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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Jul 1961, p. 7

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uver uinau ouuur Some people thiink the world 3à theli, yster, but the starfisli know that the oyster s tlieà world. Thie conflictïing philos&- phies have led to feroclous com- petition for oysters, with th~e etarfLishi, in recent years, win- eing out, The have two sdvantages: They are closer to th4e supply, and they don't ob- serve the "r"-less inonthi rule. - Ani average starfîsh can eat 10 to 20 bushels of oysters a year. One week, last month, un Long Isand Sound, people- - struck back. Skindivers, 400 - strong, !Petched up an estimated 25,000 starfiah, saved an estiýmated 375,- 000 busheis of nysteis for peuple to eat. Four Years OId -Smokes Cigarsi1 Brenda Gail1 Phillips is oniy forbut her favounite occupation inot playing witli doIs but smoking strong cigars. Whlen her f ather cauglit Brenda smioking, a cigar hie bouglit re- cently, he sent for a doctor, ex- Pecting the little girl would ho terribly sick. Everyone was amazed when Erenda finished off the cigar, end then smiiingiy asked foran- o)ther! Doctors say thaat Brenda ap- parentJy iacks something in lier *,ystem. They- advise that she soudbeý allowed tobacco once Her father dîdin't like the idea c)f Brenda Pu-ffing Rway t cigars, b"3wever. To try to break her of the hapbitlie ,gave ber three ztrong ci gars in suiccessýion. But rhe smoked -them ail - and then esked for more! Neighbours, a t Spmartaînburg, Sjouth Carolina, often do nt anarvel at Brenda happiiy' puffing away in hier owrn small chair while watching television. The 1911 New York Giants stole 347 bases in 154 National Deague games. THE FACE 0F WAR - A wounded Laotian soldier is carried ta a vehicle for the trip ta an aid station ai' Vrentione, Loaos. He was cimonig those wounded when the village of Pado ng fell ta pro-Communist rebels recently. Where Every Kid, Makes Th~e Team Baealsda,.d, Abner Double- day, would probabiy tlnili (o the new nmod that lias corne over bis game on a number of dia- monds mu For-t Wayne, Ind. A new baugue lias 'just been laundched in town. Tbey cal it the Wi-Idcat League. It not oniy has teamrs, coachies, scrappy young fflayers, bats, balla, sacks, plates and mouinda, distinctive T-shirts and caps, but it also bas a significant phiiosopby. It appeaýrs to be sucli a sturdy and pioneering philosophy, in fact, that other comrnunities may want to try it ouit. The phiIosophýy is simply thia: everybody who cornes out for a Wildcat League teani makes the How Babe Ruth Set Thot Record Every year, about this timne, thiere is talk a bout this or that bail- player fracturing Babe Ruthi's record of sixty homers in a single zeason. So here, just in case you like to keep tabs, is wlien, wliere and who againstthe Babe did it. The yeýar, in case you've forgot- ten, was 1927, Bouler Date Against City Made 1 April 15 Ehmke, Philadeiphliau.............N. Y. 2 23 W.alberg, Philadelphiîa......... -Phila. 324 Thurston, Washington ...........Wasli. 4 29 Harriss, PBoston............ Boston q NMay 1 Quimu, Fhiladetiphia......-.....N. Y. 1 Walberg, Philadelphia ...............N. Y. 7 1 Gaston, St. Louis i;........... .............. St. L. 8il Noyers, St. Louis............ ..... St. L. 02 2 Karr, Cleveland ............ ........ Cleve. il 23 Thurston, Washington .........,Wash. 12 28 Thurston, Washingtoni....... N. Y. 13ý1 29 MacFayderi, Boston .............. N. Y. 14 30 Walberg, Piladeliphia...*...... Phila. 153 31 Eimke, Phbiladeip3hýia ...... ........... ..., Phila. le 31 Quinn, Philadeiphia, ... ...... -......, Phi!a. 17 june 5 Whiteli, Detroit ..........S. W.,. N. Y la 7 Thomas, Chioago .................N. Y. 9 11~i Buckeye, Cleveland ...............N. Y. 20 Il Buckeye, Cleveland ............ ........ - N. Y. 21 12 Uhie, Cleveland ................ N. Y. 22 16 Zachary, st. Lou-is .... ..ý.ý....,.N. Y. 2a k2 Wiltse, Boston................-...... Boston 24 22 Wiltse, Boston ........ ........ Boston 2.5 30 Harriss, Boston . ...................,... . Y. 26 julay 3 Lisenbee, WVashingtoa ...... ....... Waslij. 27 8 Whitehul11, Detroit .... ........ ... Detroit 2E 9 Hollowayj Detroit ................-.........Detroit 29 9 Hoiloway, Detroit ..................,... Detro-it 30(12 Shaute, Cleveand ..........«.............îv 31 24 Thomnas, Chicago .......................... Chicago 3i2 26 Gaston, St. Louis .....-...........N. Y. 313 2 6 Gaston, St. Louis .................N. Y. 34 28 Stewart, St. Louis....... ....N. Y. 35 Augz. 5 G. Smiith, Detroit....... ....... N. Y. 36 10 Zachary, Washington .......Wash. 57 16 Thomas, Chicago...... ... ... Chicaýgo 38 1 Connaiiy, Chiicago...... ... ... CIcago 3920 Miller, Cleveland-................ Cijmee 4J 22 Shaute, Cieveland. .....Cc. 4i 27 Neyers, St. Loisý..... ........St. h 4228 Wingard, St. Louis ........... St. L. 43 31 Welzer, Boston.........N. Y. 44 Se pt 2 Walberg, Ph1iladeiphiia........ Plil 45 6 Welzer, Boston ..........Boston1 46. 6 Welzer, Boýston ...... .........Bo S ton j 417 6 -lussell Boston .................Bo'sto'n 48 7 McayeBoston..--.... ..... Bostoni Ai 9~ 7 iris Bos;ton....... ...... Bso -Vç0il,stin, St. Louis ...... ........ N. Y. 51 13 -Hudlin, Cleveland.......N. Y. 5213 Shaute, Cieela.jad........N. Y. ii3 16 BlankenShip, Chicago ........N. Y. f34 18 Lyons, Chicago.ý............. N. Y. 55 21 Gibson, Detroit .............. ....... N. Y.ý fi6 22 Hoilowqy, Détroit N.Y. -7 2 7 Grove, Philadeiphia .. ..... N. Y. U8 29 Lisenbe-e, Wsigo .....,,..N Y.- 59 129 Hp:nWaWntn.,.,.,,,.. .Y. eu ....r ...hinton ......... N. Y. teamr and -gets in the game. That's IL. Not su- new? Perhiaps not in essence; new, cetaiîîiy, on this scale. Il is a hcpeful departure for (4-se 81/a -to-14-year-oid basebali set which, In recent years, has been cauglit in a flurry of bighly organized leagtues which set out to buiid sports manship and ath- letic akili, but which, spmehow, seem frequentiy to have broîîght about 'as many tear-stained fre- ckles as jack-rab.bit hrsos Boys with hearts set on oi tions on mrany of these weti- knowvn league's across the couin- try have,, in countiess- cases, dragged homeliopeiessly after tryouts (o report (liai "tbey sid I wasn't good enough to fmake the team." -In sorne instances parents tliemselves have puiied, off.- spring -out of games or off teamsl Wlien confipetitîve z e a i1 among sideline aduits got 'oui of hand. A variety of unfortunate fric- tions have overshadowed set- tings origînaliy cOnceived as training Iields for whoiesome teainwork and competition for Young boys., It is against this somewliat unsettied background of organ- ized basebail for, youtngsters that Ford Waynie's Wiidcat League ap-. pears so promising, Dale W. McMilien, Sr,, one of the 'city's pioneerindsralit and, in reCent years, one etf its mrost ardent boosters, bas provjid- ed fina.ncial support for the leagues. And lie las, set ihe guideli nes for it to00. Hielias reminded the people of Fort Wayne that the future of the communiiy 'rests -in, the bauds of its youth and that ade-' quate recreationa.l opportunities are vital (o their deveiopment as good .citizens." "Because .o f o u r interçst in youth,"-lie continues,. "we are sponsoring,(lie 'Wildcat Basebal Leagues' which will offer an opportunîty to play basebail for ALL boys of ages- 8½-to-14 re- gardIe5ss of race, religion, or fin- anciaJi-meanrs. "Througl these,,additional re- ereat ional opportunities, a nld without ;interfe-ringm w i t h any league now ia existen-ce, it laý out desire tol teacli, train, and ec)oh any youngsier who cannot quiai- ify for- play In any ieagu-e now "This investiment in youth is sil inve.stment in the fuiture of our community, We knoew of no bettei- way to help enszure its growth, prospe(7rity aTnd enrîih- ient."