ro, Volume2,Nubr 's Thursday, JuIy 2thi, 1961, Orono., Onitaro To Open New Section 0f 401 Highway Todciy An additýinal 28-,'iles of High- 67 miles; and lvlorrisburg By-pass, ay401l between 1iha 28, at 16 miles. Port lHpe, -andHih y 30, nort!-tb W"en completed in 1963, High...1 of Brightoni, was officially opened day i will provide 510 miles of today in a colourful ceremrony atl tollPfree freeway across the face of OC-bourg at the interchiange forst an d eastern Onitarlo from Highways 401 and 415. Opening of Windsor to the Quebecý border. thssection filis in the previous' The Wardlen of Northumberland ~gp~on Highway 40-1 between1 and Durham County, Bruce Ashton Port Hope and Brghton and will was Chairinan of the afternoon relieve tr'affic through 'the towns ceremionies. Also participating sevdc lyte e igwy were B. C. Thompson, M.P. for Completion of the -.8-mile section Northumberland and Dr. R. T. Vv- nikspossible a througb 1drive ofi ian M.P. for Durham. Hon. W. A. 178 miles orn Highway 401, Without Goodfellow, M.P.P. for Northrim- atffclight from Highway 8,1 berland and Minister of Agricul- etenKitcheýner and Preston to ture; Hi'ghways Minîster F. M. Cass Marysville, on Highiway 2, west of and A. H. Caxruthers, M.'P.P. for. Na-,paniee. The section opened today Durham, cur the ribbon. Several brings the total mileage now iniantique cars led off a motoreade serïvice, on Highiway 401 to 330! over th'e new section of highway. mils. Other sections of 401 now inj A Joint Committee of the Boards ujse from Windsor to Tiibury, 3110f Trade of Brighton, Cobourg and mie;Highway 4 to Eastwood' 38'Port Hope assisted in the prepara- mie;Highway 38 to Highway 16,f fions for the occasion. H1ealth U1nit Reports %OIS June Activities inspectionis to 723 school chiireni, Commnuniicable Disease neParly aIl of these inspections ini- 0f the 235 cases reporte-d during ýClcling vision test. Ther'e were 63, theý iuonth, 96 were cýhickenpox, 775 children foumid tonhave Cie ctinq redl measies and 419 german measles. uding vision, abnormal tonsils and TuýberculpQSiS . h-earýing-. Thirty-eighit children were Puhilie healthi nurses made 50 foundf to have defeets corrected thiat! h-ome visits on behaîf of tuberculo- hiad been found previously. sispatens ad tei faillsand Hom Visits and Other Interviews baéd interviews withk 78 of thein at 5)73 famnilles were visited during hetclinies. June by public healtfr nurses. There Visits are madie: before a patient were 107 interviews with mnaternity goes to sanatorium, and to the f ar- patients patients la hospital, and iyafterwards; before a patient re-1 178 interviews w,'ith parents at turns, and monthly until lie bas child health conferences. Nursing comnrpleted bis treatment there-j care in the home was given to fift-y aster according to circum.±aiices. patients. The objectives are tlrat the pat- Audiomnetry ientd will mnake a complete recovery Of the 4416 audiometer tests corn- ai return to normal if e and oc-, pleted in June, apprçximately 110 cupation and that his family will be were on s(ýhool beginners. Twelve w7ell, and cared for, and that t4ere audiog-ram-s were made, six of -wi-1l be no spread of infection. whicEb indicated a bearîng loss on The patient ezsures bis recovery these beginners. Sevpral others and continued liealth by comnpletingý were considered doubtful and were the course o treatmen<t started i tlised for retests early in the fal sanatorium, and by returning for tLerm. re-examination at retcommendedin