Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 13 Jul 1961, p. 2

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Contributioil (Continueti frein page3 'Y Mr. & Mrs. L. Barrabal.. Robbin Winter............ Worthy Melody ........... Irish Mike ............. .... , Mr. & Mi-S. Junior West Mr. & Mis,. arnes-, Joan Harris Mrý& Mrs. Chtas tapon M ~ r. & Mrs Ray Gootie ... Mr. Baird ............... Mrs. Gladys Gaxnsbyý....... 0 rono Chan*er of Compmerce ................ Rev. Basil E. Long ........... F. W. Trul................. < Mrs. Chas. V. Cooper .... Mr. & Mrs. H. Cobbledick .. S Mr. & Mi-si E. Quantril .. < Craig Rogerson ... .......... Mrs. Myna McCulloch.. r Jîm Buckley... > ........... - Mr, John Caldwxell ........... - Lloyd Taylor .............. -Mis. Shirley Flintoff Branton ............... .. . Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Wood.. - Mrs. Pauline Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Jack Mercer .. J. C. Tamblyn ............... ,jrono Orphans Hockey Club Rarvey Partner Plunibin1g & Heating.......... ....... Gordon & Lloyd Lowery .. -Mr. & Mrs. M. J Tamblyn Mrs. Norman Kennedy.. - Anonymous .................... iM'rs. A. Martens ............ ' Mr. & Mrs. Chas. E Miller R,. Allison Cowan.-........ r' . H E. Millsen .................. Beatons Dairyî Products Ltd. j .Anonymous....> ................ r Dr. Zoltanî Zsigmoid ... ... ~Mrs. Rena Waddell ........ MO Orono 1Lotige No. 476 100F > Roy Patton . .... .....- 10.0 1Mr s. Jack Meroer ......... 1.00o Keith Meflonalti., . ....... 1o.00 W. H. Robinson......... 10.00 Maril" Hancock ........ 10.00 r.B l e ns -........ ýcil Robitison ............. 5 GX-reta Selis .....-............ Jâmes A. Armour .. ........ 20.00 D. & G. Tennant Transport 10. Ms.Andrew Flynn....... 2.0Mr. & 'Mi-, . Leo ueckner 5.00 <Ila4ys Gamsby ......... 10.0Geosge E. Pollard .......... Harry Lewvis ............... 15.00 PRobert Glanville ........... 10.00 Fienry Cornish ............. -5-00 Mrs. Cliff Cooper. ....... 25.00 j, Anson Gilroy .............. 10.00 Leonard J. Pears ........... .10 Morley Robinson .... 1..... 25.00 George Clark ...........-.. 5-00- James Hallowell............. 15.00 Gordon Trim --..... .... ... * 25.00 Jim Stark.................... ' 'John Stark ..... ............... 7.00 John Murphy .................. 10.0(0 Bert Trim ............... .. 10.00 Calvin Myles .............. 5.00 Ross Tamblyn............... 25.00 Mr.' & Mrs. .im Bruton .. 100-00 1 Mr. & Mrs. Fay Adams - j Mr. & Mrs. Jack Williamns 150-00 Floyd Nicholson.............. 20.00 Ernie Bowen ................. 50.00 Airs. D). Gordon ... .......... 5.00 j Latwrenice Hooey........ 25.00 Fred Trul..... ......... .... 2.00,Kenneth Lauzon ............ 10.00 Mrs. Robert Allun......... 25.00 Bocb Dennis.......... 10o.00 )EvereItt Br»own....... 15.00 loward Myleýs............. 100.00 Robert Hancock. .... 2.û00 rileChallice .... .. 15.00 Mrs. Braneh .............. 25.00 G. De Jonge ................ . 5.00 Mr. & Mrs. Les McG-ee..... 5.00 Mr. & Mrs. J.ack Hudson .. 10.00 Lunn Hardware............. 20.00 Mr. L. King ............ ... 100 Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Webber 1.00 Etina Sikma....;.............. . 5.00 R. E. Logan ..-.............. 1.00 Ethel & Fred Lycett ..... 1.00 Rolph Hardware ............ 2,5.-WChats. Frûste...... 1 . 0 0 J a m e s B u r g e s s . . . . . * " * « * ' 5.00 William Leamen ........-.. 2.00 Ke4~ith Wood. . ......... 2.00l Horace Best..-...... 