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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Jul 1961, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLV 71MES THURSDAY, JULY 20h, 19i Fungus Devastating To 'j ~gnu,; -,6) AZOA OL 77c ?aZ$1,e29 2tQoaz 7 7c Maple Leaf Liquid -'12c off pack DETRGNT2 4 oz s i Ze73 Duz - Free Tea Towel - 100 off pack Detergenit giant size ï77e Pantry Shelf Whole Chicken 3 lb 4 oz tin 99c Red & White Homogenized Peanut Butter 16 oz29 Ayhr . 12 oz. Jar Pickle or Re--lish 4 for 89c Real Goid 3!, oz. Tin Orange, Grape, Fr. Punch Concentrate 4 for 715c New.port - 5c off Pack Fluffs 8 quart size 33c MAEATS RUMP ROASTq b79c Special[y Blandied" - Extra Leanl for Mecat Lo.*af Grouod Beef Check Ilb 59c "ýFor; Frying"' - Broiling or Barbecuing,ý Pur'e Idleal for St eak on a Sun - Al Beef Stecikettes lb 59c chiquita - The Fine-st BAï-%.NANAS Icelber-g - No. iGrdeheads Lettuce 2 for 25Sc rý-sp Crun'chy o rd Cucu-mbers 3 for 25Sc DentailCream Dental Cream Keloggs -Rice Krispies, corn Ceea For Economy - deai Pork Liver wihonions, ý3Fesh l]jec lb 29C Freýsh Sliced Cello 3 oz. rPkg, Cooked Hama 49C ~2 Ib 29e Ga;rdIen Fresh No. 1i Gradý Cabbage No--. 1 rd as Hm Celery e oareher 2for 2 9 c 23c fam-iily 79 giant 55C 3 pkgs 79e Sudbe Squcae Cake 45cIJ 'w A unt MIary'ýs Siced Bmread 24 oz 19c Cremo Biscuits cello pkg 39c utit erad SuIce pun"e pint brick 2.5 nWieadGJ The Lordly EImi KE AL NEWS JKendal friends were sorry Ihear of the death of MUrs. Blake exander inte rest homep in Ojro- on Suniday. Service in Kna A creeping fungus that rots the so)uth by Lake Ontarlo and extend-lesdy core fCaaasIren.tree 1 s4 ing from Brl"onte on the wstto just 1Mr. and Mrs. Norman Elgeat', .astatiing the landscape througah- east of Newastle and the apex is atuoni and George, ofStafd Mu vast sections of OntarAo.Pue on Lake SiumeSin Ce north! and Dr. and MArs. Leo Wosok 'lhle dread cera ts 1ulmi Forlte men in the field, whlo1IDavid and Heather of Toronto ara causes Dutch el dCisease-- an af-Iwhve found Dutch elmi dis ease asedn ahldyatterpr fIction as incurahie as cancer.'salions matter from the safety!et umrhm ee SinCe é was discovered in Nlorth Ianglie te rane is Hydro's ac-i- e are sorry to hear that Mrs. America 33 years ago, the disease lite bale. "Without it, there's akt tAlfred Dobson and Mlrs. R. Eliott, haseutdow els ~ anaveageof trees wve wud dare touch atÀ are in Bownv ille hospital at poAnn - - -il" u- , p A T - - Chase & Saniborn Instant - 20c off pa ck CF ' FEE-W Clover Leaf - Solid White TUam Phone 21-41 Orono PIILMB-ING SUPPLIES PUMPSandRPAR PIPE ari ITTNG DRAIN CENR Orono, Ont. Phone 1121e" WALTER FRANK 0 M c QUIAY adKI1D D l j REALTORS 'ru 177 Church St. hBowna'hville NMA, 3-M93 B3-il PAINTS etc àR. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone11816Orono, Onfarîo .1 lar ialt uimore thanii uuua Neal-.ïau, savs à. i. r ýCe) Votter, Cen- presenit. I tral ~~~~Region'i oesr)uerned Forjesters beheve the dilsease e-et Mrs. T. Stevenis gve a Tos tered Europe fo Asia about .40 1selau Tea iii honour of lier daýug-hter yeas go.Itgot thle tag "Du<tch Wih tlib can be brought Mýiss Mary Stevanjs, at her home o bec-ause me researchi was dlone in down weighnïg Up to 1,500 pound,, oave AeToot,-nWd Holland a :fter its discov:ery,. 