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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Jul 1961, p. 6

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Shopperb Need To Curry A Slide Rule 1% amipy sopper lias been itirccd beforc a US. Senate in- -vestigating comiimittee as a bewil- derýed Alice in a duiblous,ý super- mnarket, wonderiand, trying ta decide between the "umohaif qurLhe "full half quart,' t1he Mgint-sîzed halt quart,' or the 'kîn-sizd haif quart" Having muade this decisian, she- nay then be confironted ila teven mýore difficult ne Which 1s the better buY.. a bon con- taining 15:1, ouniccs (of cerea] oï athier pcagdfood)) sLling Éui 17cet or a box,ý of thisam viced at 53 cent? "It shouýLdn't i[ eeayt ,provide eeysoprwt sierule 50tht rîce camipari- Or, to0 puit ii antherwa a MVayra Mans rtt ad hoseit,"did: "otut us are impl toobusyor tOoo tîred ai fao ~ ~ t emarse atake a'icomi- puter, a/silde rule and an MITf graduaewta mrketand figure- eut what were buying." The occastion wau ern beoethe Senai,te su ubiromtîe investigating ,ý,p a clk a g i niand fflace. While thýee poteta a]-lot revot, heydo, it i,; said, reflect ageneral confusio'n andirta tion on1 the part oiftoda' s ýhop per ho, is begiJnning ta upc chat food products, alonL withl books cnnot manlase udged by the caver. The S e n a t easubcommitte, urider thn chinmanship ai Sena- lar Piflip A. Hart (D) af M1ichi- ean, isonot makng acctusaias at this point; it is im1plY seeking If Ibis information indicates present paickaging7 and labý-eling practices gre deliberately mnis- leading, Co-n-gress wiIl consider whether there holdbe a law fo require moe nifo)rity ý7in bath packaging and labe]ing Il is no secret, as Dr. Perszia Week's Sew-Thrifty PRINTED PATTERN 4915 12S 20 WONDER bl)ouses - swes .and sa smart' Theyv talle sa uItle fabric, you can w1lip uip ai tlree Ior practicaliy pennies. Prinled PaLtern 4-915: lsss Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18'3 20. Size 16 toýp style 1ý,- yards 35-ili; rnîd - ',ie yards 35-ineli; lower yrs35-incli Send FIF'TY, CENTS(sa'p canaI ieacýceptedi, use i$o'-Ial rote for saeLiy) for tliis palt,-rn. Please prirt i 1 païinly ,SI1ZE. NAMIE, A DD0YE SS, STYLE Scnd order ta ANNE ADAM'iVS, Box 1, 123 Eighiteenlh iS(.,Nw Tiaronlo, Ont, ANNOUNCING the bi ggcs[tfa- fïnioshowof Spring - sia-ins er, iDGI-pagecs, pages, Pages of pl -iteic ili Ouz-ý new.Coloe Ca'tae. il- ju ut>uf!Irry5ý% 4 Campbll, professor of (ecanom- ics aI Queens College, brougli cul in lier testimiony, th-if taday's 5-cenit candy bar is- a smallcr 5-cent candy bar than Amenj- cans tusedta obuy. In Qîther words, înistead of in- creasing thie price ta caver, ris- in- cosls ftle auf atu'e-r lias rc(dueed-r the size. This Dr. Campbiell cahIs, "can- 1 -ea!Led inflation." Many prod- uicts, she says, have been reduced in quantit y and perhaps quality in ordier ta hold prices aI lawcr lI-veIS and mepet campetîion. She *feels OithaIle iausewife wold ipre(fer if the allier w~ "4A price rise is something you can liandie in the open in con- trast ta an uinannauincedt reduc- lion in size- or quantity7" qshecx Dr. Cajiip b e11 findsý that ",peaple qare confused and i e- V ildered as ta what is gaictig