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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Jun 1961, p. 6

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s. I t Happy Surprise For Ocecin Voyager Mrs. Elsia D. Co.xý of Mahatta, anuvrIsla-ndi, has neyer for- ,otten thie day in 1929 when sh ,j9iled fromc Southampton, Eng- land, f0 iv in Býritish Columbia?. Nor is MrseCx likely ta for- get, the reen ay wheýn she ariVed in Southampton onher Ëirst visit ta England since leav- ing thlere 3M years ago. Wlien Mrs. Cox sailed frosii Southamýptonin i 1929 she ciasped .i bouque t of red roses that her ~fanil had given her as the lasi goodbyeswresaid. Then eLy , this year, Mrs. Cox, whIosehLiusband died in 1959, de- cided it vas time to visit Eng- ïandci Before she- left Mahatta for Montrelal âd lte oceancrossing in the liner Saxonùiia, Mrs. Co-x bouglit a bouqicuet of red plastic roses. "For sentimental reasons!" she confîded ta lier lon--g-time friend, iVrs. Louise agln of Mahat- ta River. 1Tlien, urt-knowDn ta Mrs. Cox, Mrs. HauglaInd araned itb the Cunard Line to liave a bou- quet of febrdrasespretd f0 ler frendaboIhar0 the SaxIoia as tlie linar ertedin Sub ;Àmpton on11June 9. cridout NMrs.Hu- iandi's instuctions a à,a Mr,- sliip's officiaIi presented tlie sur- prised and deliglited Ms.Col: wvitb adoe red roses.ý Attaclied ,was a cr beaing good wishes- framMrs.CoxI's frienids in As a fmbn toucli to tlie happy ocsopuezni plioora- pliers, ateexisoncamera crew, and a rprtrfros nIele of Bni- tin' ailwn's's maga- zines itriwe r.Cox. The peai trat the close of hv, ser'mon discovered one of bis deacon-s asleep. 'To teacli a ittie lesson, he anniiounced,, "We, wilI now have afe minutes of pray- ~.Deacan Brown wl lead.", 'ýead?" said BeDacon Brown,. 1udenl awkin, "I just deait." slim, Cool PRI-NT.EDPATTERN ( and p1aîn perfect) sheafli. Easy eogiufa sew in] aqday - b1maUrt eog 1 0 %wCarevn Printed Pttr 446 ait Sizes Ille, I16½, 18%/î 2010, 224& 2415, suzeois /t akes 3 yardsz W5-NCb.Emboidery traner Seni FO YCELNTS,(sap cannat lie accepfed, use postai note fsfetIy) foMtis paer "Please jpin't pjny IE NAMEL, DESSTL Sen odertaANNE ADAMSA ~o ,123 Eigbtfeentli St., Newý Tioronto, Ont. ýruSlion show ai Spinig-Summiert ý9v,îi-pïga pe, pages of paf-i lrsin oaur new oonCafal1og 0'ust f!Hrsend 3-5', now! iksi .o4r~ Cak You know hovpeople always ay"lic Mietpart of going soi; is thie coning homie". Y jusftatusýasIe way the nicest part ai leaving a distr-ict wlere Yeu have once lived is going back for a bulef visif. Iliait proof 0fthlast we mek. Aot flrece weýeks ago I ne- ceivedal .n invitation to flie Fif- tieth Anniversany Tea of h John i ilfon Chapter, .I.DL fa which 1 used ta, belong mn years ago. I thouglit if was sO niice of the memnbers fao senci mec aniviai. But I was a little dubtWousabu accepting as if camne in flhe. îddîe af a veýry busy wveck for us. However, i thougMithfliconîy ,vay to showm niy appreciation -- and rmy con- tinueci inferesf in the work of the' Chapter - was fa ppear in persan. And was 1I giaci1 I went! R.eally I couldn't gef. over i everyon-e was Sc, nice and so pleaseci fa sec mie. The only way I, can expl-iin if is they kInew ýI1 had been qtite iii! during last wirand -proba-bIy thouglif I had mrade aý spacial1 effort ta at- tend fI tea. If almnost nmade me f cci as if I had nrisen fros flic dead! Nat urallIy -ti-,e pleasuire wvas inat in thc ea eýst one-sideci. Therp e were many ."aid-timers" thene wim I had not seen for years -- afd weail remcmbered ecdioher so wel. Quite a numn- ber of them, lîke myseIf, are 110w living eise'vewic. I hope fhey ;gof as mlucli pleasure fnomn f bis visit fa their 0aidCliapter asý I did. There wceý otIhers li liaci xpeniencecisoychanges in their lives duing flic inter- vcning years -- some gooc, some not d so mSie ex ontag. Aý iew w_ýere cuoeosyfiglit- ing thir wyback ta heaIfli and st,;rengfh. Others wio laci led 1a particuianl1y active lue - _ af liome and in fic orgainization- _e)V7now ore or ,ss etireci. There was eveni one memnber wvho haci a copy 'orf fhls cbuma Iin lier purse, ready fa pass on ta an- 0fber member. And sofie Catrcaurnes on - wili he eipandi addition ai a fine fifty-car record, having survivad fic