The mouýrnýfui cail "S-w-e-e-p (Y" rends thermorning air inl Westminster, wbere wispy smoke rpirals out of aid -f ashdoed chlimniýey pots andi soût setties onc'hecked by penalties imrpos- efi in a amokeles zone, One chlimneysweep rides a - tricycle, carrying brocromcf 1145 rade -in a box. Another lias a ÉmmaU open van. Neithler looks eo black as the "'sweep" aof child- 1oed memas-y. Yet even in theis- ceanied-uýp ztate, Westminster sWeeps can- .net hold a brush bo Manches- tee-'s aew guýas-fian of thle ohm- neLy pots. He is cla'd in ;wýhite- ûves-alla, and travels in a "shin- ii g w, ite vaý,n with gold letter- kg"Theirs ooiy trousers are the badge cf ps-îvate enlterprise. Ed- ,wardHye' white oves-ails are tesymibels of state ewn-iershiip. Fer Ms. -. Hayes is Britain's first natinalied himnieysweefcp. The fluies under lis care are ih cs e cf the National Coal Bcard's No'-rîli Western Division kiiGreates- Manýhe.stes-. Thuis, thebak art of chimney awepiglas came a long way since C.sles ingsýley's "Wa- tc r fE i' &s «'(lrcw -attention tea <lie plîght-' ' ci thýe bo-ys who were icnt upii te lie chimneys te re- iij'ove 111e soc,. Son f er the puiblica-tion of <11e sentimental lte story of tlie swvcep who walurned mbt a %wtes- baby, thie bo)y appren- teswes-e repla-ced by brushes Cin long b1andies. The meun who used these ruescalled themacîlves "Me- ehn caOhimney Sweeps." Mr. Hiayes's' mechanization zoes a lot furtber. Hie has a aew 4'oefivaCuum machine" ta zuck the sonýt fsrn the ehimney. Yet even Ibis lias ils limita- tions. fie must stili use the tra- ditidrial rouind brushes ta dis- tus-b the soot writes Melita Knowles iin the Christian Science Püonitox Hawever, one is net likey fte wead in flhe newvspapers, as iii kigslýey's day, cf a new Bciy ,«ho "was likely ta have lost bhis tife Ln this Morndng a-t Weston Xoause in sticking in ane af tneir r.himneys."ý Memnories cf tee upheaval cf IhJe icrn-ing wlien the "sweep" *amle are vivid. llie kitchen wvas xhrouded in newspýape- and dust- xkeets. Breakfast was iste 3n-d s@erved in the front parlour. 'the Wnan arsived in the mi-sty liglit, ýis eyes shiîng fsrn lis biack ec e ike two torcihes, his lips a translucent pink. Wheni his work was finishied $)'of sont was carefully wrapiped A-ontanwsrpappers and taken eout itol the garden to be walered hjito the vegetarhle ma--wbds. Came te lhink cf il - 1 won- er if vegetahle marrows grow 1,arge in iniokeless zones?! NWomian remains married to ehe same man for y-ears. Afler the first yeas- he's not the same ISSUE 2G - 19ý61 TIME SAVER - This workman ai Paris' O-ny Airport found a way t0 caver 30 miles per day faste-r than an foot. His job is ta post departure and *rrival Double Shock Ru1by Goldastein, famnoîs box- ingreeee tells this stSorn- he1cf. - ack in 1927 Ruby was ccnlsidere-d pretty 'hot stu ff as e wýelterweight and he was box- ing Sid Terris on an ail-star card edt the Polo Grounds. Up in the fr-ont ringside rows was an ard1ent. Goldstein fan who iforïmed everybndy around hlmi thaýt 1R, by would Positive- ly mnus-er that hbum Terris. It looked &s thouglih 1e was cor- rect, too, when Ruby came out of bis coýrner feast, clipped Terris on the jw and strelcdied hlm on the ca,-nv7as, apparently out cold. T'he Goidstein rocter leaped up and yedied to the cuistomners lie- hind hinm, "Wliat did I tell you?_ What did I teMi you?,That Gold- stein je great!"