Ten returns fromn physicians tervals: The famîly and others wIo- were received stating two childreni bave been in close contact with thel had been referred to a specialist, patient, as well as anyone vvho mayi one was alreacly under treatment, have ee epod to the sanie - four- corrections were to be made in source of infection as bie, are ad- thle future and two bad alreadyl visd t hae xamination and thisibeen made, and one cbild bad ai is rragedin collaboration WNith1 nerve deafness for whichi no correc- thje fanjily doc-tor. Tuberculini tests ti seemed,, possible at present. arc one T vthe faily ý,doctor 0on1Sanitation th iune ebe oyf the fmiy Demanii serviýces sucht as tbe Iay- an o l those wthpositive tet c n prvlof piaeswg ar ie poi1dnentS for, chest osi SyVstem1_S, nsecio f; xrays. buildin~~~g lotsadubisinnd mmn i z ationherisin cmant, ad ehol clnicslu HpeHald- Upover70% f t e niaton wtrk mand and eymu 0w'is o heîoth niJu e T s wee omleedduin te uoth ri iclde asuve o pzwt wee ivn.of fGùJ lson ce rsaughtrousesîl will lbellat MosýpOrt Fo natin'snewst utomc-ley Ca 7 - miles nortir of Orono), ao lay, aftemrîoon, August r I eetfi îonucet i l' C. A. Buntingi la -1955, tire Grand Val-! ul' is actually Iwo clubs 1 aanually conctucts tLwo ri Kitchener anti two in Commencing la 1958 anti since tiren, tbey l,ave or- re4ay race, a long tiist- at Harewooti. Thins year Valey Car Club bas a p of neanly 160. Largest ir bistory. Park, site of the upcom- car races on August 5, tily openeti on June 24, 'J)vd thpu,àId 0oniMoffa0Il Afier a oréi lî"a Davîi Shel donl Mjýoffat, or Oronoy, passeti awayI at BcowýmaaviIle Memniafl Hospital on Tirursday, July 6, 1961. Be vwas lanbis 6Wntiyear. A son' of trlth e UpDaviti Moffat anti Agnes Scotýt, tue tieceaseti was bora February 5, 1900, near Onon. Mr. Moffat farme inlatire rono district most of iris life. Be attendeti Orono Uniiteti Ciurcirati was a lif e member of Orono Lotige AF. &, A.My. No. 325. Ba'udy Concert Ofroo P"arkThis Suinday Ths Sunid a lternoon at 230 l Orcm., -,,..1 wal i ii fai a hband Orono Strengthens Second Place Position ý,one1'tat te n draThen The Orono Intermediate baseballI Ne(-wcastle. Tbey have coneth awiil bean hour cinaten lub continued on its winnlng less games than bas Oronio. Peter- wdaf lat.epctdl atn streak when on Tuesday evening borouihbolds fourth position wil the Orono Park kiey came p 10 points and Newcastle In the cet- Thie repýetoire w iinclude a wlýithi a further win. This victory, lar with 6 points. number of band concert selections1 was registered over th-e Peterboro aogwith tthe popular mardýhes 'club in what proveci to be an inter- Ei aeo ndGog oe andi modei tttnes oft the day. esting andi close battle. The filaepceintiradfothpt- ~, ~~~ score rested at 2 to 1 for the local tion amnongst ýthe league pftcheru. Th aiLq cr ill beoy. Eithes on ou gmesan os Mr. -Moffat is survived l'y bis 1 the parkýfora numb1_er of yeat's andi' by.Ei iswnfu ae n 4, wif e, the for-mer Violet Stewart, and'isý expected- to create considerable K -eith West on the mouti for Or-onwiha.0peena wbl three lîrn Dawn (Mrs. Kelth, Fitereýý for music loyers. oocm pwt eakbeGeoýrge bas registereti three wine Pinniie) of South oahn Wil I turna and put ten away on strike- against one loss for a percentaýya limof Lanisdowne and Jean ofj l uts. Hfe allowed olY one wallt and of .7,50. Soden of Belleville bias thec Peterboroughi. Also surviving are - iep UUIfubtstthPtebrcl.n enviable record of four wins with