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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Jul 1961, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TfHURSDAY, JULY 2ûh>_1961 ggpassing Oshaý-wa .and Bowmanville, tèedhange 4; Bridges over water- ',T ixith lif0 jackets in boats. He is ùof- 28 Miles; from the juncton with courses 5; Total 2L. - Ct.II. r.LCtvC ten referred to as "Lite Jce 401 H i g h w a y To Spa n illeý , by;asig Port H ope, The desinof the bridge whichuatrwolihifu oabeCi Cohour-g, iirighiton, Trenon and carries Highwmay -15 above Highwvay-turC B e le il e, 80 m i e ; ro n w ig W 0 is u n u su aL. T o m eet th e pro fb- f_ _ o ast y ar s oin e 5 t 0 51 O i Ie s f O l t i wy 38, Iwest ofKiüngston, o e presentod by the -facti ha sal rats any o(f te nRc ____________________ ~y16,.y asin ingsten, Gan- Hgwy4 rse iha 0 t Ti rcent visitof Gevernor- Lake. i ~~~~~anoque, Brockville and Prescott, 70 plsarp angle, bridge enginýeors d'e- GerleogVairand aaones icmtnespeeîd The epening today of a 28-mile Galït, Gceph, ilton, Bramptomile.Sm! androuoisto seven miles signed a nevel structure With mwhat j Vanier to aBtterw-,ood HOUSe at Can- itBdnvrrfse evc r secio c Hgbay~O1bewen trnt, shaaPochopro-dpeseas an 'eggcrato" ton held partiular sWignfcnce to u ee eue evc reiMon of lecray lui icyoen C 0'ha a, ort HoptCof o tisb rgj7 ies. ,t 1hey totHope and Brighton brings the îbourg, Trenton and Beleile tpedek.In ltis uniqedeSign : ]at lastoema wo as net in gamzatlin, selhool, scout group or otlmile-age nowm in service on XWe compleed in 1963 HghayjCost tiW first cf itskind in Ontarie luh lmlgb. was the last of- a ny oth'er organization thatase W. . GodcllwM.PP.fori' rh-frewy coss Southern and East- expepndcd in construction of the 2S could conveniently and econoical- Bud Wlnof the RCMP iPeter- G coWeIll known lby rmany um-her1and ,and Mýiistder of Agr ni er Onario between Windsor andmiles of nwpfour lan,controllod-lybe kloatedThe resulting aypne)orugh. We ue lzbt n cutre ighwmmays Ï1in]iStor CaSs ý1ole uebec border. access ihighway. eaaneOf the ibridge UdramaticallybM an lxCarruthers, _M.P.P. for Ciha 01i en sosrAd(ost of Land; mpa izo lte angle oin w ich The gr'oundlIs of BatlrodPiceP î1iiedBtewo wil utth rbbn t :3 IghwMns ay 4 o1 is beincostrued j sits abovolhighway 401. Another foseadBatterwmood House it 99Ciiisn a sinda Ip.m. at the Cuouginteretiange nsctos ec-fwhd s e- TheDEmpariment began purchas, unusual feature is the wll whic elf orthe past yearuhave be- NCOincag of s'ecunity because Hghway 45. istig King's Hihwas ad can ha ealy in 19135.1To date the Iexpondi- swgnedas ifit wmeepart of a ce ion's hofeas the Peterboregh f-ad fth ouse îtself een though putinte 1oservmiceas soon "as i tuctfr]dacusitio rein P-excuar tank, y is pape! te alonwthe fire of the RQVIP. Those uwo havetlhere mere seoeral ROMýP officers Int rc h n g s p o vi e x ce le t, olT pl tO d Pr er îty IS giv n t C T,, 0f $8 3,0 0. T h is b rin g s th e e ck o f the s tu tu re to bp e p p t- k o w a tt er wmm o o d W l m g h t i- ibg he r ra n k s. p r eýse u t. cls-yconnections for Port H-ope, thesse secti on onthe lhasts of tCe taWcu c teprojeMt toMore cd at a rigue angle to)Highway 45 s hn f uias part, of te e'a[Isln"hrg fh Cabourg, Giraftoni, Coîborneand amount of1relief which wimvll be af- tan$1,3300.without icra ilength unduly. Taseyhoseo\varons whn Pinc"le ofpvsie Bngho, hihare by-passed in forded0( for' traffic congestion on fat order fom muet to eau. These other hg