Volume 2, Numbe 16 ThuscayJI 6th, 1961 OrýonoOnarj Mrs. Westhce"rilscee1of thEDanuaenTambyn picnoc Strarkvîlle, Monday, June 26 when T'ambIlyný's from near and far c-ame ___ 15 of bar pupils presented itheir vae- terenew od acquanintncs and VThe Orono Chamiber of Commrrerce and Julia Nleal and Margaret Tag- ýitai for 1parenIts and friends. trc 1dw the tiree for nely uder the direcion of Constable Pat -gart tied. aeannonucing his Or her own found cousins. The Atre branches Cornieil of the Ontario Provincial BoyS 9 to il years: if e j oîn~Pool sthe bsîest~placein theVillae. sclctioas, plaed ina delihtfulof thliamil ardewereroeddbslathPoicelad assited bvMr. Bh KilCive Jhnsto, Ralp DeJogeaad The c<fri - r . rEejyn hî e oltoterfles.Pe erpretation with credlit to Uthinforail f0viw.May id this whi1ýjýýn ii e oqt wrf LPos-,le ariie of the Bowmnanville NinsAlan iWalker (lied for 2nd) RickY U ourcF-'i roi lssos and WVater SafetYis taught to 125 In conclusion Jim WVestheuser varlous games and sports. Rlodo on Wednhesdiay afternoon of Girs 8 years and uInder: clîidre frsn a1 c- r he rea. The pool is qoenforubicswim-ming1 a2:00 )o*,'clock Li aoie lre our peri'od andi agaiat, 6:30 for tw pflayed "Jesui' Joy ond Mla's Desir-, îast week, The evetwas held at Caroilne Johniston, Glenda Tennant ait 2:00C', c Lra îhher three our period and again at 6:30 flor two iing' and the J]Vyies of SbShî C'A. EnthusbiasicTamiblynrs from a ihe OooFa]ir -grou1UdS andiatand Riindla Teninant. an 1 hl isT _cei a ,,vt ithe pool every dyof the we. servecd lundhl. dsac eefrom Tfennlesee, Ohlovhihnfy-eight pupils Of the or, Boys under 8 years- Froin Starkville, Kendial andNe York and Mlichigan Sttes. he ono Public School were present tu John Duvail, Michael Carman and Ncwtonvî1 Uth young phins ere Ontaro Tamblyns came from God- take part and be wetea on the vrW ayeCpir ro n o Re d -Katharine Turansky, Karen Bickell, eihWaploTrnoSne-os set fth oe.Te higstcre nte oe Barbera Burley, Doris Marie Robi n indCarbray, Ornoand op,,, Tecidrnwr etdinterwstkn yPtrKos son, Denise Elliott. Marjarie Mur- -bIt 1Ia iknb P rKos phyAn oser ihRo)son, Saeo fiesfrtecmn aiiyt adeterbks 1 'The enrolment in the-Rodco was i n Lesso ns fbeer Henderson, Glen Farrowc, reuderTofbln, Thrnhlfu r esIngW e inthe&r knowldge of Uen ,p arer, a1hstyerfowh1 111 9 ~ ~ ~ eoJune Geaceh, Joyce ElitDrtyya are: Ps rsdnRbr ues of the road and were given the'Mr. Duvailistated that a lot of creý C uç"îý31 e sC ï ýîot lv n R1iisnDiane -ed.PPi opportunity to Cdisplay- their speed --,i dit mnust go touh' Public School for ________________________ Eiîot, Eva An Rbinon, dent, Fmb Tamblyn, thbo e speed tris held on the track, hi.ooeain OnMq~a - cîig n Oon Ahltî'sprgaman ie ece-Iuransky. Vice Presideint, WrdTabyTheohidensbicycles wee aso _____ Cros pne]Iher Svîmin atW4d prgra folp e chool sl ITornto; Secretary-Trasurer, LeÏla nspected and suggestions wereGrsW n ai te~1 X~a - s~tY<r. Mis May Lyn Baley lay Tambpyn)Achsn Newtionille;md noting wher-e improvemnents Jno grm ~ t ny-e~chldedth noga iifo shol hldrn tS ,Tablnl rtlm;Reorin Sc-lw-weeedvhicles more safe. Poo. m-m t~ pstth~'eda s rondsuperv isor art tl2 park open- fl retaries, Joan dl, Toronto; Prizes are te be award&ed MALi VV edneàday evening the Oronci onehuniez aL iclara Thocmpson, Oshawa; lv place chhild in each divislion. This Junior girls softball teami played le" have ü a ae-riç core andMondy morning aIteun andi is find-1 i ______ua tr n jz llh lthfriofacpýhotjt h