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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jul 1961, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES -Authorizedï as Second lass mail, Post Office Department, Ottawi Establishied in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Foy C. Forrester -, Editor, and 1Manager Subscription payable in advancue In -Canada $1.50 In U.S.A. $2.50- Pub-ished every Thi-ursday at the office of publication 0SCho Are a Zoned The Durham District High School Board at thir recent -1ar meeting set frthanwplcywihhsbeon ovordue !for sometimie. The policy is one, in w'ich dfinito, zonos have been eltliIsliec from wich studonts are to attend oac fo the five HthSchools. in exampie the now Clarke School, when complotedi wflserve as thie oducational centre for studonits o! Clarke Town- shpand Newcastle. This zoning of the, High Sekoýol aroa will establishi greator rcon.omy in the' cost of transportation. If will do a-way wvith du ,t0'i:ation o! school bus service ovor the same roads. The Board pior to this tinte have contended that equal opp'ortunity was not aviabeat ail aroa schoos and that students should not be iorco,-d to attend a school not o! theiir olioice. With the prosent achol accommodation oqual opportunity is to oxist at ail schools. Thero should cortainly be economy through - this move la heoporation o! the bus service withinth area. AtL one timne, iis understood that students from the north-east o! Clarke wero atending ail thr-eo high schools. Somle attended Bowmanville, - others were taking their eduentional instructions at Orono, adstili others atended Port Hope. This, o! course, necessîtatod duplcatofo bus service in the saine area and an unwarranted etaco)st to the taxpayers. The zoning o.f the total area into school zones isa stop to- w,,ards a mea--.surýe o! economry wlhi cannot but be weluomoed by the burd-cned taxp)ayer. Ganaraska Costs WHAT OTHERS THINK By The Evening Guide, Port 'Hope Recent discussions as to whether Cobourg should john th.e q'anaraska River Conservation Authority have brought to thie 14ore once more the matter o! cocts, and what each municipality's Lontribution should ho. Durilg~ a discussion wl1th the Cobourg cour.cil a representative o! ithe Ontario government stated that tbal! a mill had- been set at a maximum by mutual agreement at tke time that the Oanaraska 'authority was formed. The township of Hope, with an assessment in the neigh- lorhood o! $3,,000 has contr<buted for many years $1400 to the Ganaraska Authority .- about .47 mills, whIle- the township o! Clarke, with approximately half as muc', land within the Gan- arasîka watershed as Hope, has also contribultod$10- Clarke's ..assessment being Ilighier than Hope's, its contribution to the atotyhas represented about .41 mills. Port Hope, on the other hand, has also contributed $1400 annuaily, representing, onily about .14 mils, though the effect o! thie authority's reforestation program has no doubt bceonl feit in reduced flooding in the town. It is di!! icult to say just how much each municipality shudconitribute, but we suggest that it should be based on some îormttla icceptable to ail. If hialf a mili were aeýcepted as the max- fuxthen the proportion each municipaliity shouid pay mnighit be caâcuated according to the percentage O!fIih'e municipality's land whieh fails within the authority'-s jurisdiction. On this basis, -Port Hope would pay nearly the maximum mil rate, since prac- ticaily ail o! the town is witltin the authority's jurisdiction, Hope wouid pay two-thirds o! the mnaximum, and Clarke about one-. thîrd. The m~aximnum o! course, Would ho greater in ternis of dol. lars for a municipality with a large assessment than for one with Iess asses-sment. It will not ho long before the five-year agreement 1lmeWeen the member municipalities comnes up for re- ii)eWal, and it would be well to establish a realistle basis before ,another five-ye-ar agreement is signed. If Ch'is happened, any inunicipality joining the authority could do so on the samie basis as the older inembers, and there would be no confusiopn as to how inuch its share should ho. 44 Learn To Swim Tiiis Thursday and Frîday the Orono Red Cro)ss Simn lessonsad Sa! ety instructions coeet-o a close after a motsc