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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Jun 1961, p. 5

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- - -e.-- ORON4O WEEKLY TIMES TPURSDAY, JUNE 29th, 1961 M.Ruthecrford thecn lintroduýced a umbr ofothrs wo, e saý!Idlhad lii7,ed hePark Boaýrd in the pro- et:r.G. M. Linton, Orono, ýT. H FWtr nd Mr. For-d o-f teDur-, ram-Nithumbrland ea'th d LADIES' and GIRL'S SOCKEES Areal bargain i n rayon ýanid cotton Sookees, mo)cstly lastic tops. Green, blue, pîgk, beige, red, yellow and white. Sýzes 6 to 10l'-. Reg. 45c pair 'SALE PRICE 2 pairs for 25e Reeve Earl WalIkey. ýber in ýwhichi rhythm and precision was keynoted. Trios, duets and other tte uthier-ford, then stated that >,up nmbers concl'uded a most in- ",epool had cost a sum of $14,000. tèrstig rgi an oewh p f0o t bringling it. into operation will long pergrm nrd nwhch anid that at the present time a sumn commnunity7. of close to $2000,.00 was neecled to clear, the debt on the pool. The eV-' LOCALNEWNS TJhe Orono merchanits are thir places o! business for ti- inion Day Hloliday on S'I T is rîi l-,th*i- W ni(t ening -wýas ti-2n itined1 over to Lhe Noteable feats by the swýimmýrer's tres in thePrvne The stores «Ii Peterorough Ornamental Swimr- were their abHily to swhn great dis- Open again for ,buIsiness on n ay.F mrýs vwho presented a program tances under wvater and still hod Ar.a- n r.T1 ýýýýfGd thillingHe many who were pres- tteir positions. Also, and poussilv r n r.T .Co fGdi otabe astheir abiilvty to miing, En-igland are visitîng with submege ve'ticay, hld ithe-ir hertre agltr, r.Clyo The sw~mers prsented welve tion and revolveu at the ,samn ieîRî,Otaa rrs adeHue umeswich inclwued anl ouLtstand- Their actsccrtanly onthhears nd rs. S. j. ïNoCrtfon, Ooo in fJd -iwich intricacies of or-'oIeradec niamental swnxin :ws displayed.V Dw. dnd iMus. W. 1H. Brown, aId Ibi aosii c l-eProvincial fmlGcpisetafe asi "u n Goddei ýss. (ropo44 wr --ers also won ithe aclam f tir dsly fdiigbyagou-is eoWlonadciirnet audiene with "visa" " stonutsi.n c,-bruhwodslyda udyt ii irprnsl ycte Sea" and1the "Mointis MbiliînC s aint" anuiOas it ou]dEnlad sicai ide". he laterîbeig a nu- This0iss mtFwith'rhe aprova i J tose resen. Mr and rs. loydEwin an ______________ Ma. C.S. MLaren. _________________________ M and Mrs. SiEer To-ontol %ER l'SoWhe ahng~ ~it1oun Sunay with Mrs.S.1) IMMU ITY ALL STALESMr. a A Mrs Cal Billings, Ms MM MU YHA LSTBLSA'udrey Bilings, Ms ebrSuh and 1Nmrs.Harry BHaiey, WVayne and Lynn visited on Sunday with AMr. and Mvrs. PUMPING OUT G'eorge Webster, Janice anal KXaren, Bowmanville. 9:0-1230 EPTC T NKSMrs. . Wilsont returned home LADIES' CAR COATS 2 ONLY--Flecked Cotton Corci Coats, rayon Iined throughout, can be worn with or without beit. Green and tan. Sizes 14 and 16. Regular $17,95 SALE PRICE $7,95 1 ONLY-Three-quarter length Coat of Mercerized Popliin, water repellent, lined with rayon in a Pais- Iey design. Loden green. Size 12. Regular 15,95 SALE PRICE $8,95 1 ONýLY.-Gold coloured Coat in a honey-comb weave. Round collar, yoke front, rayon Iined. 'Size 14. ,Regularf $17,95 SALE PRiCE $8,95 1I ONLY-Beige Corded Cotton Coat wvith white knitted nekadand uFfs, short length, rayon lined. 