- - ~- -~ - -- r - O 110 NO c c ~ o~i a~~ o~~c~c o o~0c~~ P R OT ECT ROSE E USH ES Prrsbhsose se aesubjecýt h may fugi i seet n(es ts[ ~ S' ra i or ling is nea essaryits wkeep hparf of age- dean, and the hae yyour dotor. Orumbrak potea tunus inetn part is to compourid hs pre- [ fHotclue OA.,sas bt - s Ltsar obtainied whlen a1 rtet */ soription prompt!y and. accur- v flm cfspray or du sipren atl.He dePe-l-! nds n s. 0 c»t GOôige we it is mit ~heritr~rr1ram r de. Tis sis be- o narne sprays and dussfor 'oses ar i-U311a-ialbl These are ffecý(tive only if g aulie throuhlyand at, intvi s oit aboutn days thrg ir h g ~~~~~im thomer. e ur te(udesiesoi g~~~~~) ThheeiallsetAC PUmnd heuse o apresur ;ray-c ORONO -'Plu -NE165 fi ou oCAREER TIRAÏINING ________AT A-NY lIME ARE HOLDING 'l isopen il yeoýwar andour I instruct(ion permits you lto i 5DaySchoiCo)urs-es frorn M o ~ay q hi wictocoe 1961, AT g P. M. -fi J EVENING CLASS1ES - ~.~ TUSDAYand THURSDAY IL1N3R >y7:00 toc'9:00 pý.m. NewcastleîTai-na H all-Coc fSbet 1 E[lection of Delegates to Founding Convention Speil lss$fworksi U S PEA KE R i Te-gTyst Donald MacDonald. M.P P. FREE LITERATURE i TOPiC-NEW PARTY PROGRAMgAALBLo Memnbers Note th'e Date and Plan to Attend J 1 iceSre ot EVERVONE WELCOME 73lHA -3375 CLEARANCE 0F LADIES' HATS. 1/3 OFF any of Qur Spring Mats. Many attractive styles- in milan, straw braids and fabrios. Choose f rom a wide variety of colours. LADIES' COTTON IDRESSES A, new shipment of Summer Cottons each week. Corne in and look them over. You'Il be sure to find the style and colour you lime. l-ost of colours ranging from pastel to vivid tLones. Sizes 9 to 241 2. Priced froim......$6,95 to $14,95 LADIES' COTTON BLOUSES Pretty cool Blouses to wear with your sports separates. Tuck-in styles and overblouses, many sleeve[ess. In white or pastel shades. Sizes- 12 tio 20. Priced. from.......$1,95 t-oc $4,95 sN-s.~... 7 LADIES' SKIRTS,-' Full , pleated anci slim Skirts in corcled cotton, arnel, terylelle andi cottoni. All washable. Plain shades and prints. Size 10 tOû 20. Priced from.......$4,95 Yto 0,5 LA-ýDIES' SHIORTS Several styles in JatLmaica Shorts andi short Shorts. Plain shadeS, stripes and nýovelty prîints. Sizes 10 to 42. Priced f rom.........1, 95 to 39 MEN'S OIL-TAN MOCCASINS Sofi, pliable Otan leather Uppers wtth drawstring for a, snug fît. Sturdy CAoutlr soles nake them ideal for indloor and outdoor use. Brown. Suzes 6 te %1 Priced at $4,95 M1EN'ýS RAINCOATS Plastic ainoatvnih handy zippered carrying case. Lghtweight,7 watr-epeleltplati, eneoulycut ýand vwell-tailored. Po)pular fawn- shadhe in si2,es Me! arge and extr a large. Priced at $4,95 Ligbt,uniewam eaeroter in sýpplesde adglove- sectnkip ahers. several syles icudn ato-y Let tie ana Oc- Casin am lp- 7c Famred creýpe soles and ;heels. B a ý and an.Sizes n o !11. Piîcedc froni.......$6, ;5 toS$7,5 Arimstrong' s iien g s Friay candSauca Opeýn Ail Day We-drieýsday 'a -I L02: L ý.iNEWS 1QualityCotlFr Aïr adc o Èw akBila4 B re 'ig"it riO]otlt e eeken[ILIth Whn uer purcae Burlo-ons eov i Xcp w ce a Mr. (Ia'dIMS, Ale rmmond Corit ac hy okfrths hrctr nte ekbfrehre spent t he lon!)ig hldyweekend aji;eves these cultural imetho1(ds are Tnoi ipene!lsS. This tuslil j LaRePlaîd.neeedIo get Ithat quality: cu s18 to; 20 ýdaysa ilter tpig M.and Mr s. W1 1 Cr~a andý faiyspent thLle hl t Trnpln s eal aspossible Picton ith th formers i~oteale helast itrost in May. rpietocoasso 3 Mrs. Tonle Fo)re,,ster0 cspent thJie 40jn) rs.sshave pdried. weekend ithhr ssesEve Mal- ukMr. Maiuske A:îliss Ethl 4 opvey igh, takînlg the itiower Bouc at their summe cttge aoil mi2ortop leaves wheln 7% TeHro eets iosg Lake Baptiste. )o it thelant!sare in] full blooml. ge,ýssy'lu carefulIlyselect aind ge ~ he rguarrnnti eeting Oft See ev~ osprt oujt the best dg-i the-~ ~ ~ ~~~ý pietrt i h rn rdit Ilate ini the season. Do) arfeteobcord'sHefests Union was helWonlMa Ci,3rdlutete job when t1he tobacco is ripe orcbst o handie and bale cgr C)o op Buling. Toif) Mierl rerese- almst ipe forharvest. Remiove Buley _,1leit t about 20%, m-oistuîe tatvesoitthe Oai Crdit0nio 1onY t~lag eith lat grow in lnie quaîýity is pr-eserved better a League were present to explain the teunrnr i h ln.I hs hsrte haa ihrlvl - setting up oit olcinaec nM ce icoevr ag n ~~sue C)Ijlo. l ý,s as' cocied1 o p 1-tougli, as iay h 1appen in some sea- chamse 'an tadding ahn.