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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Aug 1961, p. 1

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Or-om Vol-ume 22, Number 25 _Weekly Thurýsday, August 3rd 1961,, OroflQ Ontario- limeS_ Orono'Swimmers Pass 'Red Cross Swim Tests MES T. Assist 'b-hCurvply Wood ?od- taining Tobacco Lahor icts Expaods Building Officiais aif111e National Emvloy- Cur-vply Waod Pt oducts Ltd. men Sevic prniied axiumstarted a cotructicin tis week on On *Wednesday and Thursdlay 'snL sisntanrce ataacomigr aximumnthean addition ta their building on July 26 and 27 the Red Cross Conse rvation iuithorltles United Counties in obtaining helpCobeiksrt.Tsne ad- Swmmngand Water Safety test s for the harvest. In returai, however, tion is to be used for the assernbling were held at the Orono pool.Te they asJced for farmers' co-opera- o etn hisadt -os h tests conicludeci a manth af instru r aa ion linÎnaking ýthLîir labour de- necessary equipment sncb as tube1 vu pno adJudgig bender,."riveter-, welder etc. inwbiclh has been held for 110 mands known as soon as possible. c lirn t 'the pool. The programn Curvply lias since coming ta Or- of, Swimiminig Lessons and Water Çbniiii Present at the recent meeting of ana moulded the seats and backs Safety Instructian was sponsored 'ompetlA'io the Durham andi Nor[humberland for nesting chairs but anly until re- by the Orono Red Cross Society and Fle-ued 'obacco Growers' 'As- centy have tbey assemnbed the en- il was a most successful 'ýenture The 1961 Durhamn Land Judging sociation were Alex Ouimet, f armtiecarThnwadtonate this~~~ ya.MsMryAnni Baxter, Competitian was held an Thqirsday, placement specialist front Ottawa, bidt wl r ideromfnew instuctesswit assstace r1 July 27th. There were tývent-y-eight George Kidd, Ontajo regional farm qioneI ahndeti oeain Mýi-ss Margery Tyrreli, most capably 4HC.bmmes'n instructed the - hildren in the 111 lbmnbr n armers on placement specialist and tie mn cors. heebiden alo hoedthe tour. agers of NI±S offices in Cobourg,O on In e r ci great inteest in clseswith T'tec marning tour startedi on thePotHpadOswa -any h laving- one hundred per cent farmt of Mr. Garnet Rickard, Bow- atrdneduring the monthb. mnil aNloednrhar i- r. Ouimet said ant ail-out effort it fiting_ different areas witb specifie a en aei teUie e c sl -le fallowving are the resuit ipoie.M.Hre rgt ol Counities because ofiLis strong to- theý tests: Seals from Lindsay, and Mr. A iac association and its geograpri1- PassedBegu'ners est: O DaîrmpleAgricujural Repre-calotinCrdt" I Dasc ei Car est: ain W st, sntativ, explained the soi! types' e tUiIonl Now7nHa s Stcen et, aL ryndaes teitueienrl crop pro. Our aim is ta assess ithe situation, RandyTesnt, Dogls y ored r t ette.iiw 2 e br TS nntarlAle adell, adcthision. abeatad of time, find out youir labour TennntDougas aylo, 1The Cainpetitian was held in the ilave your- help, we can meet any. Bocbby Cooper, Allan Walker, Don- aiternoon an the farm of Mr. Sam emierg-en-cies," hie said. The reg-ular monthly meeting oi aid Allen, Phlip Fleure, Lloyd iTurner, Bawmanville. Th e campe- tedrcoaeo h rn it CGIffordi, Ronnie Cooper, LnaM-tition saw Mr. Billi un ibo sec- Theb krs eak n ithe di Uiorte of telOron Dist Lar'Len, Tony Vanderspruit, Henry 1as top contestant in the JMiolrasec- speakr'sMremddwh arks were 25 -n teitUnon wa Bu ldn Julyo Weirsma, Tommy McDonald, Col-Ition with Lynn fBrownNewcastledored by Mr Kidd w ba sari at-5PatsteeCo-op Builadinga Orona. een Flynn, Margaret Taggart, Carol second. Mr. Don Winslow, Ida, wstI4S was e-vc nt o aie ring&er- Plaon were made' roarigar.itw Johnson, Diane Nicholson, Shieila the winner ai the Senior and Da sonawih lserv e ta obaglers Uinemebath at Orno Fir. Ta Bairstow, Michael Carmen. Welsb of Bowmnanville, runner-up. Wihcu lslete rbe~newatolmemb ere eip of 15,ak-t The Winner ai thre Special Prize ai transient labour and help save their 3,ng a totawembert wsip o 5,et Passed Junior Test«.