M.adM Ars.Bob Cooe n' HUEJJY 2mlWhindsor are lhoidî:ig tul-i The Koninentlahs Rd a nd Customi tlrpa Ant, M. and MAsc .o..Cu of Ohw who use the îFlax (Su< er and Mr. and M. Carl Tbn- MII on Co;,,)H-li as their wvorkshop nant. iii hold Open buse 0on Saturday, July S from 10 arn. to 7:30 p. Mr. and MirseAlbert Mitchell and QTn, ubi is invited to visitl he mîiii family are spending to weeks at to talk w't the memnbers and ýse UT,+ri.;k. what they are doing. Displayed To Grade Vii: __ Mari Llyn Hamml-, SylviaStean LES KA RD PUBLIC SCHOOL Gr'ade VIII t Grade fX; r n r.Hmlo odad Drink Vn Htt.G ra de Ita Grý adcl tyJe 11 haîl f rllaare hn oidindt TG Grade VI: Shýelley atasNlleBuckley, 1r.lýnýarsvadohi -,a usmBail, Brend(a Diki.1oyFeTommy Spjry.J .Piad rnia.Mr.KnGmb n te ea Ta Grade V: -GrdeItaGaeIItveinro. Sharon Drînie(, Margaret Bu1is, DvdBiay ay rwJh an WnePýnx r PeterSutheiand.Beck Lee.fui izoa a1d1Fred Wnter, Trnoare, Grade iIotaG rade IV: ~ ~ ~ ~ a Ta Grade IV: Krîsta atarsGo'oBerry, viitiMc. and Mr\s. Ir-win for, the Joc rniMenno Rienr, KnyBadt ume ots Lynn utL~eiand.GradeIV ta Grade, V: ceue DianleAmaConnie Biattams,lM.Tmy itrof the 'Rfoyal Don1ald BrrGail Brýown[-, MichalMN DAY: Canladian Nv is vîsiting friends in C*XT ailimore, Debby Green-. _,000 Ilarmn Boys and G- iir(ýls610tensroo W~' nie wasflflgM. J. Cobbiedick, Teacher.110-Bosianoeraebl Grade V taG Grade VI: i11:30 - Boys and Girls il anid over Mr. FedLycett is a pactient Iin STABLES Donna Bail , Teddy ail, George Softball[i iimril optl __________________________2:30 -' Boys & Girls 6-10 Gamres teBw avleMm ra opti and I ~~~~~~330 - Girls il and ovedc Croquet MranMs.OeFgnan PUMPJGOrj -TUESDAY: faii isited o n thte weekend withi SEPTC TNKS i r10:0 -BoysandGirs 610 roqetlr. and Mrs. 0. Cooper. L ~11:00 - oys and Girls 67-10.SoftblI 1:30 - Girl ifl dovTer Tenlnis Mr. and Mrs. A. Dooley of 'Tor- Bert Toupkins I2:30-oS anciGirs land o\er onto and Mrs. Wm. Cowa set h Phone Nï-wtonvïile 4721 iSfbl vrTni weekend at the iatter's hiome in Or- Lu:3 -Bys Il and fvrTni ono. HErAR BETTER with Acousticioýn ear level hear- Noj buttons in the, ear Cordless hearin)g No clothing noýise For information regarding the above and for your f resh batter- ies, cords and service toalal makes ,f hearing aidis contact ORONO ELECTIRJC This wveek only, July 7th ta l4th i in clu SiveP New ILow Price ~U.rEu~~~waving lotions *MORE NATIJRALWVE OSnM l-nn.t e.fg~ $2300 With FREE NMcCal's, Pattern WEDNESDAY: F'/L and Mrs. Roy E. Milis, Davidi, 1100Q- By n Girls 6-10 ennis Kenny, Donnie, anid Mr Janie, 11:0 -Girs -10CratsR.C.A.F. Station, Ayi1mer, O-nt. AMr. 1:30 - Boys and Gii1s il and over adMs aodSel an n CraftsadMsHaod iel ,im an 2:30 - B&yý il and over Croquet i-Bo-bby, Toronto; Mrli. and MrUs. Joh n 3:30'- Boys and Girls 6-10 Volieybal HJ-. Boyd, Brian andè Terr, 'v Orillia; Mr. and Mrs. Jam.-es 1a1s1(an TH RSDAY IMelanie Jayne, Oshawa; M-ýiss B 'ar- 10:00 - Boys and Girls 6-10 Softball bara Bathgate, Bowmaniille, MUr. f11:00 - Boys andi Girls 6-110 Games IDouglas Gamsby, Tordnito vstd 1:30 - Bas ebaîl. wih Mrs. Keni Gam-sby over the i j3:00 - Boys and Girl'-s Ilan ovrwend Volleyball Miss Loulise cow'an uof Toronto1 is PRIDAY: VISiting itbMr's. H-Lntn 10*00 - Boys and( Girls 6-10 Tenniris 11:00 - Girls 6-110 (Croquet l and -Mrs. Hlarvey Partner anid 1: 30 - Basebali tam'1-ily are holidlayinig at Red Stonle 3:00 - Girls 1i-ini over Tennis Lake. lntermediates Drop To Third E. Larileton b'lýp Uronio itter $12~ 5OPhrma Te Oronint iermiediate_ 17 tem slppeintothir1pacedui ad ini the league with twoo Victor- Terms arranged whn tey erefaed ithles oe belig O\ver Orono. The th ekleaders now ,hav e 14 points wit'i ORNONTARIO PHONE 168J two de-feats. BelJleville took, a further the Port Hope entry passîng Orono with il points and Oronio then c0m- ing Up witl- a total score of 10. Port ___________________________________________________ Hope's victory over Orono on1 Tues- dayý put Ihem ahead of Orono by the one point. LADIE' DR SSESEric Carleton stilil eads the Oron hitters with a blazing 423 average 25% off any of aur Ladies Summer Dresses. which also places him in thiird place AiH the newest styles in Cotton Rayon, Trerylene in the batting average for the entire and silk. Shaths, fulI-skirts and jacket dresses. eg'ue. Charles Armstrong is high Ail the new summner shades. Sizes 9 to 241,'. on the list with 343. Don M/ei'cer e'w 4"is Charles closes rival with 308. Belleville travelled to Orono onj Juily first to take a victory over Orono in what turned out Io be a LADIES' SKIRTS 'free-w'heeîîng gaine. The victory 25% edutio inailour ummr Sirt. jwas a 15-10 feature for Belleville. The5e reutioirts a orSumrSkrs Belflevlille was hîtting the Orona heeaefl krsadstraight skirts inl cotton pitchers, Keith West, Stone and and terylene. Pints and plains.. Sizes 10 ta 20. aeqiefreyakna total of tw?ýent y;one hits. Orono also colleet-' à ed theAr fair share, fifteen with C. Armstrong showing Iti!e-way wlthj three,to for D. Mercer, Dean LADIES' BATHING SUITS WVest and Beaton. Singles went ta 25% off any of aur Ladies Swim Suits. 0 ,Shete, Don LCoE.an rlton, . Rayon lastex and cc,oanw"t-ielastic shirrirxg at Selr o yeadsoe back. Plain shades and caourful prints. Sizes 32 j g The steady hitttflg by the visitors ta .g ave them the game. Orono pulled 'In five runs in the last when they forced a new Belleville pitcher andi aise when the visitons camie forth wvith some loose play. IRO 'SSP RT HITSAnother two points wvere lost by Oronù on Tuesday night alt the park Good quality spart Shirts with lon o-soriwen Port Hope took a 7 to 3 vie- s!eeves. Blue, red, Yeýllow and tan predomninating. tr.Hrio ice h itn Sizes 8 ta 14 years. HALF PRICE SALE-.-. o Pr op ig up only two biits, these going to Stone and iIo R uar$2'95. SALE PRICE $I1.8 Me!ýrce in the first fraime when Or Rr~i1av ~9,f~ ~A T tDDTfl~' ei1 1j ono scored.their threecuns GILSDENIM JEA-NS Gaod quality De-iýnijeans, navyanySie 82 ta 12 years. Re Qa 2.-', SALE PIRICE $1,419 Store Open Armstroi E:F E~enn gS S Friday an Saturday Open Ail Day Wednres'day Orana Pastoral Charge Mi nister Rev. Basil Long SUNIJAY, JULY 9th CHURCH SERVICES *Kirby .............9:45 a.m-. Orono ............i. 1a.mn. Leskand .............-2 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL Kirby-------------i......l11a.m. Leskard ............ 1:30 pýmn there wViil be approximateiy 12 cars oa.ns. Four new memblerswr ilnIC trophlies the ýclub haswon. cep,-ted Y L Bowmanvill MA. 3-5589' THURS AT'7:30 -FRI, SAT at 7 and 8:35 Pat Boone, Barbaraý Eden, Btuddy; Hackett AN D "Walk &-Tail"' (AIL Color) MON TO SAT (One Week) JULY 10 - 15 MOATINEE SATURDAY, 2 P.M. CHILDREN 25ecANYTIME Extra .- "JAPAN" - Color Mon, ta Thurs. at 7:30 -Frn., Sat., 2 shows - -9:15 See "BE N IUR"- July 20-29 at '7:30 Matinees at 1 :30 ADVANCE TICKETS ON SALE MON., JULY 10 AT THE THEATRE FE TRE VALUES, Boy's Tee Sh1irits,-assorted colors and patterns, sizes 8 to 14, reg 59c'This Week Special 2 for 99e Children's Mocassins, colors of beige or red, sizes Il to 3 Our regular low price $1,75 NOW $1,59~ Alarm Clocks, colors Pink, green or white, Ea $2,15 Magnetic Flashlighits with 2 batteries This is an outstanding value at only............ ... 79e Jumbo Beach Towels, assorted coloirs....$1,49 Envelopes Vellumi Seif-Seal or blue-lined Regular, package, lOc This Week's Special 2 for 115c Cabana Sets, asso,-;rted coloî s and pattern1s, sizes 3 to 6x Ouitstanding value....Sel. for- 8c -Boy's Sport Shirts, 'Shor t sleev-(s, asotdpten anid colors, sizes 8 to 16 Each... .......$15 Shorts, Boy's and Girl's, assorted ceolors and patterns washable and d(ur-able, sizes 2 to 6 E xceptional value ...........pair 49c ORÙONO, 5c. TO $1.00 STORE il I 1