Volume 22, Nuibr1 hrdy June 22nd, 1961, Orono, Ontarj UId Tyme Callers!To "eterboroug-*h Swimmiers Feature ..Sp...or.D...e At uOfficiai O..rono Pool Opening The Canaldian 0O1d1Tymie Callers The'Il- wOrono Com niity Swim a wic dgntriesof hrvn1 Associ-ation acrie sp,onsoriga i ngPol stobeofî alaoendcial Government and local coilt T ymeDajne in Newcstle Cmu-ti Friday eefn o which a tees will assist 3 ,0 5 ,0 ity, Haill onFrdy June 30. The piu- os iteest ing program bIas been1 The program will of couirse be Five irls ill b viewng th MissSheil BarrbaliOrono Mis POSCof thse dacesrwich ae by filarenPedrk thoPrrk .oar. Thehighlghtedby a roup f thityaigpecteAtfM spor "M'liss Oron-o)"titie this Fiayee- on olng R.2Oon.Mismte hruhutte rasu-pogram ilwill feature [the Peterboro Igirls Of the Peterborough Oirne-- in hnthe Hi-Teshl hi a ils rnMss34Mary Rid(run Ing ,oottl)is to give people Orinmental Swviming Club which' ttai Swimiiig C lese talinted R. i OcndaadcMis Sue Mjor, opprtuyt no teOdtswn ainladinternation-al Swlléimmes ilI provide rtweive in_ýCrowdis ranging lrom 30,000 t& MsOrn dac.TegrsaeOooJacswhiich wer-e populai? in years acciaLji m s inice its iiinceýpt i oilaii l1441dv iduIlal n1umbiers, somne of w h5()0000 ar e expect ed to be ilai atte'n- gone by.Teprga will also include other hv taken top) honours, at Naioaldacewen tie curtain rings ufp me Te orilesra i to lav noted entertainers as theý Orûno dand International Comiipetitions. o ~i timie" motor sport racing '~ nýltF Te rcesr iPa4age o1la « n and a group of divers from Th'le swimimers, in their enter- in1 Canlada at Mospoirt Park, thec the type of music for this style of Toot.tiignuies hc il eanto' ees n otuiu 1- .- 'S g e . su re dance preen t ca The ofciopenîng program is to fir-st for Orono, will inciude duets, racing ciîrcuit', located just niortli of 1, 1 nUdancing. Th er wmll bseii ocl _r \,ihfteeni ura, u 4 ty~~ilnfaouirite changes. Oldl novel- stat at six o'clock sharp when the( solos, tios a ndci g oup nu be s it O on , n at rd y, Ju e 4 --Ste wl lydsc sOoo.ad edb r oadacs of wýenty-four swimmlrers. The- occasion wili be the officiai o]iwlz wosebr ance etc.Su'1 a Hammn, will provide a varied pro- These riumrbers include suchi titieslopenIinlg Of this auto racîng track whX-.,-n ,]I )ovnjoy his sty-,le of gramn of muvsic ranging from mar- as "VIista", "Ducklings on Parade", which fhas been bulldozed o ut o f 'l'lie li-Teen heloitheir i a îiff ,vulytane.I tial aires to- somne of. the popular 'Inilan Dancers", "Astr'onauts of rolling hiilîs and vales of Clarke prliinr ~i~ rooaceonitlriinieiton Jun te ndOthifromlunes o'f the day. j the Sea", "M\ounities Musical Ride" Township. Thescenery and tîzack, Friayevnig he sxtengirls Tedn9-hsFid-wl sete~ 12:30. jFollowing thfie concert a short of- and "u ods".Teratstry' cornbined with modemr utnacn T'ý ac ti rdyWilseteficilal opening ceremony will be held in swimmring is clahmed a spectacu aliesprvd acrutwhc ontestec4 'the lhonour of advancing c oxn n f t e n w Q e n b isIjlar and o nle w ich no10 w ill w alI n ýt o co pr fv ourab circit h othe toda th1fnl1onet1--,hed hs ageryvTyrreli, who hkas carried msI 90ad16 h eter- world-famnouts motor race tracks. 'rda eenn in the Oron)to Town t he, Queen baniner for the past year. XI i 1 boroug-h group have won the Prov- Althoughi it has maniy fine vant yeIal Thcessdance wtas ertanl thednewî nOnea .rono mIn e rrfeulates G inciai ýCorrpetitioni, have also Won age points, the Park is flot yet c0m- grawucs nhtaper htteoe ing of ow the w ropolFn- {a one of thiree 'Oscars' at Ann Arbor, pleted fromi the spectators' point Qf fina Mis Ooiiocufles anddanelo, ig oftheiie Oroo pol ri-Michigan. They are wvorld renowned view. Future developments will ln, tsfrina Mis Oon con enanc Ye ve g tr n n Lakeshore League swimmers. aclub ousn e swiommina pool considerable initerest. vQofI. clu ' ouem se s room, a ra&- thsFrdy ilbeoe rain ayeein.