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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Jul 1961, p. 1

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Conservation Au -hority---To Bu y Darlington Property The Central Lake Ontario Con-! miles north east of Eniskillkn. ( ~ L A iLservation Authori'ty wil'l seek the The agreed-upon--price is $7350, or The ron Chaberof Cin- 411araska iiiemuers of the provincial depart.~ $30 per acre, with a 150 day option. Te rmton humr ofnihto T ments of comm~erce and develop- Wîith the province sharing one-haif merce met n unnr rla iight ofm'ent andl lands and forests for its $3675 be raîsed by the Au- last week when the Chaluber decid- TourIL 5VjectsL Sclheme Two: An authority forest- thority: Some $2500 is in the Au- eci to again houonr the Honour Stut- Members of the Ganaraslka River on 245 acres ln Darlington Town- lhority budget' for this purpose,i dens f heOri~oHih cholasConservation Authdrity recen.tly ship. 'leaving $1175; to- be raised f rom the wa clone last year. The Ch4mber gave most of an afternoon to a tour authority members, in the saine -will recognize th-e accoxnplishiment s of ifs varlous lands, încl"'ding the The Authority works through theprotin as administration in' he tn ty at also ber eentpond at Garden Hill and Cold Commerce and Development de fuds edg with eentil o Mi' H. DuvailSprings. partmi 'nt but any money grant ed itha miyent. M. -L uval.Main item of business hiad to do toward acquisition of the land %Will Each city, town or township~ wâs put in charge of making the1 with making an off er to the Can-1 corne from the l'anis and fOrests member's share is based on popu- arrangements along with thle High 1adian National Railways, for sevý depadtment. The usual grant is 50' lation. Sehool Principal, Mi-. A. Wi4her- eral parcels of land. One pieoe i, per cent of the purchase price. dipoor n, RA. Lt ill ep ed thatthepariua that was mrentioned les' Now under option by the author- The authority's Scheme One is diner eetng illbe eldin eP-west of thli Molson Pond bottoin at ity is land referred to as the Cor-i an automatic streain recordîn tomeror ctber IPort Hope. Others are satredopretyfrmryartftejgauge at the Jaclvman. road bridge thouhotHope 'TOwnsh'iP. j Sears farin, on Concession 9, 21/2' lin Bowmanville. Mr-. L. Aslett, secrctary cd the Th;e~ Authiority agi-ced to make a 0oTno Chamber, informied the m'et- donation of $50 for prizes for tUe * bijg ti-at ail arrangements hiad been Durham County Sou Jûudging c o(>- I-.ý. completod and pormits received forirptitions to, be iield in July. LAIst O'..triuJ s Iighiting the Orono sign at the southi A lettor from the Ontaria de of the Village. Dane Found and Roy 1pýartinont of lands and forests ad- N ' i Fo-rstrrmovod that individual vised 'that the departinent could seecNw \.rorlo Swimming Poo t lotters be obtainoed in order that no' biological objection to having a _______________ trequent changes could bo made in fish ladder built at Corbett's dam th co- n eetsidnte iu i hanrsaRie tporti The following la a list of Doua. Mr-. & Mrs. W. A. Grady ... 25.00ï It wasstaedtht te ue f te Hpe.Th doartentased for tdons to Orono Çlommunity Mernjr Mr. & Mrs. K. Schoenmaker 10.00 sign for coixig events in the vil- the feeling of the Authority on this i Park Swimming Pool Fuud: Johnr & Roy Patton----------.....30.00 was iiot being utfilizod to its miatte7r.j E. Dent ............. ........$ 25.00 Qi-ville Chatterton ............ .25.00 iuldest. R. Forreste-r and R. Hazel- Mom bers agreed they ?hudMr ~bnsn.......5.00 Mi-. & Mýrs. S. D. H-omes .. 