ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Atathorized as Scand Class niail, Ps Office Department, Ottawî Subscriptin payablein advanc 1" <~q'a'la s-i ~o In U.S.A,- 2.50 Publishied.every Thursday at the office of publication New Pool To Open This Sunday, Junie. lSth thepuicil be given their first op- Vortunity fo try out thene swmming pool wlMch h las been con- utute t lthe Orono Park. This -will mark theopnig f1 h wimngseaýson- in the Villag,,e whlichi will continue on a daily assfromn Sundayon The officiai opening ceremnonies will b& held on1 Friday, June 23rd when the( noted and înternationally famous Peterborough swimmrers will eiptertai. The new pool is now completod and will open on the date as set last fall by t' Park Board when they initiated their pro- gra m of work for iUs construction. Every detaitlihas beenl or wIll býe completed prior to the Sunday opentng and local swïimers ,villno have a most modern pool in whic>h to swim. Ail the nec- essary health standards have 'beein met wilh the pool beinlg euppdwith fles chiorinalors, vacuum cleaner and skiarnners. It ýis also equîpped w-ith a diving bomard and is en-circled by a fence '-j curb misusé and also, thaitl Ibe pool may ba properly coitrolled. Th'le pool is certainly a creditable foeature i Orono anid aI The Oron>jo Park. Tis,, new pool will be. -a joy to use durîng l<the hot suinmer motbs for both the childrecn and adits alike. The Park Board is certainly Io be commended on the coin- pletion of this project both in th'e ser-vice il will provide and in, the fine appearance4- of the pool Indivîdual citizens have rallied ,o îthe support of the Boýard and hiave donated a sum around $25(X).00 to thie pool and this in itself hw the desire by the people I iheir support of this project. Representativtes (if various departînenls in the Provincial oand Couxtty governxnents have prals'ed the projiecl and certainly feel thal the Orono Park Board has provided the local residents wvith a fine -hew swimming pool. Again may we comntend the Oro.-no Park Board. beamktùm uiail- -. BOWIMANVILLE DECORATION DAY Decoration Daýy a t Ihe Oronmo Cemn- etery will be heid oni Sundaby, June 251h.14b- NOTICE TO CREDITORS lN THE ESTATE 0F MINNIE ýMA3Y CORNISH l1aleýof thre Village of Oronio iin thieCounty ni Durtbamn, 'Spinsler, deceased: IAil1 persons having dlabis ýg1 thesae of the said Minn)ie MAayi Cornishi, who died on or about the 101hi day o! Mardh 1961, are hereby nolîfied 10 osend 10 the undersignedj EFxcutorýs or their Solicitor, on ori before the Third da3< o! July 1961,1 their names and addresses and full -' COU RT!CE ORONO BOY SCOUT PAPER DRIVE - SATUROAY MOR-NING AT 9:00 a»m. Plealse haive papers ready anld lied secur-ely for early pick-up. W-AN TE-D A n a d u l t o s u p e vi s e t e p r e - schooî suimer program aI the Or- mot Pairk, 9 airn. hi11:30 ain. tori Iprculars of Iheir vlýaims aqnd the four weeks.Aplctos in.ex nature of Ikýeir securilips (if any) )eriellce andj salary expected, will be l- eld by lhemn dul.y verifled by 5tat-ý'received by! Mr. L. Boyd, secrelary7 ulory declaralion.- of the Clarke Township Recreation Immedialely after the said Third m s'- prro June 21sl. ac c' r- of Julyv 1961, the assets of the said deceased will be dislributed among.the persons enlitled thereto) TRAVEIL TRAILER FOR RENT hiaving ireýgard -ionly 10 Ihe daims eof - sýe which the Execubors or the under- 15 foo)t, slep)s u1 t6' completey signed1 Soliciltor -shall then have 1efcntie and supplied wllhi notice. counter-balance hitch. See A. McLar- atea Oronio, Ontario, this 12t1 ______________ dao! June, 1961. PROYHOO10EYCORNISH, FOR SALE Port Perry, Ontarlo. One M - nckDeerilg 011bath WILLIAM CORNISH, Mowxer, 5 ft. eut, in good rnning; Bowmanville, Ontrlo condition. One boy's Bicycle in go Executors