84_98,- been active ta this sport for the 51 7685 for ani Oison body; B. ýFý past few, years entered bis horse, Elliof t, Newtoail $8997.iO; Cowan;- "Bra celet" la the Uxbrklge naces Equiprnent, Bowmanivihll, $85OtIA.O and camne up wt two seconds in and $7500.00 for an Oison. thle two heats. The time of the win- Couniçillon Stone pinted eut i-ba niag Mil was 2:18 over a rather by accepting sqxlme of the tenders slow i-rack. cunll woulti find that they wouldf Aeis fo xnidgw as Mr.Wm.1begoing over their hudgeted arn- Reidof ron wb tioveKing ount:, He also f elt that consIdeýraion NIblete a second anti third lfl shoîti be, given to a smiallertuc t'le Iniato aif Mile. 'Tumes re- bih oudi come withia their bti-, istred wwre 1.9 and 1.08 Iget ai 'set tfoenlier lani-ho, year Anothecr local herse 'to Seeaýction I t'waý s learneti at [the meting ba asConalie's Pride, ownied by Jack approval bnad been eiei fromi lliamse and driven by M nckthe Deparnment of Hgwasfor Reidi. This horse, "Bracellet" aadithe expeaditure of $85,00H tbrumgb "King Nb le"ias beea traineti21atitereular rond apprlopriation at the Qrono trac in preparation forian atditional $36QOO- fhrough a3sup area, m t.Coni's Pride w p lemArentary. The total apoe o iivai-o secodlawc in a'-ie TownIlS hipIIrond forlth yer191l =a 1 ndfour-h ai lie mie race o. e i 11000 hcbtimo asst t2:17. ws iIoom hi-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Ch sunestoiibt roo JteRoad supenilatondfent arpr to e - hpaei-onew blicopsoti r-wsmd yih ae iedn-o il/et. be opei-o akei-bot a - alon )[ su-d i-bi- io date 4760 p'earanceoion thei-rdsw- -en a ensotonbldzrwr ý'cssla i-b vryrP ftue)ntnnt hbfl-i-aiilozero osil i-le OrooCoollt monrby , n ii. bib eiiiedamut f$80 how s tuia wbe-bro notail 1 04F orei-a17 au o rkcla ths n uld ho oin- 9rono s Goil000j T'e 1e XTw]o-1 Cwsiicini-on as ivontodbýý onMeday fllowing i-be boys grise some councilons si-ateitii-bi - a aic 't'h oposiionwasprov'ided by)-hocaes fnse oisýted anti- coudljtise Bom vilegis. n'i neson by -rshoaIII now be W!1in wl-h bs-b i-ams tIIiving in 22 setber. IClarke Townislip Counicil. met on m, tivth s,parnNm aisadti Pegya -~enib ix- nisvn v~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i icilat- 20 i)io$3 g ocf s aeawy o ad 'nc, - i-bs, m-e fits-ba vîs~ EnerttnrentForlModayNight Uni rki-b meborare cdoing ai Tho anaui firewoks tiîsp Aelihnwokspla rn. A ot-enras recivoicnconiag ahandonotiCemefeios la wicb it was stteti -bai- i-e net bi rce - 1Y be hnei Counci are a-edngio ïmake a ain,hi.uv ern no acm-n'I-i-,Iiws w -.hnch ss ~ ~ i onie n h'oanu iae -seuua to Am grné'uîîn -c rinr m ±san iKlub rougnt te '- y 'Uýsn "(ý-la w w" ' i on Monv'yI-ho i-wenty-foartb belhli- asils firs - ar-Banig anti many-wouid enahie i-be eleaning -of ihese dasaw anothen lai g rw f-at ach mhusement lai-btis -un- cemeten'ies. Wi six ai- i-e uîss onsan i ras mnsei. ciakng. An olti car was providoti 1Sa gave rop- Tie evening was pe ic b i-o sil -b Klb aieng Wh a sietige Wl-h a multitude of bniglit eoiotrs y industres ais Orono ChainmoS Commerce. nammer ansi a charge was mte for ,an tluti ban-gs en-ranth-e gati- )art of i-ho dis- A new featars forn le evening S -king a- swing ai- i-e auto from ening,. The tiislay incltileti aenial i-ts Vvil]l'- e was 'a display cuf unaomobLs by , thewbch. aili-ho gloss bati been remov- patteras, spin wbeols anti ground arw Eb he i-b sat otnot Kan K 011ofOshawa. d Those participaiig iook von- rangements. i-ho~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'ib-o h mmbr fibecu aifIe gence on a front fonder butmmondjfTecleto - 90 ae p nonce anti ap- cars dlisinyi o wc i-b tey batimi-b i was reluc-an-te