ý While Ruby's ad- mirer, sIùil with his back ta tihe ring, W.s stng)ing t4he praises of, Geoldstein, Terris arase after «: count and belted- Ru'by on -the, jaw. Ruby went down andwa coaunted out. His booster neyer dfid sec ha happened; h. thought the ye1lls cf the crowd were, siniply prolonged cheers, for GoldStlein. "What a shock the guy muâst have got when Jhe read tihe papers," said Ruby. Theri he ad- ded, ruefully, "'For that niatter, lvhat a shock 1 got whea 1 r'ead ther!" RUTH DID MIORE THAN HIT Aithough hE, is besl remiiem- be-rerd for his trem-enclous homne ri-ns, the Babe was quile a pitcher, 100. In thle 1916 World Serieýs, lie pilched 13 scorelesq, innings ag-ainst the Brooklyn Dodge-rs. In the 1918 Series agaist hicgelie shut out the CUbDS in the12tiraI am and went seven aniCi two-thirçl iningis in thle fous-lb gaine before he gave up two suns. A Hum At Heurt oiad f Italy, As-chie Meoore. theietces-nal showman, ate at the homre of litsb-lhri-aw ce Sïidney Pýilier. Ea,7ier in the day, Moore, 'Who'p) yedlue s-n awa'y Slave in tht eve" ck lebes-ry FiPnn,spens-sone limne with lis dramnatic coach. Whbea f ight lime arrived, Archie Meere, iight-heavyweiglil champion of New York, Massachusetts, and Europe, was, ready-lo act, net, figlil. As he sat in bis cornts- in Mar,à- dison Square GardIe) befere the first round, MAcere cli-ned bis legs, vibratinig the tight, muscu- las- flesh. Then, fer fifleen rounds, Moore gave RLinaldi a lesson lu method actiugý. The champion, looked like a fighter. fie çsnarledt like a figliter. fie. müveýd 'bis hands like a fighter. Occsinaly 1e even landed a punch like- a figliler. But the figbt ilselI liad ne more dramaý than ax Class C-Western. Moore, who admits te 44 years, preved only lwo Ibinge - lie cauld slill get undes- the cïlvi- sien's 175-pound limit and lie could stilli lasI fifteepi rounds. Rinaldi, 26,who beat Moore in a nentille igbt lasI faîl, preved nething. Ris punches lacked powes- and when lie altacked, lie did se with reluctance. la 1the dressing soom, Moore, winner by a'unanimeus decisien. was salisfied wîtEhbis dull per- formnance. "I wanled hlm te lake a lesson back le italy," lie said. "I tbink lie learned a goad oanc." Moor-e smulied, pulling up bis black lruinks that lied fapped precarieus1y con his hips through.. ouI îthe figlil, "Ps-elly gonýd for an a ld man willi fifteen roundsý te traverse.>" IIad bis ycars, bothered hlm? "We were exactly the, same age igoing into the ninth round," b. said. Rinaïdi was elder than 1 before, the fîglit ended." The performance nearly oves-, Moore said lie boped ta ,hfght Ingemas- Johansson this summer. Then, lie shifled bbc conversation te mrore important mate-s. "I hope ta star in a remake aI the Wallace Beery movie, 'The ýChamp'," lie said. "I cf course, wîll play bbc champ." Buig A Buffalo Also A Black Bear! Sportsmen. who hope ta test their luck eit bagging a buffelo in Canada's Nerrlhwest Terrtor- les during thc comiag hunting season will aiso have a chance of adding a, black bear ta their traphy Qcollection. Recent changes in the hunt- mng régulations for tCe Tes-ritors-les aXiow holders cf buNilo buntiarg licences ta obtain a. licence ta shoot one black bear ad ne extra charge. Black bear are plentiful in tbc buffalo liuinling as-ca, and will provide extra sport fer hnIn- ers fôrtunate eroiegh ta bag bleui- buffalo during 11the fis-st tw)o or ihre days. Ili addition te tothe prospect af taking a buffalo and a bear, huinI- eris ar'e offered a numbes- ai streamis for wilderncss canea. iripa and riversaiand lakes teeni- ing witl lake bs-eut, walees and nortbaern pike. Also 0,n1the huint- ing mnenu are gamei birds suich as s-ffled, sharp- tailed and spruce grouise, and geese and Jducks at the wesl end cf Laite Athabascsa nd anR',fays Laites in northern Alberta. Tii.