---a--- i r' r' A A r' e ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, JUNE 29th, 1961 FROZEN FOOD DEPARTMENT HOu YDE there's an Fresh! Grade -A" Predr-essed Frying or Roasting C cKES Burnsl-Hot Do one 6oz one 6oz 21 to, 31b average lb Royal Guest Rindiess SIiced S--e lb pkg 39c BACON COMBINATION OFFER p kg COOKED HAMSI'edVacuum Pce pkg SLICED CHEESE~e~ 37c 39c, tlb 4 7c 29c lpkg 59e ail for 79e 16 oz btl 39c pkg 29c 15 oz tins 35 loz tis b tin >$1,o39 for 25e pkg 35c Mazola Oil Topping Mlix Dream Whip 6oz tins -Save lüc p-kg of 250 39c 2 gai 79c 3 FOR 79c 2 lb 19c 'Td.-dI Ù? VLX( - -f rf ixeceive -p i i For Loci ThýeOrn Police Trus;ýtes met Èonl it ws ugesedbythe caii thtteTrusteesintc hee partrnnt ofHiheas st gestin that as~g'i i-tecintestionoif be erct don11 noetn at ot on t e Ohao arca ,s Il vaif cl tUai'if . Eiiiorfisisnevu G.ère Simsroan wepotedthat heul rIcealv sm of tecaiest illwhSc ete on saidv follorg h Intreational Re rneet at Mospotrt T o utraon waspalsiathie.. tlli obtaipices te eorejt.t Oron slgns ý_,o te Cout-is road forti) helf Ithe OViag. EieTingsones ae be knofcked down w) iaith e disaper- Hielagoftop ýqsou and a general o inte)rI(ýY1rseto a n coplee R o y F r r e s t e s t a e d t a t h e h adi i Societyan tha sme ton to do cariedoutasoonap oss ile. poiting o te parkin ne h at coto $160.00. $50000 thei Oronob Poice Tfrutees wefr e properties affect ed b chre $vr 11,001wofSlt0-be recdom e Agns fr Opeate byJack-Lees FO)R PIK- &DELIVERY ~ PHONE ORONO252J STAFFORD BROS. Phone Wlhitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND, MARKERS Let us erect a handsom,d- nified monument over the res't- ing place of your Iloved ones, It's rot elcpensive. And 'seeing 'lis Iast tribufe ,,îligiýve You endless comnfort. I e I UR ~ I 1ps 3 . We replace or reparr worf or de. fecttve parts o COftrolso cf your oif burne,, t fno 4. w:rnak: aUtematic deliver. oil cf erîght grade 1or1yur O All this for a- Koiw anniual rmaintenance r!~ pis the cost of the Gil you use. NOt Only is it h f inest kind of heating service, but hmoteo nomical and satisfactory. - I Phoiee Us N ow For D tci!, r o Hos ORwONOU FUER & LUMBER LIM"aITED O ro no, Ontario, Phone 14816 I GA Choice PEAtiCHE wS Clarks with Pork 'BE ANS Dinty Mocrels Mvaple- Leaf -Pear Shapeci Ali Flavours - Regular Packages Jello Powders 3 Christies Fig Rolis Barbecue Special Charcoal 5 lb1 Crush or H ires Root Beer- 10 oz. Tins Can ned Beverages 4 for 27c EXTRA A Total $42,.flfluI. ontis of 4ïL .~ apes Receive FREE $10.00 in Bonus Tapes with CIGARETTES - Ail Popular Brands Carton of 200 Rereive FREE $6.00 in Bonus Tapes with BARBECUE SAUCE - Kraft 14-oz. Jar BiCKS RELISH - Hot Dog, Sw,,eet green, Chili Sauce- 2 i2-oz. Jars BALLET TISSUE - _Blue, Green, Pink, Yellowv, White 2 Twin Packs QUA,,KER MUFFETS - 2 15-oz. Pkgs. Receive FREE $2.00 in Bonus Tapes with MARGARINE - Nucoa Regular 1 lb. pkg. FROZEN PIES - Farmhouse Apple, Checrry, Bîueberry 24-oz. Pies SMAL-L LINK SAUSAGE- Royal Guest Pure Pork- 1 lb. Pkg. NEW POTATOES - No. 1 Gradie lmportedl 10O-lb. Bag bag 39C Reynolds Wrap 12" roll Ëf.9c Ballet, Foîded Embossedi Serviettes DAIRY DEPARTMEN FCE REo-ýA m Royal Gold al flavours REFÎRESI-ING arld DELICIOUS NO1. 4, GRADE CIRAP S IThompson seedless TENDERP GARDEN FRESI4 CALIFO>RNiA VALE-NCIA JUICY ANDRE FR E SilHNG - Size 163's SUNKST RANGE Open Thurs. & Fri. Nligçht titi 9 -Closed ail day ,Saturday