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Orono Weekly Times, 25 May 1961, p. 7

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The miost fainous, and moist enmigrnatie, monuinent of Enisj-zh prehistory is Stonehenge - tlie mnassive time-worn stone blouks set in concentric circies - whidli was erected 3,400 years aoon the~ verdant Salisbury Plain. "'Maniy f the rectangular sand- e- tOne blocks (caiied sqrsens) anid the smller bluestones have top- pied by now, but the questions they raise laveu't. Anthropolo- gists and historians stili argue about lthe builders, his;tory, and reasons behin<l tle Stonehenge prajeet. Sorte cite the crema±ted humnaisreinains found buriedýc t h er eas evidence 0. f Sto- henge's use for ritual se~ chers; others pint cut tliat massive tones lhue Up wîth position of the sun at surn1 sltice, suggesting tatS~ henge was a center for sun slby Bronze1 Age Brit1 Beyond tlese 'profound turai questions, there is anor., aelatively ni u n d a n e puz,,iY- -now did tlese primitive people manage tao lug 81 sarsens, ranlg-. Ing UP to 100,000 pounds each, ail the way fromt the nearest aandstone quarry ta the buildîîing site 21 mtiles away bc,"re the benefi.ts of tihe Wheel i-orthe beas5t of burden lad been disý- COv7erCd? In thie current issue etfth-e journal Science, Canadian gea- logist Patrick Arthur 11111 -. t lacks this weighty problim. On a% field trip tIi-ou-gitle Sls bury Plain three years ago. Hill did wrhat the ancient build,-.r muiý.st have doue lu 1500 B.C.: He a.arched for tle easiest and aboirtest course, a.d foun-d one tbat wars downiiili aliltle way sgrtz for ¶entle rise duing As for thse means of transpor-. lotion, Ilfi writes, 7meet cariier Wtudies lave cited a Rcombinia-. lion cf log roiler-s, sledges, 4s 1h. biood, sweat, and tears of aI least 100 men per stane!. li 41uggesta there is an easier w'ay %,han dragglng the tones across th* bai-e slopes - namely, d-raig- g)ing t1cm acros,çthe ice. 4'On ice," Hil sugests"th asrescould have bee, IQýç ýY a comparativeiy amai nui!:-i k;e.n moVe a 2-ton t:skimo koasatlk (sledge), sa 25 men eould move thse largest, 50-tan uarsen. Thse esi combination 0f now and ice for leavy-.duity transportation would be eiýe 3roads' made from packed snow £,y tle repeated passages of m3ledges or by thse sprayimg or spîlling of wiater ., . (With such a surface), ecdl stane could kv. been moved , . . at a slow walkin~g pace, and its total time kin transit could weil have been 1 lîll's. theory hàs one bit Iogic on ii-s side. Winter Môuld bave been a bettêr iline for such labours h a n summer. In the gumxuer, ic local lands would rurely have been working, in Vie f ields and Project Stonie- %renge wouid have, been Justhte thhg ta while away the long wiiter monilis before planting lime rolled around again. sccured o.iy 1,y-aid lime, wich gave against their buoyancy as te93-tnn ship vweïnt dowu. As a traditional saifety pre-. catothe topsaýili was the üld- est canvas in the ship's- Suit - purIposely selected to give way ndrsucli wnç lpssures. It Chiris-topher Shidon bouglit t1 h AibatroSs in 1959 (and r-egis-. terdier undier lie Pnmn ia l.A silrsine.