- Whte-liaired &and hlard-driv-, ing at 81, MNr. Pciie onsi- clers thlese 1leagues "the most m- eortant (bing 1 have ever dlone"1 Ten o1 Fort Wayne's best pub- 7ic and private scliool coa4ches have bieen hired to direc1t hie teams; 10 carefuiily scr-eened col- loge athietes anid 10 of lthe cxy's top higlis oiseniors vwill wvork as paid assistants. Tl-iey have been instructed iliai (lie nission of the leagues is "the creation of awoisoeatmospliere for the players so tihat correct atti- tudes, habits, languiage usag1e, and spou'smanship mnay be a di- recto'utcomle oft lie-ir partici- painin ibis porm Th'le boys mutst u Wildat caps and T._hirts but if they u M BABY CH#CKS BBR.ýY lbas many varleties started cbicks available, prompt sbipmrent. Dayolds to order Broiler cbicks, order now. See local agent, or write Bray Watchery, 120 John North, Hfamilton, Ont, BOYS' AND GIRLS' CAMPS BOYS AND GIRLS 8 to 15 can have a wondeýrful one-week holiday ai our Braesl4de Camp near Paris, Ont.) under experienvcd Christian supervision. The 10w f ee of $14 covers registration. room and board, swvinylng and other sports, classes with handbos, evening meet. Ings %wlth "Aunt Piyllis" Mlason thse cbiildren's friend, treats, hanidcraf ta, insurance and ether items. Boys' week - July 17 to 23. Girls' w-eelç July 24 to 30 For folders, write thre Camp DIrector, Rev, W. Il. Moody, 664 Feu. nel Ave. E, H-amilton, Ont. ,Phane FUJlton 3-8681 or FUlton 3-8745. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE FEED business, mnill, bldgs., office, ex- tra storage sheds, dou!ble garage, pri- vate railroad sidlng, $ý2()00 down. Hawkins Brus., 10 'Wakefield, Plarry Sound. El. 6-5231. BOAT marina, boat and miotor ýrntaIs, hait, 16 boats, 3 canoes, 5 mnotors, new boathouse, 0x3' older boathouse 18'x4'; modern 6-room b ouise, large lot. See Gord. Wilson, owner, Washiago. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITY for au active person with office or construc:tion experience to participat -e in a ya-on resort bnsiness, Minimum $3.000 required for an unlimited future. Box 238, 123-I8thi Street., New Toronto, Ont. COINS CASH for your Coins. Giant 1'26 page book, listing prices I psy. Send $100, refundable'first purchase. Stanley Kop- kmn, 1359 Coney Island Av>ieue, rook- lyn 30, New York. WANTED, wanted coins, we'rebyig no need to write, juat ,send youýr Coins11 insured. Enclose 2Pf stanps. _Muney order sent' same day or youir cisre- turned. Hlonest appraising1. William. Feyer, Coin Esuchange, 161 Wyýandotte Street East,. ido, nal.CL. 2-8427. FISHiNG TACKLE GOING FISHING? 5-PIECE split bamiboo all-purpose rod packaged witb mnany extras. Paic!ed lui strong ligbt-weigbt wooden box tibat prevents brepakage aînd keepas equlp- ment dry. Complete $795 propalid. Hud- son Sales Eieg'd., Box126 Place d'Armies, NMontreal. FARMV EQUIPMIENT FOR SALE MOUNT Forest 28- 45 tbiresher on rub- ber mith 'Watson ctter, 120 ft. drive beli and 18 f t. elevator. Alan 3 0 NMassey- Harris stanidaird tractor. Both btr ex- cellent condition. Arnold Rtf e, Rose- ville Rosdi, Gaît. cannot afford them ithey Tmay do. assigned chores to ea1rn themll, writes Robert Colby Neisoî; in the Christian Science Mlonitor. The league manuai counseis them i n the tenets of physý-ical and mental fitness. "Don'Vt clutter your mind withi unclecan, uncouthi thouglits and ideas. Use it for worthwiA.iJ thoughts. "Learn the rues of the gm and play according to them, A gond sportsman neyer cheats. 