~1rn Also included in the program 0f1 ouii nd1 ig f 0f the sixtee,,n girls, f ive werel The judges on Frciday Iast were enitertainiment are to be a diving chidren's playgronin ix chosen t view te "MissOrono"irs. H.BrIwlMs . Cobbledický, Durinig the pasi wveek the Oronio staff w.ithi ail fiiiding trouble to find team from Scbouh Dvigaes contest on Friday evening at a Mrs. C. Corniish, MNrs. D. Staples, intreaE Basebaîl Club havelthe plate and al being soundly hit. Club who wili -ive a humerous andlo Fromn the participant's viewpoiný,, daaenfctui thte "Cvaler"a o-iMsrs-AmstonganKMr.tRhsWuestto vctoie inthrefamerKeth es strteefo Oonobe-clonig dmontrtio. Ithecicui, panndhnd esine chsr.Those cohoseni for the finals 1Forrester Jr., playedl, thus boosting their ratigi n replaced by H1-areý and George Th'eý, Orono Park Boarc have comn- wvith tIhe, help of somne of the wvorld'7 vwere Sheila Barrabaîl, Mýary Reid, I thele-lague. TIhe - local club founld Jonies. Sixteen bits were given 'tolpleted their plans for thic officiai leadinig drivers and race organîzers,ý SeMjor, Joani Cowing- and Gaîlj icore from Peter'borough anid I'elvlltoo wihwr ome opening, and are presentn otelae itt edsrd Wîllis. 0f these girls one wllbel Newca'ïstle While Bellevýille defeated runs. -omniity an) eveniings entertain-,. "Certainly one of the fînest rac- chosen by 3Mr.s. Adwý:inkIe, W\ýonma n'Ille locals in a fe-heiggami-e. Orono coliected ten hits and sev- ment ney'er before seen in this 10- ing circuits on this continent," wavLI Edto o te shwaDalyTies O rir eteen wvalks in thiecgame but Ilef t cal ity. the opinion of John Fitch, a former to ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 r n hoao "isOoofo19-6.ORONO 10 - PETERBORO 2 tenymen i rnddon t.ebases., _____________ aigdie h a optdo Last Thursdayas at the Oronlo Pa rk ORONO '15 - NEW!VCASTLE Ledr1oto h ol' ao rcs Eccotsatwssosrdfl Qj -rn GereJnspthdatwý,o-ittertbo gj'a Dean 1H. Delamnonte, competitions the ontst nd ae o wee stdens Bstem any threat lthat PetelrorýouLgh usayeein h roo yIIIImager of the Royal Autonmobile of th c1vniý 10, lie ;ils itook, a one-sidied vici-rfrom New-n ofth Oon HgbShol.Th grl ould muster. 'Fhe f1inal sýore 'ývas 'castie ;in the Orono ar Eric Car £- Club, London, and nglish epre. Couie, Dan GlgatJaqueîn Te OooPublic 5Schoo)l bysclro irns IbeîngllowedtkrughTro ntionai:le 'Automob(ile o, f Paris, the c-I Lte vR isofthll a m j ourneyed to New- Omoo rros.up nl foroitsinhisfui eg BurfrdCarle itti, Mryneid innings (of action. On tie other banid O usa ihJn Obtetpgvrigbd o a a SuzanneM ajrDiin rey, oasi onciorda, where theywvere 1Thje Orono rulns were scoredGies intei ls ;,li aseual t'hellocal , boys pîckecl tup eîghiteen rn-Gr udsbldterls ntewrlwseulyetui Sheia Barabli, arine Rns-the ictrs oer he Newcastle boysithe oultrth and fiftbinnngWi11h hits to score terfifte-en1runs. etn ftesaon hyhdaatc berJaberry, erry, Jan C9w - -9 isgm a layed as part focur being scored! la thie,4tbl. These ElC bd ike and cooked ftheir supper ovýeF' "We're taking every precauition inPtyJncJleHwkGi fth il a atvte.fur w-ere off ani error, two wvalks camg1a 'np fires -madle under diffiulty as forj the safety and protection of Ad-ini and Gayl-e Wlls.f nd four bits. This rally Was stopvnnig ie c'ollecte('.thiree bits as everyýthing wvas damp. drivers and fthe visiting public," C. I Wayn Merce and ord Siupson -eIishrt by a double play ont$Ilidlc Deanl We St and Don Mercer.