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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Aug 1961, p. 7

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-77-"n~ rv ~ - r - - -~k - .,;~ - -. Radio Pirates CasbhlIn Big Latest big-mo1ney rackieteeCrs in Lurope are the radlio pirat t-. whto ýo far have been imn from the law. Thne radio pirate's stock min ,rade is an old but sea7worthy freighter, a strongý radio trans- iitter with a good supply of rýiodern records, and anm urchor- age outside the three-mile unliit. HLe can Set Lup business near ïanjy country which has only a State broadcastingÏ service which ~ scm eial adve.rtising. Such countries are Sweden, Den- mark, Hoilanid an-d F r a n c e, -amrong others. Newest, a d i o pirate in the business isý Radio Nord, operating front a cGermn fi eighter near Stockholm. Busi- n ess is bris-, with mny. big ýc-t.mpanies buying idvci-tisine- lime. - Radio Nord's owner is a Texas millionaire, although he himseif 15 flot aboard the freighter. Advertisers are pleased with ±e-sults. Sonne companies have had as many as 8,000 letters in e week foilowing an advertise- ment over Radio Nord. Money is coming în so fast thaf another station is pianned 4-ff Gf-teborg, Sweden, riï.d one Lrî the Mediterranean, off Mlar- seilles. The policy is simple- "Gîve ernn owbrow stuff. AIl these S)tate radios have got is c assical juink and lectures abouit axicient The longest-in--husines radio piraite is Radio Mercur, anchoredi oiff Copenhagen. Mercur started operations three years ago and Dow brings in an annual profit ef $750,000 for ils Swiss uivners. Every few months sonne Danisîs politician attacks Radio M1ercur, o ut as the officiai Danisa news- paper sells ifs news service to the pirates nobody takes the crit- i-is sseriously.- Mercur - daimis f0 have nearly 400,000 lisfeners in Copenhagen ,,)d ifs suburbs, and advcrtisers' results bear ouf this dlaim. Under international law broad- caýsting from international waters is forbidden, but nofhinig serious bas been doue f0 put the pirates out of business, m-ainly becaus£e the prog-rammes are so, popular. Goverfiments anticipate qt waillof prof est should the pirates b stopped. RUDE BIRDS There are a couple of birds arourid Portland, Maine, who bave atrocious table habits. They dunk their food. A news edifor -on the Portland Evening Express recently instaîl- ed a nrew bird bath with a feeder- naarby on his lawn, Watching sonne grackles, he voted fhey- too-k the food from the feedler, duiked Ainluthe bird bath, and then flew off tro enjoy -WAT- A WASTE - Rossaria Po- desta lock p e n siîve as she @fores over bei- shoulder at the wosteland of the Moroccan d es- ert surroundlng her. Sh. is on location for th~e shooting of 'TIhe tast Days% of Sodom gand' Gomiorrah.' PLEADS CLIENT'S CASI-- Morton Witkins, right, pieads the case of his client, boxer Sonriy Liston, b.fore the Pennsylvaniciý State Athietic Commission. The commission suspended the fighIer's license ta box es the resuit of a police charge. 'Took a Big Chance To Save,, Goal' When Oldi William, a long- haired white-bearded, goal owned 1by Steve, a hiemmiflike character who lives in a disused German blockhouse off -Gtmernsey's west Coast, was posted missîng, Steve was worried, His other 20 goats which keap him om-pany and in milk, gae contenfediy on the young gorse shoots near the' cliff edge. Old William had disappeared- and for several days he had not been seen. Not so much as a bleat could be locaf cd along the miles of steep cliffs at Plein- mont, overlooking the blue Eng- Ilsb Channel. Then one day, Steve, who -tramped the cliffs day affer day, saw Old William