1"Teamwork is very imnportant to every teamn, Bickering, aigu- ing, fighting with teammi-ates wil help your team lose. "Neyer blame afiL1 umpire Or al teammate or an opponient for your mistake or error. Adrmit your mistake or eiror - but don't repeat it." And tucked iînto a corner of the Wiidcat Basebali League's hanc'book îs Mr. McMi1leni's rer- sonai, most cherished guidai-ce: "Improve yourself ever y day. IBeat your own record." How Con I? By -R.oberta Le Q.How can 1 the appli- rationî of enaniel easier and Smoother? A.,EBy7placing your can of. enamel in a Pant of hot -w-ter for awhile before beginning y our paint job. FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS -CHAISE Lounge Cota 115 Camp Stoola - $.8 Portable Water Soften- ers and, Purifiera - $2900,. Barbecues- $995. Tape Recorders - $39.95. Other uines. Express Prepaidi. Satiýfaûtlon guaranteed or mioney refundedl. Cata- logue. TWEDDLE MERCHANOISING Co. FERGUS 18, ONTARIO HOUSE PLANTS AFRICAN VIOLETS iLEAVES, Plants. Newest varieties. FIRE list. LoulseJohnisoni. Box 107W H-uson Heights, Que. MEDICAL READ THIS - EVERY SUFFERER 0F RH'EUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 EL.GIN OTTAWA $1 .25 Express Callect POSTIS ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczems rashes and weeping skUn troubles. Post's Eczrma Salve will not disappoint you. tching, ecalding andà burning ecze- ma, acne; ringwormn, plimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainlesa, odorles inime, regardless of bow tubborn or hopeesa tbev stem. Sent Post Free an Recelpt of Price PRICE $3.50,PER JIAR POST'S REMÉDIES 1865 St. Clair Avenue East. TORONTO MONEY TO LOAN OPEIN Mortgage Loans on farma, bomnes commercial, etc. nat ervice. Phione. write. or drop in. tlnitedi County Inivestmaents Ltd., 3645 athursi St. Toronto. RU 9-2125 Ml SC E L ANEOUS AMAZING! Watcb colorful M i n e r a 1 Aquarium Gardens grow like Magic (Kit, $1.). Marino, 415 West 4411, New York 36, New York. (100% Deligbt Guaranteed!) NUTRIA ATTENTION PURCHASERS 0F NUTRIA Wben purchasln,-g Nutria consider thle folwing points wbich tbis organiza- tion off ers*' 1. The best available stck. no cross- bred or standarfd types recommended. 2. The repulation of a plan wbieclIsl proving itself substantiated by files* of satisfied ranchers. 3 Full insurance against replace. ment, should they not live or In the event of sterility (ail f uIly explained In our certificateof menit.) 11 4 We give you only mutations wblch are In demand for fur garments. 5. You receive from tbis orgainzation a guaranteed pelt market lu writlng. 6. Membership In our excle 1usIîv e breeders' association, wbeviby only ptsrebasera of Ibies stock may partici- pate In the benefits so offered, 7. Prlceg for Breedling Stock tart at $200 a pair. Special offer t0 those wboýh qualify: earn vour Nutria on our cooperative basis. Write: Canadian Nutria Ltd., R.R. No. 2, Stouffmllle, Ontario. 0F INTEREST TO ALL PORTRAIT MINIATURES fromn any negative or print. Personalize your let- ters,' greetings with "Pliotostamps". 100 for $2.00. Kormoczy, 3116 Dose, Seattle 44, Washington, U.S.A. 0F INTEREST TO WOMEN LADIES wbo like surprises. A grab bag of costume jewelry, only $2,00! Ail new. Jewelry Grab Bag, PO. Box 387, Inde. pendence, Missouri, USA OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHO*L Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dlgnified profession; good wages. Thousands of successfýuI Marvel Graduates. America's GÈeatest System lllustrated Catalogue Fret W'rite -or Cal MARVEL HAIRDRESSINQ SCF40OL 358 Bloor, St. W., Toronto Branchies: 44 King St. W_, Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. Filmis