cdentai wonk ci two wars anci assisteci witli fli ai ten',Ihali th countless rebabLJii- lafion polm.Oeo l hr 1,r mebrsws ler al oaci lmcstas- utîv a ever AI ildy wloin 'n tle Sf o years lIt' Iias ,me a accomplifor flic sertof [how fa enjoy flicýh taeT f0 maînaîn r's t i nes i,)f n cie.Ifsf lic pan aeasfo bared Iý)uxvbih)oirjnos ac attratie lawns snd shrubbenis. There was qite a une-up ai sh-ining caîrsz parked a nfluiree adi- jo0in iag streefs an li lc older ouf- sFirts offlc towus Ilooked around anCi could'f thelp coin- Paning presexit conditions iswl1 flic tie wlien Ias iirst a membe cf fic thseý GUESS WHO? - Actress El;zia- beth Taylor, disguised as a waitress, create-d havoc i the closîn.g show of hier husbandc, Eddie Fisher, in Las Vegas. Stumbling around the dining room, dropping crockery and abusing Fisher in a highly pitched Cockney voice, she comn- pletely fooled himn. It was only wheni she.remnoved ber wig that Fisher recognized lier. diays it wasn't always easy ta gaway frm Ginger Fanst attend tlie mieetings.Anthe wa ways the problem 0f t ran- SPo)rtat'ioni. Cars werefe and lai between and w,,e didni't b-ave onie ourseives. Sý o on man3y or- euasions 1wake ato iles ta go toa a-meetýing,. Soetmes rov"e oun lhorse ajnd buggyý) - if Prinîce was fot -required sm tlie field. Later-, if wasLor first cac -- a Model T. Tbat sal put us in the iuxuXtry class! But at this an- niversar.y tea I thiink aur '513 Plymnouti was the odetcar there. Tliat didln't worry Mein thelleaist. lIf gotme there and Cit linouglit ime ac. 'htmore cou1ld I ask? Not only tliat it too)k me ove to Bob and Jysta suýpper, and fros fl'iere t ic ocl-iop1a f0, visit an aidI frienld in h-er eiglihty-sixth y ea'àr. and tlien basjus-t liefare th-e iglis camie on. Next day Partncrwen t D1ee's for al two-dlay vst i pni-mary Objective was ta help straigiCýten p thie front lawn aft- er ticiyStree'ts Comm'issioni bnitkndowýn a lhuge r inl front i the busand fcu r-CIse, rod.He tok ai îbishavy reicsatour formIng dis,1ft. wbicb lie stil.1 inmn ue. As do aUr niborlThe fools are off en an 1")ant, [for i the aIeragi liome,-owner ,vuïid nevér, or at icat sldo, tinl itne2essaâry iran spoan or a pickaxýe. Geneir- aiyiends -îup witb Prartner e- comrpanying wiatever tuoois ný e- quir1ed andi putfing it intoý actioni bimseif. Andithtlie is;quite hiap'py ta do. Lilke the I.O.D.E artist 1lis mny iiýinterCsis andac tivities keep b ina f rmb-coi-ngÏ prematureiy aid. None, of us caný help growing old c]in\year,-s but we can remrain yUg nspiit. That is, if weý so c'iru. Apropos of family prablema - of ri-iied children andaigprnti wonder how sony ,saw G.M Presents" -"oetigOlci, Something Nw.I utsr liava gix'en young ani-.olcialk pienity of food fortogf A Grand Occa:sion For The Kellys! The tums ts fo>ameci anu Croagh Patrick - the hocilyý mo1untain ,viiere SaintPaik himneif had prayed an1d fastced for 10 days affd niglits - on1 flic day that young Jolin K"îlýy ieft tlie auld sod. Hewa 20 then, a ruddy-faced lad witli a 3cloth1 cap and a battered tru#tk. For tlie last time, lie lookeci at Ilie, stone-fllorc-i (cottage wir:e h hi been reared. Tien lie trudgi- ed on ta theý village of West- p or t, scarCely haarinig the scream cof guills as tliey swept in off Clew Bay. Like maniýy an- oflier lad, Johin Kelly was leav- ing-for America, and there w"ere direarîs in his eyes. L]nithe course of twa gera- tianis, John Kelly's ten cbildrcen andi their ehuîdren made those Irish dreanas caeintruc. This mnonth Ireland gat ifs first look RI' the mýost fa oaiail John Keiiyv's descendants - a grand.- duher, Her SLeree ighiness Princess Grace of Mncre- furning ta Ireland wih le Prince and fhrowving f lihe 50,000 Keilys into an uproar. Ouitnumrbered only by tite Murphys, but now fwice asz noisyv, flic Kellys f umed oe a strike, by theater employces, which would prevent e-crs Grace from iiseeng Dubli'S pi h Theafer- Royal. There was con-- cern fao o v e r how Pi.residet Eamon, De Valera a,,nd thar dig- nitanies igltcniotthem- selves in.