- Twenty-iive dollars foj- the bigh crops. With Genieral Motors wark- braes.twsanund Bannie Barlow, Kathy Coathamn, cntestati n the campetitiani was ers returning earlier thian usual, that the picn.ic for Peterborough Joye ong BianMyesMaiy r. Bill Olan. _aou rolms may be aýcute j. and (Oshawa Chapters will be held Tamy, Ssn Goe aro h itict, hie warned. in Cobourg on August 20, Dent, Bob -Nixon,. Caroline John-' This event was sponsored by the so0n, Alice Weirsma, Heather Central Lake Ontario Conservation Last year tbe Cobourg office sup-M yBePoibl 1lu~es.Authrit, Th Gaarasa Rverplied 2410 workers for United Coun- Passed intermecliate Test, Conservation Auitbarity, the Dur- ties tobacco fat-ms anti the Part liamtSali and Crop Improvemient Hiope office 81. Tbe" big rush for To î)wadtfl Graint Richard Black, Loraa Burley, _Association, the Salis Departmnent lbu sepce asatsoty Elaine Forrester, Janice Rutlher-i Ontarlo Agricultural College, aoui eptdt tr srly fard, Beverley Tennant, Caral NiXý and the Department ai Ag-riculture _________________ I o rirng grain crop ripens on, Clive Jobnson, Donald McKen- Bowmaniville. unevenly or b-as a lot af green zie. "LPurpie Door K~nob" and. will. be 1weeds in il, it's prabably better ta 1~sadSeio es: rn< I D am 'rct _b 1 Tp ~~swatb rather than harvest it stand- PassedSeniorTest* Orono n D a a dcmed by MW.Le Prlh. It Eanil-, adbisesRIf E.Wriighit, extension TIerr-y Grahamn, Michael Fagan. ýoeyb aýrPihr ao wbic anactessse~es t bu enineer with the Ontario Depart- On Saturday, July 29tb five ca1n- Festival an antique door knob froim a bed- m-tent ai Agriculture. didates from the swimming classes i___fritiden 'old woman. Letting the crap stand until it passed theïr Bronze Medallion Test . l ripe often results in severe shat- 4n oyl ue atin.-Thefaloiiig rano will again participate in Iter lasses and possibly iniseet and wil rce'vethir rozeMedallion:te Orano Drama Festival ta be The casl consists of tbree' wamen, storm damnage. Ferr raiv hmr Bronzel Fg held on th'e 28tb, 29th and 301hoai Ibese parts being played by Maur- -Oreeni weeds cornsiderable reduce DoadT aserrya , MicameylyFagan, September. -ee-_n Jolinson, Margaret Powvell and the capacity ai the combine, he iand Jean Tamnblyn. The Orona play this year isteGldsAsett states. In adtdition, rte grain otten Ipîcks up maisture f rom tire crusbiedf Friday rnorning , the activities edangositthbndmp weebogt oa aclose for anather 2,0 0 We psan asto wthe cavie yearwit evets f wter pors 4 402, 00 oun s O fT ob cco using a machine with a cul about1 fork plasnte fsCTros pragramsamne widlb ,as the-Comlbine tookpar in he ed Cossprogam.Prod ced In D rha Cou ty eader. A stubble 6 ta 8 inches la Tl-.ýcProduced InfDuheham County heigt will support the çsath forv races are as oliows: 'good ai crculation. Duha nd Notumerad eur. h fgue Iin o Ih The slraw and beads should be1 Ball Race - Alice Welrsmna; Dram ad1atumeiadrtun tefgueidai Nrhu- sligtlycrosswise t9 1the direc-c Bobbuing Race - Colleen Flynn 1Counties are naw almost equal in berland 1741 patinds andi $96659 t fo i rv~ whle uln.Ti the amunaioftobacco poue nadDra 63pud n 80ýto rvl -,l utn.Ti Newspper Race- Don-ald McKeni- 1~ eotb C uhm10 anaad$8. allows for more stubble support.s - - h ony Arprtb .N.9.