- buffaira hunting sea.sor) opens Sept. 1 and closes Nv 30. A maxlimum cf 71(X) licences will be issuerd andl eacb hunIer is al1owed tei shoot one buffalo. An as-e of several lundred square miles along the Slave River south of Greae Slave Lake elfesstht werld's onIy wildes-- ne-sa buffalo hu-t. Hunters must bis-e guides because the counts- is Wild and the buffalo' cen be :IED ADVERTISINO BABY CHICKS MANY varieties started ,icks availablé prompt sh)ipmi-ent. 1Day olds to order. Broiler chicks available.Odr now. Sec local agent, or write Bray HIatcfiery, 120 1oh 1NothHailtonl, Ont. BOYS' AND GiRLS' CAMPS BOYS AND GIRLS 8 te 15 cen have z w,,ondýerflon-wekholiday et our Braeside Camp (near Paris, Ont.) Linder enperianmced Christian supervision. The low fee of $14 covera registration, roqmi rnnd boarîd, swimmning and other sports, classes with handbooks, evening oieet- hiegs witb "Aunt Phyllia" Mason the cild(renis friend, treatsý, haiendcaf ta, fnsýurance and other items. Boys' week - July 17 ta 23. Girls' week- July 24 ta 30 Forý folders, write the Camp Director, 1ev. W. H. Moody, 664 Feu-. nel Ave E., Heâmilton, Ont. Pbione FlUlton 3-8681 or FUlton .1-874.5. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITY for ani active person with office or constriuction experlence ta participate in a, yeer-round resort business. M'ýinimumin $3,000 rcqui,ýed for an unlimitedi future. Box 238. 12-18th Street, New Toronto, Ont, bUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE HARDWARE businesslcudn stock and 2 storey solidi brick building wlth good basemnent. Apertment with al conveniences ebove store. Workshûp availlble for men wlshing ta work et trade in assoiation witb the business. Mrs. Geneva Graham, Ayr, Onter11o. LICENSED nursing homne capable of accommodating 12 uesa. ully mod- ern, cxtremely weil locatcd. An excel- lent opportunîty for the righl persan. ,*7,500 down peyment requiredbaience mioitgege. If intcrested write _W. H1. Brady, Itealtor,Bo 212 CamDllford, Ont. COINS WANTED,,wanited coins, we're buying, no need to write, just send your coins Insurcd, Eniclose 250 stampa. -Moniey order sent same day or your coins re- turned. Honest :apprïAing.Wlliamr Feycr, Coin Exchange, 161 Wyandotte Street r7et, Windsor, Ontario. CL. FISHlNG TACKLE GOING FISHING? 8-1'IECE aplit bemboo ali-puirpose rod packagcd witb mnany extras. 'ecked in etrong light.weighit vooden box that prevents breakage and keepr equiip- ment dry. Complete $7.95 preimid. Hud- son Sales Reg'd., Bjox126 Plact WArmnes, Montreal. PARMS FOR SALE CHRISTMAS ltree fbrmi; 4 acres, 13, 000 pruned scotch pine, 5,000 reacly te eut. Tour Investmient back ibis f ail. $5,400. H. Wlnter, .501 Athol St . Whitb, MO. 8-3796. FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOLIS COTTONS, plain colors, 4 yards $1.00.' Printed 3 yards $1.00. Kiddies running ahocs 600, Adulte s 9 Send $100. Bal- ance C.O.D. Schaefcr, Drumndcville, Que. PORT4BIiE Water Softenters axird Puri- fiera - $2900. Chaise ne Cots - 119.Barbecues - $9.95, Tape Bie- "orders - $39.95. Archery Sets - 6-50. Many other lines.-Exprcss Prepald. Sat- isfaction guarantecd or money rcfunid- ed. Catalogue. TrWEDDLr, MERICH-ANDISrfNG CO. FERIGUS 18, ONTAIO MELP WANTED--MALýE Young VMen WErecuire 40 yaung Men, free bo travel Canmada, neetnless essential. This position offersý an uinusual opportiuty for ambitious voung mcn, 17-20, ta leara salesmanshipi. Sterling salary $20per imontbi. Appiy Circulation Dep, L. E. Wilson, 5th Floor. 210 Dundas St. W., To'ronito. 