10.00 den we're authorizedl to purchelaso have stili further information on'E. H. Samuel ........ ........ 50.00! Frank Drinkie ........ ...... 1.00 the individual letters for tlhis pu-l thle subj oct before making any Alma Cutteli............. ..... _50.00' Orono Restaurant........ 25.00 pose and to se that the sigun was comment. 1 Roy C. Foirester ...........25:001 M r.' & lvws: H-. Rowland 5.00 changed froquontly in advertising A number of gaine and fishi clubs Mr1s. Emma Lunu ....... ... ... 5.00 Mi-. l&M rs. Donald Stephens 5.001 th alu vns~ h ilg. Previously proposed the building 0f Bili Reid.......................... 25.00 '-'. & Mrs. Don Staples 25.00 the fishi ladder to enable RainboW 'V John Schoenmaker.......... 5.00 K. Roitsm-a ..._... ... .... 5.00 Mi.D om n i.C r-trout [o got farther uptramtoChiildlren's Penny Fair _.._ 7.3-'7 Ralph M. Willis.............. ..1--5.00 strong rpo ted t the annual spawi-ýn. The towni of Port Hope len t rs. .Sut.......00 ayLn aly.....20 Colt Der~by lad netted the Ch-,amboiir'its approval to the schemne in ['le NMr. & Mrs. Geo Dunlop - 10.00 i'. & Mrs, Ed Grahiam....10.00 a sur-, of around $350.00 over ex- ble a fish ladder ,vould hýelp W. K. Lyctt---------------.... 25.00 Mr 1. & Mrs. Ed Miison----1.0 penses. Ths compared1 favourably boost the tourist attractions iii Mrs. H. Hardy_................. 2.00 Ellon Milison ........... ...... 53. 0 tNl rs. Florence Brimacom[lýo 25.00 Catherine Milîson.......5.00c \vithi other years. n _Mr.- & Mrs. Gordon Atkins 10,00 Mr. & Mrs. Wm. -Madill .. 10.00 D I ni JT. Walker ...........10.001Mrs Coryell.........2,00 y Mi-. H. Duvali reportedl to thorUOflo Banllu play Mý,rs. Aima IBoe....5.00 br. & Mrs. A. F. McKenzie 50.0f Ch)amber on the suces,,sfullniess çf T r. Fred Kelly-------------..... 5.00 Mr, & Mrs. Ed Farrell.... 10.00 th'e r-2cýentBicycle uncerit AtvPaeliRolph Hardware------------....2.5.00 Mi-. & MpsF. Quanitrilil..... 2.0r close to sixty ehidren froin Orono Cocr tA .Wst.......... . 50 rs ooh fe ...... J)ý Public S$çhool parLit.jcçîp)ted. The Th e roo andare oý n fuj ! fi-s. Hilda Schauffler ....10.00 lA. Kioos.....***.........-- 00 winners ot ')f he six dîivisions w1 i r- rehiearsal preparing to miake aiFraneis Tonnant... -- -00 Orono Hli-Teens.... ......... 50.00e eIvl cup whie tos n eonublic appearance at the Oronlo Joan Ransberry................ 5.00, George Wilson--------------1.00 an hrd places will roceive a sil- j Park on Sunday afternoon, July 3rd Mr. & Mrs. V. Homnewood... 5.00 Mi-. & Mrs. Milton Green.,.. 5.00 verdolr The awar-ds are to bel At thîs time the Banid are to present, Terry Myles .._................. 25 Lynda Hughes .....-........ .... LoO mnade 3!t the an,,nual street fair toi their Sunday Concert at the Park. Jh M. MacRae..,............ 25.00 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Stapleton 10,00i be held in Orono on August I6th. Thie afternoon concert will oi rn Garage................... 50.00) Mr. & Mrs, Rbt. Hancock ... 10.00 mence at 2:30 Mr.I" & Mrs. W. B. Hoar------ 25.00, Mi-. & M rs. R. E. Logan - ... 10.00 Mi.Dn on rfrig t The programme will include a ROY Foster ...................... 20.00 Mu-s. R. D. Ruddy------------2.00 the Anna Street F-air stated that inmber of Overtures by noted coin-1Ms oeaE en...1.0(otne ae2 a nqmaer of new vattracýtions Were. posers along with martial aires and beingade this leH also ask-Iligliter sýlections. Tho band alsoi ed for nc.