- Heads sol otb adtofart- ta IP:h ertr ofthe t .fa,Â, . Arrangements For 2-Day Fair Being Set The matuire driver .realizes that he does no have absolute contrai over the waly his car' is going ta be operated. His drivinýg will always be, governed, to, a certain extent, by conditions ha he can neyer prediet with certalinty. The good driver- '"blends" into the traffic picture and goes on bis way steadily, and in- conspicuotisly, says the Ontario Safety League. A driver who makes himself conspicuous by hein,- "out of step" with other traffic can be a seions menace an the roads. lates Def eat Thle Directors ai the Durbami Central Agricultural Society imet 0)a Man'day evening wilh a good nuin- ber in attendance ta mnake fudrta, arrangements for the annual exhi- billon la be hield in Orona on Sep- tentber 7, 8. and 9. Final arrangements were cotft- pleted ta hold Ga-cart 'racing gri Saturday evening i11 front af thc Grandstand. This event will have special trapby for the racers ta campete for as well as prize money. Mr. Gardon Watson la in charge af this event. Imiprovemenit is la be macle in t-ea e A-t Jïono Park ed method ai displaying tbe chb 1ils.. Russeli Osborne was put la charge ai this deparîment and te IThe Orono Inter-mediale base- exibil is ta be mnoved in th1e centre b all club took a win rover Newcastle oai tbe area. at the local diamonti on Tbursday Furîber ta thie Tobaccoexibt wvening of last week in a score ai and the chaosing ai a Tobaccu,, 4-3. Keilh West pitched the win for Queen vh!cch will be held an Friday Orona, giving up six blits with tbree evening, athler items are being ad. conling in the final frame for the ded ta the a genda for Friday, whiieh visitors. Will in effectt make the fair a mui Orano, an 1the aller hand, scored tW,,o-day Fair. terfurusofnnbisgvn Harness racing will be featureti by K. Lane on the Newcastle mound Friday afternooan along With tii-e The Orona batters also picked up Haî,steini Black and uWite show. two walks and three passed swing- 4-H clubs will alsa take the( lime- ing. lilbt Frida y aftexrnoon and a pars ade ai the 4-H Club Livestock wil The first scoring !in the game make its way past te grandstan4d vent ta Newcastle in th1e fit-st at 3:30. For grandstand entertairt- when Gilmore 'bit a single and scar- ing features. ed an two Orona et-tors, one atItI was also decided on Monday', short andi tbe tber in tbe autiielti. evenlng ita holci a livestock parade Iii the top ai tlb'e iiftb Newýcastl1 on1Salt-day, again scored a single unearned rtun Arrangements have also been to -ivelbem a ,2-0 leaci. This t-un Imade la have special police 0ondtuy was by C. Trim when bie also sing- jboth days ai the fait- who will pat-,,~ led and scoreti an an Orono errar rat the grounlds and, gates. aI second and aI short.1 The grountis comm-iltee bave;, In th1e boltom aif1the f luth Orono been miaking improvements alm-eady lied the game by scaring twvot-uns. at the gmounds. The band stand Tbese were by Stone anti Donnie f plati atm lias xeceived a new floar Lycetl. Stone led off witb a single, along with a railing and painteti. followeti with Donnie Lycett hitting' The groun ds in gene-ral have been. a tbee aggr. Dnni screx when icaned up and th1e long grass c-à Don Mercer connected, for a iirstj ta greatly improve te general ap> bagger. Orona then laaded tl-e basis pearance. bu eeuabet ed n cos The booking ai exhibit space at îe hoine plate before the aide Wxas the Faim is Ibis year being handled, retiri. jby Messrs. Bob Moffat andi Jo>bn In thie top af the seventa UGray for Newcastle sent Out a single bit AWARD CONTRACT and finally scot-ed fallowing bita HA RBO R W HA RF by Gilmore and Haskell. This gave Newcastle a one t-un edge ln 1the OTTAWA -- A $415,5-18 game witb Orono bavinig ane bttrn tract bas been awarded by out at t11e plate before th1e game parîmenlt ai Publc Works wtas called. Ontario Marine and Dredgi In the bottom bialfai the seventh of Toronto, for the con.stru( Dean West took fit-st on a. New- an east barbor wharf at, Osi castle fielding etrat-. He advan'ced was annaunced recehty by t