Red and Mue Erand Beef- Round, Sirloin, T-Bone i fn Sek Lean, Mieaty Beef ~OE L ES T RO3AS'T Swift's Premnium- Shankless FU L LY COOKE PCNiC Fresh Ground EXTRA LEAN MINCED fR9 EEF Swift's Everswveet 1 lb. Packages 1SIC EDaSI0E1 ACZ*Nli Swift's Premiuim- 1 lb. Cello Packages BARBECUE ZF ANKS FRE E lb 9é 4bSe c EXCEPTIONAL VALUE- SUN KIST Approx. 20 oranges- 5 lb. GES bag59 Caliornia -Sunkist LEMON s Luisclous, Georgia - No. 1 Grade P EACH ES 6 fo r 29c 6 for 25C Crisp, Curly - 10 oz. ceIlo bag SPINMYACH- 2 for 29c Farm Fresh Florida - No. 1 Grade CORNII on the COB 4 for 29c Candy Featture - Dairy Maid, Jumbo Cello Mint or Butterscotch Puf fs 29c FRESH PROM, -lE'OVENS Sunbeam Lemocn Buns "S0 Many Uses" SaranWrýap RICE Ioc Off Pack Toddy Beverage Fig Bars 12 to pkg 3lc 25 fet roll 39c 14 oz pkg 27c lb tin 51c cello pkg 35c FROZEN FOODS PTS Libby!s Feature - Save 6c GREEN PEAS - 2 lb. PoIy Bag .........>.................... 49C STRA.WBERRIES - 15 oz. Pkg. -............................ 43C ay ~MIXED VEGETABLES, 2 lb. Poly Bag ...............49C FRENCH FRiES, 9 oz. Pkg. .... ........... ...... 2 for 39c Orono, Ont. Phone 1121111 hom afer peningtwowees Smewerein ntrio jures an the disappearýance of thiese fish îs ~th c j :g~tr, rs. E. egu1luscrFupulous itidivid'ual or group of asked to notit'y the Ontario Provin- son inTornto 'indi-Viduals who have literalIy de-.I(diai 'Policýe at Campbellford, who are VVi. W.Gear-y is homiefrmpredlclagesothsado wkngntecs. .'/manville Hospital.nie o-]ageso huans01ýýrio h ae A f0ew Kenclal friends wvent to pay sp"("ecl trout and th*ei countless _________________ their hlast respects tLo Mrs. Mlton hOur f pleasure and relaxation, 1ýbiso t the Earlow' Funeral that may have been expended ang-' Parlours in Oronlo on Wednesday, linig for thlese fish. I~ R r e n e evening last and attended the funl-1 l11 R r e n oer s ni g t ~ C a c n e h Last wveek when trout plantng ! T H E eral on Tursday. perations were comning to a close Io F Thie Rev. R. C. White spoke on the 'the F{atchery Manager of the Deer i sub ec "T e S ip ~ de th Cr ss Lak e Fishi H atchery could reco ver 1 World, ~ ~ ~ onfly haif of the trout erigg mornng n th KedalUuîteýd phaced in the pond perparatory to O08 Chuch.The(-hir endredan n-planting. Cannibalism or prcdation g Chuch Te hor enerd n n-have been ruled out because there L' thm. Thlle flowers werei n memory is no evfidene tJsuportel8 th.Th ofMrs. W.Mrcer spnt af conclusion is that alimost 20000 of day,ýs li xbn geis week. the sp)ecklled( trout yearling aver- MrIl MMcknws-et a aging 5 inches lu length have been for bis friend, Mr. Paul Rutherford, stlolen. A conservative estimate of Stutt's rnarmacy at hi wedîng n Oroo onSatu -ft cents per fish would place thegOOOPOE18 davailue around $10,000.PHN 8ý Mirs. Reg. Elliott, Joyce, MUrs. EF_ Anyone who lias information on j 'Smith and Mrs. G. Catthcart attend-I_______________________________ ed the Peterborough Golf and Coin try Club on Saturday at a receptior for MUiss Eleanor Pollock, g-ix'- Mirs. Milton Dunbar in~- jTh'ere was quite a lstol-n in the west end o- Line on 'Monday. Tl'le meeting of the ý sociation was hield in tb Mlýrs. Lloyd Glass on1 Weý ennJune 7th. The vi Mârs. G. Cathcart , was il tionial, "I am the trué I 23rd Plsa1lm wvas repeatei Miss C. W. 