~-Atrspe-te u W h .Bnig haratl et The H-eesalon-tg witk ,some weve tlhe ?,pitcing ,,staff for t he Win-: part of Ptroog.Dean WýestL i'wo bits went: to;CharlesAmsrogf ires and lea up arounid 1the2ing' of the Mosport Board of Direc- aduits enjoed an evenling of dainc-les with both sen ato.John s ,ttrted a rally in Ithe fifth with a sBeon andTerry CanSeter on wt rudte hda"ol ra." Itr'ti ek ingý to reýcord(s n Fiîday ,last. The Barrett saw cduty behlind tne p 1 ýi'e 1 -t folloe by a single bit by Don- snl ist onSelr Dn On Ibeb-aîf of the Guides Juldy jNeverthieless, several practitloûl- lag uiceiî%,aiso found mnuch in- for 'the local team. Ini the bitting de-1 nie Lyýcett andi double bits byý Don Lycett and Ronnie West, The loc-al' Vagg pre(senitedl Captain Grady, who' crs and memb)ers of the St. Johun terst s he ontstnts'vee nte- prtent Danie Rogerson piled up Mecer.Er11Cnetn, haes oysfondlitte toub ele in bga esretrn sGieLaewt Ablnefo eebruh o viewe by he jdgesandasnthy a otalafdsven itsoneoeligasArmtronsandGeoreanods.ahis ndicgsmitedanlyanetsrgi er-pin ad earongrasandaringndftabourvandLindaycwl inb lu tten h11atoomru. ter no]ltablon bi t-111r-lybrougbt in six Pulls.i. ýLyinnBailey read the followîng ad!-,dance at the Park on June 24-1lu the beoetejde.Thec array of ter wee ob Best and Bruce Mer-j Eric Canieton, Charles Armstrong dr ess: j event of a mishap or accident b eautya l pis isplay by ilcradGereJonces al secured vwvo! Tor er .Captain Grady: A colourful openiing ceremony 15 cotsat rsntdtejde its in thep gamne. ISLart WVV OnAt1te1 paty tnight 've, the arranilgocd to precede the bigc 200- BELEVILE 4 -OROO 1 LI L c L lGuides, feit that we- would iïke to mile race whîch will feature such iu- TELLVL1 Orono Clbon2nay staLigIL ScLIo o shiow OUrIppecatonfr the mrany tntial lyJi anuuS drivers as The Oono lub -)il unda lhour s you hLav'espnwith us dr-11 Stirling Moss of En'gLand, Olivier 'vsnotedo Mna atin]- the years you bav2,e been -leadJel-Gndben Belgium adJal gaeIaNaboiof1akad is lak Twship. The irst sod bahis i or you to leve our family to, Participating in the officiai open- giv a ota of26 unsla !!re(nw been boke by a bulldozer cmetbte' etig as \veli as ing ceremonies 'viii be the 2-ic A t O ro no C olt D erby ýin ame which is ecvaigfor, the bs- ueru ikeýs andparies.Bowanville Legion Pipe Banid ronoexhustd thirl'tciment o 1fIlhe new sho.This sehool W nojlota 'e.ae' wihrecently 'von top awardlinaa Eleven 1lcolt-s wr n auda, _____________________'m.____________ _ isepced to be ready for Ithe 1962 alwýays been as -praieas %V0 optto for bands at Kiagston enteredla heAnu! habecf term and wi rvd comd-cuDbe. Veri «y of te 've(caline Out of and wiclast 'veek, partic¶pa),ted Dea rup0f650sct oa- s Vin sCr1etion for 4I0 studlents. iniform nianad just as often you lhad -Iin a simnilar com-1petitin at Atlantic _________________of_(35()_______ toItakeiupWcollectioncof-gumi. City. This outstanding musical tors The trophy 'v1 Ias 'von by a Beth BEut la spite of the many upbraid- group is under the direction of Don anyv horstý.Fleoo E. Grattan-, y#.-.-. few ings you ga-ve us for eomn ini late. Býrooks, while Jack Kaiighit is Presi- oivned byý E. Shea. In 'vininiaig the New- Poo -~ ,.'Y1 l P cwdpe 'viii ail mniss you next year. 1 dent and Albert lMayin is Secretary. i¶ FIpeetwoo&ý- set a pace of 2:11.3!