ýreased co-operation in this'las lu its ropotoiroý special arrange-e S h ol roti n vetue ron i te omer It monts to presont day popular tunes,.on isol n this wa 'Ivl e cat The concert wil be hield under________________ mTake ti bigge and botter the shielto' r at the park and shoulc} WOVLEPELCSý1OTe xeiietlconreca ai sho,"hosaid (create considerableintorest ETNIL ULCSI40Iheeprmna omrilcr RESULTS 0F JUNE I fishoery of [lie Kawartha Lakes haisU PROMOTIONS been a l-ighly succesaful and pro-, i,ýnie apea inalhabticl rde -fitable vonture aince its Incoption, Senor omiln November of 1960. Comrpilations fi O ro n o In t er rn e d I a t esnNrn S eniphabticl dershow that aliyost 259 tons of carp_,1 Gr.S t Gr 9:Joyce Campbell: have been taken froin districtwa LillianClrk Dorothy Eliott (H); tfers in the perioCi ending o a B otter Lea gue Lea der 1on arrw(H); Ponnie5Gilmfer; 3lst, 196' nointOronnhad nil ~ n1v H); Grant Wade (H1).Thht Intemedite Bsebal...................---.' -- ~-. o hi. s:1-taveyi~urtoy~~nTuheo Lulk Wfof -O IlieL c05te.'ieeurtion un '...'naw Seek Twp. Grant For Newtornville Hall Represeutatives f romw Newton- ville asked Clarke Council for con- sideration for au outright grant to- wards expenditures on the Newton- ville Hall. Mi-. Mur-ay Porter, Mrs. C. Brown and Mrs. Ross Brown Tony Mitchell Views TechàoIogy~ madle thie request of CounciL, JTony Mitchïell, 17, Rn 8, Peter- asked for furthier consideu-ation for ono is speciaîiziug in. Auto mecheau- construction of sidewalk iu Newv- es. Wîth his grades throughout touville and suggested that about high school, ho lias been top of l'il 250 feet ho doue this year.1 class for the past two years. lie Council stated that they would plans to complote bis apprentice- give these matýters thei-consider-1 ship at a local fi-m if possible and- ation and appolnted the Reeve and thon, after winlng his journey. Deputy-Reeve to study the proposai mau's papers, to work towards tbe foi- a grant to the Newtouville Hall.1 ult imate qualification of. a techunol- The Reeve also stated that consider- jogist, wh4ich w'ilil take a solid nnie' ation could ho given by _ou Io'years of niglit sdhool. Sports inter- býave the sidewalk construction ilt'ests include track and field teain- cluded lunwinter works for 1961-62. wvork, especially cross couutry, and hockey and basebaîl away f rorm At thei- July meeting the COUndll school. of Clar-ke Township alsô accepted thie rosiignation of Mr'. Gordon Cotb Tolyi rn no r n ter, as Building Inspector for the rs.on.y i a grandson o .a Township. Mi-. Cotter lias acceptedMs.W.ichlOoo a position !l Belleville and will flot ~ ,~ t o be lu a position to handle tire local job. The clerk was authorized to ad- LJ CaactyFo vertise for a building iuspeetor. Mr-, Cotter is to continue the work u-ntill rn yr se ieas a new , tuspect.or is Oo yr appointed.Weocnesciay afternoon power was At the request of the Orono Corn- cut off lu the Village of Oronoi for, miunity Parki Board the Township an hou1-r and a hiaîf.' The cut-oft is to back a shoart-toi-n ban for a comnenced at 12 noon aud lasted. sunr not in, excess of $1500.00. Anuuntil 1:30 p.m. amnount in i s neighibourhiood is pýresntly nee by the Board to Ontario Hydro was replacing a ýomnpiete the finial payne-nts for bank of Vhree transformers fe-edlihgï the new sofinning pool at tire Or- in1to Orono that were beconing ov- ono Park. The Board is h-opeful ofierloaded and lad shorted. The i-- re(payýing this boan by the ýn.d of the1 placements were mudli larg-er lu year. c-apacity and capable of haudhugc th(- load nom, beJing drawýn by the; M\11. R. S. Mag-owan of thle Dopai-. Village ment of H-ealth mot with council go when a full discussion w1as held on________________ abandoned cenetertes itire Munî-ý cîpality. 