nearly 200 feet down a steep-sided gulch, The poor animal was frigihtened, wet, and exhausted. Steve could dlo liff le on his own, so ha calle-d in the local Society for the Prevention of Crueity to Animais, When lIn- speýef or Edward Varudin- arrived, three local lads, John Gallienue, his brother, Maloolmn, and Paf de Carteret, who had heard about Old William on the Bush Tela- graýph, wera already on the AIl foýur warnt downý the precip- itous cl f f0 flnally zeach Old Williamn, who was- then on one side-oif a 12-foot chasm, through which the sea gurgled. Inspectoyr Vaudi.n put a coilar on the ani- mnaI, and using a rope, fthe four haci fa manhandle Old William 60 to 70 feet up the cliff befora he ýould hel'p himseif and finially reach safefy. Thte dangerous operation fook aboxut two hours, Afterward In- spector Vaudin pa.idi tribufe f0 the boys' gallanfry. "I could not have done anything wifhout them,'5 he said. The fhrea young isianiders are each f0 receive certificates frorn f he- Guiernsey SPCA for the bravery fhey displayed in help- ing f0 rescue Old William. Jews- Also Use Sticks And Stones In Israel, ultra-Orthodox Jews do niot hesitafe te throw stones at people who offend their strict conception of the religious laws. Members of the ultrýa-Orthodox Naturi -Karta in Jerusalem have been doing just that te à new Christian church which recanfly appeared in their neighborhoord. They have been sfoning if off and on for, the past fhree muonths. Thea(0hiw:i was est abllshed lasf March, in a rented recreation hall, by the Rev. Ralph T. Han- ley of Chattanooga, Tenu., and au assistant fronn Detroit. Funds caime frorn za group of Tennessee congregations affiiliated wifh the Churcb ef Christ, a fundamenfal.. isf U.S. deniomination. wif h 2 mît, lion members. Tb#, missionarlem held Sunday and Wednesday evening services (prayers, hynans, Bible reading), and gave illus- trated lectures on the' Bible iu Hebrew and. English. Tha sfening and hieckiing be-Ž gan in early April. At first there was a handful of people, mostly chlldren, who camne ouf f0 stone the simall congregation that has neyer aftracted more fhan 34 people (sixteen of themr members ef thea missionaries' fam'ies). By lasf month crowds of' 200 were showý,ing up, anld wifh almost aIl the windows sh;attered, Mr,. Hen- ley declded to retreat. "The services will cease," ha, announced, "and fhey will nof be resutned until such fine as the police 'departnment gives us dat- inite assurance of the safefy ef the wershippers." Mr. Heniey f in- aily appepaled to the Jeruae etty administration and indig- nantly denied that he hadt enticed children infto the churtch with candy. The faithful conit.iuedi f0 wor- ship lun the pastor's house - la another section of theF cify - and made plans to rapair their dam- aged church. The police assured Eýveryona cocncerned that, they would treaf the affair "as just another incidexit between neîgh- bors," H4e Points WITH A Nude Model Covered in paint, the nude girl sqjuirrmed, wriggled and crawled airound the huge canvas, obeying,, the directions of a rman perchied on a stepladlder. This was painter Yves Klein et Paris af wîork. Notf fr himnthie ,slow labeured application of paint, stroke by stroke with a fine brush. Nor the mixing o countless shades anid colours. He sifs there on his ladder or stands besida the canvas, calllng such instructions as '<exerf mrore^ lateral pressure," and "wiggle your kýnees," Andi the girl, with nothing but a rapidly diminishing coating of paint f0 save her mod- esty, obeys. Not unexýpectedly, Klein ach- iaves sorne startling results. None of his daubs is identifiable, but they find a ready