JERSEYS Men-rs Cotton jerseys with collar. Plain or golýd, blue, green. S. M. L. Price $1.95-$2.95 SPORT SHI1RTS MiensSport Shirts, different. patternis to ci o r long sleeve. Price $4.50-$5.95 WHITE SHIRTS 1 Mens White Shirts, real fine mercerizedt or button cuff. Size 141,z - 17. Price $4.95-$7.50 SOCKS Mens Socks in ail wool, nylon, veyella, forced with nylon. Colour wine, blue, charcoal, brown, green. Prie $1.00-$1.95 ce. N ewcastle Commuriity lay, June 30, 1961. e-onto OId Tyme Orchest fte'en callers. 9:00) - 12:3( -1nission $1.00. luare dance for, fun. COMING EVENT he W. A; of Orono Unitedi serve a saladi with mea wberry Supper on Wedr 28th frian 5 p.m. tun ilï 1 COMING EVEN'T ýiation, - Hall,! The Leskard Woman's Asoait 'annuaj supper will be hield on St i-a. urday, June 24-th. benu:ie Cold meat. salads, srw ýbrisand cake. ,-ýAdmission: Aduits $1,25; cide 50C. Supper wilI be served front pari. tii ail are served. - t and riesday,. ail are1 ser-veci. AdmiiocnAduits $1.25; children. NOTICE It has been broughô1-t ta our atten- tion that windows have been brokaný 12 a-nd under 75c, Please keep this dateiin mmd. been damaged and cars have ba b-c speeding in the Orono Park.,, y one uauglit causing any wilHul lam- HI-TEENS ANNOUNCEMENT iage or speeding in the Park iI Keep in mind the "MissOroIoÇ be prosecuted. Parents are askedtei ý preiiminar-y dance tlhýsFiS igt 1%arn their children. June l6th at 9:00 p.m. at the Orono' ]Town Hall. Everyone welcome. f By order. of the Orono Communhty Admission: Aduits 75c., Students 50c 1 'vlemoral Park Board. 1,Lt wool, reinl- grey, beige, )ES Men step ahead with handsonielY styled Shoes. Streari styling wîth neatly stitched vamps . Blucher Oxfords, Lo2 sideý-lace in sm,-.ooth miellow calfskin. Priced from$65-4 WASH-WNEAR CASUAL SLACKS For men in f inely wýoven cot- ton Bedford Cord. Slanted front pocket, hic) pockýets wîýth square cut bottomn flap. Coliours grey, Lengreenbeg, anblack. Predat...... ........$4.95 HANDKRCHlFS-fen's bo)xedý Linen and fine cotto Hadkechifs 2 in box $1.00 oLnorr 30 Ceiýts each. ROMO0 LIPEr-ay.0tin t ive rest- fi lcomfort, piatside leather -UPPer'g. Elatiesid goescomprosition soles, andi NN v ~--.~- ~1V) RAYON-WOOL FLANNEL SLACKS Nlen's, neatly taýiloredl that shudgive long lasting wear. Nicly detailedi with quarter-cut side pooes opular double pleat Coou gey, blue aidcharcoal. _OWi' J , BELTS-Algtrdsg rpan size 30 to 44 waist. Priced $.0 -$20 WEBSUSENDRSlaSi,,,n plain or stripe Pricedi at ................ .... $1.00 and $1.75 ATt]LETI 0BOOS-Rugge , olrof wlhite Arhcushioni, Sponge insole . 45 store Oe m to g Mnay mtonY *E' einngs Open Ail Day p - 'Phe Oonô Bad providet i usie- for he Mliurok fai- on Wedres- Liay ant i aso lead tlie parade front Lue ai ena to' the Fair Grounids.1 jM.M. iH. Stales returnied 1 home f cointune bwmnvL Memoriai ilsition uonday. Sorms tas xweek Jhave brought hiigh \wins ci gjale olasisco the ar'ea at nModysome nuareas jnorthf 1of Oron reprtei flail. Sone darnageý was done ci .oi oý arn1s. it nt Mx Wn.Surteesani