-hle vwas 15, helon -- fow 34 - real1ized bis drea, a saiingprp school. - With fourteu tanagd tu- dlents signed up (t 3 250eh), and with his wife, Dr. Alice Sh :o,'0b, a physician, t wo aller eadensand lhimrself as Cfclty (Shelidon iso hr'ds a %>.IY., lie S'üt sail f"r>m ecr- -jud inOctberfor ani eight- lontli sehool cruise to the Gl- «aOr ~ad~ lnigto tretura no Mysi, Conu., oni May 20. On lis fàteful, final cruise, tli AI-. aàtross carried on11Y one lic-enFed ,.m, George Ptanacik, the ~ook, wlio went down witlitlie ____________________________hip. Shieidon's first rmgte was *.-.~ '~ -one o* lis stùudents, 15-year-.oid RED WAVE -Soviet Foreign WlimButnsn1fp~i Minister ,Andýrel Gromyko waves etMry1 utngo a- on arrival in Geneva for the ife oige [cos Pce. eConfeýrence-.Iftc eslla benri- tered tunder the U.S. fla.- she -wouid haive inee'tddàa iicensed skipper, ate, and an enginejer Traâgedy Lurked In -iic-i wo-uld have sent the A Sauch Tos-ilcost of ope1(ratinig )her (as US. A riime peraors nowrosky Tlie 40-yeaý,r-oild bigantine AI- hgi batross a earing 75 per cenit Shdohisfsad el 'lier Sail, iniuding tcpsalil on ',wh2.t wc l was a sort or lier square-riggedl foremaist. Sbe ap prenti-ce systemn, which las was saling almost due east fi-cm exi'stedl for centuries, mostly in Mexico'sý Yucatan Peni;nsula for Eutrope, wliere b1-oys pay taSaili Nissau, thbe Bahamias, aýnd mak-. and learn the sea. We were actu-. ing perhaps 6 k-nots lu a liglt aily a tutoring service, with up- wVind and gentie sen. If er posi-. prentice seam-en. I did moet think tin the Gulf of Mexico was o l osa asnes u 15 miles west üf the DFy Tor- es ee. $pýa 9 miles çjue Wtýest 0ofXKe'y Whatever the basic cause ;,f pes, i.'. twA.s 9 o'clock lii le tragedy, Sheidon gai no i-e- the mrorniing, and whie ilt- cribminations; le lad supiered hiii nanig fiicked iroim- ominous skies own loss. One of the victimns was and occasionai sain splatted on Dr. Alice Sheldon, his wife. the. teak dezks an-,d steel 1111, 'he reassuring aroma of caokieg What l4app.ned To 'breakfast wafted tôpside, from hs Crw Je ls the. an11, D avid io)John-. Tos Crw Je l? atn,17, wus at thse wheel, with Up eiipper, Çhristopher SIel-. J'on, close Rit hand. Tise AlIba-. ~oswas 5lotp asaon; lieýer crew was almoat entlrely z4ade up of teacersand upik. N, ele2ven persôft Ok- Wh Lhe squal struck, ih struick witli such sudden, savagt fury that there was no tinimet act. It caughit the higs-fiying tapsail full on und tappled thc Aibatrýsa on lier starboard side Like va batîtuli toy, lurling above deck into the sea. HcRr bteel hulf iiled, teAl'batross -,ent dovwn ih 60 seconds. Six of lier compauy weýnt down with lier, .After 24 lours of tossýing uin lifeboats on the stormy GuIf, tIc tlthrteen ,su-rvivors were ses- cued j by a merdhant ship, and îLe grim týIe of iramy and tra-. gedy began ta uinfold. Among the mnore bitter ironies: The survivors owed their !ives ta the fact -htathie Albatross' Wclboats bobbed, up rom tise çinkjng vessel, Tliey lad been Were King John's jewels really lost ln the Wasli? Or were tley recovered and stolen? This 745-. -year-.old mystery may bc solved qny daIR IIQW !fora itvat ? k~1 e1ers believe they have fouud the spot wlere the genis lie buried. Digging is expected ta tart soon near the five-ile causew'ay vilichliinks tle Norfolk village of Walpolle St. Andrew and Long Suitton, lu Southi Lincolnshire. Itj was au this causeway that ,King John's treasure-.iadeu bag-. M a ' train was swampéc.,Dy a ialWaVe, horses and *riders Were dsowned and theCdrown Jeesvanisled. Som'Ye historians cIaim that- the r:oyal lieirloams w ere net last but