ewateenr n are attendig the c]ass s hîch wilq Log increasing interesi in the pro- Proiessor Stuart R yan of thSe Amby, Oshana; M. adp-e ilb n h omofacposi f06- the Newcale nda un bus sus niMrs. A. E. TanthelynnCambray.cThk4sc Tnisecondrand third place wiveî.tookta 16-2 in iotorandn a fpvecandia be ~ ~ ~ ~ i hed1di An~ uin h' gra ly e c i lut en. h is progAram u e ' ni est a f c ly sre ceive a siv er dlr eachi. hall inning ga mne. mont ni uly.1ibenpoiebyierooAaonoftreuiriylwpris 75(A I These prizes -will be madle' at the Marie Hooey pitched the Zai-e for Mrs Bxt" istX svi nninleu athdtienAsitionfreuf.srsftap eeforThe furS eaer ~A10YAannual Street Fair on A,)ugust 6tt. the local grs having no trouble. s20 tesfr;11us 'h iscag ndoe oal bnigcmite.Te fre Cresis will also be given f0 ail those Faye Nicholson was behind I he plate Mr,erj Tyrrehaieicg ocIuetassistantandPort -Hope lawyer express'id the< ; eee oe y The Oronio girls will be complet. Tens hlcrqe, rfs ad ý wbo etrd the o whvvin fhe Mr. oal era- sasit ni mi'm'bon83 are avaîlable. îî jng the following schedule. an i wîc te ildrn reshw-ment bill will not achieve the gev. _ae_____ble tenane rcods ndiakngti1enIrnlne' iarfehiithheuse-fThe ifollowing is the standing as HM AE roîment. ~~in niniterest. Abo)ut thirty took t thpnat.,îoitmetngo ie W.Mý.S.tbu aftalerthRoe.JylthPrHpetDon The lareatg op i swimer Psrî i th atiitis n ednsdyi Ra î fr11 ad A. ýgroups tuookplaceTuesday,IListod as sfirsi, second and third. July 19 OCshawa at Oiýono are in the t aues \viere hi has alad ensturaeîvrecnie atin f fe awfof r imînaje uy 4thin luc Suîîday Suhui hAudi- Girls 12 years sand over: Auguisi 9 Bwavheat Orono bee ncesay o ivdetbm nt ibearange for ihe future andhomicide. Thee oere re t loo mantoiu itagodatenace Ms1ChlenFyn, hro'Smpo ad sî 23 Port Hope ai Oronol fou g-ous.us;ro~par th frsftiseevetswhl be posted prior to c-luIsing tes stbis urer obAlia> on-'iesidnwn roup 2c, u". Patsym Hardy.Y AME L,- tae !luca c ai 1000 T e hirtakngplace. IsrcinwilThe new biU aàded lu ew . reda octsioe aern hl" oy-2 ersad vel AWYGAE IcOic scn b dm01; l( i twncs rir o te pe h si corusontin ail joihed in inging a bmaP ete!%r Kloos Fraser WVallace and Juy14a Port Hope nrorn ingso n r i lt 15begve enispror1 te(pnid e saîd. ai (eihlle r nd plraiyer. RcyMorrisonl. uy1ai mndl lasi untl on 'cock iofatrnmn.Oypaneaddebeaeu- Girls 9 f0uil years: I. ug',Ist1 7 ai Newc(_astle Enroimetoovis net nlyte TisrganMicommeneseah drsbishould be pnishabe iby the mesbut alsýo locassof bgn13 utlfu.Th uevso ep arked period of fime between tinal based on Pam148 anýd in ner, cas cciofineredatsli cilre ogai he gameslie planning and fie carrying oufte uualnapy rî Inplin juniors and seniors. Four chîldren andcitslewiich fhey Ihen carry, "i the intet in order to constitute ranrbogthm ou i are enevorn f etui ou i cscîves udeher supervis- alaiaurme ra oe and gre'anicss o Go Bronzemedalhon.1-1. Hesisiing lawful arresi and robhic salaondu ah eu The foc, for i, c-!scsiis ya h'Clarkce wnhpRecreatio.bey wh ia toy pistol where deatit f atei woulmd Muscake hs b en st a i $1,0. a o m s i n is p o i i g a pro eccursI ho ld !lot o e apial nui-der lm e e fo o bsr e if m ore and b e a- l'art, .