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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Jun 1961, p. 1

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s ime 22, Numiber- 12 Thur-sday, Jine 1st, 1961, Orono, Ontario Authorizedl as Second Class mail, Post Office Department, Ottaw& Subseription in Canada $1.50; in US, $2.5G- Showing-By Junior Gai Ou Thurs Ia He 25th, Itiie !meetuug ct the ýJunior Garde Club was !heldIn U Od Plans were rý,s4-ussed for a p kIo be lih-.ic on Juie lt in the eno Park bng;iiinung at 2:00l lEadU childl is te bring his Junch. A large giroup )o! chli from the Oshawa Club wvil bc îIickingO here aise. The chilren ýplanning gai we're given: tomato a 'nd Plants; carrot ani beet Seedis; niia and calenddiai seeds and gla 4blhas. The garden must be 10 c4 the equivalentL andi must be1 ied anr! taken canie o! by thee 'Other seeds or plants may be a or the equivalent and must be - system wËilb user! in the judg Growtli and hlial-th o! plants Neatness Plantugcring te pla-n Effort te make ganden plot S attractive in order that the person judi the garilets 'will be able t- o them), each ichid was requeste bring to the -plcutr. a note, sta *liether -ils garden is locate( home or elsewhene, and, if se, address o! the location. Sumn-er I4ogram Being itiitatjioiiReccliye4 To TrListeesTo PUrchase rcle n m bers """'ý" lt: à I rci LL>JIUi UJIilpJ1'Llu ulttaIt W IILo at TheClakeTownship Recreation Drama- FestivalWl L c to Committee are now planning a sum-'kI_______________ mer park programme for pre-_sehoo rvnilOeat s rn oieTute 1 1 ogoFai i.uin Z~n 6 ~~ ~ week lby the chairman ci the Orono play gro-uping. Monday nighit with al eýbr low fork, story tine, games and play-'lDrama Festival, Mrsrts Eee Samu&I, Art A ýj1 ime i bein arraged. he winer etry 'n theloca Theontara Feotvalproj bctsldandec actioncti takene T leComissin i sekinWan estval o tke art in the Ontario on the week of October 9th in Harto ~e~ A r t A ~ A t i ~ C a s im C o mmb i s s ior r n g i e n g a n d o l A t W n e e t ytFt e î ~ h n i es t i v allw i l b e h e l d r e s n , w e e o t O r -a d u t W m a f o t h te c h n g n d n e a c t Pt h e ti al. HFe sti v a l T o d ate t e e f g r o s h v en t e r e In xhitîa tsupervising of the eblîdren as weIl This ay Fh nri estiva.a- . ose UnierstyoTroushv nt ed The chairman stated that lie had Cotmitee asbeen enthusiasticaily the Or'ono Festival whi-h wl e, only received one price for painting as tvoschool grst apao h oimte isrking lnso h rnýMi [aidrenan help with teprogramr., received and notiffication is beung held ini the TownhpHalSp Sn-treet in the Business Sec- 11C Durhiam nIii hCeetntrgal ous il oen o hoe repswh mybebe 2,S9cnd Oh hesegop s ioLTispictCntaeAriulionSo.b 'O lT3hamisrvdig rrne-enern i te rsn Fstvl n rete îcern Twnhi itieasq7t5.t l ciety>ý held their May m;eeting in Or, mnwith the Orono R ed Cross c-an SeptemnbeIr. It also points out the I Theatre, Bowmanville Drama Work- 00 ad s sBittne Ony mtow n~ ono on Tuesday evening at the be worked out sto those wishung to fact that the Orono Festival is now I shop and the Lindsay Little Theatre Bugs1 fBwavil.O oin idlns' Towvn Hall. Mr. A. L. Blanchard take simn instruction miay do* bein,, recognlized by the Ontario The Orono Festival . is sponsored by of L. Lowery anid R. Forrester the aste wecmdM. usl-ocrn