were reco-vered and stolen. But Dr. G. F. Tagg, an ele--. trical engineer, believes tisat tle treasure is stili t here. He and 'his teamn began searchimg four years ago. Undïsm-ay;ed by false alarma and barren duIies tley worked on. Accordling ta legernd, ee greaites treasuse lies buried lu, tIc bed of the River Busenito, ln RACE DAY AT CHURCHILL DOWNS - This scene, just prior to the r«ace, supme op th* conditione which prevaiied at Churchill Downs Kentucky Derby. Traîner J. A. Price holds on , umbre-loa againlst the downpour ais jockey John Sellers stands beside ultimrate- winner Carry Bock, a E CLAS$IFIED ADVERTISIRO 1iGH l PROFITS, Felling Importa every- ule ieccds. Joicers, Noodie Machines, lvlýagietic Soap) Holder $1.00. Speciali saýmple 50<».Imipor-ters 153 - il St. N.3l. Mudeýic2ine Hat, Alberta. BABY CMICKS BRAY caui give prompt sipment, day- odis "and started, RIRxzCR, RI'RxLS, Paýrks 1P7, Amas Seiles 505 and 424. New sumer pricelist available. Booke à u n e. oly broilers now. Sec local agent, or write graylHa tchery, 120 John North, Hamiltlon, Ont. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SL RESTAUJRANT for sale ln Gowganda. Onit. Bilding 2 storeys, bathroom lup aud downistair-S, bot and cold water, a 'ong21 lots, rstablished business,' retirinig Apply Dl. Lafra-nce, Gowgand&, 0111. BUSINESS OIýPORTUNITIES ATTENTION ! Garage and servi-e sta- tionowrs Limited numlber of asso- clate store dealerships malcapital required. Be competv. Ailtomiart Associate Stores, 195 st. l'aul t.W., St. Cathariues, Ont. AUTOMOTIVE accassories - Olyý $1,. 000 puts you into the blgbly Ilucrative j a-round Automnative Parts wiolesalo usiniess. All service stations, garage, car deaýlers, cigar and drug stores, etc., your cusýtomiers. Details avalable on request. AIl repUies confidential, guar- anteed exclus-ive territory. AIl Part@ Automiotive, Llmited, 1094 Kipling North, Rexdale, Toronto. "EX%,TRA Dollars, from Your Garden". Nevi folio, 60 plana, telli hou,:>1.00. Other biomiemakiers' "bowto" >booles Wvrite Lucernle, Box 133, Stouley Crel, INVESTORS WIANTED. lnterested lu linvesting lui good fast - growing dom-. riualty Commercial, Industrial, Suïbdi- vkiins, Raw and Improved Lands. W'11 arrange admiistration. Write: Frank Joblnson, R. J. Roulis & Co, Ltd.,rtal Estale, 5007 Gactz Ave., Ried Deer, AI- berta. PARTNERSHiIP- CONCRETE ANI) CULVERT CONSTRUCTION BUSINESS In operation pver fouir years .wIiii1n a 75 ilje radius of London. lnterYested In sxpe-rienced concret. man to buy part luterest or operate. Equipinent lm adlecuate and In good condition. Po Y 9 NEWBURY, ONT. NEW SALES CAREE:R AN OPPORTUNITY for tic masn or womain of intelligence, eneýrgy ian honeat ebaracter. This lis apermnanent position and offers on of theie bgiest annual Incomes, lu ainy sales field. We are a well kuovin Sales O)rganidatIon, speclaBlzlng In mutuel funds. Previous Investment or sales experience not necessary- We willtboroughaIy trakin ý ou. Write statlng education, business ackground, age and references or V lone for an appointment to Mr. John . Craig, suite 211. Castle Bldg., 1 Dukre st', Hamilton. Phone JA. 9-24.'12. Sou,,therui- Italy. Within a five-. mile stretch, say experts, Alaric king- of the Goths, was buried sec7retly, with ail the gold and, jewellery lie had accumnulated lu conquerirlg Greece and ltaly.. Having ravaged BRome in 410, he died a year later and was commijtted ta this river - bed grave.' Strictest secrecy Was ob.