b ave i-ebe 1 a youag group of boys n Oro i ho for \vr- opltoiinotor anti body wok. ramne ofi-be car. 1I\was supplemeieti by a clecinat io as i-o bave Thieso oxhlihis tisplayed i-be typecof, Ai-dus t iho fireworks starteti and I i-ho gai-es. imli e rmem-- I-rom UnIversuty ; raponei Miss LenaiTyo Speaker At Evening Auxiliary wbo receiveti . j Employers: I ~i-ho Bible, ail ldetiling w-b hfî-iend-a trace i-'ohn-sfu U TwoOrno ey K Gansy, roograduatei i-is f'E1 W Cawor, owmaaiviîîe TeMymeigo vaa u-si niihuhso nsfeî w iwl-hier humnan but lhumorousar- 1/i-b cboleduc'ai-lon ai- i-e Oronoyeara aCivil Enginleer from theGoodyvear; John Black, Port Hope-iiany ws heiti as usual li-bte Sua- nia. i-ade o-wrd ife manti ltspobes hihSchool hamve i-is yea r gradua-- Uaiivorsti-y cf Troto eH isao Saii-ary Company; John Cottreli, day School auditorium wl-h Elleen The si-udy book was given by Olive, facoi by i-he people antimsd oire ed.f nm nivnsiy.The two bye-poeiby i-be Ontario \Water Re- port Hope Brunnen Corp. Billiags li-bte ebair in i-ho absence M'ilîson la a mosti- iteresti'ng 'aa- l o Cnsia ni el Crs Paul cMaci aadDojuglas Gains- satprýuce i, commiission anti works Oui- Employees: of i-be presidea't anti vi-ceresidient. inon anti deait wil-b i-e neet cf ian onines bee.has serve&. b, grdaeifronfa Qa's Univer- jof [lie Tononito Offices. 1D. S. FKemp, B, ownvile, Goot- Eileen opeiiedti Wthi-e reading 0f a Wissiolaries, rnurses aidbospitals h h siestiibleio bl ~ siy ~nstaanti the ýiiierislty aiý Iyear; Jncýk 1Hope, Nicholson >File, f ew ý7versos dealnig -ih 'Irfidship'intdila anti Burma. udntadn amoig ar oun~g 'Lion-orepei-lel.-Tbtee o oter i-ude-t swho wene Port IHope; :Pauil SmilihMatbews anti i-e sinlgin-g cf Hym 68.MisepeoeplatShr e n-ighf hene rai-home lai our esfu iitei ir( ,-Pr Jlpe isssDin Glarphr eope Mn. aulMcMcl~, sn o Mn f u&eessf ni-ei iss ynr a- Covoy, ort Hopaikse iv 1e O The minlutes Of i-ho pre4' t - Sharon, Sharon Tambly niw col atilf-u i ll iln-NMNMackin of i-be Sixti- s igsoare Mis alene' -e n eern niapoed ti anti e Jones enltertaine(ti i-e group i sincretoire i-oagai bvet Raphii The arth\hpanhseveyl lauea-sm -ntnte; i-o brry er is f Clark-e, gradual-etifreirn Crabam-, daughiter of AMn. anti Mrs. ib lydat ssrytreasunor's repent given. osi plasin wyra aduare,,honsoek aala Qsen aPass _Arts anti majoreti l d.Gaam atiMs Rosemary ihat ail nonee out-ntb a- Th eotionAl prioti was batid- singing t-wo loveiy selecionis, one- eoincPaul is1 now employeti b sm1ith, dnugi-er of Mn.1%Colin Smith lPomteti. Howeei-ommbr fled by Millie Rainey- ant iber group), blng i-be Lord's Prayer. <M\illie Riniey thanketi Miss Tay- Empire Life 1insurance anti:iS newlibo1 tb teréd ila Pass Arts atiMn ibeConttte el canfen"oma- nedhp"Sews Ms anyitoueia us-1rat -emeigwas broghf t to digactuanial wvork ai- i-e Heati -Cornelius aa-ioso i mof M. atit riotfime and ntesani disassisteti hy Aima -Mitchel anti Kathy speaker for i-heevnn MissLeiaa 'lse - hue ediction " i~ ffcinToron-io. 1Mýrs. johnt AnmiastrengiL o llCinitte1vt wl-hi-escriptune being Taylor of i-ho Durhamýýr-umber- anti lber group serveti a dehghfu siuiigin aPeMticn course bugtonihmite. rend by memnbers of i-be group rend- laidHIealth Unit. 'Miss Taylor pro\- cup of tea ani dudous assortedt r.Douglas1 Gamsby, surn cf 1Mrs. (conýtinued on page 3) ing a verse froin several chapters of edti-o be a very interesting speaker i-arts. -a- s,' N 4-.- N k'-. N -s N s '-s -k.- N x 's N 'k s '-k s s k-, 's N N N N N N s N N 's N s 's N 5k '-k s 4 s s 'k 'k 's i.- s- N 's 's s 4' N s N k s N s s N k' 'a- 's N s, s 's k' N. '-k t' 1

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