28 in Concession 5 fi-on the De- Counicil was iuf orned that the partirleut of Highways to thue Towu,- Dopai-tinnt Engineer had not giv- ship. This parcel of laud is iu theý en approval for the use of the road north end of the Village and a por- as a portion of a water dam ou the tion is being sought by the Police- rroperty of Mi-. How,,ai-d Payne. Trustees as it is a site where au The clei-k is to uotify the applicault adequate water source was found of this decision.1 suitable for a Municipal suppiy. Chianiges. in the No Parkingl By- Law, wdi'e recommenidedi by the De- partmiçnt /,)f Municipal Aflai-s and thlis this by-law is belng temporar- il., hld u-fln 'Ph a, vviiex~hn ncase No action>i was taken by the Coun- c-il on a requost freinth Oshawa Girl G'uides who ai-o seeking ex- emption of taxes on their property il * fieu up j t(ý D-JaWnorth or Nc-owtoiiI0lle i-O 'builrj whllI proh.ibit parking aioug t1 ig sids f te ownbi rodslu the i are expected to be erected. area of Alosport. A grant of $10,00 was p--assed for The Township is also egtitin he, Durlarn Plowmen and $200.00' lei( final arrangeent.,s for the folo he Durham Central Agricu.- transfer of certain 1ha1ds;*,i lots 27-ýitural Society. Local Llge oin In Orang-e à-- ~i The Orno ha-unadhtbyBaon on grand James Hloward (Roc); Earl Hag. were harvested. Th'le commercial! ahub durng %te part Yweek- has' sian l tbc second. gins (Roc.; Bai-iy Lane (H); Mai- fishormian on mcce Lakep cauglit been victrlous over the' bague lead.ingBlQieg rouP On two dif- Ornoe raMled in,.thie sixthl for ilyn MacDonald (H); 1-jellilut 125,406 pounds followed by the1 The Orono Band took part l tce Order, n't 1 shingtO walk the long pled lu Bollevihle 0on Sunlday and eight. During tlic playin.g of the Stapleton (Rec.) ;'Autdrey Teengs. ilbs. ther fishernen licenced li- awa ofaudy as heloa bndbt f hipraeweesnore ti Orono onTuiesday evoniug. nintl thetl garine was lild up at Wn1 Gr 6 to Gi- 7: Billy Gilmer; Judy the Otonabee and IndianRJeshaddheunrndSioPnt-ngiyoagendbedcrtd teral du t rm, eleviieagîn ron(11); Donna Hlathorly (H);('i* Ctsnong and _Mud Lakes and upper ,oot Orange Loles in the parade automiobiles. Thiesc two ctre have put the threatened in the niffflh but thie Bobby Hienderson; Janie Sta.cey; Buckhorn Lake cectively har- 1 in whicl it lias beoni estimnatod that Settr io I ot he lOalclb ac itoseon pac jlie aspu ot it o loe Gary Stapleton. vested tihei-emaining 86,991 Pounds. ove,-r 12,000 tool part. For the inost Sand fosi deead taloeng imce- lb '1e bague to ho topped onhy by i-un 5coriig. G- oG- 6 aîrypart fine weath'er pi-revaiied ex- stneetourtdrcuany lutIc furacor- Belleile.George Jouies was ici wininrg Bruce MacDonald (H); Donna'cpig e onmnte htral es ai-en, th(ey Were as nany as Thse Sunday), gaineý-- in Beilevillpitcelpr for Orono pitching the en Sedoi-ko (FI); Doreon Sdctcr i JiTomie Sf acey; Sheila Stacey inwý,hich il pourcd ram., This oW-_iî n o ep wasa lasi f-onmay oits A tii-o gaine exceptîng for ithe hast ofe Betty Skeldîng; Lnd erk ,ec; Gloria Terraint; ied iknt ai tc ardeee gtadt ep ïle ac f h Wapletoln1c VA iesad 7secalý nil\'an Londen. Ituluh hsei mi-iglee --Prizes for the best ledges on par- th~~~~. edoth lit intgtepthAttesadepial n( I da Teengs (B). Toacher, Mrs. Elsie Bal ccîvî-ng a i-cal soaking. ado ttnsyoar went teL)Lndsay; Beleville crocw were aw-ay oufta t1he second George did net gef the Toacler Mrs. Mabel Ellott Pot______ieie n Ptrbr front a score of12-1. 