two sîsters andti tree brothers. a vr vietthtbs rpl'l o losses. Other 100 percent Dit:- Georbers inry tueenleaguehiareopVaugb n_,ot Jean Ms.GoreAllun), New Ylet r [l ad ftie Peterboro batters baffieti. Behesil n ti ateld of PVa e- castie; William of O0rono; Harvey i T IIIl roo The Orono crew on the other hand Bleil n afedo eý of Milton; Clara (-Mrs. W. F. Rick- colleoted a total of eleven bhits. from ruin'V'haigptht n ard), Newcastle; Robert of Oronùoj The Durham 4-H Sbeepi Club will Wade of Peterborougk. victory 'against no losses. andi five grandchildren: Janîce, hoid tueir 1961 Achievement Day Heatber anti Andrea Finalie; Stew. on, Monday, July -24t1v. The show, The. firs't scoiring in the game! EriceCarleton 'holtis down eiglithl art ai Stephea Moffat.willeu h rooAensttngcm in the fourtb frame wben'position in the le ague batting orderz The beautitul floraltributes and at ev-Erie Canleton led off with a singIe.1 iba.5 eod o ecrj at7:30 p.m. The jutige for the e,-1wtha.5 eod o ecrL g Teeroudtilosl t tesOandionng is Mr. Ralph Glaspeil of Ty- His bit was f,)oowed l'y bits from itheý next Onono bitter to be regîst- Hýerot Fonationswere evedentaeio rone. the bat of Tim Cox, John Shetler, eredtinl the ]eague statisties witb a Heat Fundtin ýereevdene o 1a walkI o Jim Beaton anti a single .349 record. Botb are the twoto the affection andi esteem lan wbich The club lias twelve memnbers this to Keitt West. Carleton scored batters on the Orono roster. the deceaseti was belti. year and there shou-ld be sti'ong home. Cox was playeti out andi competition for top honoûrs. tbiree were lef t on bases at the enti A Masonic imemorial service was t-)fntheIfl Pacuil ielid on treevening of July '7 anti The club ik sponsoreti ly the Dur- jof trmetioourtb.t thefunralsevic tek pac at~ tam outy unir armiers anti Foley thýen tîed the score la tihe p.m. July 8 la thre Barlow Funeral under the direction of flic Ontario~~we ewn ofrtaniai S.S. NO. 10 STARKVILLE Home, atS. rn. nemn1eaten fArclue vanced on a bit by Wade, to score, wvas la O1-ono0Cemletery. Rev. Basil courage the 4-H1 Club members. oni a fly out by McCa rtiry. BuT GraD ri7-Td Str(H) Lon, minister of Orono IUniteti tins Aciçvenenit Day, anti t'o eni- ireli Or010-onbys tiren beltthe BueTi;DrsTtd() CcirI coniducteti the services, courage t I -H Club mnembers. Peterboro club scoreleSs through To Grade 6-Wayne Stiark; Peter thle next two innings. fi) the last Wsbue' Palibearers were nepirews: Johin ofiesvot ea et * atWstiLle Moft rai ovtAek1Iofî t1 walk on four l'ails. DonnieLc i To Grade 5-Terry Stark (Y Robert Moffat, Haroldi Moffat and i.en came to bat anti irove out a Marilyn Trim (H); Rudy Wýybl'ngýa Davi Rikart. lng two-bagg<erý to advance Deani. I ~West t. third. Don Mdercer scet M rs H. . SaiuelAt P rk W edneday Denwih snlebttoeitr To Grade 4-Doris Marie The Orono.playground ailleani to give tire Orono Inter-sn ae tc(I TheOroo paý,groïidsupervisor'nmediates anotirer win. oGae3HlnSe 1) irene Samuel, 72, first president Mary Lyun Bailey, has made ar-ýi Donnýie Lycett toppeti tir e nOoo1T radWyen3-Hln) ec() of tre atioal ouncl o Je i rangemlent to have instructions giv-' batters wlth a single and a double;,eryWllega(I Womeni, dieti Thursday at bier Pose-! en ini tennis at tire Park on Weti- Don MecradEi Cato ToGde -ayoiRpsa daleHeigts r. hme.nesday, July 26th. Thre instructiopns botir registereti two singles wlth (HI. dîl 1-gt commencer at 2:00o o'clock wihsingle- bits also beingegitle by Atndne- Sak