- served ta ensure that no Romans ransacked his remnains to get ut the treasure. Even the slaves wvho buried himn were afterwý;ard'S killeci. * Now the Lcrici Foun.dation, backýed by p. $100,000 re3earch tundl, has invited praminent scientistS and archaeologistS te recover the treasure, The King of Sw,,eden, h is a keen ar*- chaeolOgcist, is expected ta hielp this ambitious project. Apart fromn these major Pro-. jLets, there is always a possibili-. ty of treasure being unearthed ,whenever new land is plotughed or exavtinsar ade for new bui1ldings. In Britain finders now receive froim the Treasury a cheque based on the article's mar-ket Or bullion value, plus its archaeo-. logical worth. Siilar rules apply behînd thz Iron ilCurtain. luIn .-ungary two mien w orking on a new factorY site near Szony unearthed ani old jug. Pickýing it up, they poured eut R treaun of Roman coins - 118 In ail. The workmien r eceivedc $l50rewvard. How Co" I? By Roberta Lee Q. Slow cati I treat feris that have white specks on the leuIvls .? A, Spray them Vwithi a solution of white ail soap. Be sure that the solutcion reaches ail portions_ of the leafi. COINS PMOTOGRAPNY -NEW!I New!! New'! 3rdi Edition -~ 1961 -"Guide Book 0f Canladiaft Coin". 264 ;pages, 2,000 Illustrations. Latest Ini- creased aftues on ail of Can,-ca a's coins, tokens, and paper money. The most comprehiensive and widely used boobr on this subjeet!! Just released. Price - $19ü5. Regeýncy Coin, 1.53 Rupert Win- 1FARMS MOR SALE .00 ACIRES -- Here is a rekl OPporturi- ity for father and sons, There rire good- houses. <2 new furnaces>. Over 250 acres of levei, loama soil umder cul-. tivation and wIldralined, balane eprtng creek, pasture and miapie bush. AUl apring grain planlted and growing. Aiso soifle beets planted. New cattle barn, 45'.xlOO with sttached silo 14'x40' and vemen, barnyard 60xOOlog pell 3C'1x7' Other barns, Implemient shed, granary, lhen house, double garage,' a11 gflod repafr. Rock w,-11 Water givemi ample .watEr for pressure system. Lo- cted in Lambton county with âchoet one-quarter mile, elevatora one-haif ile. Aan 56,ü00 with gooýd terms,. iloss- Insurance Agelncies, Realtors, 27 Market Sq., Chatham. Phone D. R. ROS9, )ELgin 4-0132, evenings. FARM UQUIMMENT ONE-WAY 4½à foot Case dise plow. Ilike new. Also a pull type four row Cockshutt beet and bean Cultlvator. Ciifford Charltoni, Mriont., 11.R , phone Merlin 33-3-2. SEE us before you deal-for Farm aond Industrial, tractors, loaders, backhoes, Comubines and Balerr. New anle used. Ileconditioned, guaranteed and as-lis. Convenljent ternis and biighest trade-In allowance.a. The Hamilton area% Ilargest dealer. 1-an-son Supply Llmilted, 124 Rijng St. W., Stoney Creelr. Phone L11 9-5917. - FOR SALE-Ê MSELAEU ",DE!STRIOYE"R" for use In outdoor toilets. Rats down to the earth, saves vleaning. Dire-ctions. Thousanida Üsers, coist to coast. Price $'1,10 per can, postpaild. LOG CABIN PRODUCTS, 22York Road, Guelph, Ont. FOR SALEv Dragline - Double drumn, portable mounted, A-I condition comi- pleteiy equipped with Unes, ý,ucket and Chryasler powere'd. ApplY: A14- borough 011i and Gas Çomipany, Wards-. ville, Ontario. WANT soft wiater? The fabulous new portable softener s;oftens even the bard-. est water, $29.00 prepaid, Also svail- axble, portable wvater purifier- end> disagreeable