sSOwtotmssing the regular ac- Festival Committee and i capable, the Durham Central Agricultural cnrc opitteue nlt te ,eIoelMr usllCcrnea oV*1hU street was awardedl to the Bowmi-au- zin- 1a newý Directrad~toue l vte as well as their dinner hour. of picking a winner to compete for Society. vlefim a(dioh4 to the members. Mr. Don Staples So far no price hias been set for, rxio'psentted thie prize hlist for the Art thie summer programi but will be i ~ ~ R. Forrester also infornied th8- plnCroup whlch is to bc e w feature ýcepta reasonable psiossible. Trustees ti-at the option for the -hild. rexbtoshi yarAiAt Registration will take place at Ne iarty, a e D o ld C idded Groups iii the Area will receive an "the Mu-nicipal Building on June 9th Village where it \vâs establisheld plan- invitation from the Society to par- Lirn 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. This is toben- l',a ue w rent 1 py fweforl ring t"inat inthis year's competition's able the committee to plan îîhe M htsficetspluoyae e and a First Prize only wîll be award- go! materials and to set thée cost {be Up a few ýdays ýbefore the fif- 4ed to the winner in each of six cat-pe chiîd for the mnorning period. Th Dra RdngAsctin peatoageerubro!e- teenth of June. On motiont of G, egories. The Direotors are also in- 1- - e- -o TheCe D rat i C som tonalth pelt rae ubro e-SmsnadL oey r ,- rdc> a xii o niu The suecess of this venturede ,0 toduing u ehibt ofAntqueof te C-opratie Cmmowealh Pe. Lycett is to' be authorized te -xerk 15 ~ ~ ~ I avls udyatrenl Orolnodste othersupptort a Wich tersFederation held an open meeting 0f Mr. McDonald discussed the newlf ise this option and obtain the site ,lylas Sudayaftrrion n Oonots xembers to w~hich the public party's need and - showved wh3 a,'for the Police Village. The property Community Park and created a cd eeivtdI ia oadM-anniot .suced. Children from Or- 1e nvter eha Dnl c party !ormni n the way the New is ownd by-Mr. and Mrs. L. McGee. ,5 ceatdealof nterst.oio, eskar Kirby, Kendal, Newv Donald M.P.P., the provincial leader Party is being formed, should have The chairman reporter! that tee tovil retdao!ntrt.and area wil be- warnly o h htwie pelt pol. he weîcomed. The summer activities fthe C.C.F. The- purpose ieta ie ppaopol. hc maple trees hacl been planter! in the 100 Each year at this time a Work for the pre-school chldren wuill comi. tneting was to appoint delegates is as lie put it "The vital necessity Village, aise that a new roof had jBee is lield at the Fair Grounds nell on July 3rd and continue un- [for the founding convention o! the in a polititcal party's success." He been- placed on the fire hall and gigandr this year is to be no exception. b i Jul 28th. New Party. The local association is claimier that agriculture, because it that the pienie tables~ were nearing oeate Along with the usual spring clean-up allowed three -on basis o! its nem- hdfhe elu la 9 c9a completion. The latter are being -d 1~ rear r ob aet U l T he Orono Athletie Association brhp ins et rn;Ms tionJl segment o! Canadiait Society huilt for the Orono Park Board whr& tigan d the Orono Band, ditches are to ar hsyersoso gadfinan-ISyr! Burgess, Courtice and Mr. E. ta h aie ol id o5kwill foo the bill. Both the new roof Id at f-ormi user! by thle Square Dancers cn erainl ietrfrteLonsberry o! Port H-ope wvere select- political