rosu.n-onth. Enrolment in the course has beenl the hhe ovr wlth 140 chlldren taking part. 1In spealting withi Mrs. Jiýyce Tonnaint, roistrar, o! tho quogran, it was learned thant 43 children learnied to swim t his yar, during tk2e nonth o! instruction and weroeievatod !rom-the none Swinimhig grDUpS of tadpoles to thle beginners group. Th-is is a remnarkable ~cotlsmn and ono, in ilseif wýhich warrants -3ieh a. course of instruiction. The safety instructions given, to theý ehi1d4-!rn resuit in ihmneasutrable beniefi t(toai WANTED TO RENT RSRRISFRSL O rono Faixr liih\-177 scolthor andil thfami.oly a- Priz c Liist R adtsl ahoseOrnoFO SL or isriutonWrite AM.. Vltcar 2166 hoeseRaspherr-ies. hn for_ MpleoosDrveBuluntof O-F">R2Oronlod- I Ihe Durham Cenitral Arcltrltri rthPrnSWel TmspFOR SALE2 Fair Prize List is now ff theprssj .diePups, 8 weeks ()Id. Couid be and Wvil1l bein the lhands of exhii-PITH Cfnoal . " (atnPhno14 tors ýin the very no(ar future. The, ia-lar ( new addl(it4ons to thle list this year ODBydadDren a fOonio. p spe-aks for th(' expansion 11 in oIhpyt nnuc h it f a fair planned eclfor this Sepeme. auhtr Jnc-2i,6 b o z OTENDERS WANTED InMIa, uy1, l1961 at Bow , Dy Clarkeo Towiiship Sohlool Areai In the f irstinlstanLce the fair \vill rnanuvilieMmrillIopt . apBoard full to-day xhibiFor supply (if furnýjacüo l o othe plenity of activity, for both Fridlay j 5 sehools in thie Area: and Saturday, Septembor 8th and' BI RTH NeWt'onville, Port Graniby, Lock- 9th. Preparatory day has bepp } hart's, AnltiochI and Kendal. nImoved jrom Friday to Thursday on WOO0DWARD -RayMOnd Iand IRUby, Estimnated yea'rlyý gallonage 10,000)c whih ayexibts il b bouht(nooý Collets) are pleasod to an Lowost or aniy tender not noceos-! the fair to be Judiged and thon inotnce Ilhe arrivai of their son sarily acc(epte(l. but must be re- ipllacedt on showv for botli Friday and] Saturday. Fridlay wil'l f eature suchf attrac-, tions as the Holstein Black a-ni Whîte Show, the 4-H1 Club competi-1 tions, harness racing, tobacco showv and the chioosing of the tobacco 1 queeni, tobacco tioing contest and a > dance in the T-own Hall. The rnîd- w;ýay oponis at 12 nojon on Friday and will romnain in action until 10 at night. Thieeoxhibît building o- pens. at 10 am and remnains so Un-' til 8ý in the evening. Also packod in the Friday evoni- ingil activîties is Go-cart racing.- Saturday, o! course, is another- I big- day for attractions being 'head- i d by the hiorse show and races, a shiow!ing of antique cars, horse-shoe pitching-,and a new entry the Guernýisoy, Regional show. Added to thiese featuros will be a spocial grandstand enteritain- ment, "TheKanisas Farmer". The mnidway, of course with the, many gamnes and rides will be in' full swing al day for the enjoy. ment of young and old. The exhi- bit building will be open fromn 10' to 6 p.m. The fair this year is beîng ad- vertised as a two-day fair, wh1ich it is, the date runs from the 7tlx of September to the 9th. 4-H Sheep Club Holds Achievement Day At Orono The Durhiam 4111 Shoep Club heldI their Achievement Day on Monday ovening, July 24lhe in the Orono a- rena. The Club had 100 percent completion again this yoar with th, entire membership of 12 present for the show. Mr. Ralph Glaspell of Tyrone was the judge for, the show. J. Each member showod one IanmbI the lambs were piaced as a market' class. David Brent shoved th-.e firstt prize lamb follQwed by James1 Byers and Donald Bradburn. TheI showmanship class saw Teddyl Skinner of Tyrono take top honours I and David. Brent as runnier Up. The members are seored on the £ollowving basis - judging, questions. showmanship, attendance, reports, I care and management, 100 points l each; and 400l points for their entry41 Ivhich makes a 1000l point tota1 1f Z)avici Francis.,7lb. 11 oz, on Mky c venot later thdn jAuigut 15,1i 7. 1961 at, Georgetown and District I 1, by the Secr'elary-Treasurer, I MemoialHospital, A brother forl IMrs. Violet Glimer, [Doulas.a-CNewtonville, Ontarlo. iN MEMORIAM SEYOIJ-Inlovilin emory of aIderthsbandi(. William Edward Seyvmour, who, passed away July 24th1. 