tastes and odours -$29.00 prepaid. Also other lines. Catalogue. TWEDDLE MERCHANDISIMG CC. 3'ERtUS 18ONTARIO "HAll GQODSI" Wiga, Toupeeig, TranFoirsnationt, Switches ïnade froin finest quality hiait. Write forIllustrited catalogue. Toronte Humian Hait Supply Company, 528-T Bathurst Street, Toronto. INSTRucrtIOm rA)RN Mort! Eookkeeping, Saleemeh-. sihip, Shorthaind, Typewriting, etc. Les- sons 50e. Asic for free circular No. @3. Cinadian Correspondence Coursesi, 1290 Bay Street, T*ronto. MOMMY TO LOAN hoec9Rmmteifl, etc. Teestr'4 Pioue, write, rdroxp in. Uîiitêsi Ceuni? bvee-tmntsLià., h4â Bthor5t Lt., coroulo. ERU. #-22M MMOEN RhIM1*Y - EVIRY SIWPIREN 0F RNEUMATIC PAiNS OR >4EURtIls sI4ÔW.OTRY Dixoms REM!DY. MUNRC'S DiRUG STORE #35 ELGIN, OTTAWA $1 .23Exftrosq Cmilecc POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BPANI8H tbe torment of dry eczemna rasies sud %weeping skJn troubles. Post's Eecsma Sale wll not disaPPOint l'eu. tcing, scal1ding sud hurning 1ecze-. mýa, acne; a-ngworsi, pliPles sud foot tecama will re6pond readily to the st.ainlese, odorleas olulmient, regairdessa of iow îtubborn or bopelesm tiey seem. sent Poat Fre en Rece#Pt cf Prise MRICE $3.50 FER JAR POST'S REMIDIES 1865 st. CI1A^venue Ilest, NURSERY PLANTS 20) HOUSE PLANT SLIPS $2.00. glue Hlydrangea $,6 Tropical. 4520 Frances, North Burnaby, Britisb Coloinl. NIJTRIA ATTENTION MURC14ASERS 0F NUTRIA Wben .puirciasing Nulia consider 1h. folilowing points wbacl thus orgaisza- tion offers: 1. Trie beit available utck, no cross- brcd or standard types reconuuended. 2 Tic reputation of e plan whidIh lu Proving Itslf substanitiated by files cf tztlafled rancherG. 3. FoUI insumance againat replace- mient, uhouýld tbey not live or L-11Ibe oyant of terillty (elU fully explained lb our cerificate of mnert-) *4, We give you only~ mutations wbieh ae lu demand for fur armentsý. o. You rtecive f rom tbis organizaition aguaRranteed pelt marlet lu n rting. 6. Memnbersbip luï our e xcl Usi Ve& breeders' associatîi, whereby o$y purchasers of (bis stock 'May partici- pate in lie benefits1 sooffered. 7. Prices for Breeding Stock start at. $200. a Pair. Spedial offer- to those wbo qualify: eamu yo.ur Nutria on Our cooPerative basis, Write: Canadien Nutria Ltd., R..Ne. 2, stouf#vilie, Ontario. OPPORTUNITIES FOR ME-N AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity LeamuHirrsan Pleasant, dignified profession; good wvages. Thousands of successful Marve, Graduates. America's Grealeat System 11lustrated Catalogue Free Write or CARl MARVE'L HAIRDRESSINGIu CHOOL 3508SBsr St. W,,TrOntO Branches: 44 Kýjýin St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PI RSONAL HYOIENIC RIJIBER GOODS TESTED, guaranteed, mailed lu plaink ýïace -lcluding catalogueasud sex bool fie wth trial assortuien1t. 18 for *1.(F-ineat qalt)Western Olitrîbu-. tce ox 24-.PF, Regi1# stsk. u FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, -GALT, qNT. F-ilmns developed and 8 magna prints 40<, 32 magna prints 60ç Reprnts 34ssciý. KODACOLOR DeveloPing roll W0<(flot includinr prints). Color prints 30< ea'ch extriF, Ansco and Ektachromie 35 rrlnm- 20' eiï posuires mounted In alides $ýI.20 -Coloi I.Printsa in slidks 32< each. Money roî. funded in full for uniprinted negativegs. POMMES FOR SALÉ SHETLàAND onjea for sale, grade en registered manres and eliions and cbhild's Pontes. Bridgewood Fl'amis, Woodbridge, R.R. No. 1. ATlas 3-0713.' PROPERTIES IFOR SALE HUNTSVILLE ares; 9 zacs, smial house,½-12mlile fro illaegood rOad, open Winter, Close io lakeS. BOX 12, Sprucedale P.O, Ont. 1e ACRES mixmed fruit and nuts, oil Main Hligbway between Vin'eland ana Hamilton, Large House. Levi Housser, B3eamaiville, Ontario. 