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Orono Weekly Times, 25 May 1961, p. 8

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- 4, f ORONOWEEKLY TIMES Estblih"diii 1938 R. A.Forrester Roy C. Frrester ý-- Edi"tor> and M,\anaýger Subso '-,ription payable in adlvance In Cnaa71.50lunU.S.A, $2.50 Publishied every Thursdlay at the office of publication Activity at the rew MIosporýt Race Track and hin the iimme- diate area is now at a high pitch. Both Mosport and the Township of Clarke are preparing condcitions to receive the large erowds who wilbe attendling the varius ns slated for the trac-k this :year. One of the first is staged for Saturday, June 3rd when a Sports Car club from thile Oakville area w11 be holding a mneet on the track. 11t is understoodi thait fromn this date on the track will be in Lise practically v er-y week with a number of events 'being large promotions with top drivers of the worîdl competing. It is quite likely that this new devlopment in Clarke will eXpand fa)r beyond our realization. 'lhle track hias beýen paved and a fence is niow being erected aroundi it. Refreshment b),ooths are also being conistructedl for 'the open)ing dlay . The Towshp-f larke is busyv preparing roads into the Track area and hv set a1side a sumi of $15,000.00 in their road appropriia,-tli for- th!is projýci. This amount is expected to 1recon- struct the r oad so>uth from New Park School and lalso \ w7est along the tp of Mosport to Daringi-ton.. This willl fot includle any paving this ya but is expectedt to bring the roadis into serviceable condi- tion. This program is one which can g-row as does MNosport over the next few years. The Reevýe of Clark at the last regular mneet- ing înformed his counicil thatMot wa)s quite satisfied with 'the development of roads into the new Track. One phase of this deeopetla the north-we(st 0f thie Towvnshipwhc possibly is being -ovedllooked or Jet slide is that of restrictions te delopmenit around the Mosport project. Interest is certainly being shown by others in taking advantage of the Mosportdvpnt to tconsidier placing othier seric-(es in thie immediate area. Such developmrent should be of a permanent na- ture and not one on a teýmporary-, basis. The setting of tilis area a- round Mlosport as a planning atrea should be completed now in or:- der that developmrent may be dlirected to the advantage of every- one eoncerned. It would be too late to~ bring in restrictions after undesirable dlevelopment has been edgecl iuto the area. c OMING EVENT FOR SALE PLANTS FOR SALE Ciono United Church Smuay, Baby Cariage, pale' blue and Ail kids of annual box plants, Shool Anniversay Service on Sun- white with mattress. AIl in perfect floesadvetbsfosl. Isday, Amay 2S at 11:00 aam. Ar. Ri--conition and dlean., Used Donly for Open 5:45 daily and al day l ardc Morton will be the speaker. The one child. Seli reasonable. Saturday. 'A Orono Band will be in attendance. MIrs. Roy Tennant, phone 2212, W. J. Leamen, Stajtionj St., Oronio. 1a-cOoo - Phone The Orono Horticultural Societyý1 CAR RADIO FOR SALE PLANT- OR AE2:0( are holding a Spring Flowýer Showl For Mruyor Fodias ail thie Byy o lnseryti in connection Wîvth their meetiUng on attachments, reasona 1ble. Phene 1191 spring.-- We have a large variety of Thursday evening, Mfay 25tlh. The1 Orono.a- annual and perennial plants. Tom- Junior Gardener's ClLub is mneeting atoesH the same nîght at 7 o'clock and bothl TEN DFRS WANTE0 aD s$1.50 a hundred. meetings are being held in the Odd- ByCareTwnhp wol ra rplao pheC.d Moy - fellow's .,iarw, for. sale f siten and buildingýs Foe and PLlnt grower, 1828, O)r- fellws MIL e fAccg10io, 2Miles east of Twin COaks_ýNMo- The follurdng is a list of the en- rite 2o1lwî gseol tel. tries that ebr of the society No21nCncson6 17 C, Phi are invited to exhibit in: N.173nC~e n2 1. Dinînog table arrangemient of No. ,ý13 nCunyra Spring floxvers net over 10 inches possinm in height. Prizes: 1st a Rose Bush, ,Polssesso n omeio donated by Brookdale KingsvwayKndlSeol -Nurseries. j3owmnanville; 2nd 75c; IHgeto n edrn j3r,50c.sarily accepted- Murd'ni SOc.'l -2. Modernistie arrangement, - aMust e eaotllrled ark-Jd lipspredminaing s-tprize Roseadreivdntatrhn B'ush, dlonated by Brookdale Nurser- 91 vtesceay les; 2nd 75ù; 3rd 50je. Mrs. Violet Giliner, I 3 B.