OOQNO WEEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1961 game e the Intermediate schedule. man of the gantre TCOving t~t hit6 s 1Wfli'r- ami Mrs. Alex DrumntondIi 0 r tc Interrnedli es w m e After a full six innings of play in three tri-ps to the plate. Tihis was LOC.AL NELWS Toronto were weekend guests o k' which then hati to be calIedl on ac- followed by, Don Mercer and t>ave'M n r.A .Dumni By Peterboro, Tie Vith Newcastle cuto drns hetat otinti McC2lfor 4 heNrcare, bth wr Mrsý Amy Van den Heuvel, Mrs.' themelvs i a hre-al eac~ w CArmtïrnr~ am ~ ~rî*nn argaret Rickaby, MNrs. Ruth Tg Master John Cornish, son of r Jini Hare starteti on the mound - - - -- - - - gart, Mr. Don Staples and Mr. Ben- anadivrs. Carman Cornish and Cindyý The Orono Intermediates laet base. Tînt Cox, another out-fiede for Orono and pitcheti the first four Orono lineup: Jint Hare, pither; nett, their art teacher, spent the WeIst, daughter of Mr. and Mxýjjs, th.1 irt gt-at f-hcesoifr h oalte -rv utoeo innijngs, duri'ng whîch one run wxas John Shetier, catcher; Charles Art- weekend sketching north of Belle- Dean West, celebrateti their brh inPeerorug n atrdy igtOrnos oterbts ad ecre1 scoreti in the frst when Gary' Me-, stronýg, lst; Dean West, 2nd; Peter v-ille with art classes from Peter-daso MoaMy2thben under liglits. Although thle Peter- dIouble on1 which Mercer scored. 1 borough squati camne forth with a Peteýrboro then came back with a Cullough scoreti after taking firstM -artense fi3d DinBeton, shrte Brough, andBlevllro rtHptrtirga ubrOflittie frîid -11-3 victory the contest was not on singllle in the fifth and two in the on1 a walk. This was followeti by stop; an, nfe o ecr rc rolnadBnrft a aParty. 'nie- whole as lop-sided as would ap-' sixth inning This gave the Peter- another walk andi two single bits. LiJtnadTmCx r n r.M rw n os Anme fsuet fgae pear by the score. With the ex-, boota(ter-oa)feeenrniligth irfaesHr ae O Wednesday night the Orono1 Fred'and Walter, Toronto spent Suni-!Il andi 12 of Orono Highl School' ception o!' one innings the gante wvas, In the ninth Tim Cox placed 0on urp three bits. Keith West steppet I ntermediate club travelled to Port day with Mr. and Mrs. D. Stpe9pn h ekn n Mnra faryeven. f irst which was followed by a hit to onito thec mounti for Orono in the Hope where they met the Port Hope ,adfarnily. iTiywr copne yM.at PtrMatnewho showed plenty fifth and la bis two inniings gave tryl in the Lakeshore league andti Mrs. Witerspoon mantei b Mr. Cant- The Pe2terborougIh club dlrov,,e in of promnise both' in the fijeldi and at -ip two hits with a run being scoreti aa Il sso.Tudaynigbcas uoMr and Mrs. E.SmeladeranheHg Sho saf the maoit f their runs in the bat in this gne This plaiceti Orono - îth in the( fifth andi the sixth. withl a 4-4 tie with the . te Port dlaughiters spent the weekenti at second framep wheni eighit crosseti, runners on both first anti second. These were by Lewis anti Osiborne Hlope club. their cottage, Stoney Lake. the plate before theý fire louli bý(,leiGeoge Jones drove both in with a who wvas the Newcastle hurler. Mr. and AMrs. Ates o! HollanD., piut out by theclocal boys. This was nig double. The side was then re- ý Keitb West and Eric Carleton MIr. anti Mrs. J. W. FRickaby, Mr-isitedl last wTeek witb Mr. ai Mrs. the first 'crn I te game and! tired with Orono counting tbree anti Ooosdu~swr crt n hrdteOoopthn uis andi Mrs. Jack Rîckaby, Mrs. HeberK.coe aer wý7,as registereti by four- bitsý and two'thus lost their f irst gante of the eaCh in the first, third anti fourtb wUith both turniing in excellent per- Souch at M- HryEaly1pn -walks off George Jones on tire Or- season. anithlese were by Don M\erce, ,formances. 