Iamîy. T -onc;M. mand Mris. Les. ,isi,,,, ît l i nd M s Anigus i, lIfls. Lsi ent.Oshawa vstt W4t1ti 1i -11. ai 1 ivrs. A. \Vaùghaný1 i 1. Mrs. E.mBasnet2. an eMs Easi ~~ Da~neLt, mit-onoM. ant M sM atrAti Ruth. n 11ý !,il. jnd IMis. C. ingrvean w2î A.Lr antili-s. MarvinnAma bog c~iu. jlyBgi.To- Mi.and lai-s.Art Yoriaii cuai istci wIItn lits e arentsM-. ýuîl r. A. JMr. AYoung i Toronto.'f J.Vrand MrsLect Hiï b Mr. ntis.I Ll-s- and Bors aid far itAnnd r 'l'lie nte eekoftend -a the oiiai. ,and a Genn arnles ainI .ana, jCastieton spentthe Vaugh- ýneprstendwîh . rpresntsa. ai Virs. C GrantiMs. a vrtYong ntigMOc. \-tiçî onai anlas DairtiiHaellin ii(ipSai,'±ýo ronto. jaitese WPlan s Assocmationowasthelti lu trie ~ ~ e ed 1 euai Sfol to n W urdsay J une 2cth, [ie vm-enVughb vcotdina, sakigasthratheme ightan At at, \overy mpd otnte Sen- vtio n ou-A i ve.Its. (ei(,l s Plst wcr le nlte forthe nna super hc will be hetona- j uriayJun l'liete mnu ein 91ot etslts srweTe cake.h IJNITED CHURGH Orono Pastoral charge M\1in iste r Rev. Basil Li-ong SUNDAY, JUNE 18th, 1961 CHURCH SERVICES Kilrby............ 9:45 a.m. Orono ........11:00) i.m.-r ...k...i......... 2:00 SUNDAY SOHOOL -)rolio............. 10:00 . Kirby- Combineti with Church- Service .Leskard Comrbineti with Church.. service Boýwmanville THURS at 7 :30, FR1, SAT, 7 & 9 pm Matinee Saturdaiy at 2 pm Cooci Color Western Audie Muphy. Br,-V Sulliv1,an Plus Color Carýtoon and Featurette MO0 N ToT HIT R S (4 days) at 7:30 pm Sophisticated Comedy Aduit En tertamment MAINF EA T URE A T 8 P.M COMING NEXT ERIDAY and SATURDAY "LJNCLE TOMl'S CABIN" REMýl.EMBER DAD ON Fasther's Day JUNE lSth, Special Men's Sport Shirts, size mnedium, long sleeves, clean patterns............. $1,97 1'ven's White Hankies, generous sze .... each 14e .Six for the price of......... ......... 73c ,Meni's Streteli Socks, -e gular 2 for $1,96 Special price..... ......... 2 for $1,50 ~Cups, large white Opal, cups only.....2 for- 25C Bath'ng ,ýCaps.............. ...... 59c to 79e Towels' solid coloui-s lheavy qpîalityvrgla 8 This eek specil................. 4 Spones, ssore IzeI Cellobg...7 'for, 21l Ency Cups an aucer-s, ourý reguflar low prl'ce set 3c This Week thiey selli f or . 2 f or 69ü Noxema Guard Insect Repellant Spraýy, longer protecetion aglainst Moýlsqucitoes and Insects xvhen applied to skin and clothingý, ige cn$1,25- iJROINO 5c., TO $1.0U* STO"RE ORONO COMMUNITY MEMORIAL PARK FRIDAY, JUNE 23rd, 6.00 MNr Alex Carruthers, _MPP for Durham Mr Lashley, Departm~ent of Agriculture ?Mr Jack 1EiIheck, Departînent of Education MUSIC BY ORONO BAND Featur, Atfraef.u :- THE INTEKNATIONALLY FAMOUS. Aaperents of Syn cIironlizedSimuniing Winers0f ~nyTities and Awvards inPr inil Nationai andi International Events CLOWN DIVINO G - FREE ADIMISSION - - FREEADSSO Added Attraction- Sanie Eveniing 'MIS5 RON9' Deauty Conteist Orono Towýnllall - Dancing To Popuqlar Orchestra'- Admaiss'oni Charge N N N N - N N N N N N N N -4- -4- N N N N N N N n N --4 N -n4 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -4 N N 4-. N