market at prices ranging ilp f0 $1200. Klein's arlistic talent came te light only a few years ago. Be- for that ha trid te train race- horses in Irelandi and ha xvas a judo wrestler in Japan. After ha had been thrown byc both hanses and Japanese, ha de- cided there had f0 be an easier way of earning a 'living. Ha began bis artistic carear in the, convent louai manner, but soon decided that to3 use brushes was slow and tedious. Ha gradu- ated f0 a snall paint roller, thence to a large ouaý,. This way lie could cover a large ca.nvas in ninety seconds flat. ---His favotlite colour -kg LK.B. - Inttrnational Kiela Blue B u AGENTS, CL.UBS, ETC. SELL Canada's finest Christmias cards. Ovar 300 tems including liesiglous, Everyday and Personul carda. Wraps, Toys and Novelties. Prompt Service. For coloured Catalogue and sampies on approval, Jeandron Greeting Card Ce..- 1253 King St. R., Hamilton, Ontýario. BABY CHîCKS POMPT shlpmient, Bray started chioks, many varieties. Dayolds, s feW early shlpnient, or te order. Broiler chiclks availlable. Order soon. Sea local agent, or Nwrite Bray ftetchery, 120 John North, Mamlilten, Ont. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR AL! WE LL establisie4d dry clea ning 'usiness lin thriving Southen Ontario town. For particulars write, W. Il. MoIaC, iltealtor, Bienheimi, Ont. MARINA IN the hocart of 'Ontario waterways. Ex.celent docldng facilities. aStorage, work shopa, retail outiet, showrooms, gasoline sales. D, T. Storlc, Real1 Estate Broker, 338 Pinnacle Street. Belleville, Ôntarlo. WýO. 8-5748. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S READY-TO-WEAR STORE YLONG ESTABLISHED MODERN STORE, WITII NICE APARTMENT. IDEAL LO- CATION,' IN TI4RIVING MUSKOKA TOWN. OWNER WISHES TO RETIRE. WRITI BOX. 201, GRAVENIIURET, ONT., OR PHONE MURRAY 7-4442 AFTER Y F.M. BUSINESS OPPORTUtNITIES TELEVISION & Radio Sales amd Ser- vice. Ideal business for a ýervicemnan whlo %ould lika to get bâte business for. hiniseîf. T.his dapt. connrecated with s furniture and appliance business, situated In a town of 1,000p opulationl ln the Niagara PanlInsula. Iaecords showvn to interested party. l)isposing of -Ibis end of~ business due teothrU tr esta. Appiy Box No. 239, 12311h St.. New Toronto, Ont. EDUCATIONAL EARN degrees, home study- Dlnityý, Science, Tbieelegy. Frac infoimation Senminary. 423 Wilson, Newv Westmiîn- star. Britishi Columbia. FARAiS FOR SALE FORt Sale. Farmn, 130 acres. Double frama baisse on hlghway, 4t miles south of Marmora. Contact Fred Heath, il- ton, Ont. Tel. Orland B r 3. 128 ACRES dlay loani, ail workable, Ideal location on pavedl road near Hlwy. 401;, 2 modern bouses, large -shaped bains, 2cr garage, permianent~ pasture snd pond for beef or dalry. Good ternis 'for quick sale. Âpply Mrs. B. bann-is, Salford. Ont., or phone Inger- soll 843J2 FARM for sale, Glengarry County. 9G acres good land, buildings snd water - upply. Near Higbway 34, Dunvegan Road, 'D R. MlcGlllvrs3'. Box 91 Don. 136 ACRES, 6 ravins fraee ouse. good condition. isydro, phone, hemn for ON0 broltars, p rasesure systam, bulk fin, propane res. automnatie wartens, wlred M60ft. wter frontage on Snlth's Bey, t>nlnce Edward County, bard and $OftWood lots 80 aceres work&bie. prie. $15,000 cash. Ciharias Younsg, R 9. 15icton, Ont. PARM UQUIPMENT BUCKEYE tilng machine, 301, wlth Wonk-Brau convayor, new lest- year. New segments, and new pins and bush- ings for tracks. Motor juat overheulad. Pniced ta sali. Ap ply ta lionald Smith, RE 2, Camlachie, Ont. Phone Aberarder RUB-R-SLAT canivas for your harvesting equipmnent. Write for Informlaion for your machine. Adel&rd St. Pierre Bean Lina. Ontario. Wvhich, to the uninitiatcd, is a bul- bous green. Klein prodtced one of -hîs works by covering a canvas wjith I.KB. and £trappiug if fo the front of his car. Then ha drove if through a rainstomm. ,The resulf he called "The Wind of the Voy- age." Inspired by this, ha smearad another canvas wifh sevaral coi- ours, and drove fhrough anothar stonu. 