ties witlio o~h rgai7o-andtetbe ;e liil o be' leveileil, fenors to be repairer! two summer months at the park. led. Two-otliers were selecter! as ob- lions in order to protect itsèlf. He stubsidy untier the wirnters work ini- the i ec Thsrqieth epoaiMiss Mary Lynn Bailey, who lias sres pointer! to the F-rm M4arketing leg-lcénitive plan. great m-any people- so please mark' taken a course ia this type o! work isiatien iu Ontario as a restriction] t %tvas reporter! tlat the watel this date on Your calenidar, E D- and will duriug the day organize Ini his open'ing remarks Mr. Dent, agaunst the operations o! fanm mar- syntem in the Division Street Sub. co- E AY J E T1,ad om -amnes and crafts for ail age groups whe chaired the meeting suggested ketig agencies, prevextiug, lie said division wolie nc oltnplete.-d before ning to the Fair Grounds and heip. as scheduled for each particular ch-at il was a jjuagox te note thiat 'Coll-ective bargauuhng by the farm- the end! Oft-'he moyth andi that this day. The program will open on July hie CCF whicli was bon e ut of Pov- er.' being the 'Uaf 31 costs 'o! la-~ tl at. 3rd and run each day for 9 la the erty of farmer and o! unemploy- orWuý ol ne h itr 1raînt Wednesday May 30h the Pres. morning until possibly four iii the mnt o! the ear1ty thirties, shoud in- The guest speaker promised that boukrwouldr-a and b te uwiiers MeeýNr. Oeo. Carsoti, M1Vr. C. W. Billings afternon.u The sehedule o! play per- the shuilar situationt of toda$1 beo-i tep-tygt u.pwrt w i r77ý%p ,nt. h~b biie dren1 Mr. C. Tainblyn, Mr. J. C. Gamey loids and cra!ts wfll bc ul ledskin tts place ithe Canadilan pass a bill that wou4l guarantee ev- . Simp ata (rX - vill bclie lnding Distrc ulpri otemnn dt n h o{im rn'n liedta ale ------------------------intO toav'e 'part 6 In the '-iniatr' categrD. tithy Dui -- wo.4e ièà ý7e O0rono -vM<&r IClled In'Àuto Revive1 prize -went to Edward Weodyard and ,4 Thirty-fîve antiluated au>xoo thir toJ'u~e ch~ld. ~ ~ ""' o~Oroo Ws!biles gatherer! at a rallý lu the (Or-j Mr. Albert Pollard o rn a ono Community Park~ on Stunday afternoon and drew mucl attention The Senilar winners o! the *Dun- instantly Iilec on Wednesday night from th- many who were at the ing Table' competitien were: first, wlieu his car', a Morris, which he time visiting lu the park. Tihis groupi Shanon Allin; second, Doretta Chai-ý was driviug was r!emolished by a o! autos were from Oroho,, Port iUird. Janice Rutherford.-Inu gravel truck on Highway 115 atfHope, Cobourg, Pîcýkerhîg, Lindsay, theý Junior Group the first prize Deýan's Corners, south o! Orono. 1 Whitby, Bowmanville, Jauetville, wvent to Julie Schinid with Chris1 Pontypool, Georgetown, Omemnee Jor.genseu seconr! and Bill Caldwell, M.Pol-lnd was the fatUýer Of Mrs.1 and Willowdale. Duriug the course' thid.I Everett Brown, and Mrs. Ken Neal,'o! the aternoon the group wenti both o! Orono and Mrs. Wm. Lake throuýgh a number o! tests aur! con-i tests an-r!also matie a tour o! the Mr3. F. Ta.mblyn an-r Mrs. -E.! o! Newcastle. Mr. Pollard lias, for, Forestry aur!the Village. Hlamm assister! Mrs. Van H{orne inlui e past number o! years iver! withi judgiug the- childrens' arrange- Mrýls. E. Browý,n aur! Mis. K. Neal. The age o! the cars ranger!' front -(ncýý-3.11903 to 1934 and tliey were ail in. e$31950 it belng iew fire- ,he local ;oeiation~ runing oondition. TM in'h iriaflywasa 19«X Cadillac and it puttý goodi as the day it wi This partculr a~'Cr nec attention andI was in dition comiplete with brass fittiugs and heý second oldest auto was which is owned by R< Orono. Although this voted dowti. lj in connection %With Incorporation fThe speaker said Premier Frost i the Trustees~ agreed tliat ~the pet!