on." Pakgstoday are designied. she rc'mjinded flic subcommîtfee, not for fle icavertised "econamy\," but te catch flic shoppcr's eye aon flie sLipeiiraket slielf. It ail amounts la "aver-pack- agn"as f ar as shieis concerned, itute constumer opening ý"anc cellophane w ýrapper afler another unlil eventuahly- vshe exclaimis, 'Oh, there il is!'" As for the j umbo full pou-nd," ai1 the "gîianit haîf quat" Dr. Ccmiipbehl feels tfl ubicite "wouild serve a useful p-urpose. if if did no more thani under- ak ' jungle rescue operatian threlicEnglish language."ý The subcommnitfec had assein- bled an exhibit of products ta il- lustrale the subi eCtof the in- ýuirv, including: *A box af soRa&padvllichi uscd ta be, advertised as having M ta the box, but which now (contains onhy 10. Tlhe -number îs printed in mh print on 1h.t back of the box. *Tliree boxes of paper nap- kins successively put out by t ,he saine campany, the first* boX contaiýnipyg 80 napkins with the fact prorninently announeed an flic front, TÎhe second box stihi lias 80 napkins, but the inmber is painted inconspicuouisly on thej back. The third box lias- 70 nap- k ,ins, wýith the nuamber in fine rint alsaoen the back. * Five boxes of detergent ah] lie same size but put out by dif-. ferent companies, ai vary ing in price '- and in content flom i1 p,itnd 4 ounces, 1 Pound 1¾ ounce-_s, 1 pound 53/4 ',ounes, and 15 milnce.s plus a wash coh This inv;estiga,,tion manta flic nazý of1packaging and labeli ng reflcîs flic increascdsnstvt aný flic part of Congress, Il Iel aý the administratian, ta can- sLumler in)teresîs;, writesJophn Rilyinic. heChlnstinSciïen-ce Monitor. In this case, flic stake as h, Iigli S- affecting a national,' annua1ýl rarybill of $300000 Parents Pushing Children Too Fast? Shou11Id S i X thI graders go- sleady?! No, says flic new presidlent f th, U.S. National Kilucalion As- sociatian wlio bheesIt at-1ý ing by pre-junior-hli stdent at par'ties conistîtules unwarrant- ed slafus-seek1ing by ficir par- ents. Shortiy befare hi stla tion in Atlantic City ast mcntli as the xnew licaed of flic 7635.(00- memrber NEA, Ewald Turnecr tld reiporters: 4'Ifconcerns me fliafparents pusli their chldren mb ,adJuit aclivilies fo soan, movingý for- Mai danc'es inlothe e1eneleentaýry sclioo and alowing dating byv sixîi-gr d upils aI parties.", Turner, a vocationai-guidtenre- counisehoran---d forme-r jn-r higli tec ifrom enieun Ore., sapy ciiie hs GAGARIN'S FAMIILY - Vale-ïfni Gogorin and baýby GjIlya,mife and daiughts? of Soviet's spaceman ,mai. Yuri Gagariti, aire Pic- tured ot homne in Moscow, U.S.S.R. This lias been bbe craziest holiday week-end we evex knew. Dominion Day, as you .knciw, fell on a Saturday this yeaýr and w-,as ostensibly a holiday. We dtidrn't expeet any mail an that[ day 'but we got if just the saeénîe And deliveryme camie a-rounid jusIt te saineý - the,- baker, 1h, mh-nlkinan and s5 on. Loceal stores were al open and business went on as usuLal cx- f,-tpt for depar4ment s toar es, Schooîls, of course, had already ciosed for the summer; teachers and students alike joyfulhy star.t- lng 1h, long vacation., Schoal lie- ing out meant famnilies wýith cot-, tages are now free ta gel away trom it ahi - away ta the lakes and