CR'ONO WEEKLY 'iMES TNURSDAY, JULY 2 h, 1961 5Years of Rez- e arc 14 ' cotaena anArv OCL EW 1~TntIno Bn4urL~1~ n rooTueda o te-iir ay todi CAME 'tm Hvy of Lo d n ale on fi n lNo arter u mda a d M r By~~~~~~~~~~~~~iýcvui th e.A'C Jbr J:aIr.C.BSisn. BE - U s on f t e r os t f h it a~ H e C u iix o . JJ. a ~ M s o uJ ouse o w i n i h ls n h g i s p c ar l r fi m v e a e. T B n 1 lu s th o n g Jwa l oc r t p h o g h n rhr,2n- o r. a d M r . F ova (h o s i pr d ce t s fim itt o fv eas s~r f r o~r or hs pe pe al. .tetiîd a n mb r of hr3,e d of e eac a d i ure n n nhs o î< m tu om n ti n 0 B r e. B s Co g aid ton o r a di V i1e_îrh ay p rv, M nd v a lamrr tm ak he Mtoîcidee riain tvlv n ekr- IIdonteirh0 aduh tron work otsi i . 1 thsats ft0Ciylm -a J Il~fBrn.Olyfi nysenn Woed Mth Mj etr, E0 Clae ad Nac, Ms in thistps-fJra f 1thiesgratecl Ciiïmjîi', Qu'ntus7AZîJ(s Gilbart and O ;Iwa Mms. A. Roa, Otalo oit -at~yretums f0 hic o me 1m a0 hùayn u atm olmiaad MmIereohde 'Plie tory B N HUE as wmiten ~ ~ flde i invitos n hm l'o Cndal S evrCl by t e A eric n G cema Le Wa- ma0 bs ch rjo aganst he o- Mr. cd M c. arr Juh son I D. a d Mi-s. Keiah TIlo a l lac s. th en of flc A nercanI m ns t eru ale . T e c arit ,ev n a d C ris of Boton ar îd îîo ter frrn ram ton visfe Civi Wa. In w~tng he boli Wal rac usa dul htwen Mesal su ~i a1 ng wth rs. J. F Stvea I w h m. a d Msm'.OChtteton 1a~~~~~~~~~e,~~-U 1 aoin ttanîeiddf Wie L u ad i roie creofsn to lot is tug toam fro the T hme o ugt th reegnfsinéac e ak 'L h h e l-. . W sn oerthet o~dPw avle M mra opt qniei es of in ianaothoofer a Chrà ist e-Hur dscovehrst, -chhas c .reb Mm s Bo Se e.SL-'toney!(-ii Cre-eki h rs seen, fgh houadïrfmiefs an f slio li rengo but by th&feae(. hiDuns i al1nd r.Barr rdyadtm nNw esy çbousands ofyrs wa.Hosl-I n o h0S rmon n teieMount- vsion 0f l'-{amilt. L, - Mm. and MIs. Tomnda Cookd-. ecte thestouW tmo Tii aan Lov eJir- enentailis ndo in goo d Mms. Chre Hunor fLaeildtrnnEnin aeviiig in coMo. and Mms. Ed."Graham a5d 07r3y aihae ln êfagnar - I ~ I lyîn thi wek a a ottage ond RicarrdLake.e of lr. aMs. C,-eaiings spe nt ho xveeoend i Mr. adM S urÀc Alimoe-rar t h jA number of local race fana- tended th race in Montreal over the weekenid when a crowd of over 1j 7,000 wore in attendance te see a ne'w Canadian record set b Adios BUtter. Adios set th0.ý new record at 1.53.02. The previous record was; held by -Mighfy Dudley at a ieo f uio Vesf made bis debut oni fMondayv evoirig at, the Wo7ý7odlbite as ariveür, Ho drove Canne's Pride[ we fifth place in the race. Hlealth Unit (Çontinued fromn page 1) beaches aiffd swimming pools, ]n addition fo regulair work. Meat Inspection ,199 animais wer'e inspected dur- mng the monfli'. There wvere eight rejections, - 4 swine, 2 cattle. 1 caif and 1 lamb. In addition, 25 portions were condermned. General Remarks Staff appointmen'ts la June in- elclded two clerks and three public heailh nurses. The- resignation of M Aiss Heleni Miller, secretary with the Health Unit sînce 1945, was ac-, cpfted wlth regret. Unless addition- al applications are recoivedl from public hiealthl nurses, t here will be a shortage of Staff for thle coming yoear. There aie no vacancies on the san'itafion or clinical staffs. Orono Psoa -j Minister %,, ~~ Re'v.Ba sil Lng SUN DAY, JULY 23rd CI-URCI-ISERVICES . ..... ... ...... 9:45 ant Or ono ....... ->......l-,a.m, Leskar d ........ 2 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL Kirby-------------...... il a.m. Leskard.......... 