'Sunday with Mr. anti Mrs. Carl' Mrs. Leslie MeGee is a patient in ono mound anti a host of feiliCh(ýarles Armstrong and Peter Ma1,ar- Big h omnil eoilHsia O rono in the two games wbîcb tenise. ecrptOrn nte D,)nnie Lycett secured two hits ilns[ieBNnavl MmrlHopt, errors. The Orono boys were ual ecrpI rn n the soeo h ete itr ! Ms.Mlo ubr etrbrIM.NilRieSneln toý raill nuhsoigpnh hey have playeti have lacked bench boardwhen lie collecteti a two bag- i vaCneo hl Aerhtrof .Is MI)nD baPebr, Ni elRaey Sudraic overcome this leaci. strength11. fin Saturday's gamne thev agerlt filly scoreti one on Fricýhý local crew. Carles Armîsrong v.sîteti on the weekend wIth her calleti on relatives in Orono recent ly. George Jones who pitcheti the toPtrooghwt utCrleton's sacrifice hit. Charlbeleicwbtas ahm 'n mother, Mlrs. Wse Elliott. gante for Orono, turned in a gooci trayelled but due to lis tifficulty in runningAnu erothnn-rm et ninee foayersnwhich incluileti only 1rms trong'scount followeti a single, reacheti second onfly. -, i mbr f the Orono Friet perfrmane, e~cldingthe ecod on pither a wakthitCxat it by Mrs. WmI. Reidi spe-nt a few dasepyee o wý.hen hîs leant matles also felI down. The Oronio lne-up: George Jones, Eric Cntn which tirove in the Tint Cox, an Orono regular, wAil with he1r (daughter's Joan and~ Elva in Station were Iaid off on Thiursdayl1 la the remaîning portion of thle itjchier; John Shetler, cýatcher; run. Peter Maartense concludeti the be out of action for a periodio oot.(ody gýante only' three further bits wvere Charles Armstrong first base; Dean scoring foi, Orono after reaching timne(due to a leg injury receiveti aoet.esit sconýd; Peter Maartense, first on an error and came h'omne On a slitding into second base. Orono coti neither find the hit- thirdi; Jilnt etn short stop and a blit by Don Mercer. Il tingr p(ower aainst the pitcin-g o! in field Tint Cox, Don M\ercerýi anti Jinti Beaton was thie top batting ORONO BANTAMS-.WIN 1 Donnie Lycétt. Thie Orono Bantants on Wednes- m I r i~I the Orono hits wl scattereti. Interest wvas stirreti at thecOrono OOOO OcO daYi night ait the Oronio Park tookI M IIl I IU 'l Don _Mercer openeti the scoring Paýrk on True-sdayj evening when :for île for the local squad w hen he reachecl i the fist t t ial e rj r" Y O U C A N ' B E G I N th i-\rt ,-! tory iii he Lb-st gam e 1 f rst on an error aînd sto](e secýond anti Newc-astle contested a basebaîl they playedt iis season. Their oppo- ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ CARE~ER TRAINING ~ ~ ~AT ANY TIME RED1UCE1 PRICES ON j JThe shaa usiness Collegeg S open yel (ar and iour f ~ ~ ~ IJ methoti o! indiv-idual - instruction permits yo(U to U ~ ~~ U E ' qJ strt ata tir -nte Carton of 12 g ~ ~ fo NOW WERE 8 Da choouse gfro g-AGI1 $1.08 $1.49 ___ - EVENING CLASSES I 1.08 $1.23 0 TUESDA*Y and THURSDAY îr Q $ 1.0 of Subjeets i g M-2B $1.38 $1 6i hie9:0pm ci~'i ~ ~ OSpecýFialClasses for g SUNGLASSES PRICE Te-g -FREE LITERATURE à le AVAILABLE 0 7:7D o M SLIMS Slims in corded Cotton stripes, Terylene and Cotton. Golours gold, green, beige, black. rose and white. Priced f rom $2,95 to $6,95 COTTON PEDAL PUSHERS £~îtee'sCorded Cotton Pedal Pushers w;th Ù ohn Jersey top, fringe trim, s12e 2 tl 3X ;ýJced $1.95 4 to 6X priced $2.25 RATS AT IALLF PRICE - The balance of cur Ladies' Spring Ind tumimer Hats at HALF PRICE. ha-ve the Agency for PRLIRSEFUTRRIERSý', TORONTO COTTONDRESSES 'Another simn of Cokton Dresses has arvt l es and rmaterialnI reasonAbly priceti. LADIEST)1 S' SNE A KERS Ladies' comfort l oving Sneaklers, liqht weight t duroy urppers, cu:shion, insoles F ar h guards, fie> ýrubber soles an'-i low heels. Colours black. reti, gol tve antci green,. Pricd at $1,95'ý to $2,98 Look aI the wicle range of (Short Shorts) Jamac rts ini stri pes or plain cot1ons Pr Jdfo $1,95 39 LADIESW TOPS- Ladies' Cotton Jerseys and Broadcloth tops with ige trim ,colours mauve, green,- red, pinik ancf white. Priceil from $1,95 to $2,95 SIRT AND BLOUSE SETS Ladies' Skirt and Blouse Sets in corded Cotton, Da /e., Colours of yellow, mauve, -green. Priced f rom $6,95 to $,9 SKORT AND> BLOUSE SET Short and Blouse Sets, Plaid Skort