1.0Ross Knapp 5.00l Mrs. Werry ...... ......... . 200 .Beuhm ........ 5.00 euhm 1.» Mrs. Edigar Middtleton ... 5.00 MIrs. M'm. Hooey......... 1.0() Douglas Allen. .... .0S. 0. Martin .................. ,5 James Rickahy .......... .1.. .50 W. G. Cotter .....l-........ 1.00 Mliss Bertha Cain ......... "1.00 Car-los Tamblyn .......... 1.00 James Majr .............. 2.00 Ross Mercer. ..... 1.00 Dr. A. F. McKenzie..-....... 5.001 Gordon Watson .... ... -... 5.(101 Eina J. Watson . ...-ý...... - 2.00 1\Marie & Keith, West .... .... 5.00Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Graham. 20.00 Emil Schimid.......... 5.00 F. 0. Cooper ......... ... 1.00.John D. Moffat.............. 1000 -Mr. & Mrs. Ray Carleton .. 10:001 Mable Tennant ............. 5.0017Marg-aret Linton ........... 2.00 Emma Lunn............ 1.00 Ms Francis Quantrili ... 10.00 .oy erer ....... ... ... 15.00 R. Yountgmanl..... ..-........... 2.00) Lloyd Glass .... ........ . 5.0(r Mrs. Fred Kelly ........ 1().00 L.. eirohn i......._._......... ...... 10.00 Marvin Lun.............. 1.00 Orono R~estaurant.,...... 5.00 The Armstrongs ........... 50.00 Mrs. T. C. Wilson ........ ... 25.00 A. Wagenaar ............... 1.0.0 Jack Arnott............ 5.ffl>irs. Rt4by Porter .......... 2.00 H. Visser ,......... .... 2.00 Bruce My1es ........... ...... 5.00 Albert R Mitchell .......... 1.00 LaVerne ]3oyd..... ......... 1_09 Ross Gijbart_........ ....... so BetBlack ............. ... Mr.' & Mrs. Chuck Hutton.. 10.010 Earl Taylor ...1................ 100 Harry Rowe................._.. 5.00 Arnold i Wallae.............. 10.00 Reginialti Suttoni............ 100)Mr. & Mrs. A Drumn ti.... 10.000 Lorne Bowins _............... 15.00 Jack Bairstow ,........... .. I5ô00 LMr. & Mrs. Sid Hughes.. 100A nonymous ............... 1.0John MacRae..__........ ...... 25.00 Hecb Burgess .............. 2.0Mr. & Mrs. John Shietier 2.00 H .BarlOw. ......... 5.0,'hnPto ....... ... ..... .0W. J. Ritidel ....1............. îoQ Ms W OedIs .... ......... 5.0Brooks. Cowani............ 10.00) Bruce Yeo ................... 5.1)( Robert G. Mloffat............. ,5.()( Donald Evans ............... 5.0No Namne........... ..... . .. 2.00 JohnI Stone .................. 2.00() Mrs. H. W. Murraiy.......... 2.00()Mrs. Dora Mvorris.._........ ~~oMr. & Mrs. Jim M\iddletoi.., Mýrs. Arthur Allen ........... HOW MANY MILES SHOULD A TRUCK LASTO It depends on the driver-on the care that a truck is given-and on the man ner in which the truck was bu lit. Let's assumne the first two factors are average . .. the driver is reasonab!y considerate of his truick,-thýe maintenance it receives is sensible and regular. Now, the mileage we can expect depends on how the truck, is built. WHY DO SOME SUSPENSIONS LAST AND LAST? L-et's talk suspson Herec's ý,hÀother way in wvhich Chievrolet extends trc ife... truck- iilored rear suspension in combination wt Chevy's famous Indlependent Front Suspension with torsion spr-ings. Before Chevrolet pioneer- .... ....ed this suspension system, road bumps used to be transmnitted directly to the cbassis - and to the sheet mietal and load. But now with Inde- pendent Front Suspension and vani-rate reaýr Ssprings Chevrolet Trucks dissipate the bumps, reduce chassis strain, minimiize tire abuse, Joad L~'4damnage and driver fatigue. Another way of Li~~adding more and more miles to the life of a Chevrolet Truck! WIIY IS THE ENGINE YOU CHOOSE SO IMPORTANT? Let's talk engines. For this is the heart of truck performance. And it's here that Chevrolet V-8's