30 p.zn. CANA'S ONLY 10-INCH Medolaliorn Gold Bond Siding , SMOOTH SIDïNG! Yom Baye on both p wMlImcokc your home the plicationn and mninen. onze witli Mcdolior mosf becu;iul on your block Gold Bnid Siding wher, you put f$us n I-he ob, ond it wilI increase ifs EstimaI- and fuil de,. Iails, cgladly gie v a u e f o . C li u s to d y . w I h t m > o b g i o n 'wis ot ri o 'sii0 Photne 143 Orono, Ontario SOc.S-AL Cups and.Saucer s, fancy IRegular 25e Sale Price........................ 4 for 88c TOYS!1 A full Couniterý to choose fromj each .. 88e Slips, Ladies fu-il lenlgth, rayon, lace trimn bras- sier- top asdsir trimi, adjuistable shoulder straps, assorted colors size f32 to 40 Sale price 88r, Colgate Gianit Push Button Dental Creami Regular $1,29 for . .. . . . . . . . . . .. ..... Men's Leather Beits, brown and greys, 11egu1ar $1,00 110W for........ .... 88e Men's Fine Cotton Socks, assorted colors liegular price 49e Sale Price 2 pair88 Shorts, Ladies Cotton assortedl styles and colors, sizes 10 to 18, regular 98e 110W for ..-ý.......8ce Ladies' tri m, White Cotton Blouses,, buttont sizes 32 to 38, Reguljar 98c This week -. 88c, Nylonil osel, First Quaïlity, 610 guatge 15 denier., sizes 9 to Il sale pîe....2 pair 88e Tea Towelis, part LIie n Ctu......3 o 8 Eniglsh îiBoeChnaCupls -and auer, arese- lection to choose fro,cglr9efr...8 ORONO 5 c.;TO é,$ 1.OO STOIR E OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS y y y y y y LDkIES DRESSES Thete are terrific values on oLr dress rack. Cone in and see themn 16; Dresses of regiular values to $11.95 for only .......-....-............ $7,95' 28i Dresses of recftlar values up to $14.95 for only ................... $8.95 16 Dresses or regrular values up to $18.50 for only........$10.95 8Dresýses of rerjular values uie) to $23.50 for only .... ........... $12.95 LADIES* TWO-IPIECE SETS 5On, Sefs cf Blouse and Shorts or Blouse and Skirt to match1 r rP-drý, crease resistant Cotton. Green, beige, mauve and white. Szesý 12, 14 anl 16. Regular $6.95 per set. SALE PRICE $4,95 1 nly-, Bloulse andi Skirt to match, gold and white checked Cot- ton antýi1 Arnel. Sre '. Regular $8.95 Der set. SALE PRICE $5,95 1 Only, Blou$g. and Skirt Set, wh-ite and black printed Cotton, Sîize 12. Regular opte was $6.95 SALE PRICE $1,95 -LADIES'SKIRTS 3 Only, Straight cut Skirts of automatic washÀ ai weat Terylene andi Cotton. Beits to match U Green andi bana, sizes 16, 18 andi 20. Regular $8.50 SALE PRICE $5,95 5 Only, full Skirts '0f washi and wear printed Cottonî. Sizes 10 to 16 Regular $5.95 SALE PRICE $3,95 2 Only, fuîl Skirts of drip d ry, crease resis- tant Cotton-. Plain shades of mauve andi beige. Sizes - 12 andi 14. Regular $4.95 SALE PRICE $3,50 1 GnIy, black straÏght Sgirt, size 14, Regular $4.95 1 Ony, eti Plaïid Skirt, straight cut, size 12, regular $4.75 -ON SALE FOR $2,95 LADIJES' and (CHILDRIEN'S SWIM -,lSUITS Thealac o;ur L e'an. Childýren's Sw;m Suits at HALF PRC WHITvPU PS-wostyles h it e Pums vwith illusion heelsý an onte tos. izes in stock f rom5Pl t 9 Reguý,La,-r nprice was $7,5 N OW ON SALE FOR ............... $5.45 i ~~. R-eguar Prioe was $5,95 NOW ON (LE FOR-------42 SUMMER SNASWsal Canvas ýSholes with wedge heel Brw, hrcoal an-4 vwhite with contrastinq trimi Sizes 6 to 9. Reg $4.45 ON ý1SALE FOR $2,1î) 'M Frlday andi Saturtiay MondayOpen AlilDay zy r&a1MS u b A IRednesday i I ilj 88c, 1, _7 jýý