±etarrngmet jNewvtonllIe, ontarloi. ALUMINL>M WINDOWS, DOORS 3.Buft przemose usinig daf see your local deafler for your- fodils Iipiz oeBush donated RECEPTION IAluinum WiindwDorAn byBrookduale Nurse-ries; 2nd 75c;p Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Taylor ings, Railngs, Sectional Garage 3s, Ae. î be happy to receive tHeir ela- Door, ssurie Windows. Cal -1. Best Tuîip, any colour. lst tives and frienids althme Oddcfeîlow ,s' BEL AI R ALIJMINU M prize 70cq 2nd prize 5W03d, 35e. HallOrno, on Saturday, June 3rd Phone Orono r15 13 d-p 5. Best Daffodil or Nlarcissus, lst fromi 3:00 te 5:00 and 7:00 to 9:00 75c; 2nd; 50c; 3rd, 3.5e. p. 01onthe occasion of tei)rlry-_ TRAVEL TRAILER FOR RENT The Junior Gardeners will also fith eddcinigAniversar'y. MY2e .15 foos_ s pt , opetely have a chance te show t heir talent --À-KINFAR- slcnane .1 uple ît la the following classes and sust be ROLNFi1sefan done by the child: Thiere Ws to be entertalament and cýounter-balaiice hitel. Sei, A., ea 1. Dining table arrangement, not itemns of interest fEveryo....e atien. Phone 14816 Orono. If over 10 indhes highi. lst prize 7j5e; -Ii(Brýookîla Spring 9air being held LIEGADWNE 2nd- prize Soc; 3rd pins 35C. on, Saturday, June 3rd. Light and IEGADWNE 2. A special prize ill be award- heavy horses, beef and da9r catti For Orono Swiming Pool ed for- a imiiature arrangement, us- harness racinig, old tymne fiddlers, Pro iha es oa ie*, ing r'eal flowver'S, nItOZver 4 inches giant parade and ban4, All road sSavihg Society Bilonze MeIdallion, hih.lead to Brokî'lali on June 3rd. noit les ian 16 yearjs of age. - high i Aplication-s will be received by 7 'K, 27st. b- P- o1bab1y ixost of them / Experienced travellers have learned that a chartered bank can add greatly to the enjoyment and contentment of travelling. Here you can get answers to currency questions, leave valuables in safekeeping, obl;ain letters of introduction. Travellers Cheques are ideal for day-to-day expenses. For larger sums, you may prefer a Letter of Credit, or arrange to have funds forwarded to youfA charter-ed lank has many ways of caring for your travel needs. See your local bank before you go. THE CH-ARTERED PANKS SERVING YQUR COMMLJNITY HELP VWANTED FemalïHelpand Bys 13 t 8 wan ntedforsearllngDereshents atr Msort mPark. Plsinudte- phoe me r ",stin aplicat win.sle Ail rýDepies to Bl,:ox 300, Orno tony TiMesOrno Ot. e- DOUGLAS SiMPSO Orono - Phone 141ý Furniture Finishied & Re PapehangngWoocilw Pa'inting - lnterThOr & Ex S TAFFR BR'. Phoei- WVhïtby 552 318 OUndaS St. E., Wh FINE QUALITY MONUME-NTS ANI MARKERS Let us erect a haridsorr kified monument over fth ing plarce of your lovea I!Vs not expensive. Anld this IaSt tribute wiiI 9 you endiess comfori A. F. MeKENZIR, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SUR'ý,YON Office Hours 00 to 4:00 p.m. 7:00 to 8:00 pnu Saturdays and Wzdnesdays by appointmeflts only IONE 1471 OROMO DR. R. J. TAGGART VèETERINARY SURGEON hone 10616 Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones. ffice MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-5553 W. KAY ,LYCETT, B.A. .Rarrister-Soitr In the Offices of R. R. Wa,.dell Q.C. MANSTl, GRO)NO Lyceftt's Ipeuravn-ce Office POFFC BoM6AIrNSTPhone 21 Nhn 12516_______7l 3 ~ JACK IREID finished ,rkingAuctioneer and Valùator ~teiorSpecialize, in Farm and Furnifture Sales 'OS. Consuit ime for ternis 1 and dates p 1hone 5 r 18 - Orun0 Miy Auctioneer -and Valuiator ne, dig- 11 e rest- 1 Condlucts Auction SýAles of A i s I elles. and at reasonable rats seeig Communicate with hlm at Port Penry, ive Ontarj- - Monuments and Fainily IMemorials Our quality anld service leaves nothing to be dlesired Ask the person who bought f rom us- a neighbour., frienci or relative The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontarlo Street PORT HOPE "Largest Display in ESouthiern Ontario- Ororio Electric PHONE 129 ~ ~ GO NTR~ACTORS Fý)R 'I1!fIrr ~F'ARM land IROUSE ~jWALTERt FRANK WIRING p Free Estimates MOcQUAY and KIDDAPLNESLS ti RELTORSPrompt and Guaranteed Repairs 177 Church St, At ' ýiKifds of Eîectrica. qf*&i Bowmanvîile MA. 3-3393 and AprlIan% o r-ias NMotors W.%iv', ~ r Oreno, Ont. Building a lieuse? or rprmodelIing your pt'esent one then contact Floyd Nicholson' Phone 2191. Orono

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