~-*-~.. ~ ,l~ Had il not been for you, mnany of Somnething entirely new for motor tehol ol1ý werJac Wilians f is would not blave passed the tests racing 'vilIlle introducedi at Mios- to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v hodotoe akWUm f~-' -***~~J"- .L U vdid. port on June 241 wben a special, Orono driving b;z is keen contender, 1 Sndy Thseae us af. ofte nay lseiricut elvsin il e n Cannes Pride. Third horse in the' hs r utaf'vo h ay'lsdcrui eeiin'iih n eupfeaur 'vs Bil Grttn i ~'iî~t~< > ~~Y A'Thenewqrao ommniy Sim reasons why 've want you to have stalled to provýide a fast method of owne byB. . Loeryof et i< -~~ ingPoolopecd o s'immrs n t i ll gif t as a token of cour communication from one endl 0f the - - ,gh. appreciation. track to the other and t[o keep off i- borough. ~Sunday ando the pool 'vas pslî The da, sosrd yteOon ., the msppuafetof the Signed 'jais informied on the progress of àll Chamber of Commrrerýce, held tena.A-ie 'vmeswr ie The First Orono Gr Guide- Com- participantsthogît the dura- heats~~~~~~~~ ~n ofrcn vt h aoiyu vaiting to be admnittedl to the pol an.,_io)f cach raýce. pr-ovi'ding xctement frtesc- .ad duing theafeuo it 'vas fi- tatýors. Tne raes ere keely c-n - c,ýrd to cpaity 'ieveryonle (enjoy tes- roiigmnycoefnse ~inÇï snarkiin ii ~ruae Residing In O orý Further to -1-e racing Chambier .. . ... As advcrtised the pool opeaedl at mebr prtda number of i- tilen lte moriing and four hf e g ris icludng ing andothr gurdsÈndassistants 'vere usy games ofchance.Utilaine in h veigexetn n hïl einiinrc o h o two hours ,ýat ;noon and lan boum d ac Wllam' anesPedeand a 1haîf at supper urnie. le _1the-filfooedbanTr Ahl tw ýo hbundrcd and )(lforty- fi ve single admýissions 'vere pid to n hari- gMr. Sbea's deliihtare bis iSuday e ool udr~ nd teny 1)v naîo 3iewaswonbyiste proud 'waer,!.and driver of the udrd Grattan ~ondby ï1', G. iiLo'very Ile ad T01ý- threc cars 'vere admitted into the)ý th Oro)no Drý, rton" who c)-np-Miss Joana Shlea i;s rîingth a adthis number cdoes not la- deryiwnv', FletoodqE. Gatanoupaedbi cmpt pi ed ecnd.I ior latheDeby lasiclas Sa- hamerTrophy froniMr. Harvey clude thiose admittcd on scason's The ailmileFarer'rtroisal-lartur, icepresden. ip as s es. U -appy's cnon e d by Don udyafenona heOoo rc. h ar ord'hchmto 'vin the M 1\ondlay nighit'vere quite- satisfied1 ~ ofCampellfrd vith the opeing on Sundla:i and the Emayfoloedby the Orono Il,-ftle BPace Sunda(1ýy Mac Grat- place. us- 'v as made of the po 1otl ho e Gs Sott o'nedby Haroîd an 'on t1 sVtnnlry 'ith a first Thie third annual Derby 'vas term ue ha Hooey.Gus S tt placed f îrst laithe and second., t 'vasila tite final beat ecd a success for- entertalamnent andby lalrs - n J- ser-od hea wit a lie of142, f tlis racé that te Lastest time waývs also one of success fiaancially fo itne I a eotda Gerald Rbnodriving Bracelet, wsregister il aad that by Carl W. ___________________ hem1tigthtth1neno o 1h wabotb- trfs olte C2 pace 'vth 'Grattain at 2:101. Tis horse is ý LOCAL NEWS bath housela hbeJitg paîlpted andl tha 1t Dr.Tagart'vib QecaAttrne owdd byA. DIývrse- Mlbro. Mr,, and Mrs. Percy Hayward of thie showes are'4n 1'oÎ)atidom. takngseond'vth a second and j Bow-a n ville, spent 'Supdclay w\ith C~4tt nten' olwr thr.RgrBoy. Oshla and indy ,1h0 colt conjso)ltion sa'v Danrdy thir idaugh-ter, Mrs Ray West, ohîilimentary and is terme Ma Gataiacontd- the third 1l*F ; tsitegr0 oif five %wlthiay a.dfanhy-4 vher -Mm ndfourtb, one. Boanie Flicka Grattant in secnd ard celebrated bis 75tb birthday. area. "M