-,an organization. There is a great Up- who migit go througi the courts in the Sýt Catharines area. size of these fast-growing rniuskies sugeofitees i hi fiedrihtbease0fiako! assistance. is now about two incies andi as is ecross Canada at present lie said. 1 n1I was moved that Mr. C. A. Holm-thrctotyhaeendeu- IRehabilitation councils, said Mr. es be app ointed chairman of the re- in19 minnows and sucker fry plaoed The réhabilitationi of T.B. patients Hawkins, are being set up, in Osh- habilitation council, this to be form-intepdsfrod Las mek4t with great success and it awa and there are already district ed by those services which were in- wAas decidedte t extend this service* officers in Fort William, London terested i n any branci o! -publice to those who had been mentally ill. and Kingston Wvith another thre welfare. Treatments and preventative mea- Mr.David Dick said. being added in SuIdbury, Hamrilton srshv lobe ae oke and oodsock.Preent t th metingwer down to a minimum, predatioin of and ood toc . Pr sen êt ti eet ng ere rp- these y uýung m usk e by aquatic n- Sîlnce tlhe field is vast, it is in- resentatives from the following Un- 1seeCt larvae and w-ater sn iakýes. 'If al tenided to set Up a referai cýentre1 The whole idea is to bring reha-lited Counties groups, the healti un goe welî distribution of xask!inonjge wih ase rgitr in th'a offices of bilitation down to eoummlIlunity levellit, national emlymn erîe fingç,'erlings will commerce in a week - The Nortiumiberlnd-D'uirham T.B, where organizations can participate1 day care centre, Cobourg District r Ï o anti Health Association in Cobourg actively in the rehiabilitation of 'Gen eral Hospital, Red Cross CNIB und7er the direction of its execu-Itive iandicapped personis. By means o! medical association, mfnister~a s s--,tayMr. argryPetrss teffort wil ulicaionofservices sociation, crippled caildretiassocO AL N W lists of persons needing rehabilita- empiasized tlhat naines received on ciety, rctarded ch4ildren's associa- tion immediately. Another mneeting the case regîstry will bc confidential1 tion, arui, departeto Mrs. J F.Seeno is vstn ON TARI O Application formns for ONTARJO RETAIL SALES TAX VEN-DOR'S: pERMIT should be returned by July 15, 19 61 Officiai Permit Application Forms have been sent to over 120,000 Ontario vendors together with detailed informna- tion on the new Ontario Retail Sales Tax Act. These applications should bel ,ompleted and returned by July 1 th, so that vendors will receive their perrunits and additional information weIl in adi- vance of September Ist, when the tax iocs into effect. Who requires a vendor's permit? ýEvery company or person, who in the ordinary course-ofhis businCss sells goods to purchasers in Ontario, must have a s ales tax vendor's permit. Restaurants and other premises selling prçpared meals req uire a permit. Permits are also requireti by sâlesmen or manufacturers agents who seil in- Ontario for non-resident vendors flot registered in Ontaria. UjJ~us'errîist Appuicaton jorms' should send for one today! COMPLETE AND MAIL THIS CONVIENIENT COUPON -------------------------------------------- I Retail Sales Tax Branch, Office of Comptrôller of Revenue, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario I Please send me a Permit Application formn together with eu deiailed information on the Ontario Retail Sales Tax. L COMPANY NAME _ , _I_ f: TYPE O D -N.--- I n.---------------------- ----------- --------------------- 1! PHILIP T. CLARK j cmpr<ler <if Reeue ............................................................