________________ Brownie,,Newsj «m We opellneourieg, a rown m Imeeting with a' sinigsong aitter which We maHde o0UFairy RMing. WVe oinied 1ourI groups for tÎest woork. WedyèïneKathy iddiýliileton,. j Bnni Bariwjeanneè coers isel( awadMotto tests. ý The Guides then joined uis forý flinig tUp ceremony when Janice Rutherforýd, -Barbarýa Mitchell and Betty W \ýindfsor fiew Up to Guides. W'endy Partiuer anild Jeanette Maarensewaiked up to Guides. We ciosed vith prayer a nid as Raner Lede Enrolled As Captain, The eveing ioit May 23rdwa one wAhicýh the lst Oirono CompanyRag ers wiii neyer forget. Our leader, Mr.Samulel, was officiaily enroiled as Captain and presented with bier warrant by Division Commissioner, Mrs. W. Ruddeli oit Bowmianville. 'Then theRner practiced pro- ceuefor their enrolîment oni June 6th, at which time Marilyn Cohledckwili be presented with ber iieutenant's warrantl. :Mrs. Samuel inivited the Rangers to spend a -oluple of day-,s camnpingý at their, cottage on an isl'and in Stony Lak1e. 1 woudd ike to take' this opportuitiy, on behiaif oft the contpilany, oft thanking MNrs. Samuel for gracîouisly taking tîme from bler "r*vJy wdý,Rangers". Où behaîf oi imyseif and thec Rang- ers, I wý,ould l ike to thiank Mirs. W. Ruddell for bier kind co-operation in, enrolling Mivrs. Samnuel and our-, selves in the near fuiture. S Atite a dielicouis lunch, the Rang-I ers tleparted onily to find tchat ourl guest Mrs. Ruddell lad iocked heri car with the keys lu it. The solution to this unitortunate accident wýýas u-;-ot disciosedi to uis until the foiiowinlgj mornin. Diane Gilbart. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and MIrs. George W. Mvarshall, Cannington, wvishi to announice thle engagemnent of their daughter Joan Elizabeth to MrWi. Armnon*d Rowiand H-ollinigsworýth, Orono. Wýedldinig to take, plac-e SatrdIayý, June .17tbi, 1961 at 2:30 o'clock in Knox Pires- DEATH CROSSELY, Wilbert - At Strath- havenl Nur-silig Homre, ýowmanville on My2t,11 VbrtCurt i' lateMar Hederon.Age 30()years.ï Resting at the Barlow Fuea wil be held rmthe FuerlHome oni Frîday, a y 26th aýt 2 pYn. li- tretOroino Uemletery. CIEDa UC, O roiPstra SUNDAY, MAY 289, 1961 Church lservices Leskard------- 2:00 p.m. Sunday Schiool Kirby --...-.....--11:00 a.my. Leshrd-----1:30 p.in. NAUI 9IN.U FARM BUILDINGS . Any Color INDU STRIAL .. RESIDENTIAL Arnywhere -Anytiime Reaisoflable Rates- Free Estimiates Ail Work andi Materials Guaranteed -1 Write or Phone Collect Modlerr Painting Co. 1- NM tW T Ifm -% e4 10% 1%, Prit e RA 3-4355 11VIk'ON c&~J 1l Ontarlo Street ~ a Ontario 8 Big Days, Thursday, May l8th to Satur., May 27th See the large Sale Buis in the mail to-day. DON'T MISS TIIESE ITEMS- Necklace and Earring Sets, Thr-ee-strand Necklace, assorted colors and matching Waferý-style Ear- rings. Special May Sale ,........... Set 88c Meni's and' Boy's .,. Boy's Athlletic Shrts and Shortsq, 37ic Garment Men's -~ 46e Garmient Tumnblers, 91 2 ounce size, new patterniu, Sale Plrice noWýv only........ ........ 6 for 59e' Pîllow Slips, pair in Cello bag, reg. $1,25 nio-w $1,00 Men's and Boy's Chineo Pants, colors.Bys size . ... $1,81 wahale sore eau,-tiful'ý Nylons, Micromeshl, seamless, 4M0nede 15Denifrstquaity, liited qua1,ntity Regular 77c nw for only.................. 57e Ladiles' Biefs, pinted rzayý,on, band leg and ela-,stic le aetrirnAnl outstanding value MVày Sale ................ 35Cecach or 3 for $1.O0 Ba Rl1OnDeclrat.Special ...............76 e Aeriîd Dooratlrge jar ...................4C LiRONO w5PJ;c. TO $1.OOSTORE NI. N N N N N N N N N N ~~~1 N -N-i N N * N N N --NI N -Ni N N N N 3 -4 ~ N N N 1~,~~ -4- N N N - N N N N N N N N N N -4 N N N N N N N N N "N -i r N N N N N N N N N N N N s N k N Store Opeh M 0 -,C aýy li ýi