developed and S8imagna prints 401 i2 rmagna prints 60« Reprints 54 eacch. KODACOLOR Deveioping roll 90,, (not Including prints). Color prints 300, each extra. Ansco and Ektteacroe 35 mm. 20 ex- posures mounted in lides $120 Color prints trom slides 324ý eacb. Money reý funded lu full for unprintteýd negatives, u E PERSONAL UNWANTED 1-AIR VANISHED away with Saca-Pelo. Saca Pelo ia different It does not dissolve or remiove hair from the surface, but penetrates and retards ,growth of unl- wanted hair. Luyr-Beeýr Lab. Ltd.. 5 679 GýranvIlle, Vancouver 2, B.C. PROPERTIES FOR SALE FRANKFORD, Ont.; 6 roomns, ail town conveniences, large lot near Trent River; termns. Contact J .W. Summers. Coborne Ont, or call Coîborne 66, evgs. ALBERTA 640 ACRES West of Edmniton on Jasper Hlghway. Ideal for two familles or one large famUly. Vear round work. Pulpwood Pulpmill nearby. Good demand for pulpwood at good prices. Start to make rsoney first day. Land price fromr $25 to $30 per acre. Termns cash or ex- change for property nearby For in- formation write Mr. Frank Bosse, 43 Regent St., Toronto 2, Ont, or phone EM 6.3689 REMAILING SERVICE LAS VEGAS Color Post Cards! Four for $1. Ten, for $2. You address, we remail Free! Western W'ays, Box 2109, Las Vegas, Nevada. STAMPS 100 MIXEID Australian stamps for 25e. We supply stamps to f111 your Domin ion stre's albums. Write Sutton, 1927T Upper James., Hmilton. SUMMER RESORTS HOLIDAY IN Bonneebere \Valie y, heart ot Ren- frew Couinty Good flishing, ýbpaches. sight-seeing Write[c EGANVILLE e-HAM49R 0F COMMERCE, EGANVILLE,, ONTARIO, CANADA SEE THE WONDERFUL SUNSETS AT New Hotel"BeIvedere SITUATED on "wi*d-stvept- bluffs, over- Iooklng 30,000 lalTanda. Georgian Bay., Golf. tennis. fisbîng, bathing Rooms wltb private bath; rooms %witb private toilet. AiU rooma- witb hot and cold running water. -Beautyrest mattresses. Meals tops. BOOKLET-A. G. PEEBLES, MGR. PARRY SOUND, ONTARIO PHONE RIVERSIDE 6-5581 AND RIVERSIDE 6-9990 TEACI-ERS WANTED REQUIED for R C.S.S. No. 1, Jisdale South Porcupine. TWO TEACHERS, AND ONE PRINCIPAL For 6-classrôom Separaýte School. J. V. GERVAIS, SEC.-TREAS. Box 307 SOUTH PORCUPIN'E, ONT TEACHERS WANTED BY SIOUX LOOKOUT Separate School Board Fo'r Grades 4, 5, and 7. STARTING salary for first-class certi- ficate $3.400 with yearly increment of $200. WITH application please state qualifi- cations, experience and the name and addreas of your last* inspecter. APPLY to: MR. L. C. BOWER,, SEC.-TREAS. R, C. SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD BOX 338, SIOUX LOOKOUT. ONT. TRADE, SCHOOLS LEARN I.B.M. OPERATION WIRING ALSO KEY PUNCH TYPING OT0 $SSENTIAL INTERNATIONAL DATA PROCESSING INSrI'rl>TE 139 KING ST. E., H-AMILTON PHONE JA .-81108 REGISTERED NURSES Por' 20-bed, fully equlpped, privaie lios- l tal focated in progressive town In &orthwestprn Ontario. Startinq saIary $275.00 per' month minimum ta $325-00 maximum for three yeàrs' experience. Board and raom in modern nurses' resi- dence issupplled at no charge Excel- lent employee benefits. Year-round rec-' reational facîlities, Further pa'-ticulars on request, Apply tb Superinten dent WILSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MARATHON, ONTARIO with deta Ils of experie nce. aea availability, and referen,ýees ISSUE 27 - 1961 UP-SEE-DAISY - Able ta 11ifr a Ioaded truck trailer off ai freigh.t car 1k, a ehlld playlng w1tIK a mode) train, thîs n.-wiy cdeveiped machine was shýown in a previewe t frelght içurminal ihis i1mnrh.The 30-ton capacii'y fork-Iift I& the Ioîest cdevelopment la i. înew f*eld of piçgye backlng. Cors aire now Iooded fromra tmpa. s '.5 N N s 'i N N N N N N N s- '-s '-s 's s '-t '-~ s,- 5' s' s N

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