'h15Gisupport o hsteainates v ihas- The Kenda! File and Druin bnd ortHoes., Oenean eer'bor- sistedsenedi"ss o Belleville fo dope She largo Junior Room SIXTH LINE SCHOOL was another ontry frin leglrbad aKW% thes oaa-- 0rsno boys but as --tfurned out o ifis 1 G.- oG.5:Jh apel was ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ne.frth oasede1u1heT)dyni an l r H; Dentse flliott; Gary Gerton PROMOTIONS îty and headed the Clai-ko Lodge in ado the -cSpettin ga score of Y 15 ono saw hie Carleton take th1e Shar'on Kin1g; Ronald Panas (Roc) runth o parade. otI ad a uhi cmpli 1alles w tll risdes runnuin p xceptional pltchinig job against lHenderson (B1); Gary Huggins;1 Led by CutMaLi-shah l oi- On1-i ,reath, of Pi-omise JOL No 37, indviua inig outs A-teBhivlehevlite p he Frances Stacey; Neil Stapbotn (H)I Gue1 inaGorod1tarte Sme tILoi-noJohnson, of 1Of LnatO-ok 'thepizefor ho- ele-laturci of tcgaine camY-e in tgai"Vas a vcoiyfor Ooo yaGeret Van Londen. *CrsiaMatns,*Jh c h tby tep )a white stlîln, 'eing '11e best Juvýenile Orange Lodge the Cas' of the ninth when Ketiscre of 7-2 and %was wehl carnedt Gi-. 3 to Gi,-.1: Ai-heeAtchison; McknJne MMakn. _ 5unit paradie lasl4l mnoi-e ta on parade -Specimention wns We~ asbeuîtt twc heurs, frein star tefinish,0 etrbrog Wc a rIgl Gte rmoue,,nd Raye iWest out in field] alsocanrnBckel JntHator;ad ok 5mnue1'0cos s- mdetiJO 10,etroug ~heuceout 'and twvo on bases, forth w-,ith two e 7cky d;ad oo 5 ihutsiohichs _ýh anld O 15,Coug Wl-oepitchled bailthe side Mwas1thWarted any attemapt by the Belle-Grae Hoste; LindcMcDGal ToGrdeVI:LyneMcaki, asma ntrection. ,I Foi-t Hope Loyal Truce Lodge whn avtyltf0the ville cloufers. H;DebeMHom() SehnGordenMoitoncaptlIed f l priosfor oh'1 retured jle lveylta - Searle -; Jackie Toongs (HI1; John- 1AKoximately 70 hodges Partii pDec i tha touleply fohe Ir.lupitchIinlg sevon lunings 0 erî c R- Tery -", Jvý.sad Týsno To Grae VI: Alan cMacku ptcd in the pairade and Ww en.dbstLBJvnie LBsno 60 hn all in took ton sbiik-outs and gave1 up six uit an Eon n ec. 0i-i'Y ' b ý1c1akh41 y 15 bauds, imulding fie a odgos on parade. theg eth ifhd il ono and'je oln i isnjwneiaaine the gainelh. w tioc onmu,-tig u h'15v Wr l(Bn) eaoi Matno.1 nbaudls, pip -bads, frunipeftLTB JuveuieLodge o.46 and Beieîlecohefcda toa 0 ns atI roo n h oh au wn Gi-. 2 '1i Gi-. 3: Cathy Elot(H);:ibadsan bas bud. LB o. 51G, were '11e prîze wviu- BËvecke mlo bethe pane ouna sean-t leur litsbut Bi-enda iendorson (I; fai- Too Gbaado Vnd* Brendabaoy..nrs. ruailu Ic ecod fa -eof 1ccounted wAeu thc oppertunitis Joues; Woynie jouies-;Shane Xing; - 'Colourful hanuers prýcodcd mostCmootion LOBA No. 1030, Onu- ga Ie he -n-ecold net hanche i-oete hen-selves. ý-This OPPOi-. Joc Mark (Roc.); Judy Stacey; -fte ege1ariiptng.ndoce oo hepiz oriugte any type of bail. Playors di-opped 1funity came lu fIe thîrd whlen six ,Suzanue Won () oGi-ade TVW Lamry Boy. nearîy al l ad their claplains car* best senior ladies lOdge On parade. the balleapdlyers un ü assist tiy. ee crdfrth rn n ryliug an oen Bible. Mlany werel The prize for the besf mnen's tI hllad ytine t t Ic -un wre cord or he roo ojGi-. 1 te I-. 2: Jimmnie Clarlik; lTo9Grade !ILI *Brian Gi-eenwýood, precoded1 by gaihy di-essed and higli lodge on parade was won by Duke- Tlesq again icked up one lun'1el These six muns were scored ou DJavid Hendersen; Thomas guhe;c fou-t ad wo i 11 flt. A tis (Cnfiue pge5)Philip-jouies (Roc.); Bobby MLeananeMi-efou. yly skiled drun majorettes. lef Wellington LOL No. 457, Pet-er- andÏ v ý in Cl ffth Atthsl Coiliue- pge oby cLcn 1ýMri1nM or C then.owr .eachler. ,Agod memibors of the Or-ange borougli. e- 'Honour' Stuclentsl

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