w yW icth- T'This tc nique saved c osideabe But, this ail am e a bup ply te anl Mr.M assey- in 190 mvwhj'l to d commnites ill thus -receive the ,Each tw-lanepaved porjtion is ioe vr ovninlubidge do-.ond irently whven Cp.1 ilsn astheComoneathStudy ,Con1fer- do b e be nfis of rei f from S m mary of Mlege Com pletd on, 24 fot w ide on Ce ihr side of the ig n ro ed re.1dvs -4tatJuly 18 lho ws to b e nce in T o)rnto. And fro m 19q54 un qeweud Mean sup. iuldetii _Mr. Massey retiredfhe \vasco th ig raffin travelling Ithreugh dpesd m ia stp. usîe Also worthy of imention is thotlieret orno iulyecrtdt n rmBt them ndnsas wellsil the advantâ- H ighway 401. shouldesis are 10 foot %vide; the ,use o cncrto barrei rhs-fv udcm eChugi Othrttudb ul. tlon. rn es of a nearby controlled access Those are ithe sections now 31n medciani or inside s houldr are in ail - on the new section. One, 1954 as costable in charge of the The corporal l1 now vsorvîng hi0 hlihway for distance div0-ing. For use te the noarest Mile: thrpe feet vide. _Both tare surfacedl foi' in crneste SherPtroog raadwstas 2dya fsriewt h trougla traffic the new se tion of W indsor te il ur , 31 1ies wi'h o mp actd rushed gravel. V îey R add 01 r e te u P met anrborough i n s1959 2P.H ove ir et i e i the h, y ors Higbway 401MAIJlMean' a -tsrtan- fromFHighway 4 taegHiway 2 aTewidith of the median stri p V8X P("ti indr41 when the dtachmnt i199 wasi movedtrchithegyp fii, 'svinogin tinn ver the nnrall'1Eastoo, y-passin9 London1, Ing- ieýs from 341ftete 100 foot. Unusual Road Design Feature: 1h scinof Highway 2 te the south. 1eýr-soîl and Woodlstoc-k, 38 mls H'ihghway 8 te Hlighway 25, 26miles; Completion of the new 2-m-iile Hgha 25 te Highiway 10, 14 sectýion mIakes possible a thlrough Inmies; Highwvay 10 te Hlighway 27, drive of 178 miles on Highway 401, sev-en ilejs; Tlovonito B-as fromn without a traffic light, from Higb- Highwvay 27 on w,ýest te the junie- wy8, between Kitchener and Pros-j tien witb) Highway 2, near the ton, te Mlarysville,, on HIighwvay 2, Rouige Rvr 24 iles; from theý west of Napanee. Somoe of the bet- easern end of the Toronto B-pass, ter kno-icwn cemmunities b-passed to the juncion with HUihways 3.5 en this 178 ile threugh dive are andi 115, wcst of Newcastl'e, by- Righit of Way: The niht-f-ay is 300 feel Structures: New verasss, unepsses and bridges fully comnpleted are: Undeflrpassos, withi traff le inter- chane a;Undrpasesne inter- change 7;Overpasses,' ne traffic in- MATIN EES SAT. and WED. 1:30 Advance Tickets ta any performance available at the Theatre, Aduits: Evenin g $1.25; Mat.$tO Stuclents 90c; Children 60c Opening Day Thursday at 6:15 CHARIOT RACE, Main St,, Bowmanville . Spoftsored by BowmanviIle- Recreation Departrnent FREE "PEPSI-COLO FOR AU,. CHILOREN Over the 28 iles of new bhigh- wýay tJhere are sxscinswt n Since that tio hobasgivenu llnusual design featuire, naneîy, a cunels aus e heprmoio o difference in,,elevation hbe1vcn Ilhewarsfeypatcalyi o-u t\un lnes. The total distan e rp- ne tion with s mall lahke v ssels. f roesentied bytes sectios cornes te Seeing what bas happened on the moethan five mnils. This de-sign lakes over the past years and a_- ? f ereat wh1en divi ng 1theWhway, "ith nuc eer inceasing nun&pberu has heven used only once hefere on df small leasure craft swarming te0 Try a light-ir shade Hihwy40 -afe mls e h tetourist and holiday areasilfA of Lipstick for - west in thoe va o ef ho('inaraska summiler, Cpil. Wilson ceuid ape I ie.The fact thn't the me-dian