- - 4a wi;th Mr. and Mrs. LeVaillanit, Scýar- borough Sunclay night at the Orono park damnage was done to propert.y. The damage included the breoking o!f r-ailingsoff somne of the foot bridiges! across the stream, breaking a slde and taking a swing' npart. The On- welfare, TB association, Alcolholics Anonymous, childtren's aid society, labour 'councîl, law society, board (if health, provincial police, proba- 001, service, rehabilitatioýn depart: ment, Canadian Legion. CANADAS ONLY 10-INCH MdlonGoId Bond Siding SOOH SIDING f «ke our omeYou sove on bath op. wmI mae yur omethe Plication ond mainten. once with Medeiilion Most beautiful on your block î "I I -îGoid Bond Sidinq when You put us on the job. and it wiiI incroose its *. Estiate end full de. toils, giodiy given' volue tao. Coli us todoy. wthout ony obligation. .................................................................................... R'OLPHHAAR Phone 143 Orono, Ontarjo mi MI 21: M ci rc: Phone 109 Oron-, 0Ontarjo hPays Tg Advertîse To Sell, Rent, Nofify Vendors who have flot received ORONO WEEKL.V TIN .............................. .................. ............... .... ... .......................... ................................. 1.1::ý.I...::..:: . .......... ................................ . ....................... ............. . ....................... YOU CAN BEGIN CAREER TRAINING AT ANY TIME The Oshawa Business College Gis open ail year andi our f mnetiod o! intdivdual instruction permits you to i start at any time 8 Day-School Courses from ¶ which to choose EVENING, CLASSES TUESDAY and THURSOAV f 7:00 ta 9:00 p.m. C.hoice of Subjects Special Classes for - 1-Iousewives - Shitwok Teen-Age Typists FREE LIrE'RÂ-tURE AVAILABL.E 10 Simncee Street North Dial RA. 5-3375 1 JOB PRINTING Letter Heczds Envelopes Labels Invoices, Billheads Statemnents Books, Pamphlets Wedding Stationciry Orono WTeekly ie 4New Rehabilitation Centre le stated.t !O L . e tr1 rvnia oleW~eCUdNTARIO MAYORS' CONVEN. Since an educational prograi s jin and aire investigpting, TION PASSES PORT HOPE To Se ve Uu ted C unti s s ato this enterprse, it was M s i s I r.Fse oeo saaadRESOLUTION_ _ I ail centre wvould be a good startingl Mrs Morley Brooks of PictQoi visit- A iresolution sUbmit.ted by Portý A motion 1» set up a rehiabilitation will ýbe held in September to discu-spin for, ail branch encompassing I Maskinonge f ry distribution bas ed recentlywi Mrs. Os. Cowan. H1ope town counicil was unanimoýýus- council ini Coýbourg- to cmver the Uni- the setting up of comnittees to deal project for the handicapped. been completedt with deliveries1 ly carried at the Ontario Mayors heelcounies wasunaimouly, ithflieentrpnie. ade in the past two weeks to Pem- Mr. and Mrs. Raye West and fam- andi Reeves Association confereo ite Contis, as nanmouly iththeentrprse.i brokeKemp"villeTwedPi passed at a mneeting *-alledl by thie Mr. Hawkins said that Up to noe, vie, we, T3?ily visited on Sunday with Mr. and which concluded a three-dayseio Nortlk!umber1and-Dur'him i .B. and A. Jones, T. L. C. president, was'the handicapped were getting the Sound, North Bay andi Sudbury For-, Mrs. Howard Quinney of Newcastle. at London. Health Asoi t- tlv in the assured t'hat people would be train- run around simnply-be-f use therelest Di>stricts as weill as the regular The resolution, passed by councU Counties Building on Wiljlm St. ed in skilled trades. was no central source to whkch to plantings mnade in suita.ble waters Miss Darlene West is visiting with etarlier this year, called on the On- send hem. f the Linidsay Forest District leir gr.andparen<ts, Mr. and Mrs. P tario government to make an 80 per send the m. I ~ ~~~ ~ ~~Hayw ard, B ow m anvîlle- e t g a t u d r t e y b i e ! r C. A. Holmes, inspector of publie J. C. M. German xeprsenting te MsPwrsakngaota Ls kal theepass1r Ms uhceenn fTr nt act t unipalte opeaingter schniols for Durham, was in the North.umberland and Durham Law 1Ls ekalteepai ee Ms uhMLnato oot own ambulance services, 1,t was one cýhair and introduced Kenneth Haw- Society said tint he feit a great and hom«emakers' service to help in 1 placed on tJ-e, collection of rninnows was a guest of Mrs. H. Bowen, 1at fid eouinsbog4 bfr h ki,"ns, director of rehabilitation divi- important ýneed was the rèhajbilita- nomes of handicapped or incapa4t- I1 or ifeecing tbe maskinonge finger- veek I Association. Sion, departmenlt of health, Toronto, tion of those who had been tirougi e persons, was told that suÙch _a; ings which have been placed *in the' wunte _e -- l scnmecortsonchrgeo_0 tose- 1-e A 1,n--- ssuiystup aiosrern pns.Teavrg Orono, ýOntario