77 _______________________________________ RONO WEEKLY TIMES THIURSDAY, JI.flE 2th1961~ KENDAL NEWS ~~~A beautifl avenue of palrnfOSWn e fH ligw rk M rh The mieetiing of the WoVýmen's In- v-ote of thianks was tendered to Mrs.a stitute was held at the home of Mr. ercer for hier,' ptaiy s ene MWercer on Wýed1nesdaiy eveni- layers "200' Nuptials M0rs. E. Couroux, il, thle Chair. Atýter en1joyed t t1he W.A. mleeting a fe o-penýingthIle meeing ysig'ig the wek gwas hield aan this cont- Studa tene Mosport Pairk of a litre less capacity than te iie i- oberng crmn 1k hrl alwhr h rd' 'Ode"and rpeatîg thiMary slJtng of the namjes of w\efl knowvn .asofcalopnd hn nesti iinigLotuis. lcnKo rsyeln ucneeesml fgenfiue cwLi 1,Caiiniigton, on June l17th amid a bombtardi silk wt beige and black SeatClettîefilauwspol beng pinnied on the ladies' mtdcrw f40,00ý0 attenided o tosreýý1dC so e css anserd b gvi, anvîce o teeni- bcs hc he a ogesb y ovrhe4,aredevelopment 11and! 1setting ofspieagladioli, rmtims adasoiandnd rsag e'o e rss agr n \ýsoiea,)( ln h h . iii lily of the vlly, tVen Joan Eliza- She as asistedby thie groom's discu(ssion oUn t;Lýs subject. The 1topic H. Foster and _Mrs. I. Mercer con- traek. 'Theicowd claimed one of khd o fchrce.FrmadMs.Gog . arshall r of eble 0f mauvývh woe figred ilk-cep&i wastaen y rs Wm Trankydutedths cntst Th metig asthe fDive larges't sports crawds in the the spectators point of view it haýs Canin!gtonl, 1becamiie the bridie of wýith mauive nd htc-essoriesý ei2ýtled "h Teeni-Agers get out of brought toa cos by singing "The history of Canadian sports vas rmru datg onsoe rod Rwad Hligwrb n osg fy l' oses. control", anid somle wrwiead- Queen" and refreshments and a J made up of 31,180 paid admissionu aniuopa cuss.H aîd heonIlsn o M. ad r s. oln h hap opeletai h vlce Vwas -\give. "iiln orcid~cltm ouded a very pleas- plus guestpasses, childr-en who were wo uld definitely be bac(k wben ý Vi Uos-Hoinsotofrn.Re.MR.rsocnetinatptoheas - ,' 1vith Ufi rn es fani r es o n,ý i f h an et in :adm itte-l fee and ous nds w o pot gets FIA status and G randi Prix G lal officae dl. C ast. The bride w ore a tw o pi o ltos o acfar ouwllfotser~~~e o aeiumped the raýc!ng is permiltted. '1'1he bride wore awht waltz )Lttfit of turquoise linen withige losehîs espct ad lve. eac XTiitin K~-GarHils atthefenc, -lenth ligown ilof lpure silk organza accessories and acraeo e y o u r h il d h a t t e r e i d î g n t y i w e e k n d fr m T o r n t o w r e M n -tov ru le a nd s a tiiin f s h io n e d o n r o s e s a n d lily f t h v a e y T h w ihrd w ok swe thei i s er fo m d a d M s. J c a b t a d c i d e ,M oss collected the P la yr's Ti roh pr c ss li nos, s t s ort shirred (ouple vill r si e on , the groo m'-S: wî chue ad rsik i edC Lisa, iedGr, Mr. and Mrs. ý~lee and feaitured tifted organza farm near Oro0. fingers. Let 1-lm kniow thiat a useful L. Hooprii son, Buister, Mr. and, Te crod sartd to arrive FL and $2700 in caýshi. lBonniien's share lite is a blessed uîo. Adversity Mrs,. I1tj arnsr. adMs a-day an~d ;a c-oniciline of traffie wals $1,750 apdGedeie' $00 '.. aghit with embroidlered Jbows Cov- Severalwek peiust th stengten ehaaceCýi(. omenad Oed ntlwith pearis adurid esce 1- marriage of oa arhaTcCn stegteschrctrad ae U y olyM.anmnýs. Dan MolloY'y, com ened from thengutirStucison full Skîrt. Shiie wore a pearl nntnadA"lu compass1onate. ioblDstudretM. imnd Mns. Tom rFaulkýnerMr.dyatron akn jaews igo n rodHligwnh lenecklace,( it agift of !the groom. Rer Orono, Mrs. RailphAspMse equnze; lt iraleau t. eac ad Mrs. ChsEerry ajnd Mrs. ja rmu swsacmoa yor hiudto