ésichilen meel each mornJing à » n 5 aIaine aithticOrmoo Municipal 4' Building Where Vice leder, Mrs. OfAtvt o hlrn Gord nmpsoa m Yeets them 10 fake emte f1ie Oron)o park. Thlese Tic Oeno Prk hs becme a oungler ay games and do cranls bee-iivecfiaclivtisp weea Ji inc orning. iisgroup iHl mcci the' Red Croess Swiammigto ro no during tht' montiofiJuy. Carileton-BSIlaledy Wed fil lessor adrecenltated bis views onsvea sectionis of ihe preposedS blî ha a etter sig-ned byfi-ve offher pr'ofesso-rs f0 a Toronto- paper. s United Combtes Assess ment Rises, Cobouirl's share of the outnty budgf"et will be increased next yearii V'~~~L' p (l ecauise of a change ha legislafion, ~'u ie'...erronv Counties Assessor G"tSèdtl 't'le Uit-ed Coulniies Counlcil ecnt ]y. Rîn aa vois ~e xcingc Ms. Bleakle1y chose a mauve Mr. Shields, in presenting fie an-i ha ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t"- fi edn i isJspi oee'sefil dress overlayed in nual equalizalion report, said fliat1 Dine lake adfrcRss ,Cari- natie sk organza. She bad a a Ilie assessment of fie Central Ord- letn perfomed un Saturday, June coing pilîbox haf, white accessoüries inance Depot will be counfed in cal- 24, in GoreStU *I-ed Cburch, ad orewi't carnations.gte culating Cobouirg's shlare, In tie past Pet rnogby %a Rev. Lors W. rom' moîhjelrwds ihi a beige en- Ibis itas not been the case. r Carîon. eml wifh flowvered silk organza Cobourg receivýes a -grant ha liduý Daugiter of iMr.Wand rs. Thomas oriber siafb dresss, and her cor- 'of taxes irozrnhc Domnion govern K. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h rlalyo eebrui i age was of deep pink carnations, mlent on flie C.O.D., but bitherto bas brie sas given in mrig b,7 er Ouiai f own guesîs attending lieej;notf md t count fie depot as part oif iafher and sic bad as maid of bon- weddîg and fie reception lielis taxable assessment for eounfy or Mis!eny-!(!heh n as cuc parlouir were fromf Oropo, Ipurposes. brîdesmaids MiSs Brada Broad- i3amptn, Toronfo, Tweed, Port M Ar. Shield's report covered muai- hursI and iss Balbara rwi lo HpPickering, OiwBrig ipa ssessmients imade in fow,,ýns, Bowtmanville Ilon, LiNdsay, MlonîreaL, Otlawa villages and townships, and tbe pro- I Tht' groom is lic son of MAU and Blowmanville, Sarnia, Uxbridge and posed equalization of tiese figwues i Mes. Ra Carlelon ni) rnf and he Adoîphus Town. te be used for 1962 counties taxa- wsatfended nbyTerry Crlei1 on. Th'le bridal coulple lt'fi afterward t ion. Hop Anderson an Pili Lng wvere On a trip 10 Easferii United Sfates, Tht' total taýxab-le assessment in fie usiers. w-ih the' bride weariag an iveýry counlities wýas reported as $62873 Allen 1]Jamlieson sang "O Perfect ý sheali dress, scarlel accessories amid an increase 0f $l,S872,3a89 over fie Love" ad "TieLord ismy Sie - crsage of -edl carnations. peiu er hed uring fie serv'ice 1ad1tht' mr. and AMrs. Can>eton iare fo livel Biggesl asse'ssment is Coboýurg's weddig muic ws phayed by Mire.haPtW Hope awîere licgroom isa$12,921. Coburg alsoshowed Carlson. 1Ion ic e acing ;staff, fie biggest increase, ai $413,3417. Thc Aosle-deskirt on 'bride S 1lasese S o tle oCher îîree IciIt gownnipue il rganza Anumerof ho<ely events bon- tows ns atht' counltieswere as fol-ý ovrsatin and tll ad side anlsordAilssJosephinieBLJeakley eoejos Port iHope,$0,256,U ni Canthlylac an wa fiishd b r1arrige onSatrda f0Bri $36,80; owanv7ille,$74849 wist cibae roses. If asEmip-ire Canleton. -lurtdent associates of Pe--ti~p $27;and Campbehhford,$, stylea tfie, waist, fie run eciborouagi T eaciers' Clohge Wgave1 775,292,up $23,25. neekilat' wýas frimm..