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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Jul 1961, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Authorized as GSeoGnd lass mail., Post Office O partment, Otta'y Established in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Editor and Manager Subscription payable in advance In Canada $1.50 In U.S.A. $2.50 Published every Tbursday at the off ice of publication The Wilmot Creek Overlookeci Somie montlbs ago this column advocated the desirability of 1 i ing the Wilmot Creek watershed taken into a Conservation «f its own or joining with one of the existing Authorities. It was rpointed out at that time that the Wilmot Was one of a very f ew iver system flot within an area associated with an Aut1ority. Last week a conservation officiai in referring to this systemn felt most definitely that. the Wilmot should be receiving the bene- Litîs that are associated through such an organization. It was fur- ther poited out that the Wilmot system is a short systemn which source ýbegins in the northern part of the Township and is possibly airound ton to twelve miles as the crow flies. This water source, which in a way is limited, ceuld seriously affect tl-e whole creek. Frqmn recoFds kept on the stream it is show,,ýn that the *ater le-vel is failing and the only possible way of bolstering this supply _s threugh proper conservation which can only be exercised hruha Conservation AuthorDiity. It fias also been pointed out that the source of the Wilmot is in and around the Mesport de- .elopment where great chianges are- expedtedl within the fu- ture and his could seriously affect the source *with detrimental effect along the whole Stream. It is interesting to note thiat in the Central Lake Ontario Authoity they are seeking _permission to puirchase a tract of land in Darlington Township north east of Enniskillen which h, a credîtable step for this Authority. Also it is noted that. Hami- ilton Township is seriously studying a plan to jein the Ganaraska ndin the samie vein Cobeurg is studying a similar proposai to jonthe Ganaraska Authority. Cobourg is also considering the possibility of formning their own Authonity. Clarke, we f eel, should be giving serious consideration to t-ile future of the Wîlsnot system. With developmnent in the north at the source of the systemn which could affect the supply of %va- ter and with possibilities of con taminations and also the fact thiat more and miore stream frontage is being purchased for sum mier homes we would feel that some concern must he reg-istered ;in order that the usefilness of thiis streamr be assured. Clarke shiould nnw he eonsiderhig having th-,e Wilmnot sys- tem broughit uncler a Cnevto plan. Aiso the fact stilil re- myains that Clarke Taxp>ayers are pay- ing on an equal basis ais Port Hope towarcls the Ganiaraska and we hiave a rauch lesser source from whiich to, collecýt the tax. Furtiler, only a smiall area -ofL Clarke is in the Authiority yet the whle of tle Township pays the cost. There slhou1d be i-o extra costs to Clarke if the Wilmiot wNas inci lehd i the Ganaraska if the present systemn of levying c-harges are continuied agaînst the existing m-nunicipalities. The time for study is niow and council should set forth on such a proj oct. Orono Merchants Not Alone Orono apparently is not aloneû in th'e absence of a mer- chants organization where items of common inferest are disoussed or are set forth. The Port Hope Guidle heads ani editorial "An Im- portant Task" and continues by emphiasing the importance of m-endiants' division. They note that Co-_bourg is making an effort through their Chiamber of Commerce to forming such a committe Cobourg has suffered. a complete collapse of th'eir merchants' div- ision. The