'l'le crane requires a crew of threendauylth frldisro and c'itwo groueidmn ecrute fr ere teifn Thle Jfungus, a whitish spore teaecoipr f x4Àile stan- i atni wvhichrapdlycLogs thepumigdr seveni-man fîorestry creW. Mr'. and Mrs. Reg. Ellidft and of thliemighity elm, is carrîed by a, family mnotored to Montreal to e sapnuedbeetie. The beetles- Dutch elm dcisease is very wide- 1wýediniig of Elliott Dunbar on Saý-- teeareÏ two varieties, the Er-Jsra in the Br>amp)ton, Wcoud- urday, JUy lth ]. ke weather wasý 1pean and the îess-aggressive native br'idge anld Richmond Hill. areas. god(n, onre' carry the disease by flltting from it is 'lot as prevalent in the 11orth1 1tree to tree and boring into the bark fanid east as it is in thie Southernl Vacýationinig at KnGrHlsthis3 tu f eed or breed. part of Cenitral Region, Mr. ?otter week are Keithi Swarbrick, H-ans3 stated. He said [ltite disease, Sahim, David, Leitch, Ricky Begg- First discovered in Canada at S.h eeris taeln atadt-PtyMln ua ie abr Ours, Quebec, ini 1944-,' it spreaid wý,ard[ Oshawa andý Bowmnanville1 PendrîthIl, Jodly S(ott', Barbai-a rapidly, through*te St.. Lawvrence2 quite rapidîly. This is priuaî ickofr idLoýu Redfrd and ('ttwa River Valleys. A Second nt])i(cabje 'where there are main, and Marg. Wiggins. wave mnoved thog teWndo ighways, 'becausç the bark beetles D district in 19,50. are "hiitchi-h-ikersl' and they catch avid Mercer and Bruce Catit.- (atco1lided at the Corner south ofý 11t has been eestimated that 200,- on1 to vehicles, especially trucks, censSho nSna.Ta 000,000 trees in townis and cities aJ'd drop off at Conivenient places setcoe a 0hg tetrl throug-hout North America rmay fail whwiere they CanJiattack elm tr-ees, set offtei w. oth cars enirall prey to the fungus-and the cost of'h elae.daae o some extent. uprootinig the corpse could be more1 than $15,000,000,000. T!-'e onily way to prevent the dis- Mr.anciMr-S. Wilfred Roughleyr ease spreadting is to keep the trýee; and( Ross Roug,1-ley met Mrs, Gor- The mature, high-branchingebashahyspoiluin DT don Prîce, Terry and Diana at the, that spread throughi many Ontario spray to kili the disease-carryinig1 train in Oshawý,a from Gait and. commuitnities like ino_1s of go0thic.beetles, and by burniing dîseased I brought 'hem donIo Kerwlal zo arches, have littie cdefence against trees, once, they are f elled. visit thieir mother, Mrs. A. Swar- hedisease. Onice the fugsPen- brick on Sundlay. M1r. and Mrs, etrates, thle tree dlies f ast.Bt hle(t)LIdsas s uhe and Ross returnled homeý, fatal scourge7_ foresters are noV to Osh-awa after having had. dinner To W. MN. (Bill) Grundy, Ontariofoeatn the extinction of the together. Hyý1rdoj's Chief Forester, Dutchel lo ýfty shade tree. The consensus is, dieaeias b)ecom-e a real problem,Îthat, with inicreased knowledge and At the tea and bake sale at Mi/1ss bcause it is killingL thousands 0fpevniv easur-es, Dutch elm Stewart's on Wedniesdlay of lastý trees alon'g power lines, and each dîlsease will be controlied. Elmus are wýÀeek, ladies from O rono, Shîloh- "n reesnts a potential polwer hr to stay. IadNewtvilewr ecmd "tsterrific in,.the Mýetro Tor0, onto area andCeta Rginf wvhere we'll probabiy have to take 10,000) elm's inthe nx ieIfltý îyY UREFA H yers" e says. "<Aiid i i adinYATTH W ýestern-3iand West ýCcntra1l Ragions. f The isease iswiepedsut of ia une between North flay andJ!ýl Pembroke and there aeioae cases throig-h to Sault Ste. Marie. 1 of h e disease is probably related Vo, OTiIIS c th1e sleet Stormns of 1960.f i -l"he sleet storras dida't helP ag "i e v 'yw m' b)it," sayvs -Ar. Gud."The(y sa-* J~ lI V1 teed 1l reas badly thus reduc f lU lA I J U L i 2 3 i thtth ast t has býen a hiazarï- dosjb frfrse to binis eae re onbeca-use, after it 5 4e setsinthetrees lmbsbecom-e ex-, treel wak anld br'itt1le. , H B DA corn by ydrolaýst September with W the purcase 0of a Crane that can uama 1WOfeetit the air WNT E-E-ý 000 ean îms n WPICNIC TABLES FOR EVERYONE Mi. rundyv sad sing the cae Regio is triagle ounde on W yor friends tis -,Sunday at flue Orono ParkW cotat lSHEET 1MElTAL,, WORK Chocice Red or Blue Brand for Broiing, Roasting or Mvock Duck Round iStE AK l or ROASTb Phone 11816

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