Mrs. Samuel 1-,as devoted -40 years Mr. Carman Cornish bleing thinla Dean West, Tim Cox, John Siretlr, efW~ tedneT4$a of ber life to tire onganization, andi structor. Mlany of the oltier chiltiren Jim, Beaton andthie winning pit- Wayne Stark, Terry Stark, Marily-ri ln 1952 tire council created the Ir- have been askiag for instructions cher Keit~h West. ow Trinu, Doris Marie Robinson. ene Samuel coasi Fuat inlail tennis at1 tue park. Arrangements The Orii lu. -hld owi Conduct-Rudy Wybenga, ber honor. Tire funti provides mon- are niow complete for sueir lessonis, secondý place in tire league wî'tb a I ey to furtirer the education of Tennis rackets antills wiU l'eb otal of 18 points, one l'ack of the Healtir Ruies-Doris Totit. young Jewisir womnen witir leader- pr-ovideti l'y tire Orono Aýmateur league leaders, Belleville whave Splig-Kre Ic eu ship ab ility. Atilotkc Association anti everyone a to)tal of 19 points. Orono bas irow- ISela ae tc er 'iswelcome to try tire game dudriag-ç ever played one game more than Stark. Under Mrs. Samuel's leadiership, ibis period or anyv day. BellevilIL as alter Tuesdays g-ame. Big!ie,ýt Perceritage-Rudy Wy,- tlire council openeti a community If the veniture proves successful Tbe Port Hope Club boltis down beaga, c-entre at 44 St. George St. for mur- other classes will nio doubt lbe ld tiird place witir 13 points aften sery school work. During the'Se- anti possibîy a tournament playeti. 1theirý victory ýoni Tuesday £evenîng la C7athierine Wý.Stwr.eair eti as a nion.deaiomiratiýo-iial service- menýs icanteen staffeti ly council volunteers. After the war, inii granits were tauglit langi.uage anti citizensiip at the centre. Shie lasber hushanti,Har M. Samuel, e snJohn of Pitts- bur ani dwatiof Oronoi(-, ai thre daghtrsMrs A.Janlis Gof Bul al, Ms.J. Suga,-rmn of 3ýToi- ý1oto anti r.J. ilnk Cub" pajck nmeigarounti cigir- anticar to ravl tothepar-k at Hade ill. ere tire Cul's speîut the wee ind ter canva,-s i li vat mnayl' tenirneti as adverse weatirer The boys were accoýmpanieti l'y itheir l'eaders, Orville Che,ýtterto-n, Russel Major, Wilis Bartabaîl, Mrs. M. Keast anti Mrsý. 1K.Adiams. Btenthuatier stormns anti showers the boys preparedti ieir meals, studieti camping, playeti games -anti fisheti latre pond wrc is stocýketi witb trout. The boys retuvneti to Orono on SundaY. 'Improing G ud Tire Orono Public Scirool groutis are ýpresentiy being r-lvleiand gradeti y l'Mr. D. Te-nnant. A park.- mg area is being gravelle i atthre n'oth side of thescrolandtihie -paigfieldi is l'eing caiea e-xtendeti to tire east. Tis vwonk is expecteti to give mnore roon i athtir scirool for gamnes for tire various, O rorîo h P o~puIar Ce e u Sumer Act*vte lesonsat ~he-nc pol t tbe O0rono) for sc esa.Mary Ana1Baxte SIrctc[,il;(.! bo e oairn float od te ut hr~a utierl>te toetrbe-Enr rop atr Or-ono Amateur treicsosrt Park prograim- is coaductti udrt laesi of Miss Mary makinigppet witi s -aos of colcureti paper anti a papIer bag. Patr.niia Wail-aace works on ber puppets as Riroada Tennant l1ooks on. Other crafts, -games aisprt are organizeti every day stArtig a 90 ni niii until "4:00 for sciool age clde.Isrcin will aiso l'e givea la tennis tlins wee.Tis program is free to every hCiltiof scioolage, Otireactivty attie park incluties tire pre- sehoci c theguidace of Mrs. Gordo~n Simpson aiso boet ' y"tire Recreation Corn- pission. Twenty-five are enrolleinlatis lass. N N N N * '-i i., N N N N N. N 1~~ N i N 1, N N N N N - N s im -t --Y-; -t'