1115 ACRES dlay. Parry Sound district, lake shore, imaple bush, large boijse, suitable for resort developiient or farm or bath. F. Jenkins, Box, 39, Mag-. netawan, Ont. STAMPS IER, 60 dJifferent stampipnincludes Br. Col., U.S.A., foreignl, to) collectors re-. î ueting approvas. "R bis," 132% loosr \V, Toronto 1, ontarlo. SUMMER RESORTS [,OR complete information on summre? vacation in'lu uaoka, '.xrite for fret colour folder. l'aighton Hous, RR 7, 'Port Carling, or phione RO. 5-3155, M1usicoka. REMOTE, prlvate camip on Tomilie Lake, 36 miles fromi Northl7 ay; excel- lent fishilng or f amly vaca.tion cabinit and mneala, bousekeepiiig c 0 t t a g e 8, boats, motors, etc., ai lovest rates. For further Information write M'ýoose Point, Lodge, Crystal FllOnt. HUNT - FISH - RELAX LOST LAKE CAMP ;V2 miles wvest of New Lisakeard on Ne. Il hwy., near Gowganda, Ont. Walleyas, N. Piles, Speckled Trout, L. Trout, Blk. ,as. Bear huntig sprIng &f ail. Mioose hunting Oct. 1 ta October Il. Ûlrds, Ducles & 7'artridg. H37ousekýeeplng cot- tages or Amieriesu plaân. For f il linfor- mation. wvrite, FRANK & jAýNieIowEN 91W Laies. Ont. Tel: 311 TEACI4IRS WANTEC QUALIFIED teachier for rural sehiool. enrolment 23. Apply s3tatlng salary ex- pected, queliflcationasud iélsat inspec-. t or ta Mms. Herb. Smnith, Sec.-Treas, R..1, Graften, Onit. Our Lady Inimaculate Sch ool STRATHROY Yeurs2teachers-. Dtites to doni- mande September 5. Grades 2 to t, Moder n iew i rooni chool. Repl-St&ttinýg qaiictosalaJry cx3- peected and names of iaat Inspector ta MBi. P. F. FLYNN SrCRETARY.TREASURFU STRATRROY SEPARATE SCHOOL 30ARD BU NO. i KERWOOD 2 TEACHERS REQUIRED FOR LAKEHEAD T.S.A. of Conmnee requires 2 teachera eor junior and senior roomns, onp to qualify as principal. 'A puipils par clasa- noom. Modern scbool, on Trans-Canada 3ighwavky 25 miles west Of Fort, Wil- Bairn. Salary, $2,400, minimum. Apply. ntating age, qualificationsansd expert-. eceste Mrs. n awelSee.-Trease., Kakabek'a Fals,, Ontario. TRADE SCH04DLS Heavy Equlpmnent operators AEin, demand for Butlldozerq, Scra-. ers, Graiders, Cr-anles, Drag3lnes and4 eoves. If voit qu'aiifY, you wiflbb trained by top inistructors r1gbt on th& equlpmnent. Doni't delay-linqulre Now. Write - including address and plions inmnber. Nationlal school of Hleavy Equipint Operations, Dept. Hl, 2313A Yonge Street, Toronto 12, Ontarlo. .TRAVEL TRAILERS ,ýHA,1STA TRAILERS, more peopflebu HSAthan anly othier Travel Trailer. WERNER TRAILER SALES, SELKIRKI, ONT7., UaR 2, PHONE 776.2373 SELIURIC ISSUE 21 - 16 WELL-TO-DO LONDON OFFERS YOU Th@ best investment opportun;- ise in selected upartment and commercîilbuildings and fifat and second meortgagts. For f re* brochure and information, cal1, viiit or write: ýRICHARDS NEILANDS LTD. Reoltors GE. -4-2169 360 KING STREET, LONOON 1 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N -'I 'I N N N N N N N N N N - N N N - N 'N N. N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N "s N N N N N N 1 s N N N 's 's 's 's 's s- s N s, s, N N N N 's s N -s N

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