and 6's have proven their depenti- able worth. Naturally, Chevrolet gives you a choice of power plants ... but they ail have something in common. Namely, over- hmead valves, Moraine bcarings andi full pressure lubrication, al specially designed for long engine life. And, as a bonus while you enjoy this extendeti engine life, Chevrolet has married economy to power in the performance of its, various engines - so that with au Chevrolet Trùcj you have the puiling-power when you neeti it, anti gas economy fuilltime! Then there are the myriati of "smial" 'features that help extend the life of Chevrolet Trucks. Extra-big capacity brakes. ... preci- sioin bail-gear steering to miniize friction andi steering effort ... torque-tailoreti clutches and super-tough transmissions! NOW CONIDER TRUCK FRAMES FOR A M1OMNT Chevrolet Heavy-Djity Trucks are built witb. a variety ot tramies tailor-made for a variety et trucking jobs. For example, if you spenti alilot your driving time off the highway, Chevy recomr- mentis one of their flexible tramnes that supports and gîves when giving is the wisest course. If your chore calîs for extra heavy highway loatis, Chevy hias a tramne that filîs that bill, tee. In fact, Chevrolet Trucks corne te you with the "just-right" trame for your job. Anti because et that, mnonths anti menths et lite are atideti to yeur Chevrolet Truck - miles anti miles of profitable hauling-. So how many miles shouîd your Chevrolet Truck last? Frankly - we can't pin it down to a figure. Certainîly, there are thousands of Chevrolet Trucks across Canada with thousands of profit miles behind them. Who knows, perhaps you'li retire before your truck does. But one thing we can say with surety: four Chevrolet Truck has been buiîýt to give yoýu the best performance throughout the longest possible lifetime. And with a Chevrolet Truck, every mile you drive wviI be a profitable one. Choose your Work-Proved Chevrolet Truck at your deaier's today, CT 261 D FIRST IN SALES BECAUSE THEY'RE BEST KNOWN FOR PERFORMANCE, SERVICE, ENGINEERING, ECONOMY AND ALL'ROUND RELIAB LITY CHEVROLETTvRUCKS ROY W. NICHOLS BOW"iANVILLE mCOURTICE-"Z« 2.00 rs, . GraiQ floOingcm ..... .00 1.00. Mi. C. W. B3llllngs......... 10.00 10.00 Mr L Ailtired ...............2 0 Mrs.M. Keast Sr. ............ 5.00fl 100.00r Viola Noden........... ...... 5.00 5.001iMrs. E. W. Schauffler.....25.00 10.00t Ernest Dent 20.00ý Christmas Trees........... 42.00 r5.00 Evan Quanrill ...........5.w< 1.0Mr. anti Mrs. F. Eagle...... 2.00 ý-500 Mrs. Ivan F arrow ....... 1.00 0.o Jutiy V agg ........... ....... ... 1.00 00Fred Vagg ............... 5.00 5.00o Orville Chatterton ............25.00 10.00 Thomas Hardy . .. ............ 20 5.00 N. A. Bickell.....................1.L00 ,5.00 Boydi Wood-..................... 5.00) 25.00 A. G. MeGee........... ........ 10.00 10.00 >,ruce Tennant............ ..... 5.00) 10.00 Ervin Rainey ................... 5.00 1.00 Carman Cornish . ............. 25.00 20.00' Ethel Tyrrel.......... .. 10.00 5.00 J. Dane Found .................10 5-0M Stutt's Dru,- Store ........... 25.00 5.00 Bruce Mercer .......... ........ 5.00 1.00 Mr. & Mrs. D. G. Heoper .. 5.00 5.00 Mrs. John Armstrong .... 5.00 27,00 Mr. & MUrs. K. Nixon.......... 5.00 5.00 A. Van tien Heuvel ...........1 0.00 15.00 Mathew Snelders .............. 5.00 1.00 Carl Todd .......... .. ........... 1.00 50 lBetty Savery............ ........ 1.00 5.00 îooo0 Russell Savery................... 1.00 2.00 Orme Falls ... .............. 