- welconring- a r oy i chicf of staf e for the f irst tm since tlie Iishi repubuie ýwas est a- bisbed. Down in flie ate John Kelly's, native County M\aya, in prepaýr- afio-n for an infori3 visit, by Princss Gacelier liusbanid PInce Ramnier, anici thieir two cbildren, Albert ociCaroline,' tlie cottages wreget-tingi fresli ma~ts of wiuws.The Kelly clan prepareci a welcomie in tlic prosbytery of fth estotCa- tliolic ChurclIi, but thiis broughft up, the probbem of whlo would sh.-ake tbeý royal hiani -an-d mono- pal)ize flic roy\al cr."If she shakes liands w itli every -Kelly arouadhlire," anc vloeu ol- serveci, "sbe, won'*t get away for two yea_ýrs" The key ta hsepoeswasý hielciby neof tflic Prin[cess'se cond cousi;nzwo osesstheu oniyextantreýord ai thbe Kelly fl ires ,,ýAerdngta ier, there Uare onl1yti bona idïe s-conid cou1sins o' fG cesin 1ail thecuty anýd they wculd J e special treafmennt, "no miatteif there are people w,ýho think he c 'an f le left out of things. A t flie ltliatc-h-roof co4ttage where Joû h nl Kelly once lived, th ere waîted a new owner, an app3le-oeleke-d widaw who weans ginglai gowns and loibailed boots. "Ill have'a plain tes and my own sad -a breaci and cakes before tlie learth," slie sai'd. She also had prepaired a welcoming verse: ShQ cornes to lreland for ber grandfather's sake. 11 And to visit his cottage down by the lake. The widaw was sure that the Princess would cadi on lier lie- cause a gypsy tolci her. years ago: "A beautiful wvoman wii visît yau from Europe>,, ard ier ail drippingwitli diamoncis."- From NEWSWEEK. How Some Wedding Customs Started Many of tlie customs, associ- ated witli weddîngs today, pre- date tbe Cliristian ena. Some are survivais of pagan rîtes wli'cb were blende.d thiroGtiStlie cen- turies with Jewisb andi Ch ris- tran rit nais. Theo e igRing ariginaieci in the dJays of tlie caveman - in aucerd, of reAds with' which the man boui imsniýelf to bis wife's waist in ordar to make tbeir siison_, Thie BridaI ParTyý stems -trom the mrig by - captlure ena wlien loyal tr:ibDesmen iiandi close friands of thegoo witbrn tbe tribe aidec i him ta capture nis bride. Wliule heý dasbed off veitb hier, bhis frianids stayed bebrnd ta fend off or filit tlie bridc's outraged relatives-. S u cli were tlie first ushers and( best mani. The Bridai Veil evalveci out cl an Oriental cus-,tomr from Past ages. If Va ýTs believed tflat evîil spirits wr especiaiiy attraeted ta o e sa, as a protection froni the "Ev ,il ',yev" vwaýmen ai- ways wae eils. The custàm continued atogithe feeling bDeliin)d it clianged info a role 0f modesty aciobedienUe. Thie Toseucan i e cdirectly trace bac ta te lirtar-price, purlise-nieand dowry sys- iv Trl P rotect 'the furnpiture,, a s! deliglit ycrngstcrs wlth tiis gay cu5hion that's perfeýct for TVI Use tlirifty' scraps - thc brigliter, the lietter - for thji; plurply Padýded TV turtie. Pat- tern 504: -pattern pieces; direc- tosfor 15½,lxl9-inc cushion. Send THIPTY - FIVE' CENT$, (stamn-ps cainnot lie accepted, Use, postai note for safety) for this pattern to Laura Wlie4er, Box 1, 123 Fighteentli St., New Tor- ,onto, Ont. Priat plainly PAT- TERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. JUST OFF THE PRESS! Send nmow forr excdting, new 1961 Needlecraft Catalog. Over 125 designs ta crocliet, knit, sew, er-- broider, quilt, weave - fash-. ions, homel2'furnishinrgs, toys, gifts, bazaar iiits>. Plus FREE - *in- structions for -six smnart veil caps. Hitrry, send 25e nov! ISSUE 26 - 1961 TWJO UNUSýUAL VEHICLES- Golf cart above is pow,,ercd by solar celîs which create *lIectricity f rom s-un rays. Latest of the hovering vehicleswhc ride on cus3hion of' air lh shown) below. Joît fre!e stretcher cr rier was developed in Englanwd. NEW CAR FOR PRESIDENT KENNEDY- A cus tomn-bilt Lincon limousine for President Ken- nedy was delivered ta the Whità House recently. It took four years todesign the 21-fo-ot-long auto and five mnonl'hs to construct iftot Secret Service spccifications. The car hos three dîf- ferent tops: leather covered metal, a six-piece transparent plastic' "bubbIc" top andý a black fabric convertible top. There is an elevator under the back ' eot to raise it 101,' inches from normal position to permit the President to be seen nmore easily in parades. It bas retract- able running boa rd$ý ond foot stands for Secret Service aügents. lt hàs two dîfferent two- way radi*os.

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