condition. go W. .K. LYCETT, Orono, 0nbtario,' Carlos Tamnblyn, phone 22310, Or- Solicitor for the Executors. ono. a-p en TEND7RS WANTED By Clarke Townlship Sehol Aea Borfor saleý of sites and buildings Nýo. 21 on oceson6 No. 17 on Concessin' 8 No. 13 on Coun'ty road No. 8, at Kiendal. Posessonon omletonof Jnew, Kiendal School. Highest orI.any tender inol ee sarily accepted., Mlust be sealed, marked "Tender', an-d receîved flot later than June 19, 1961, by the secretary, Mrs. Violet Gilmier, Newtonville, Ontario. TENDERS Tend(ers will bc receivedJ by the unidersîgrredl until June 29)th for cr ýPentrY alléplumhinig work at the Pýarsonage, Church Street, Orono. Tenders may be submitted for elther ail or part of [lhe job. WVork mnust be done during the mnonlh of August. Vurther particlulars frcm Ithe under- signed. Harold Co;bb[ledlick, Sec. Board of Trustees Orono United Churchi FOR RENT Four room BIungalow inOoo avalable immediately. F'or ute information phione 20,53 a! ter 41:30. HOIJSE FOR IRENT An egtroe Brick Housei witilatî omand ail]conveniences Phone 1269), Orono. a.p PROPERTY FOR SALE 6 room Bungalow in ex~cellent ,COndition. 011 Heating, landscaping, aluminum awnings and other exîras, Ideally located on Church Street South, Orono.1 CalI 1121, Orono.a- RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS Aniyonie desiring to purchase RalihProdlucts please phone Or- olno 3M9 or apply Box No. 305, Orono1 Weekly Times for immneiate deliv- ery b-c HELP WANTED Fiîll time iii hand for work in feed mii. Apply to Durham Farm- ers (Gunt) C-opratveOrono. a-c AL-UNMIN4JM WINDOWS, .DOORS See your local dealer for your Aluinlum W, ýindo)ws, D)oors, Awvn- ing, Riligs, S",ctional Garage Doors, Prime Wý,indows. Caîl BEL AIR ALUMINUM Phon Orno 915 13-d-p DEAD FARM STOCK Highest prices for Dead and Dis- abled farm stock. RAY VIVIAN LTD). Locust Hill, Ontario Phone Markham 1160J,- Collect 24 Hour, 7 daýy Service. Please cali: anytime. Ontarlo Governrmîic Lic-1 aneC 10261, DOUGLAS SIMPSON Orono - Phone 1413 Furniture Finlished & Refinished Paperhanging, Woodworking Painting - Interior & Exterior PHYSICIAN and SURGLON Office Hours 2:00 te 4:00 p.m. 7:00 te 8:00 p.n- Saturdays and Wednesdays by appointmren.ts only PHONE 1471 oRoNO DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEOM Phone 10616 Orono, ont. Lawrece C. Mason, B.A1 Barrister and Solîiltor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Homne MA 3-553 ~ W. KIAY LYCETT, B.A. i Barrister - Selicitor In the offices of R. R. Wadoell Q.C. U MIN ST', ORONO I Telephione 1:18 Orono L. J. SKMIFE BY APPOINTMENTS- Lycett's Irsurance Office P-0, Box 68, orono Phonie 12513 INURNCE General -Insurance~ SEE FRED LYCETT OFFICE - MAiN ST-. ORONO 'P hone 1251,6 Res. ¶171i JACK REID Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furnituire Sales Consuit me for terus- and dates Phone 5 r 18 - Orono TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Avction Sales of aiïlodam and at reasonabi. rat. Communicate with him atf PIew". IlaultusMonumnts and Insurance Service 8Family Memorials 9 Our quality and service leavec nothing to be desired o O Ask the person wIîo bought from uas. OInsurance in ail its Branches a neighbour, friend or relZtîýï [jThe RUTTER GRANITE Auto. Package and Composite 0 O PN r' 73 Ontario Street gPoticies , Fire, Farm, Life, 0 PORT HOPE h ~ "Largest Display ini Southern Burglary, Liability, Marine, oOntario', Accident an~d Sickriess, Wiiid, Ô O o o E~ ti Boiier, F;delity Bond, Etc. PH0NEA2 g CONTRACTOFRS FOR g Sill Hailon j ARM and 1HOUSE Sadi Harî1tWIRING Free Est imates Phone, Orano IR1-6 AP.PLIANCE SALES SPrOmpt àn- Guaranteed RepaIra ~FIRS- -"ýTGAGE LOANS I to --, tddsof Eie-ctrici,-J't;t - and Applian, -h as Motom V- , atr - . - ý* . - Radio t-r -t Irons ROY W.'NICHOLS