or diate Illeneed for an. extensivel Summer j ouearbetween the two lanes w-atcr sfeypregrami. E'tucation te Newu Shades bv widîen1s oeut te asmuh as 100) foot, hitý needs wals alwvays anid sti s i ilaaddis vanietyv. fîrst objective, although wvhere, Yardley and DuBarry La ndscapiîn g:src enforemnent le abselutely j Just Arrived , 'ieessar , ho an deal iththat ' The Departmient of HigbwayPs bas quitecmptntyas weli. sedd2,008,600 square yards of the Bud was the first N(CO te go D i ngt-of-waybl bythel bydr-seederafter and enfoi-ce ihe act dealig JUL ~ am ewn unllique oqulipment aInd (crews.___________ __O NONAI PHN 16P the f irst organizatien in CanadIa te ________________ ntouothis timoe and mnoneON NEED BLAST FOR, SPRAYING The Deartentef ighw'way wa avng etbed in paeof (con- --m ve-ntie)nal sodiding. in addition, 1more oPIpa ) paIonso than r7041,300 squýare yards oý-f sodi- D lnt s omsry inýg ibave ,hOeen 101neon fie loes'or for disease anid insct otrlcf1 cf thointrcagearound other npoas? If se,'nyou mav ho watig j srutuesan aeas iinichtho ortie cuiosProfesýseýrC. B.1 t u a I. Y o t p r a c - c u lt u r a ln C o ll e g o .g r î wel aste roidea peaingap-pl the velum0 of spray per ar I parnc, avebenaolos de-' lateW00gallons) noeed Cfr goodl Scîdueus trocs, 3,493; ovrnen,contlro)l f insecte and dsae. S18, 000. Tvn'tdeel thiapre sure-0 ib p.s i. te do a god job cf protocting <fn4. n1 WHAT WATERLOO COUNTY P're crps against disoases andin FARMER3 LEARNED ABOUT i"Te aren'i-t dcsîgned like air- SHARIN-G MACHINERY 1'last machine-s te apply concentrate' j sprays of insecticdes and fungi- If yvoti get a 1Cng with your neigi-ý heurs and dio't mm rctsn he Professer, Kelly adds bh'at the- Golden . Rulemaybe sae eqip)-garand roller 1pumpn1)s usd cinl metwill w'ork hln your are'a. aywe spray outfits wevN7ar ex-. csvoywhefn 'tbey-'re used te A number)pl of fairmers in Wate 1111umpwettable-powder funl'gicides Count's Frm bsines Ma age- andinsecticides. moînti Association found tsuted total macbhinery ,ceet on the(ir farm i isas1niurb as $900 les sthan on! thlose farme wbch' on't Share rina- chi nery (cees aea030Sls. Eouimentcosts 'are arouC~ $20 an acre instead 0of $25; ciniieryv costs per animal unit are $3'Rcorn-B RI wih n ve-alVerage of $49. Do tbey dlo as gnoed a job? The Farim -Manaeent Association re-i Ijetter r1' crsshow, thai crop indexes are1 just as g-oed --ndsera farmersý n e o ý were as Much as 18", above Týe overai] avera go. Ifyo are interested in starting Labels a sbaning set-up in your neigbibour- bood, hiere are cene 0 f tire conclus- ion,.ý of 1ic-Invoices, iTwo te four co-operators arete rnight numnber. More t hanr -th-1is Stater n lmna ke(s it tee difricult to Set echduls, artculnlyfor harvest- "ingL equipinent, Books, Pê usually it le 1ýeSt for, e1-e man te ilook after a machine and run it on1 ail farine. A strict record of time' 1 'V eding and costs should be kept. HoId meetings froin time to time te set-11 tle expenses and other details. Con-, duet the meeting in a business-llke nmanne. usually more . and 'better equîip-i1 Orono 'NV ment can be purchased wAhen the cost is spread over several fàarnis. Po.1 Most important: a gocsd nder-1 stan--d-in, of the Golden RuIeand a lijttie toicmrce art, essenfial -- RO ALTHEATË%Eowmýanvill ROY L EA.3-5589 tarting To-Day (T-lhursdïay) 'ýjuIy 20 to July 29 EVENINGS AT 7-30 _________________ il TING Billheads armphlets 1Stcationery Jdly Times Oromo, Ontario

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