States' Phil Hill are hîgli ~i h Cana ianCar Topraise of Sadler's cars. Moss, who' Cndnad ian C ares Tos eawihandrace AL0f' test drove one of the'Sadier C ompet At (>qM& IVCI Specials at Watkins Glen last year ________________________ especially on rougher sect ions of the road. IV's just two years since Bill Sad ,making sports cars and already he ler began devoting is fulitime to is prepared to challenge the best in' - h O un 4,Sdir sse1ng JThe Sadier Car C. in St. Cathar-ý Opportunity ta o 0iust that when he 11960 and plans to maise'the output to secsývo'o'f his hand-made machin- mets v 12 spBu rts carsmomn MONDAYIMAY 2,9 es to the starting uine in the "Play-1 Sadlhr's chie! concern is preparing 1:-00 p.m. ers 200"ý, Canada's first internation. the two cýars that 'le and Grant 1 lsports car cmeiin Clark of Georgetown, will dlrive on THE AQUARIUM The 200-mile race for $9,300andI Your Headquarters For the Player's Trophy, presented by Trpia Fshte mpralToacoCo il ofci aly open Mosport Park, a European One car has already been teste Pet Supplies style track located 60 miles north- a Harewood and Bill reports that it east af Toronto. rounded thie circuit in under thel 15 Temperance St.J track record. Its top speed was close BOWMANVI LLE Such sports car greats as Stirling tro 200 miles per hour. ______________________Moss, of England and the United Cut Food C;osts!1.huy a REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER OR HOME FREEZER NM May15 t0j u ne 3 0 4WHERE APPLIANCE î DEALERS DISPLAY TERýP, s THIS SIGN Buyan electric home freezer now, May 15 to June 39, at any appli- ance store displaying the "Super- mparket In Your Home" insignia, This money-saving offer wiII appIy to an attractive range of chest- type or upright electric freezers, or dual-zone combination refrig- erator-freezers of 13 cubic feet capacity or larger. Check these fouir ways a home free»wr Cao cut your food bis Yc onsa fl bulk wh.n pruces art lm _ V * î a â i t U k e f u l l a d v a n t a g e f s p e e l a l fo ' b cd > i 'e tre *P bwdret your food needs nmore eftIciE?¶fy. Y* 4 lWoag free$M,00 fQoad certificab flyou buy nw CoG-OPerating nieflActu-ers include the foïlowtng: tSe-atty Brothers Belwood Appliance Co. * Canadiani General Eectric *Caranado * Dominion Appilance Ca. * Frigidaire* General Steel Wares 9 Gibson - Gilson * tKevinator *Philco &R-C.A. *Roy - UnitedC-p *Westinghoujse, Attention Hydro Rural Customers. *, your lcal', Onta rio Hydre Area Off IC4 re£arding information on this pealoffer. %, it yours -4 t-' t-' t- r- c rt tt t-, 't- t- <-t r t'-' / -t- 4' t,, -t- 't- ISadler's cars are low-buiit mach- ines, with a rear-moun-ted engine.1 He says the main difference from: foreign sports cars is the engine and lighter body construction. Canada's only sparts car maker, Sadier, 29, first became interested in 'building cars in 19541. He buys an- ly the engine and saine o! the sus- pension components, miaking the frames, wheels, transmissions and bodies him'self. Hle says it takes about six ,monthis to build one car. The two hie is mak- ing ýfor the "Player's 200" lie values at $9,000 each. FOUR PLANNING BOARDS Last Saturday's warm. weather FOR AREA SUGGESTED sawa god urnoutof he embrs Oshawa Regianal Plann(ing Assoc- to, tk a t itun ot th hnal si ation members left the reoent meet- dean-uep ati the shawal Sinlu ing with an important job to do: seli Hard work encouraged by the weattthir lnigbadsa1cucl on the idJea of four area or "coin- er, produced excellent resuits. mrunity» planning board-, - and re- t1urn'h ext month with a "commit- Dick Valleau, trails and gr ounds ment if possible" ta this ,prindiple. director, exclaimed he couldsar- Then thie ORPA could approach ]y believe the amouint o! work ac- the Department of Municipal Af- compiished by the members an hand fairs and have the area boards set 'up under the Planning Act. Tow ropes on ail tows were taken It was generally agreedl at the dlown and stored for the s6ummer April meeting that the ORPA as and all the snow fences an the prop-no constituted embraces toa .