wi Broacicloth Top, size 4 to 6X. Prieed at $2,95 CHIILDRENS SUMMER CLOTHE We have a good display of Childreni's Sui mer Clothes, Cotton Swim Suits, Slims, Shori Blouses, Jerseys and Dresses. six. nron canii( rointht-e i-'ort hlope Ban- tarqsth th1 e sco re be ing settieti at Orono Hll~feens Plan Mliss Orono Dance Thie Orono Hi-Teenis will hiolti their prebiminary (lance, precediing the third annual "MNiss Orono' d ance, on Fritiay, June lGthi at 9:00 j click at whichi tinte three girls wvill be chosen by a group of Oronlo la- dies, to compete in the final jutig- ing' at the "MissOono" diance on June 23rd. The rules for, entering this dancel are as fllo1"ws: (1) Girls must be Single , anti 15 years or older as of June lst. f2) Ail girls nmust have an0rono1 addtress or be attcndhtg or hveat- tended [lhe Orono Higb lScbool1. (3) Ail girls must be sponsored i)y a boy OrPman, who ntust be sure sie - d lan escort tIo 'the dance.ý (4!) Ail entî.ies must be subntîltted before J Une lStI ,'.6.I JThe H-i-T(een group siniccrely hope' th-, .intany j -ents wil attend thîs SIdance as tb;ey il be play1ing- [0oristosLuit daitastes, ant ilaso be)tý caust,; hey nieed te pport'dfdihe parenS ( t nae this dane aSuce rcsfor tis (dnce aire, students' S Missionband Thier' eiee 22 prei ta h lilion Monwdtay May 2W1tb on <arolGibankl led us iii singn pealinig the MsýsionJan)d Purpouse. Mar.ilynj Tantiblyni's group presenit- 1 eti a litie 1piay an'itite colecton r ta was talken up iýby Joyo ng withýfl-j DaeChallice sayiii,- theOfein Prayer. Anne Arnlott read the seripture- antidH.te Hughes, read a pra-ýyer1. Thie secretary andti treasurer f or-1 got their boolks -so il()report 'was us an] interesting, story anti Dorothyv Dunlop gave out the papers, bring- ing the meeting to a close. i i EMaine Forrester, M\,arilyn àmly <& UNITE CURCH S Orano Pastoral- ts, e.,M inister Rev. Bagil in SUNDAY, JUNE 4, 1961 Church Servicts Kirby---------.. ý.9:45 a.m. Or-ono---........11:00 a.m. Suntiay Sehool Anniversary jSpecial Speaker, Mr. Richard Morrton WLesiçard--... .---2:00 p.m. y &unday School 1Kirby--------...._ 11:QO a.m. Le~kard-------1:30 pnt. FARM BUILDINGS -- Any Color i NDU STRI AL --RESIDENTIAL Anywhere -Anytime ReàsoniabIe Rates - Free Estimates Ail Work and Materials Guaranteeci Write or Phone .Collect Motiem Painting Go. P. M. SIMPSON& SON Phmr-e RA 3-4355 n -i tarlo- Street ,Crtiawa, Ontario -- ~ WE CONTINUE TO SAVE YOU MONEY ON Weekly pecials Ish Cloths, assorted colors, regular 1t9e This wek rc...............6 fr $1 ,00 Specýial Dove Disposable Diapers, Free 1 pair *Diaper Planties, regulai- $1,49 wVith the purchlase of 2packgsDiaper-s at per package...98 Shoe aces 3O~Nylon, -.7U', Cotto,bac o berrwn, regular shoe length 27 inches Speial this xweek----------------..6 pair 25c Tumblers of Cear glass, square bottornt -, -,i wveek,'s Special------------4for 291- Brassieres, Ladies Cotten Permi Pleat, 32 to 38, A and B Cups reg 98e . Training Panties, Children's Cotton Knit, white and eolors, sizes 2 to 6, regular 25e Thilý- week................. 4 for 88e Modess Carefree, Sanitary Napkins, regular 51c Package of 12 f or..................... 45e Bubble Solution~ with Spoon, Plastic bottie ... . 19e Badminton Sets, complete 'with net, birdie and book of rules .................. ... ý.. $1,57 Men's Cotton Chino Pants, washable, assorted eoIors, assorted ieg 1engthswaist sizes 30 to 38 Pair priced at . -...... .... $2,81 Boxed Ghocolates, one pound boxes, including Neilson, Lowney's, Log Cahins, regular Up to $1,25 a box This week price -..-....79e ORDNO 5c. TO $1.8Ouâ STORE Store Open Monday - SUN SUITS Prînted Cotton Sun Suitt, lace trim, fromr 2 to 3X. Priced f rom 75e to $2,95 Armstrong's Evenngs FriC2y and Saturda Open Ail Day vednesay 1 11, 1 . . ..... .... Kw i . Ar- pm 'que, 1 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N -4 N N N N N N N -.4 N N N N N N N N N N N ~ N N N N N N N N N N N N