beaches; ta boating and fish- ing ai-d living in suinsuits and swinmmng trunks, Now their number is hegion with mothers willingly sacrificing the com- fo)rts of normal living for afe carefree mnonîlis and oddwe- enids at the hake. Willi tarin folk if is differen-t, for tim summier means mare wark, and longer liaurs and aflenI- an iinfiluxOf visitors. Peop'e, wha do-n't have a suimm-er coittage ta g) tot are only tao happy ta spiend a holiday on flic farmr. And flic chldrcn love il. LasI we-k we spent a a -Y on a farnm ourselves. It was good ibilie bacli mogflic cows,, theý pi gs and flic chîclens and la siffoce ,iain the -scel of 1rew mwn1 hay!m. If was chose- an-d oppressive wlicn wu lcft homle, wiitli a lg ramn fallin.g, but asý wc app)roaeid rangevitie flice c:au1ds iiffcd and flic ir h ecame,( deligliffully fresli andîngr- in.Thaf is whaf we notice, more Il aýn anyfhtinig - fli cbcange of aji. We cerfamnily noticed wlin wAe gaI home taa! Nincfy deg-rees thie nexf day and the litmidity, with storips 2ahi around tus Poor Taýffy was lerrified;. wouldn't heave me at ahi and refuisEd ta aluntîl the stormj-s liad passed ov7er. 1 liad every syrmpat1iy for him bec-ause 1 dan'I iike starms e:tlier. Bef are and duni-ng a stori 1feel awful. After the eiectricity lias spent lsior passcd axer, 1 ted hîike a dit- feetPersani. Onie fhing we clc aku for - thie rcenfl rain, have g:ven lich gardens a nex' icase onl'ite. '-If'nl il wifýou!Cd nain uee lir raisand gvethe pair(icli crops new lite? toc. Rlam can work imiracles. SliiuL here t!hat didn't bah faoo pramniing a -wwcksu ago ar-e now making headwiay. Thie irisý are pa-t Iliir liesf but f1licrambler rases arin( 1 fLl lbansm. 11n a couplI wem-eks vie slial le enijoying peasý and licans tram oaur own gardenr, Iiaft is, ralibits permi[tingt,ý Back uf aur properfy there is pienty of vhi1d busli and scrub land. Il is a liaveni for birds and ribbits, The birds we weicone 1but tor fhlc ralibits we have no haveýat ai especiahiy as t h e wretclied thiings are so tame. Even thei baby rabbi ts wihh sit in 1he mniddle o!flih lawn with Taýffy barking and th. cal walching, They look cute, 1 must ecnfess, but that'S the oniy good lhing 7I Cari say for- the-m. Tbey wl prob- a?7b. prctlty busy thîa eek end becausm nearlv e ryone around here is away - ecept ourslves~Andweqre> nýov- inig aroiund vey ucl iiu wa ther - not witLh the hmd yal 10)2! Dee and faily lef for t1-e cottage Satuirday. Art aiibe comning >,back but Dýee tnd the, boys will be tayngfor t5, su- mer. Wvhy don't we juin tim? Well, it isnl tropgi laci, of ini- vitations. We likh beng-hythe lake hw'e there - il, is a bcautiful spot .. but wve dun't en- jay. the long drive bck and fo)rth. However, we May uIake it some day. 1I guess we ai just cld homne-bhodies aya especiallyPartner. Mayhec 1 wauld go mýOrt if lie wou d. but he enjays lis awn homie I sup- puse I should liestsfied r.have him 5se cantented. He very rrl expresses a wish for anyTthing more than we've gat bis dot, week lie did - and if didn' t take me long ta woqrk oni) t He said lie wislied lie- bad a trai sistar radio - lie wouldlike te 1 F able ta keep up witli the nýw warld-wide and political any lime we are an thle roaa gý'oing somnewliere - or eenwoun' tbe is working autside. Th,_ very next day I went shoppin, tfor a radio, completex wîthmtrryin case. Now he can lboe thu y ren ond have Mhe radia liangiîu tram-r a tree; we can alsa Ut outsde in the cool of the evenIjî g ýand licar ahl the latest iii muLsic, svuarts and news. Partner iývu-vry and Bob went ta the 'Stuc k Cart races at the Exibition geounds Patrtner enjoyed it - exue(pt for the fact that ahl arourd him >Mun11 fopu were guzzhî th whole time .. pop, bot dogs, ciocolate milk and petato chips. Partner was appaledaai tce waste od maney, especiall> at a timie wlien there is se ucitalký Af strikes and unempbyrnent. When lie told me I was muore appalled at wliat_ .ahl]Iis n- discrimînate eating an-d irinking., was daing ta the stomnaclis of those caricerned. Here's m-y booký-noýte foi the vieek. I can highly recammiiend "The Living Spirit" by Dapline du Maurier, author of "REbLecca". You can] gel il in a fifly, cent paper-back. Wayne And Shuster -An Americun View A little mnore than tliree yearsý ago, a pair of bumlptiaus Cana- dian comedians descended on the, U.S., drenclied in tlie balîyhoo of a twenty-show contracl witli Ed Suhllivanl and sounding ahmaost toa bad ta lie truc. Described as the moGAtchucklesomie twosamc on tlie vihale Canadiani Broaeast- ing Corp. networký, the pair spe- cilzdin literary buffoaniery, and brouglit witli Iliciti a bagful of sketcýhes, whicli lley ithem- selves liad written, taking off every thing tram j"Julius Cae-sar" ta "The Scarlet Pimiperïànel." It ahl promised ta lie, as tliey say, !il sporting cirches, a boat race. 'pfatheir unhikely intel- lectual burlesque, whicli fi1led Ihý air witli iambic pentameter one minute and custard pie the next, turned out ta lie both funny and fresh. Shakespearean hasebal pla:7crs screamyed at the umipire that "Sa fair a foul 1 have not sen"and a couple of characterg in togas got off the only Latin- rool joke in tlie history M t te1e> ISSE2 10 -"Wlien 1I x-antto li ý, tliem." If their stufilwas ail bit callegiate, iýt was nvrhMs natý sophomaric and U.ýS. T wautclis lhadreason to)lie re osicdly gratefl, By last montilialI eaonbl been itlidrawn. Johnny Wayne and Frank Shusýter (forif iwýas they) have îrmmersed teaie ini a numblingly banal, summier- replaicem-ent situation co)medy calhcd "H1oliday, Lodige," andic anly- one who knew ,vfhem iin the aid day's could onhy imutteý,r: "Sa fou! aiffa ir 1I11ha ve- nlo t seeni . " Way ne and Shuster play a pair cf socia directors at a summer camp for retar11deildi tapletext that eaestliem ta ý cm involved in edesvreiso as ae a nd iim-p cnreeps ike mlâis.- taking an nderakcr' meet"ing scrptwites, a]Goodlmani, Lar- ry Kicin, and Ed1 Sinmmons have unstnfiglyemptied their jolie ilsof everythtng but the co)oky crm s, a th h 1e 0onetime heosof "TheBon Pumper- nce"now find themselves erigov-er tasosanldex clianging dialogue like: "Fird out nthn? "Veah 1- iblis is tflic wra1 ng rnom." WaSne ani Shuter are just becaming awarc that this is absc flic' wrong sho,.Ney-,er ertirely sure of wliat thiey wcec>ing-- tbey iked ta thînli of tlemselves aýs saiissvith a pitof view, xwlen at best tliey were lam- poon-ists, witliia tram»e of refer- ence--the Cndaswent tao Hollywoad