-large erty were taken dlown an~d rolled 'a territory; that -localized planning and secured until fall. is vastly more suitable than dealing with a 140,000l acre and six planning boards and councils, saine of which "ýHap" Gross supervised the paint. may flot be concerned or affected -. inig of the club house and other On top of this, the ORPA is not buildings and although not quitelrecognizedl by the Departinent of finishied, the fresh paint, a brighitIPlannýing and Develapinint. (Pres- red, adds a certain warmth and un- ent memibers include Oshawa, Whit- ity. It promises ta be quite attract- by, Bowmanville and the townships ive when the job is complete. of Whitby, East Whitby and Danl- The club's bombardier, xepaired CONFERENCE WILL MEET especially for the occasion was red ntime andl put ta goad use AT' KINGSTON on he iiltrnsortingwor crw The Bay o! Quinte Conference of and the ilsrsoingtp a otoi the TUnîitcd Church of Canada will and back ain trougoutote at Quteen's Uniiversity, ýing.! anItLý has he ntrgorsmet fhae inv ston, from May 29 through June 2. ed lins the edoea-up f bei- trly Some 400 delegates are expected, vedinth ceanupfo birý tulywith equal i-epresentation of clergy avaluable piece o! equipmeipt. and Lay delegates. They will rep-__ Wark was also started on clearing and ýburning debtis scattered around Winner of the Watkins Glen tne club grounds ana Grand Prix .two years ago, Sadien ran out, a good portion plans tp enter his two cars in several was completed. Canadian competitions this year and also do saIne racing in the Un- Ti la-jiibi itdSates. H i-nmate, Grant' hsda-pwh r Clark, hias beeni racing for the past thle 1960-61 schedu-le.1 f ive years and in 1960 won th'e Can- then be directed mainly adian acniDivr' sociation maaSki CIlub developm( champianship with f ive victonies -i for th'e camning season. five championship races. bef ore urne of this chore ig to a close Efforts vwill yta the Osh- lent program resnt83,00church members in- an area bounded by Kingston, Brock- ville, Smith Falls, Pemnbroýke, RFen- frew, Pe-terbDoroug-li, Whitby and ILindsay, Hlighlights of the conference will include the annual communion and memnorial service, presidled over by the Rev. Gardon Maxwell, DD, of Peterborough; discussions on chuirch extensions; unity with other church- es; and the Sector Plan af visitation evangelîs'm (shared, by, other de- nojmJinaionis); the devotional add- and PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins Phone Newtonville 4721 Hamiltou 'I luserance Serice Insurance in ail its Branches fAuto, Package and Composite uPolicies , Fire, Farm, Lif e, t OBurglary, Liability, M arine, Accident and Sickness, Wind, o S Boiler, Fidelity Bond, Etc. 11 gI Sadie Hamilton Iîý 0 Phone, Orono 1IR16 fFIRS- -RTGAGE ON resses by the Rev. E. M. Aitken, DEJ' of Hamilton; the ordlination 1» the mninistry of candidate., with the Your Weekly Visitor A visitor arrives regularly each week ini your home, It's that tried and trusted friend, counselor and guide to the family: the weekly newspaper! Always sure of a, cordial wel- corne f ro mevery member of the family circle is '(bis particular sisitor, lle's in- vited to stay over-nighit and through- out the week, It is through this media that messages are conveyed to your home f rom others in the contmunity, Use your newspaper to distrib- ute your messaige, The Orono %WNeekly limes Aci Complete ies At Ski Hill IWhite Washingi iHere'sIw you get ypur free $20 food certificato