Guide states "It is well known that merchants are individualists, but in these dlays of rapid transportation) it scemnsý as plain as day thiat thie smiail towýn retailers wvill flot suiv,-ýe if hle does not work with hîis fellow merchiants for the comniiwcl. Orono could dlo with such an- oýrganization which oldol in thie end, if it wer e atvbe of benefit to fveryone. i ENGAGEMENT - COMING EVENT DEATHS The Annuita iOddifelIOW and Re- MOFA-A4ra neflnes iMil. and Mrs. Fred V'ýagg,, Orono, Ibekah Picnlic will be held Sunday, omAnviliè Meorial iIies i w\ish to announice the etigag1emýen[TJulv llth on the usual grounds at the omtvleMmra o- of thieir elclest dulo Shirley Gore's Landing. Al members and pital, July 6th, 1961 David SodnJoYce to Kenneth Joseoph, eldest ;ýo1fhe r friends arle urged t ted Moffat, in his 62nd year. Beloved of Mr'n r. ila os'e, Remember the date Sunday, july husband of Violet Stewart anid deari Madoc. The rnrrniage wiil take l6t'h, 1961. father 0f Dawn (Mrls. Ketth Fln- place Saturday, August 12 at foUr 'ile) William and Jean. p.M. in Orono Unlited Çhurch, Or -________________ Funenal service was from the a-p 1 OASBAT IOP Barlow Funeral Home, Park Street, __________________________ Orono on Saturday, July 8th, 1961 uigtemihoful:pn at 2 p.m. Initerment was iii theý ENGAGEMENT o111y'Von1 Thursdays and Fridays Orenlo Cemetery. Ifrcm 9 'a.m. to 9 p.m,. Thle engagement is announiced o)f Phen"e 160J Orono. a-c of iMr. and Mrs. Peter Bathg-ate, Bcrmnvileto ý1Mr. G. Douglas Gamsby, son of Mrs. Kenneth STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE SMITH, Elizabeth -At Memerial Gamisby andc the late Mir. Ganisby Strawbeýrri1es for sale. :Mrs. Roy Hospital, BowýmanviIle, on Wednes- jf Orono. 'The wedding to take Thompson, Leskard. Phone Oronio, day, July l2th, 1961, Elizabeth. plIace oni Saturdlay, August 5th, at 1R6. b-c Smith, beloved wife of the late 3.30 ocokat Trilnity United Neil Smith and dear mother 0Df Churchj. :3wavle Mary and Maclmiilan (Mac.), in her 87th ear.WANTED TO RENT Resting at Nonithcutt and Smi:th I N MEMOR IAM Yoýung- couple withi one child, want Funeral Home, 53 Division St.,! bo retsmall home or greund floor Bowmaniviile. Service in the OhapelMATN n loving metnory of 1aartment in Orono this September. on Friay, J l4 th at 1:30 p.m.!I our- dear son and brotherl Aliýan, Contact Bert HaIýas, 18 Bond St., on Friday, JulyLindsay 1<- Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. wkv" passed away Juiy 15, 1959. 1-- AIways smiling, happy and con - tent ADAIR-At Oshawa General Hos- pital on Mvonday, July lOth, 1961, Alexander Adair, Newcastle, age 76 years, beloved hiusband of Lai-ra Storry and dear father of Luella (Mrs. E. Turner), Mary, Fred and Harold. Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Wednesday, July 120, at 2: M o'lok.Jterment Bond Head Cem- etery. B lISHO(-P-S5iddenily at R.R. 1, Bow- manvilleîý on Saturday, July 8t', 1961. John Charles Bishop in bis 48th yýear. Beloved husband o! Freda' Mae tte and dear father of Don. John and Marlene (M\,rs. .Wm. M\oore) - Service was held at Morris Funeral Ghapel, Bowrnan- ville, on Monday, July loti at 2:0U 'clock. Iatermeflt Bowmanville Cemnetery. FEDDEMvA--At the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, on Tuesday, July llth, 1961, Ralph Edward Fed- Loved was our son, whfrrever h e W A NTED -went,11 A pair of niatched horses to ride To a beautiful 11f e a sudclen end, a nd drive. Hle diedl too soon), everyone's Apply to Orono Weekly Times, friend. Box 480. b-p ,IThere is neyer a dlay that passes, B3ut our thoughits reach eut to himI N1eyer a joy thiat comes our way ~ WANTED But we Wish hle could shiare pL. A horse drawn carniage. Apply! too. i Orono Weekly 'rimes, B-,ox 180. Whlen