on a sacrifice by Don Mercer and arabie Michael Slarr, Min scared wbien Eric Carleton bit out a labor, on bebal-F (-f Honorabl single. Eric fallowed witb the win- J. Walker. minister ai public Penny-pIick-uip - Davidi Dent; 1edre oac roesMt- n bath cases these represent size-l one side aif1the swatb or tbey will ning t-un on an et-tor commItted by Tbe new wheari will measi PEotato Spoan Race - Dane Ragerr- kting Board, shows tbat 4, 1402.,467 t ble increases aver tbe previaus1faîl ta the -e-round. rg'stlNiteallh io rvn etln n 6fe ie Soni onso oac eepoue r. Ji ubradirnA11Ohrprcuin fWcansist ai a reinfarcede Potato Foot Race - Richard 1Black; pudcitaac eeprdcdya. ouuie-ln rn isec- te rcuin iWi1t~t u h al fmm 7 atmsinDuhai-in190onti ai 16 tobacco growing cuties-I keep in mind while swatbing: I n the Orono line-up Don Met-cet- deck, suppotlet by meinforc Gilde Rae --- Tommy McDonaid; at ,4,4 onaîa 7Nrh in eacb categ-ory ini Ontarioana-d make sure th1e swath doesn's faili wung 1the bil- bat i~it11 twa bita in crele pile caps and cancre <)vet- ai Under Race - Temt-y anu 37mbe6randf om57Noth Durham sixtb. imb a wbeel track. If you're using tbIree limes ta bat. Singles were stel pipe beaing iles.Ast ,Gah-eaRc -Mche This ,showed a marked increase DYurham lsaiaso sixth Iar est in sa 1t1e cuttet- machine doesn'l in- eton, Tim Cox, Keith 'West, Jimrear of the new structui Tored, ace- -Mihae IFagan; 1from 1t959 wh.en Durham produced total production and Norîhbber-, Pemîere wiî lte canîinuaus flow ai Beaton, Ted Stone and Donnie Ly-ldredging will be out Underwxater Racýe - Terry Gra-ham!2,9)37,070 lpaunda ýta 2,292,154 irom îandl eigl- grain over tl-ée deck. cett. i ax'ea, Pigeon Race -, Br.,yan Myles; lNorîbuniberlanti.L Novelty Dive Competilian- Mich- Northumber-land bad a bigher The average price paid pet- 1001 ael Fga.paunda pet- acre and dollar pet- acre pounda for ilue-cureci tobacco hi Northumberland in 1960 was $35.732, Ibird bighest in Ontario and$53 in Durham, fifth highest. 'Bath Tobacco Growers View hsfiue erenslgt-op in 1959.s comparative prices ai $55.- Experimetal Plot In Clarke TwpI65Acreage planleci in Durham in _______________________ '19630 was. 2,745.62 yielding 1,603 pouncis pet- acre at a price ao$8f - United Counities tobacca grawers la the mast tolemant af weathet- flek, ')0 dollars pet- acre. The North um- tut-ned up in recor-d numbers rac- 1e stateti. berlanci totals were 2~142 acres, ently ta a meeting at 111e W. J. Anatiter membex aif111e Doihi,1,741 pounds pet- acre and $966.59 Adanms fat-m in Clarke Township staff, Jim EliiOtt, carnied 111e. dis- pet- acr-e. covrp_ ausionon oo ros frter a 1n 1961, 75 fat-ms witlh a basic wîdiet-ange ai tapics. The meeting lecture in lte bat-n at the conclu-mreal ceg f-3 52%il was sponsared by tihe Durham antd alan aifthe plat demionst-ation and mamk tablacreageuram55.whil N~orthumberand Flue-Cureci Tabac- a ýffer growers hiad viewed three ty Northumberland fat-ms with a basic coGrowers' 1Assoliation. 1ing1,machines, 0f special intereat was t11e dem-I Mm. Ellaît deait wit 'h bot]-iww marketable açreage ai 2,790.0-1 ahistratin. plot~ planted by officiais! andl black t-ooý t-at recommending of th1e Delhi experimentai sub- pt-eýseason funmigation for brawn Ils cause waa stili unknown and statïon. Glen MoCarnaif1the Delhi roat disorders 'and bettet- varieties might be due ta nitrogen ai tlie staff gave a brief talk an 111e vari- for black t-at troubles. crop. Ils efiecî -was wotldwide, 11e ous -va retes groywn therte, dealing Hie said taIt-is was~ a bad -sea- said. ~'ý o p rtieuar with t wo new types son for root rots whieh' Ibrives on H.K.* Long autlîned new changes t -i-acco. 