12, Re gflareî-$7,95 SAÀLE PRICE$39 MEN'S JACKETS Waterproof Jackets, long length, rayon Iined, zipper front Brown and navy. Sizes 36 to 46. Special Price $3,95 LADIES' CANVAS SIIOES Discontinued lines in good quality Canvas Shoes, Sev- eral styles. Navy, browvn, beige and red. Si;Èes 5 toi 7V2,. Regular values to $4.25. SALE PRICE PER PAIR 98c GLRL'S JEANS Goodi quality Denimn Jeans in, sizes 8 to 12 years. Navy only. Regular $2.95 SALE PRICE $1,49- s o r pnda y StreOpnrmstrong E\venngs t:riday and Saturday open Ail Day Wednesday 4 *:. j- I ~ ~ .f~L~ 01àDiTyMNE CAL NEWCASTLE ci, SOAREiday, The director will be Mrs. Joyce Simnpsopi assîisted by Vicki Cotter and tuwo younig glirls to be picked b the director. The cost to the parenits for the four veek program il be $3.00 for, one dhctld ani $1.00 for each adclïi- tjiai ohilal inithe sam-e famiJly. Those attenddnig for a shorter per- iodw than thie four wee-ks wvill bel -charged1 a fee of $1.00 per, week anid 50.for- each additionial ehild. ec, solarA id mor e are expectedi on opnig ay.1 T'hose w'ishin!g to take the Red j ~Swimm iinstruction will be abefo paric*ipte ini The Rei eaio Orono pastoa - Minster ORev. BasJ i Long UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge SUNDAY, JULY 2nd C«HURCH SERVICE Kirby..... ...... 9:45 am. Oirono......... 11:00 Minister, Rev. R. H. Love Leskard Thankoffering ýSe'vtic, 7:30 p.m. GPus Speaker, Rev. R. H. Love B.A.J Muele, Orono Intermaediate Ohloli FRIDAY MID-NIGHT SHTOW ONLY AT 12 AN D Aduit Entertainiment M yON to WED, JULY 3 - 5 at 7:30 TONYRANOLI ~ TRENMIIIR w,ýýmoyAN ARWIN PRODUJCTION HICK ADAMS -MARCEL. DALIO- JULIA MEADE A UNI VERSALINTERNATIONAL RELEASE N EASTMAN COLOR- CINEMASCOPE Feature at 8 p.m. Aduit Entertainment OPENING JULY 2th FOR EXTENDED ENGAGEMENT 1FATRE VALUE Boy's Sport Shirts, Wash 'N Wear, short sleeves atssor-ted patterns and colors, sizes 8 to 16, ea$1,59 Bathing Caps, ail fresh stock ......59e to 89c Men's Tee Shir-ts, white, sizes sMall, mi-edium -ianid large Regular 79e This week Sale Price 67e Tea Pots, Earthenware, 6 cup, Reguilar 89e This Weék Special.............. . ,71c Dust Pans, Plastic Shatterproof,, assorted colors 39ce Tea Towels, white with colored stripes, madeu of Linen and Cotton, regular 35e This Week 3 )f or 88v Jumbo Bleach Toxvels, goodWa gt Each $'1,49 NEW-Foam Cushion Cul,ïrrs, designed fopr y sleeping -comfort, makes perfect e,4,LU ,, three sizes, Package foI'......10 Extra Special, 20-piece Luncheonr Sets, -1i-*eces eahof Oamels ups and-Sauce-rs, BrýeadI and Butter Plates and Dinner Plates in three attrac- tive decorations ............... Set $3,î77 Open Friday Eyening - Closed ail day Saturd'ay, July lst ORONO 5c. TO "'$100 STORE I I J, Ilfrom the Bowmanville Memnorial' I Hospital this wveek. Mr. andAl rs. E. J. Hamm cele-ý brated thecir 55th wddnganniver- sary on1 Sunlday, junie 25th. Th'e-y îiad dininer wt their son Mr. and MrLs Doniald Hamm 1-1andl f amily. 1r. anal -Mrs. Mackenizie, Toronto at- tended ,Llseri'Îce at 0Orono0United C(hurch iio Sunday and hiad inner ýah tiMr. and Mrs. Carl Billings. The Stapletoni--Henderson picniic wam felswlay ne Orana l ees- elSund' pay i e Orono Prki mnents served in ilie Oddlïellows Hall Mrs. SkidBarrabal visited o011Wed- nesduay wsth hler mcither Mrlis. Alamns oif Rosen)ethl, who is a patient in the Cobourg lifyspital. Mlr. SLheld1on Moffat is a patientl tr he ID3owmiaivjlle AMemorial Hos- pital. 'Mrs. Lloyd UTaylor, is a patient in AtheBomn eHopa. ml'. and Mrs. John lConnieillya-11d, famy t oronito visîted 1the lttelr si moterMr.0. (Cowan on SL1n"iay. mas. VEllio)tLof St. Johnl, "N.13, IS andii MLogogan ýMr, and Mrs. Russell Ma jor of Osaaare mnoving inito one of Dr. McRenie'sapartmments. Pre-School Childrens Pro- grcam At Park The pre-school Summier program- starts Monday, July 3rd, 9:00 a.m. !.PRegistration andl enrolmnent fees will be accepteal in the Orono Mailn- icipali Building at that rime. Every mnornîing the lchilidren will imeet ati the Municipal Building to have theý r'(ol taken. The children wl then proce ed to the park. SQUAR DANC FOR FUN Bert Tompkins Phone Newtonville 4721 N s N 'i.- N -N N * N N N N 'N N N N N N 's-. N s- N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N if you do soy home, molto ivre the iocking choir le In good r.puir I111 CIA Co-eperaors IsrneÀsdto

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