Beans orý EVARORATED IGA Milk 8 tali tins $1 AYLMER CATSUP 6 btis$ 1 WHITECROSS Toilet Tissue 10 relis $1 AYLMER FANCY-20oz. Tins Tomato Juice 8 tins $1 HENLEY CHOICE - 28 oz. Tins Fruit Cocktail .3 ins $1 CHOICE HALVES - 15 oz, Tins Aylmer Peaches 5 tins $1 CICA E ASo8 tins. $1 CORDON BLEU BONELESS 7-oz. Tins C HUC KE N 3 tins $1 TOMATO OR VEGETABLE - 10 oz. 'Tins Aylmer Soup 9 tins $1 IGA DOG HOUSE -15 or. Ting Dog Foo,-d 12 tins $1 IGA ALUMINUM - 25 ft. Rolls Foil Wrap 4 relis $1 IGA- 100 ft. Rlis W axed Paper .4 relis $41 i STANT IGA Cof fee THE TEA 10 oz jar $1 That D&res 120 bags $1 PEEK FREAN - 8 oz, Pkgs. - Carmel Crunch, Diîgestive11, BISCUITS 5 pkgs $1 Nice, Shortlake, Rch Tea 'UNAI!ON OFF'ER F,'fACHEESE !g. Cracker B3arrel CHEESE al jar Kraft ~ESE WHIZ for I rn-f CALIFORNIA VALENCIA SU1,N KI1ST 0RAN G ES 4 Doz aizé 180 $1 DELICIOUS FRESIlFLAVOUR P EA CH E S No. 1 quart 29c RED RIPE BEAUTIES - No. 1 Grade TOMATOES 14 oz -cello 19c CALIFORNIA JUICY FRESH FL.AVOUR PIJUMS No. 1 quart 35c EXTRA &Total $36.0 u e% REEV FREE $6.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH Tas SIGA ORANGE DRINK - 2 64-oz. Bottles OAYLMER CORN.- Choice Cream Style- 20.oz. Tins KRAFT DINNER 7 7-oz. Pkgs. SKLEENEX - Regular or Chubby - 6 pkgs. - jyMRARNE - IGA - 4 1-1b. Pkgs. f RECEIVE FREE $2.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH *BIRDSEYE BEANS - French Green - lO-oz. Pkg. f NEW POTATOES - No. 1Ilmported 10 lb. Bag gBOLOGNA - Tablerite Sliced - 12.oz. Pkg. LEAN MILD CURED PEAMAEAL gff E .fl COMBINATION OFFER One U) l. Pkg Side Bacon, Tablerite Sliceci Rindless One 10-oz. Pkg. Weiners. Tablerite One 1.1 b. Pkg. Sausages Royal. Guest Smali Link Alpine Brand Chopped BIEEF STEAKETTES Burns Ready to Serve - Boneless Smokedi DINNER HAMS cryovac Dc lb 55c 1b 89C I j The iMillbr-ook 4-H Caif Club )held thleir cheemnDyonitura June 3rd iat the Mcrro Fi r Grounids. A i embers of the lub w"ereprsn to give theclub 10 con/ inof pr-ojectýs dgain li1isl year. Mr., R. C. Banbury, Ardl tur1al Reprecsentaïtive fo)r Nor.Itilm-1 berland wýas judge at the Ahee mnt DaF) jy. The clb iebeser oremd on 1 their, yearî's work. , ith 4I00 points being alloýted for the, eiitry.ý at the fair, 1POinsee for judging, questionýs shinsip crean feeding nmethods,noed t the timeý of farm isintnhyrprsac tota f 100uoints. MUiss Hel'ýen Strong of B-ethany as the igh imemberhintheclub, w.ih'a score of 925), while David taesof Btay~lcdscn whl915. The AheeetDy wuder, tk&e drconof Mr- Clare Winsiow, Lhe club leader r.A. CO.Dayme agricuturai Representative for Dur-ý ham County and IVIr. Lee ebr Assistnt Agriuturai Representa tiv7e for Duriil-m Couinty. Sp)ecial,- awards weut to Helen Stronig, the wiThnner of the Silvr Tray donate by th Royal Bank of Canada, Peterborougli, and aise of the Foy Pbilp Trophy for tbe best _Sothr.A haler wS won by)ý' DavidI StaipIesan$50 by All Syer both donated by Mr. Clare Wiastýowv. 'Marene Timims and Ailani Gilis eah on 25 poundis of -R. A. Finnin]er'ais. Stutsplia! macy ORONO hj Pd< UP Il-lE PI4ONE ~ A CALL.4 ~ IT COME~ TO PWMSIN& WE'~L ALW~6 READY AND~ 11-4E BAL~L!X~ All this for a Iow aninual maintenance ch:À,ý3. Plus the cost cf the oiÎ you use. Nbt only is it the finest kind of heating service, but the most eco- nomçal nd satisfactory, Phone Us Now For Details Fo r 'Y 0U r ?Hou ORONO FUE1 & LUMNIBER LIMITED ,lOrono, Ontario Phone 14816 PHONE, 168