'ijiese at-e Yellow Gold alwet weatbet-. Allthoumgh fui-ni i a- fteinuacefrtoac a~itd tDelhti 61. bath af which are in gatian casts about $30 an acre for growers, pointig out Ihat 60t pet- th1e elq3etimental stage, but are ex- 1mraterials and needs repetitian for cent aif1t1e average yield per acre pecteat l be availabie for commet-- ahi-i-st. eacb, i it as been knowni-ta aould be insured on 1the fit-at round cial g-rowth ini 1962. .improýve yield by as miuch as 90 andi an additîonal 20 pet- cent later, Mr. MçCanin praised 'te good pounds per acre, he stated. $if cettain conditions we-e fulfilledi. quality anti bigit yield ai Yellc>w;Milt Watson af Delhi told 1the Glen Atkins ai Centreton, presi- Gld ith i e said was highly t-e-1 meeting thiat t11e study aif1the cause dent ai 111e association, -chaired 111e, sistant to black root miot. Delhi 611 ag gray tabacea was ýbeing pursueti. meeting. 8.70 coni- th1e De- ýing Ltd. action of. hawa, *it th1e Hon- nilter af )e David îc works. aiure 500 *. Il will cancrêe ýcd con- -t filleul steel eut- cij o lt me an4A It in h1e Aduit Swimming Periods Arralnge Twice Weekly At Orono Pool The Orono Memorial Park *Board on Tuesday evening, set aside 'Iwo -one hour pet-iodsataI 11e Oronio Swimming pcoiol- aduit swi-mi-ing These pet-lods wet-e set-up as a nuni- ber oi requesta had been received for such pet-lads wl-en only adulîs would be uaing t11e pool. The haut-s set aside for aduit swimming will be an Tuesday anti Friday evenings iram eigbit ta n in e o'clock, These pet-lods 'will be open for those eighteen and aver. The life guard will alati be present dur- ing these limes aI 111e pool.- New haut-s for te pool have also been set for lthe pool ta be open i dut-îng the month ai Auguat. Dur- ing th1e week and misa an Salut-day the pool wili be open from I1 ta 5 and ft-am 6 ta 8:30, excepting oi course on Tuesday andi Ftida.y ev. enings wheu aduit swimiming wiIll lie helti. Oit-unday Élie- poo1 l wi t-un irom 12 noan ta 9 in t11e eveni- in.- continually.i -Miss AIma Cutteli evrted on 1the fînancial position aif1the apera-I lion af liai pool and also aif111e cap- ital coat aif111e pool. Il was pointed oui that $500.00 stili bias ta be paiti an t11e original contract pnice.1 There is also one or two accounts ta the pool. A balance af $380.00 yet ta be paiti which were atideti exists in 111e pool iund andti Iisi amount la expecledti t almost carry th1e extra cosîs when appraveti for payment, providing il is not needed for general aperation aof1the pool. The total receipts aI lite swimr- ming pool for t11e fimomntai operation bas amaunted ta $1553.00 which'includes t11e general admis- sions alang with season tickets. Mftor paying t11e lufe guards ai ticket takers a sum of $1-139.75 bas- been realized from the aperatian ai lte pool for 11he month. The cot a chemicals ta date amounts ta $87T75 None(aiofli-ese cosîs inel-ade main- tenance ta 1tle Pool dut-i-g 111e per. iiod ai operalian. M-iss Culteil alýso reported that Sunday parking had netted $391.20 1with picnics 'bringing in a sum ai 1$91.00. The maintenan4ce casts for the oolandpark bas coat 7259.60. Mm. Rutherford reported o'n tiie aperation af the pool during t11e six 1wee< period anti autined Ibis top- eration. Hie p ai-ted out lthaI during, August il could be expecteti, thiat t-e- ceipts wauld drap cansiderably tiue- lat the fact Ébat 11-e majority aif1the swimmera now, hati seasan tickets. It was quite passible that t11e cast ai aperation and 111e revenue would 1about balance. -He Painted Out 111e importance af picnics aIlitep-at-k which were flot only a source of 1revenue for t11e park but also four the pool. A letter aof thanks was aut11or i zed ta be sent ta 1the Ot-ono Band~ [for th1e sp1encdit concert providect by t11e band aI lite park. -s N N N N s N N N s - s N N s N -N N s N 'v N s s N N.

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