evenýing shiades are fallinig b-p And wý,e sit in quiet alone, i To our hearts there cemes ai loniging HIEARING- AID- Batteries, Cords, Ifl Y 1- coLd corne-home. Sriefor al mokes. Eerremrbered by Mother, ORONO ELECTRIG,- Phone 129 Dad, Audrey andl Lorraine. a-pj TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE CARO 0F THANKS Application for Buildfing inspector We wih toexprss our sinýcere Applications clearly markiecl for thaks nd pprciaionto Il urthe position of Building Inspector fr-iend(s, neigývbours and relativeswilbreivdy hunrige fi- thie beautiful gifts, presented to up te aiid inci1uding- Moniday, Julyl uis on- the occasion of our- wnt-31,ý 1961. fifthi Wedding Anniversary. Applicants are ti apply in wri t-' ingr stating quall1i1flýtienrs. expeni- A sp)ecjial thank yeu to ail Who. ence and any otl&er in)formnation macle this memoraLee evening a hih ay assist council. Salary suiccesa. a-p Las been set and will be payable Reg' anýd Mabel Elliott. monthly. _________________________ Further details may 4,e precured CARD0F T-IANS IBox 37, Orono. We wish to say a special "th.tank. ___ uielud, agecU 1woyears, r)etiuveu on iI of Jack and Grace Feddema, R.R. ou" to our, kind nieighbours and DEAD FARM STOCK Norith, Orono, and dlear brother off'P--d andi ail those who ielped in li ihest .prices for Dead and Dis- SonyaIngrd. Rstingat te Me- ~ manywvays ding iil-the illness abled amsok ris Funer-al C hapel, BDowmainvîlle. and eat faloighsb n RAY VIVIAN LTD. father,1 a-p Rooc Locust H ill, Ontarioa Cflur-ch on Friday at 2:00 ocok h aul fte~ hlo Phone Markham 1160J, Collect Inthýrment B owmi-anville Cpeeery. Mo1)f fat.124 our, 7 cday Service. please ci anytime1. Ontairio Governiment Lc ense C121 rio t race in IMe î ro-Gl n-ye' cdmAaduinng"lien -Ile4r" sclu*griot"iheni ittdrives orer thie reekageQrl >Of uriv'al v-ehlices. Photographedl -race sequence alone iooklthree mon ythls te filmi. The William WF'yler pre_ý3n- tcolor and MGM Caîîàera 65. DOUGLAS SIMPSON Oronio - Phone 1413 Fur-niture Finished & Refinishedi Paperhanging, Woodwvorking Painting - Interior & Exterior g lainltonsg g lsurance Service g SInsurance in ail its Branches aAuito, Package and Composite 0 SPolicies , Fire, Farm, Life U 8 urglary, Liability, M ar -i ne' Accident and Sickness, Wind, Boiler, Fi-deIity Bond, Etc. Sadie Hamilton oFIRP-, 'ho r A. F. MeKENZIE, 1#LD. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Kors 2:00 te 4:00 p.m. 7:00 to 8-.00p.m Salurdays and Wednesdays by appaintments only PHONE 1-471 OMMO DR. R. J. TAGGART '.ETERINARY SUJRGEON 1Phono 10616 Orono, > &»"L Lakwrence C. Maso., BKA. Barrister and Soicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-55M W. L.AY LYCETI, B.A. Darrister - Solicitor fin the Offices of R. R, Waddell Q.C. MAIN ST., ORONO I Telephome 138 Orono L. J. SKMIFE Chartered Accountlant BY APPOINTMENTS Lycett's Irsurance Office P.O. Box 68, Orono Phone 125183 INSURANCE Generai Insurance SEE FRED LYCETT OFFîCE - MAiN ST., ORONO hone 12516 Res. 11716 JACK RID Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and -Furniture Sales Cýonqult mv for ternis and daltes Phone 5 r 18 - Orono TFED JA,2"fCKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of ail sli» and at reasoniable rates Communicate with him at Pori Perry1 Ontario- Monuments and Fainily Memorials Our quality and service leavei nothing to be desired Ask the person who bought froni us- a rieigh-bour, friend or relative The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario StIreet PORT HOPE "LretDisplay in Southsen Ontario" PHONE 129 CONTRAC7To'-13 FOR P'ARM and IfLOUSE WIRING ene, Orono IRlt ' A _MANCE SALES Promp .,-id Guaranteed Repairs "-i-T AGE L ANS P-, 'd ApF iianýý 1

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