kve (., 1 oe aale.ttion in theanai Hms n& around ýý[ Third place inithe1second heat \was heaýdpiece was a tiniy crown-Of Jean and Helen lop anigo his fellow inan. Don i t, sendyour n>Urono vwere opeeditothe visitors taken by the powerfuil Sadier Mk5 ersndeqis itasalod gave a surprise kJtitce hwro chid o aplcê f orsptak hm Ms my owe o Boktn i-to augmen-it the supply of rooms at plotd y ra tiak of George ,sîk illusion veil trîimmed with se- behalf of the On)ta1rloCounty Jun!io-r Mo tw. In the oveai evntClarik finlquins. Shie carrnied a bouquet of red FarmerChi.Bfr the beauti- _ shr.'Un tne oli,oeÀufdieI ited Mr. and Ms.Allani Foster. Mrs.'Moelsý andl Hotelsq in neighibouringîse ffh oesan l h i centres. rc es nd iy of te vey. fýl ii eeoeýd Lictre, an article waýs re titled'Marlattý returned to Bookton wvithi Th.e bridesmaàid, Miss Joan Chami- evenyone wrote o,'Ut a recipe, te 'Y:our parents and y'0. ryeýars lher. bes, ilfrîdl, wore a yello)w altz the travllingJ gift of a recipe fil-i1e parntiPis have been told wa. itiey e gth fpr i'i razlnd( iýýt biet-e owethinchîîî e. snt im Mr'. Milton Rlob)inson was taken to Tents dottel the vvhoie area Floigtemetcr temdgw of puhr slkorgsanzadeupatebrd-oe.Alvy somenuone put the shoe on the ,othier Bowmaniville Hsitlon Monday. many camped for the night previous dei-Hgwy 1 ntl~~oý'er taffeta wih shor sevessd unh endedsonthpesanfoftening. -cot? After ehildren are g ro, v hey and tlfe night following the meet. nine i the eveningebumper towihum iiimbrSoideed bývodice. Rer neaddress Ti peink 'stff 0f tPercan, sh-ouild be assuming ra greater -share The whole event was an education perd. f hisnd was also1 the case down in- parý- a thereltiosiiip1-0 Loe, Mr. and Mrs. :Spence Gordon wene for the local residents, many ofto Bowmanville where a host tused sequinof atnd pearsan e satn hes inidys anhd aspperprtgé V lu~~reet( makîng tneirelotionshcpago. Lovehereo acigylo ai.SeGaysadpeéted tPe'!bride-- aîtr al, is a two-wýay street andpretd wt ito w hiswîom were present for the Wbia tPe Libeofty street entrance to tPe . . -el tPe ~ ~ ~ ý (,,rew ter aetsby their childIren on the ocSion of 'evnt ew park. carrîed a bougroesfwbt 'etbeWthsvra ovîrifts TP someti)(n'too." p Il 'sli 3Oli wedig anniversary atet veat )-s ad, elowroes ank also presented ber with a thaomof.hi auhe, r.The groom was attended by thlovl onigWnccseoe Walace Bofghe, on Juner,0th. biesbrother John Ma.rshaàll of iRecntly maynidsettMc Mrs.H. ostr rad pom e- jBritish diving ace Stirling Mss The raýe officially openied the new vnnngon-TeshPswee i ck IdosPubic Sc(olWhere the t~ted Life"which fhad some he 1 Mn.,1_1and.Maningl', sn of Mn. cdnvù îg aMark 19 Lotus, cooly took$7000 irutAtonyGnalRhefdofOnonpewftebiehdatneframsc- Lruth Wei onth rmmern. a r. anng a arni ed on th,, rrve oven the new tnack to talke Kfs oet 'ofe nb e-gomand Arthur Mrhl fCn anieous s ýhowen. A program of, hum- Satund;ay in, Port Arthuir. a deeis've win in the Player "20 cpe 0ofcaea h pnn igobohro h rd. orous verses anid pianoselections- cenemonies said, "When I looked TPe wedding music was played by was followel by an address'by Mns.ý Piý"ure oflie w1niý-r ý(-aiç) in MissMýý)(, an Mrdotwn and saw ail highiways ladngJak ordon of Caningji2ton. Ken Ollive McDonald a former teacher, ýo he rac bockd wlh rafic itIllro ofPicerig,1)ý,tuifulYThe bride and groom-tLo-be rece-iveci Flonidla wit1h Mns. Luixoni wene Burwash are visiting wt their sis- Scoring an incredible 86.4 mile s iloo(ked like they wene ail hedig endened the Weddiig Fra1yer be- a lange muimber of useful and lovely sho,,wn by Mrs. 1. Meer. Thy wre ter, Mns. Chias. Th:Iompisoni and neph-j per h6ur for the fastest lap eof t-he1 to ai major spovlting attraction in a, oethme ceremony and 0 Per-fectJgifts for which they both replied bear fuuycolune, sme howng w Athu an nice abe f r ilace, Maýss, who ciaimed lPcney\er ilarge metropolitan centre. 