- -should give "iniediate assuraiiel tions shouxl be sent into 'the Muni-~ tthat his government will brin- in a cipal Board and tTa~t the request be Bill of Righits at the next session of made to Incorporate the Aréa so des- legsitue.The failure of the five cribed as the Village of Orono. R. f Progressive Conservative Govern- Forrester reported that over three ments in Canada to introduce such, hundrred names lhad alreardy beeil l egislation at the earliest possible signed on the petitions evhich were (continued page 2) being circulated. Spring aFliwers Jaudged ____________________________________________________________ The cars W1Ù.-en touring the Villagea lu a caravan were certaluly a siglit I o see aur! rele ler!teadvancè- à tH r i u t r lMe rete-roorougn )Wlmmners No Be mes miade in thmod!e o! travel AH riutrlM e 'Most o! the cars ou display on -The meeting o! the Orono Hoti-' brother; 2n1d, Mrs. Carl Biiings;, g unday wene owned by ntembers o! cultur~al Society was heir! on Thurs-, 3rr!, Mrs. Don Staples. Featu red A t Owro no Pool O poenin :the Antique Automobiles of Amei- Isay, eveninig May 25th lu tiUe Od- Buffet arrangemnent, daffodils or eau, Ontario Region. Mn. Ross El-! fellow's . Hall with approximeateîy narcissus pnedominatîng-: lst Mrs. _____________________ -- iott o! Port Hope, the Regional 6Q illmners present. The president,'- Fairbrothier. 2ud Mrs. S. B. Ruther- 1Te Orono Communi ty Park Board gve bothi a tag, tl-at IïLstens ounlite The pool committee %vas author- director was present to assist witU Joihn Cald!well, welcomed those pres- fîrd. ~~~~~re ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , inigtwr h iala-btigsieau!as aktl izer! to have the dint areas anounidItle day being assister! ky Mn. Ken eut and couducter!ftic- business parti Best Tulip: lst Mns. Raymond rangem-e-ents for the (opening o! their vihich to place their clothing. TUe!ithe pool sodded as soon as possible.Aam asoaircro!te u-!temein.H sat!tatteCpan2n Ms.HbMuay ne wmln po tteOon aktis trr uarack ait tUe i Onle written applicatin asnetaio Region. executive wene disaýppoiter! lunnot 3d n.DnSals ar.The officiai o-penling o! tUe! ipool aur! can b e claimier! when tUire v.'ythe Board fortepsto ih asl U rally lwere own- havinig a speaker as Mrs enLn inre U uk rww~ pool wVill 'he heir! oni Fniday, June taig is returnrer! a!ter swimi-nîing. f4e Gulard Iatftie pool this Sumliii by Oronio resîiensbig enHriutna ititRepresenita- r. Freemian Edr!y. Lucy cup pnize- 23dwhen the lrenown-ed tPeterb,)oeTistater!MMn Eilbeck, safe-guards'm T. iss Margery Tyeli as ac liAas a 1904 Dunrea alr! a 1913 rive, was to have beeni present but1 wýas won y 1Mr.Carl Billings. TUey u. ummers Vwill mrafke anpl aaceaa nns clthel ar! aluble beceper!fortUepostio toloo afen ord Bod Woda Frd ode A ue o uforeencinumsancs ws htU ecever bas o fetilzer S4~or t-iteir skill Pand 1intn.i- ing taken aurcertaily aardd to btl- thesa!ety during tUie for-ty-twe 1931; Lawnenice Shienwinj. a 1 930) unýable to attend atj-tUe las inte.lDu Ill te ibusiness, eto.a ~teroties.TU Bardli-rids- erreLatiehp wtlhepbicsieurs that it wili 1beopen cdunînig Moe-A Ford; BruLceIMyleS a 1931 Mrs.Rsseli Van Hem ,of htbnaeo! the District meeting i terappearanc-«_e ilur. o sa ëio I ing tUhe puooL. tuesumnmen. Arranigement aeaeWihS; i Toila 1934 Chiev; was Ithe veny ,-capable judge o! tile Ptroegio uelt. gs mer ousQue.