9 va.m 5 p.m. HORSES FLASH! HORSE SALE THE Ohio Quarter Horse Association presents its 2nd Annruel Sale wvitb 76 bead of halter and performance horses consigned These are of top bloodllnes and la undoubtedly th.estset of borses aver prcsented for, sale et auction eýat of the -Mississippi River. TIME: 2:00 P.M., JULY 1, 1961 a PLACE* THE OHIO 0STATE FAIRGROIJNOS Folck and Wade, Sale Manaccment R. No. 5, Defiance, Ohie Phône: 7-1916 HOUSE PLANTS AFRICAN VIOLETS LEA TES, Plants, Newest varieeies FEEE list. Louise Johnson, Box 107W. Hudson 34leghts, Que. MEDiCAL DIXON'S REMEDY -. FOR NqEURITIS AND RHEIJMATIC PAINS. THOUSANOS SATISFIED MUNR.O'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Couafcs POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the tornent ot dry ezemua rashes and wteping skia, troubles. PotaEczcmea Salve wifl not disappoint NUTRIA ATTENTION PURCHASERS OF NUTRIA WhlenurcUXhasing iNtriï a c1er the followving pointa whicb this organiza- lion offers - 1. Thre best ývailable stock, no cross- breti or standard types recommiiendeti. 2. The reputetion of a plan whicb I. iproving Iself substantieted by files of satisfied ranchers. 1 Full insurance agaînat replace- ment, should thcy not live or In the cvent of sterility (ail fully explalned in aur cestificate of imenlt.) 41 We give you Only mutations whicls arc in demnanti for fur garmnents. 5. You receive from tbis organlzabion aguaranlecd peit market In writing. 6. Mcmbcrsbip in our exzcl1u sive breedersý' association, whercby only parchasers of i.bis stock nmay particl. pale .ln the benefils so offercd. 7. Prices for Breedlng Stock tart et S200. a pair. Special offer to those whýo quelify. caru your Nutria on our cooperative basis. Write: Canadien Nutrie Ltd, R..N&.,2, Stouffville, Ontarie. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER oin % CrAAA'S LEADINO SýCIOOL Great Opportlunity Learn Hairdresaing Pleasant, dîgnificti professi; good wages. Thousands of succesaful Mervel Graduates. Amerlca's Greetest Systemi lllustratcd Catalogue Free Write or Cal MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCH-OOL 358 Bloor St. W., Torontoe Branches: 44 King St. W., Hiainiltan 72 IRideau Street, Ottawa PERSONAL UNWANTED HAIR VANISHED away wlth Sace.Pclo., Sacs- PiLeaIl different. It doca not dissolve or remore hitrfrom the surface. but penetrates and retarda arwlh ocf ui- wxanted bhair, Lor-Beer Leb. Ltd.. X. 679 Granville. Vancouver 2, B.C PHOTOGRAPHY FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB IBOX 31, GALT, ONT, -Filma developcd and 8 magna prinIs 400 12 magna prints 60e Reprints 50 eech. KODACOLOR Devcloping rail 00$ (ual Inciudting prints). Color prints 300 each extra. Ansco and Ektachrome 35 m.m. 21) x- posuires mountcd ln, sldes $1.20 Color prunts f ram Aides 32f eech. Monrte- fuuded In full for uniprlnted negatIvea. PROPERTIES FOR SALE FRANKFORD, Ont.; 6 rooma, aIl town canenencslarge lot niear Trent RItver; terme . CoIntact J3.W- Summers, Coîborne Ont., or caîl Coîbarne 66, evgs, LARGE Unifinished Hioua. e t Petawawsa Point, wvould mnake ideal1 tourist homte or general store, near Peýtawawa anti Ottawa rivera. 1App1Y J. A. Sallinaz, 2,23 Kýing Street, Brockville, Ontaria. M E te ll1ness owýner nmuai sacrifie- below coat, 1-year-old, 5-betiroom, 1,s-a bath, cualomn built 3-level home ïin exclusive section of Fort Lauderdale Fla. Electric-cye garage doors, centrei hieet, air-condition, screencd-ln pool aný patio, built-In electric kitchen, bar, wall-to-wall carpeting, f ully fur-n, landi- _ caped corner lot. H. C. Paulus, 925 antracoasýtal Dr., Fort Leruderdale, ,ALBERTA 640 ACRES West of Edmaonton on Jasper, Highway, Ideal for twa familles or one large femil. Yeez, round work. Puipwood. Pulprmill nearby. Gaod deman(t'-for pulpwood et good prices. Stert tai make money firat rday. Land price froan $25 10 $30 per acre. Termis cash or ex. change for- propcrty nearby. For In- formation write Mr. Frank ýBosse, 48 Hegent St., Toronto 2, Ont, or phone EM 6-:36189. STAMPS 100 MIXED Auistrellen clampa foýr 250. We supply stampa 10 filU your Domain- ion storeý's stamp albumns. Write Sulton, 1927T Upper Jamnes, Hamniltan. SUMMER RESORTS SEE THE WONOERFUL SUNSETS AT New Hotel Belvedere SITUATED on wind swcpt bluffs, oves- looklng 30,000 Isiends. Georgian Rey. ,Golf. tenuleb, filiugi, bethtng. Rooma witb private bath; roamai witb private, tollet. 