1.00 00Mrs. Westheuser . ............. 5.00 10,00 !Ewart Robinson ................1i.00 1.00! Erniest Rans'berry .............. 5.00 .5.(00Dnd Cochrane -.............. 5.00 5.00() G. Johnsrton ..........-..........5.0 5.00 Donald Ransberry.............5.0 Norm-a Ransberry ...... ...... 5.00 - Lloyd Ransberýry ......... .... 2.00) IMiss Velda Browvn ............ 3.00) I Huttons cities .Service 2.00) W ýilliamr A. Reidi........... 2.00) Mvrs. G. Girbbs ............. ... 1.00) SaeyChapmian . ...- ....... 5.0() M1rs. GoreCarson . ... 1.00 Mr. & Mrs. Jack Chapmian 2.00 Mrs. E. Gilbank-..............2.00f Mr. & MUrs. F. Drinkie .. . 3.00 Jas A Suh-land ............2.00 Mrs. Roy Thiomypsoni...... 2.00 Mr.l & -Mrs. R. 'Stcliffe .... 2.00 ,Mrs. R. Walker ............... 1.00 Mr. & Mrs. Earl Duval1 ..... 2.00 Mr. &Mr. urgýess . 1.00LO Mr-s. E. Spry......... ...... 2.00 C.' Grant......-.................... 2.00 Mrli. & Mrs. Fee ...... ......... 2.00 Mrs . C. Main ............... 1.00 .rs.Ama ................... 1.00 Ken G...e.................1.0 $4112.77 IThie Park Board !n publishingj these- donations wish te recýognize, thiose that havýe supporteti'the pool with their donation. There is still aii ameuint of $1200,00 needed to be raised to complete paying for ti2e nwswimming pool andtiianon-e wisçhin-g to donate may do se by sending their donations to Miss Aima Cutteill The abeve sum of mioney sub- scribedi through donations dees not include a sum of $,1500.00 placed in the funti by the Park Board or the monies paiti throughi Provincial Granits. Mr. andi Mrs. Johin Forresteran 0 boys are spending a weeks holidaLy at Balsam Lake near Kirklield. 1Mr. anti Mrs C. Billings,, Mrs, Heber Souch, Mrs. Nel~ Porteri,. OM vs. Ale-x Watson, Mis. Har-ry 0 Bailey, Wayne andi Lynin Bailey a-n& Miss Carole Little liat dinner oru 0.Wetinesday nàght with Mr. andi Mrs. George Cole, Port Hope. Mrs. 'l'm Cox andi sons Dean anti Gary vislted~ on Wednesday with-k M r, anti Mrs. Raye West andi famnily. J B E EVER wATrCHFUL JOF CHILDREN NEAR WATER At the beach chiltiren are there 0sponsibility of their parents just as they are at home, This meAns. that the parent maust remain close at ail times anti keep a watchfui eye on the acitivities of bis oYwn children. The lîfeguards at 1he 9beach cannot possibly wvatch each i child anti aduit, He is there te sup- ýervise activities and to discoura-ge )unsafe practices andtIot be readily 1avaîlable with proper 11f e-sa-ving ) equipment and "kniow-hiow" should,. )an eeenyoccur. rLast weekend at'one of our dist- rict Parks, a father 'of 1hiýee cid ren ail under élit years of a~ took one of his crhildren witb hm l a rented boat and left the other two- 0childreni playig on thle beach un- iattended. When lie returned, theý ,(->ungeri of the twe, the five year old, was mnissin'g. The lifeguard,. 0when notified, iimmediately organ- 0 ized a water search. It was onl1y 0I then that h father reali'zed That Chis son could have gene into the water when left to his own devîces. Forturiately, the child .vas feunil 0alive,waern about i the camnp. ig area. Wýe wouil urge parent's toD report a mnissîng chiidimeaey without wasting preeious tim'e seachngfor hlm on land when ithere is a possiblility he mray ae gonie into the water. -- ~ %ooks Orono Weekly limnes PHONE 9r1 ORONO JOB PRINTING Letter Heads Envelopes Labels Invoices, Billheads Statemnents Books, Pamphlets iv Orono W"eekly Tiiues Phone 109S OQra., Ontemie Ek-

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