-ed vii sequins iira imis-elaneous ,ýshowcr. _Mi-ss owsipsassessmnî mnrse ar i parîs and lie sheeves were .Wnd ichl ndMs Bed $0,40f3,P82,751. .Hamilton's la-ý short_-. Boairs nfertaýiaed aI a ilcien crcased $227952 te $4,447,29. Jik llsio'n feu fo) hip lengli -sbower aI lichomne of ïMiss Blenij be niymuiiphiyshow,ýing a froe irhalo oLrgvaz n uandn Miscelaanos guIs %Werecrea ws ibrook, ai $712,8;22 ca i îîed a pet red crain.peetdatfIt'home-of tMrs. Wil-don$08. MusMtheli' -desswasha ink iamDorringlon. Iwho wias assisIed l i rpsdeuhzto o fatieta xiii leated overskirt ofibyAMe.Tiomnas- Kayv, Mrs. Everelc 92cuWe~lxlo up nmatig flowered organza andfielWatsonandsurs. George Coleman. on Ifopes uÀx- 1 'S set ai ho13 bdsaisdreàsses weï,ýre fhe saiel Also aItiheborne 0ftMes. Leonard per centjandCobourgs af b.dper in lu. be wore mlcbin pelaiIWalksswoeeassistants wure ber cent. Tht' fonurtonus together Wilý h'îalcwitishoirt vehsmàançi wbii e - -dult.e Ms EBuPcAnmis and Mrs. In responsible for -42.7 per cent ai cesoris. ' Rb~st$ymor.A cup and sau1cer lacufe-bdeadthtW 4lae Tht' ýmaidcof h o csaebu- sower was given by cMesVcoror r 7. 2 per enlt. queL was of Monte arn atiosand Fec . .andAMes.Gorge Colemnan Hope Townsiip's ýcrcentage 'la MIssBrodh.ust nd iss br- wn aferéaînd the weddirig Party aller the proposed equahlizalion lisl4.1 anid hadpik arntins;le rehàearýsal F aycening. - HamhIIon's is 55,8. A ladie' ors frCom gro0Up '2 iig of Judge Ml". A.Miler boa- sangIhe eautfsong "How Greal o"" The riamCouny Ditricrt High xadd$0 tiinfeto the, Dur- Tbu LArt" and i Mis. ï1iamm -gay'e a boolLrd met for fie tirst timle ham oad splendid rading oni 'True Greatness' rccentl a henew, Courtice iigb Sketch plans forthCe proposed wbici is onlymaiisldon god,- o l.)Cl 500pupil sbo Will Voct xial ig f0 Port lHope highi chlar-acter and hiigb principes and ope i C nihîetmer or embers school are present1y wlh the' De- n1ot aloi n a1osesin. Mouredthe nW Mschooi fore begin-, parîmieraof Labour ai ttawca waif- nhog.tb&vieelng. ng approvai, fie board was fold. Ain piano det bynMls.nKnray . .McD 1ybor IaLmnApproval bas been recev%-,irom-the and er yer nd ~nn ad asn ~ D R.F. Rcardisoa n rd CarrohllOntario Department of dcain solo entitled "I do' anîtof0 Waîf Niýicols wreaponedbdiscuss ,The hbouse purchased fromn W. E. liii I grove uip 1 d baqesshi ale -o o-r- eienl pupIls hluit last falon Vitora tefN. wai nts me"f0do" by David was eni wilh tt'Courg dstitUeeiun<bate wiibe sold lebortecdd.h Ioyed by ail. nad h oor or a e rma eo fie oe from fi uctdlie reappoinron h- The ifeiagvva prsencd nd mentof ucia lt, o-wpar1niliePort Hope ltigli dicated ami ïMes. Armi-nýrong gave Cmmbîein a lte.suboo aram. lie financial report up to date. Dur etcunify co urt actinl A relocaton oifite recreati [ng fie business period a minewras 1wiicb fie Durham board requesfed centre on lie bigit sebool grounds passed la send and finance girils ftuametoftuio fees for, a H-am-il- myb eesryt aewyfor training s«Mol iissummer. i tont Townlsliip pupil waýs deucied h icn vcalona wig. ht'proosed favour of tl Drbam board. The ,E-'i Fiiings wiltasculndie rinîk Tht'meting closed La fie tisual pupil Joan Mlay, 18, cattended fthe area. Thtecrmeation comittet'had inannar aite- r ~iih a dhcosepPort Hopehigh ciolaliugli inliended 1black fopping tfie grave, per oif mea!, sala-ds, take, tarIs, resienti oulsdefiesebool area. surfc ace laid down hast nter, blit bmas aad a as serve and anut'a- The Cobourg boma has nof Set ieseplans bave been poslponed in toyabie bue spdii gcUier. ecided wlier f0 appeal lie raI- vit'w of fie vomïalald'epmn 4' -4 N -4- s 4.4 4' N 'i . N N N N N -4--