- Ato be made to provide for tUle PP- Oliver Knapp a 1927 Chev aurnd e loe entnies aur! explainler!terto is atl21p.11. dininer atSt moio as passed atitUle meet- c cretaking o! tUe('pool aur! 'kee- Mor a134Chv. ono Jite eson for, lier dCIsoslavey1PusCurU$5.M.JhGlr- nModyeeiigtepar n loigs~t to e eter thein, i danduing ItUe sumlmer. Tt !argest nty iitUe rally o! aniy initenesting imann'ien. s leteird The execuLti e o! T, noi t etespeakUr Boar ni-t wU Mn Jact Eibeckçjf oolanea !ree of! charge but these wais pointer!01out that tUe pooîll ete WaÎcr lae!wtt h nneA11u neetr iigigi o tU CntuntyBrn~ o te ro secatrsmnst rem-ain iluItle sit- haveto bevcumdevery day and A heprytecaswreo ds s - as ted st hear orSpingcnattUsentry.r.Cr vincal mntil-e ellate tntre roi0! ttU th en' cilorine content tester. playfor ceverynnie to see. Also the Flower -Show. IBllgbefore Juinc 3rd. outintlt1~patof !tepo u! ilnth lex'r eueVe Plans for, the offic>,iiopeniug are i-Iib mmbrsunderwent a test of -Mn. Carl Billiugs, on beluial!o! emes were presenit ait tue '~~ Ue~tlueswhclthui e a anobur! >te 1)00l. 1movýý\ing alonig aur! tlieBoa1rd are c'x- kl udiigar lo cne!te otiutrlScey hne!meigrcie!their premniumrs r(ilo -týlsi 'caKse of oper- A letter was also ec ilb U pec ting ani]ntfenestirugeein no!serluw t is known as a po- M&Van Horme for ceing to b h-snhnusaur! ariy wmntber a i-naur a su e conduot at tUe pool B1oa,,rd requesting thait tliey-ive' Lune 213rr!. It is eeer! that110 tie ; tat rce.ou judg-e. 0wU5r dint are nequlester!(to cali o f cnsieraionto eviungther rtespoo wi lielybe penr! or se is undenstoor! that a number o! The prize wiinuens are as !ollows: ithýem ut Mn.C. BilliugsbfreJ TU poc Dure ! aditiuig SWvi-i- ItontUeuseo! tUol,,I aur! especia- wekPrier,'to0this date. It was aise thiese cars wl eat .aniother ralby For diiugi table arrangemlent o! 3n'd, asthelse le{t are to be put irn rite-rs %itila ug -aur! basket îlu whicb l IS[lucsiening an aduitsasns oontr ut at the meeting that tebighi!a rewo aknx pigFees s nzMs theHotctuabds to utThir lohe ar! elngng tike. UeBoard oe!tata r oadwudbe rud$160().00 - Sundayiý. TUie local area iii lir Peter de Vos; 2nd, Mrs. Hanoîr! Cob- Mrs. Fred Yeo was pianist fer tUe va outluier!aur! tUie Board hav'e,'d e-, Lit season tilcket be issuer! at a price sh1ort o! funds wlien the pool is com. two funtheri rallies later this year lcedick; 3rr!, Mrs. Everett Couvier. evcuiing aur!tthe meeting dloser! with eie!to foliow l-itU nomendations'cdo!K$3.fff. This, like the other season pieter! and ait necessary supplies oh- 'niedwt acnoreerl u Amd1isi ragmnt uisGr ave the Queen, a!ter wliich A eso ln wmun viie iceswîlnt evliio Snas.Itinr.Septemiber. i predominating- : lst Mrs. T. -Fuir- l1unch aur! a social timie was enjoyed., k, 'N 'N s, 'N s 'N N S' N N s 'N 'N -z-I k, -N 'N QV ~ N s N s 'N N s' s N -k s s 'N 'N 'N N N >Iltical party-ýý- 1

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