thinking tliey ilit gel Qoeneese ta do their limework. Now lhey are hîead- ing ba-ck' ta their iypewite"rs. "We went alang with fllicex' perîs" Joinny Wayne said sadiy last lmonfli. "N wew inl tliey weren't So"epet.It lias been a cclérilten show, buit it's bcing clianged. The fine Cana- dian hand of W. and S. wuill soan Lie cv et"FrcmniÉ'EWiSWEEK He haud just comnpleted a lo-ng Prison sentlence atnd on thal gret day w uhen those bDig gales openied and the who-ilec world lay beýfore lhj[-m, 1l1is j oy kfneCw nal, bouinds. "' re"leslnioutad "I'm frue!» A litIle girl w-lia was pliaying nearby gazeil aI him for a few momentsý and flien came over. "Tliat's nothing la shout aboùut," sli aid. "I'm four.," Q. Is it elyi~ts rd B3ut most !brides doi tas1OW off their el m. aail their Jiff y-Crocet STAR framedî by a cirche o? iacy meshj-briliinfbackground ior diniing onj a rouInd tbe Wlio'd guess a chat h so mgi ficent cauld lie JIFFY CR0(- CHET! Palteter 916: directi.,,is for 5-i cl chl] in out te7 string; smàahier sizes given. 1(-)(. Sen-d TIRlTY - FIVE CE N 1 S stam-ps cannot lie accepfed, usec postai note for sajfety) for Ibisý pattern ta Lauira WieeBx1 123 Eightcentb SL,NwToa,, Ont. Print Vlil ATTFI<N NU MB ERP, your NA,ýME and W- JUST OFF THE PREï,SS! Si A naw for aurexiugnw 'I Neediecrafttalogýue. Over 25 designs taoche, kit, s iw, emibraider, quilt, wae- fa b- ions, hmfunsins oys. -ifis bazaar lits. Plus FR"'EE- structions for six smart ves] cý7os. Hurry, seil 25' ow ITH,' WORLD'S LARGEST ANNIUAI.EXHIBITION OPENS EALIER 51415 l>YEAP AuGU-ST 18 ta LABOUR DAYl, SEPTS 4 CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION 1It's ti.îhow Window of Caniadi." Se. the new/est îindustriae ana mano factued productt on display ...agriculture , science, t11e arts 4 Ji n hobbies,, and Canada's naturil resources. There's music,etrtimnad sporýts for evervone. WNN A NEW CHEV. BEL-AIR SEDAN '14 FREE CARS GRANOSTAND SHOW "TH4E GLOR'f 0F CANADA a dazzlinq spedalcular wlth a live cast of 500 produjced by Jack Arthur featurrinq l'ic Royal Caniadian Mojnted Police in th eir internationa!ly famious Musical Ride Showtimeq:15 P.!,.- August 13 to sept.2 GIGANTIC FIREWORKS DISPLAY MAMMOTH SHRINE CiRCUSl- AT THSEATENO GRANDSTAND SHIOW. one each night cit the Grandstand of the human"i body. Two buiildingfs bouse this great exhibit un- der the auspices of the Ontario Medical Asso- ciation. U-S.A. SCIENCE EXHISIT See the newesi opera- tionai and expDerimen1- ta satellite, i.i tisSa MIRROR ON THE WjORLD OF WOMEN ahin.fursIuns inga, cookin1g shol, ars. crafts ail awalty Vou inlthe ultia-mu, irýru Qucen "liabe Ouilding ,iand thel]e AUG. 21 *0 SEPT. 2. Clowns, a enialista, ani- mais, top acts froni -ail ?Ver the this famied threert rng cir- Write now f)r adivance ticket order form WORLD FA.MED CNE MARATHON SWIM See top swimimexs coni- pete igueli 15 mile srwln. SEE NMEDISCOPE DAILY Lern f r o in doctors therriseives how your heart and oody wvorlc -the complete story of medicine witi models QUEEN'S LITTLE HOUSE ISe. exact reýplica if "Royal Cottage" erlie twa littie Pincese once played. Situated in centre of Outdoor wr Show AU îiLE OFTMVîiR15.1 ONT-iInEIVMi DWA'< i

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