'Stewart hiad som-,e for an aft ernoon, t sale and it was dcliied' on JuIy l2th. A committeel ed of Mrs. Mv. Luxon an Foster to purchase coco [lhe porch of the chiurgh. v Carscadden read a poern *'The Little Things", !la wl wvere rerninded how little kîdniess an'd thoug'htfulnes brighten another person's day., Cathcart spoke f the Martylý *rugged island a hundred miles_________________________________ Erromango, which was a gaunt, square in the South Seas, northeast of Australia. George and James, Op n n o h Gordon were born, in Prince E-1 ward Island and were Presbyterians. George marrîed in London, Englandi and hie and bis wif e went Out to the South Seas as missionaries. A teac-hing youngsters to read - these O o o C m n n t led to death at the hands of the natives.. The children of thte Island loved these missionaries, but tih'e ohd- er people didiVt ike the new learn- w m ng P o 'home ofIhe death of George and Iris wif e, his yyunger brother James de- t,îded to go and take their place. He taught many of the chldren to read s n a , J u e 1 t James also met death at the rhands of the natives. ?Mrs. L. Glass and HOUiRS: Mrs. H. Foster conducted a contest MONEDAY - FRIDAY-2 P.M. - 5 P.M. when n'ameý of well known people 6:30 P.M. - 9 P.M. were pinaed to tIre backs of the members andX they had to gwess SATUËDAY - SUN DAY - 10 A.M. - 12 P.M. wl.- they were by asking questions; 2 P.M.. - 5 P.M. of eaoh othier, whichi proved a lot of; 6:30 P.M. - 9 P.M. fun. 1pefreshments and a social 'Lime'PICE: were eajoyed, Mrs. H. Foster and' Per person (Aduit or Child) ..... ....... 35c.' Mrs. J. Carscadden being thýe Iost- SEASON TIC-KETS:- esses. PleasLire was taken from threPe esnýd1Lo hl)........... $50 b(ýtutfu viw foii te ighgrond iTwvo Children in family. ..... ... $8ý00 onl wvjich the liôluse is situated and Three or more Children in familY .... . .$10.00 the freshness of spring added to isTcesce 2 ucae fo isAm utiSc beauty. Mrs. Stoker gave a vote of Tcescn eprhse 1o is iaCttiSc- thank on ehai of te meiersTreas., oro'no Park Board or the Life Guard, Miss Mar- to MrLs. Glass for' lier hlosPitahltY. eyTrei Building a ouse? brrmodel'Iing your present one then contact Floyd tNicholý!son ii SWALTER PF1RANK MlQU A Y aî- 1nd KDD i R E ALTO RtSo 177 Church St. BowmavilleMA. 3-3,393 f "Miss Orono" Dance Orono Town Hall Fn.RD-AY, JUNE 23rd A Music by the "C"-ava.lers" Chccsing rf "MISS ORONO" fromn the three finalists of the Preiminary dance by Mrs. Aldwvinkle, Woman's Edlitor of the- Oshawva Daily Times, Oshawva. $2.50 per couple ADMISSION $2.00 for students Lunch will be served Best Buy - Save 19C Libby's - 15 oz. Tin Cooked oSpaghectli 5 for 69e Best Buy - Save 12v Chioken Noodie, Tomnato Vegetabje Lipton Soups 6 pkgs 69c Best Buy - Save 6c Salada - 60 Bags TEA BAGS 73c Best Buy- Save 58c - White 30e off Deal - King Size Breeze ,Detergent $ 1,1.09 Feature - Save 6c - 10 lb. Bag Gaïmilated Sugar ý83c 'N N N N N 'N s 7, N 'N 'I 'N 'N 'N s s 7 N N N 'N 'N N 'N 'N N N N 'N N N s N N N 'N s '4, 'N 's' s s N s 's s 's N s s 5' s s, N s, 'N s 's s N i