'Al rooma switb hot and cold running weler.,Beautyrcat matresses Meals 'tops. BOOKLET-A. G. PEEBLES, MGR. PARRY SOUND, ONTARIO PHONE RIVERSIDE 6-5581 AND RIVE RSIDE 6-9990 a a SIJMMER RESORYS WXITE Forest Lodge, Arundel, Que. On beautiful Leke 2ýMecDonald 4)la Leu1i eiitian Mountains. Eýxcellent cuIsine, Cocktail Lounge. -Write. HOLIDAY IN zBolnnechere Valiey, hert of Ren. ,frew Caunty. Good fishing, beaches, sIght-seIng. Write EGANVILLE CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE EGANVtLLE, ONTARIO, CANADA Chalet Bungalow Camp GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB FRENCH RIVER, ONT. AAA-ATRO & DUNCAN MINES RECOMMENDATiON EXCELLENT fiahing,, golf, tennis, water sports. Deliclous meals, accommodation and service add up te a relaxîng holi- day at this Informal resort on the famous French River. Reasonable rates Include, meDls and maid service. Dick Brock Manager. Write, wire or phone d1r0ct Noelvillc, 898-2244 or Toronto, HO. 1-2081. TEACIERS WANTEO KINGSVILLE Separate School requîtes 2 teachers. modern 5-room school,'situ- ated ln the heart of tbc town. Duties te commence Sept. 6, 1961., Apply statln V ulificationsansd experience to Fred e'Santis, Sccretery-Treasurer. Box 130, KingsvIlle. XEQUIRED for R.C.S.S. No. 1, Tisdale, Soutb Porcupine. 'TWO TEACHERS AND ONE PRINCIPAL .For 67classrooni Separate School. J. V. GERVAIS,,SEC..TeEAS. BOX 367 SOUTH PORCUPINE, ONT. TrEACHERS'WANTEO ',BY Separate choc1 Board, For Grad6s 4, ý5, and 7. STARTING selary, for first-clasa certL. ficate $3.400 with yearly increment of $200. WITH application pleaae sdate qualifi- cations, experience and the nafre sud addresof your lest inspector. APPLY ta: MR. L. C. BOWER, SEC.-TREAS. R. C. SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD BOX 338, SIOUX LOOKOUT. ONT. TRADE ICHOOLS LEARN I.B.M. OPERATION WIRING - ALSO KEY PUNCH TYPING NOT ESSENTIAI. INTERNATIONAL, DATA PIIOCESSINO INSrTILTE 139 KING ST. E., HAMILTON PHONE JA. .81108 UNITED STATES RESORTS PARK VIEW MOTEL OTH and Ashbury, Ocean City N.J., el"rercverything, double rooma, $24 week up, lat and 2nd floor, modern apartmenbs, $454$70 week, Free parking. gathing, Phone 399-7414. REGISTERED NURSES l'or 20-bced, fully aquipped, privai. hec- elfil Ioctd ln progresive town in aNrthwêstern Ontario. Setlqsalery S25.0per nmonth nminimum ta*$325.00 maximumi for three years' experience. Board and room ln modern nurses' resi- donc. hs aupplled eai ne charge Excel- lentiemployee bentefits, Year-rourid roc- reat onal faclllties. Further particulers on requesi, Aýpply tb Superintendent WILSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MARATHON, ONTARIO withi detslls of experientc, .ige, avaiilabillty, anrefre e Hiow' to Trent anm A cHIN. BACKl N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N - N N N N N N N N N N N k N -r N N '-r --r N '-r -r N '1 N N N -r N N N k, '-r --r BUT TIkîS is tRIDICULOUSI - A car wash emporiurm in BOPnn, Wes* Ce- m yoersd; "We wcish your car a'nd cane for your pet." The, keeper af a cir-cus hippo passing through town ,acnted te tee if îhv m -n k,-î ,i , - k,, hj wo