1957. Time takes away the edg-e of grief But melnory turns back every Loinly rememibered by his ,vif e, a-p 1YOU CAN BEGINn CAREER TRAINING ~ SAT ANY lIME f The Oshawa Business College 1 is op),en ail year and our f method of individuaV * Sinstruction permaits you to f start at any tiine U 8 Day-School Courses !rom C which to choose fU EVENING CLASSES TUESDAY andI THURSIDAY 7.00 to 9:00 à Choice of Subjects S Special Classes for U. -iousewives - Shiftworksrs q Teen-Age Typlsts FREE LITERATURE AVAILABLE 0 10 Simcoe Street North f3 Dial RA. 5-3375 White Washing STABLES and PUMPING OUT SDEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompklns Pho'ne Newtonvile 4-721 IThe club memnbers placed as fl lows :- James Byers. Burketon 917,;I P David Brent, Bowmanville 916-, Glenn Qulnney, %wnmanville; J. D. Allin, Bowmanville; Ted Skmn ok ner, Tyrono; Don~ald Bradburn o! Burketon, Donald Rickard, Bomw manville; Walter Rickard, Bw manville; Edrward e1ephen, Bw nianvile; Murray McLaggan, y rone; Bruce Coombos, B'ýowmanvile Bob) Kimnbali1, Newcastle. SThe Durhiam 41--H Sheep Club is under the direction of the Ontario Departm-rent of Agriculture in 'Bow- manville, andl is sponsored by the Durham Couity Juniior Farmors.1 This year's shieep clulb leader hasý been M-r. Jamrres Coombes of Bow- manvile. THEOrono Weekly Times CLASSIFIEID LO WA NTED -An experienced Tdbacâco Apply Andre Verbrugg,ýhe, OroOno 9R17. Tior. rr.febsional Directery A. F. iMcKENZIE, MJ. PKFYS]CiAN% and SURGEON Office_ i4ours 2:00 to 4:0G p.mi. 7:05 Io 8:00 p. Saturdojys snd Wedînesdaays by appointmc;ts only PHONE 1471, ORONO DR. R. J. TAGGART \oEErERINAP.Y SURGEON mhoneé 10616 Lawrence C. Masoii, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor aBOWMANVILLE, ONT. phones; Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3.5513 nhn , ! a-p FOR RENT 5 Room Appartrnent north o1 fOrono. 8th Line. 250 yds. fromn Hîghwaý,y 35. He v wiring- Phone 35RU, Orono. b-p) NOTICE TO CREOITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F ETHEL AY RJOBBJNS late of the Townshiz of Clarke in the Couinty of Dur1lam, Wiclow, deceased: Ail persons having dlaims against the Esitate of the said Ethel May Pobbins, W-ho died on or about the ll:tk- day of April 1961, are hereby flotified to send to the undersigned Ajdministratrjx or~ her Solicitor on or before the lOth day of Auigu&t 1961, their names and addresses and full particulars of their dlaims and the naiture of the securjties (if any) held iby them duly verified by statutory deciaration. Immediately a'fter the said loth day of August, 1961l, the assets o!' the said deceased wil1 be distributed among the persons entitled thereto 1having regard oniy to the dlaims of which the Adiistrati or thej undersigned Solicitor Ëlhail thien h~ave notice. Dated at Oriono, Ontario, lthis 20th day of July 1961. .ALMA 2E. CU'rrELL, Orono, Ont. Administratrix W. K. LYCETT, Orono, Ont, jSolicitor for the Admn1istratrix, DEAO FARM STOCK- Highest prices for Dead and Dis- abled farm stock. RAY VIVIAN LTD. Locust Hill1, Ontario Phone Markham 1160.J, Collect 24 Hour, 7 day Service. please cýaîl anytime. Ontario Government Lie- ense C 10261.0 I.~ KM LYCETT, I.A, 1 arrister - Solicitor ln the 0f fcsof I MAIN ST., ORONO Telephone 13S Orono 1. J. SKUIF Cbartered Accouaitant 8V APPOINTMENTS Lyoett's frsurance 0f fiS P.0, Box 68, Orono Ph*ne 125i13 IN SURA NC E General lasurance SEE FRED LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 12516 Res, 11716 JACK iREID rouo'I 1 ce, . Autoneer and Vàluator Specialize ini Farn and Furniture Sales ConMlIt me for ternis and dates DOUGLAS SIMPSON i - -e5 1 Orono - Phone 1413 -Oroue Furniture Finished & Refinished Paperhangng, Woodworking Auctioneer and Valuator Painting - Interior & Exterior o"'ct " utin als q &l i" Mdetreasonable rat«s Comnmunicte wlth hlm aI t p«Mv Hamiltons Monuments and FaoeiIy Memorials ~ Isuane Srvce ti Our quality and service lae Ask the person who bought f rormu8. Insurnce i all ts Brnche a neighbour, friend or reliti've InsraceinaUit banhe Tohe RUTTER GRANITE Aut, Pckae nd ompsit QCOMýPANY 0 Auo, ackge ad Cmpoite73 Ontario Street "I PORT HOPE ,Policiez ,Flire, Farmi, Life5, "Largest Display isoutlborn UBurglary, Liability, MVarine, Otrs Accident and Slckness, Winid, Orono Electric Bolier, FidieIity Bond, Etc.FA MnH U . QSadie Hamêî%ilton J . V. Radio? -8f . -E JACKSON - . ~ '.. .- -~ ( Orono, Ont. 1

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