1 an Lvouîgth inn f the reg- fitti-ngly. Lunch and d1an1cing geat many acres of Chrysanthie- e days. put i- - ne&v machine into, 1thger most impressed." iser. b-uh a veny enjoyable evenirg umin a variety of coloulrs. One steadîly lapped the field of egtenThe reception was, helld in the to a close. pi.'tuir wa -of a i-,,,a crocodili ýa 1/,T1-- - - - - - - - - -- -- - - --"~' Pn.rtssitugnîleyan a îay Iiend c ans, încquuî1,ng sezonu-place winnier ~~~it ~ ~ ~ J (îhMs uo okn ono shaiwa visicd bs mothen Mns. Joakim Bo1ý nnien of Sweden in alI Sport car enthusiasts came fo an i. Oe ldy emaked"Wel, warnîc for tPe %weekend. works Porsc' 'c RS 61, and Olivierf an and wide forte'vnt Seen you were( on the night side o cf the -Gedei of Belgium in an RS 61 wene carsbearing plates from as far ial, Mirs. Luxon." "Yes" she an- Sna eolwl ea 11 iiefnihdtid as West Virginia, Alîbenta, Saskat- swiered "The only w~ay you couild teil a.m. 5j chei hid.wan, Oio, New Yor-k, Michigan they Were aiive-was by the blln- I and Illinois. Also seen was a smalli mrg of their eyes, but when food was The Oi-rnge Church panade anid The identical Porsches, drivea by imported car >beaning H-amburg, thnown to t hem thley soon came servIl"ce is at 3 pm Bonnier and Gendebien, had engînes Germfany plates,. TeNew POoIcl OfiiiyOpenîed Onitarin's Transport Ministe-r Leslie Rowntree helps Laurie McFal cut out her new safety game whiie Kerry Esling and Ross Pugsley of Etobjeoke's Kipling Grove Sehool take a ]essor. The safety gamre is designed to entertain the ehildren while reminding them of the practical rules for traffle Waety. For the thirteenth eonseutive yeur the Transport Departmrent and the Department of Edlication wiIl distribute one million of thefse iummer iuafety reminiders te Onçariûýe scheo cehidren. A Por'tion of tbe sfeýy ganie in sho.wn t 101IL 'ivnie iarue ioreeoers Add New Hoistein Sire TPe,ý Quinte Catte Breedling Assoc - Slation 0of Belleville, lhas p cae ahigh class fivýe-year-old Hoî0steini sieto add to their A. I. batter-y.e cured fnom tPie Home-stead Faqrm, of O.J. Tîral, Windsor, Conn. Thie sale w'as madle thirough Wa1. K. -Hep- Ma nager 0of Homestead Farmi,j Iwlho is well knwIo Canadian RHoi- f tein bredrs 1vn judged a imnmber 0f our leadiïng shos n cdigthe Royal WinterFa. "Betrad"is"I fuli brother of1. Rosaf e Domji-o, whlo lais been very csicessfully uised by the Quinte Un- i Both wýýere bred byDrHetr. Asegof Brampton, Ontanlo. cDomino Pas 75 tested daughters wil a o 1141 for milk and 1131 (continued an page 3*) 0YOU C TAIBEINGn AT ANY TIME TPe, Oshiawa Business ColhegeG sopen alyear and Our method of iniidcual instruction permits you to r stanrt at any timàe I8DaY Scho f rom TuESDAY and THURSDAV 70 o9:00 p.m. G Chowice o'Subjects G Spcal Classes for * i{ousewives - Sliiftworksrs G Teen-Age Typists PFREE LITERATURE 1Q AVAl LABLE j 0 Simcoe Street North Dial RA. 5-3375O WITHMEALO OOBN Ca na da' On/Iy 10 " Sm oo th Sid-eing, Dý YMONDPRDC W hen it cornes to resurfacing your home, you can't beat MedoIlioni Gold ,Bond Aluminum Sicing. It's scientific.. aIIy baked-on vinyl enomrel finish is beautiful end wiII for outlaSt the lO:y ýýr -quarantee you get witb this siding. Get full detoils end an, estimiote todaàyl ROPHHARDWARE Phone 143Ormio, Ontario 4, - »L & ilione 143