'Thbs piece ha called "I.m- Kenwas doing well but flot well enough. He, wanféd to revo- lut lonize art,, f0 fake Parle by Storm. Thaf was when ha thought of his living brush. Usinig this tech- nique, Klein descnibes hinseif ,as the umpine between the animal, nine-ral and vegetable kingdoms end fthe canvjas. Neariy aIl Klein's models comae fronr high sociaty or royalty. If hae wiants te placid affect ha hires a neserved, raticeimt girl; f0 de- pict passion ha engaýges a tempes- tisous modal. But the girl ha likes working w,,.ith nost is Princess Elana Ver- acc;ia, a poet. Ona painting, which sold for $600, was produced by a g-irl with -paint only on har tees, knees and hands. The piace was called "The Triumnph ef Intellec- tualism." Ha always coats his models with the same colour paint - I.KB. But canvases cari take sav- - Caal heurs f0 produce, se,.)KI in has penfected a, much faster mnet hod. A1f ter coating his m rodel he presses her againsl an upright canvas. This w-ay ha con furn ouf &ixty pîctunes an heur. And et $600 ra pictul'a, iv,'s nt f bad. wa'y of earning at livinil FOR SAL.R - MISCELLANEOUS SEND for new catalogua, many limes te, choose froni. We liaI a few: Portable Water Softenars - $2900. Water Puri- fiers - $2900. Four-position Chaise Louinge Cota - $10.95. CJamp Stools - $1.98. Barbecues - $6.95. Tape Record- aera - q39.95. British Transistor Radios . $39.95. Express Prepaid. Satisfaction guaranteed or money rafunded. TWEDDLE MERCHANDISING CO. FERGUS 18, ONTARIO SHOTSHELLS $2.03 box. Free delivery on group orders. Free demonstration samples. XL Explosives Ltd.. Hawkes- hury. Ont. MORSES FORt SALI RUNTER; bay galding, 17 bands iaged, hold- Jumpcr, good nsanners and con- formation, excellntverkIng hunter. J.~ M. McDougallIJr., Perth, Ont. LIGNT CULS$ A LIGHT BULB that wil humn a ilfe. time or be reptaced FREE, yours for $1.00 - 25, -40, 60, 100 watt sizea5. Mas. ter Kit Company, Box 206, Befleille, Ontario. MEDICAL ITS IMPORTANT .- EVERY SUrriRîi 0F RI4EUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SIIOULb TRY WIXONIS REMEOY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 935 ELGIN OTTAWA $1 .23 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISIH the torment of dry eczeima rashes and weeplng shkm troubles. Post's Eceenis Salve wlili not dlaappoint you. ltcliing, scaldlng and burnlig eeze. rna, an;ring,,orm, pirnpies and foot eczema w131 respond reedily to the atailnless, odorless ointment, regardlest of how stubborn or hopeless they seem- Sent F*Et Fres on Reinlt aof-Price PRICI $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 't. Clair Avenue Fast, MOE OLOAN 8% Mortgage lnvestmnent FIXED returna with Interest liaîd monthly. AIl funds handied theougli trustee. Security deposited wlth trustee. For furthor information write or ceil G lILS. INVESTMVENTS Î Exclusive Agents Day-GE. F-6645. Ev'gs. 147 DUNDAS ST LONDON Meniber O.BA. NIJTRIA ATTENTION PURCI4ASERS OF NUTRIA When purchasng Nutria consider tlb. foilowing points which this gorganiza- Lion offers: 1. The beet avaliâlabe tock, neocross. bred or standard types recomiuended. 2- The reputation eOf a plan whlch s »roving Itseif aubstantiated by fle«c etisfied rancharaý. 3. Full insurance atgainst replace. Ment, shouid they flot lire. or l he ii %vent of sterility (a&l fully explaine:d lhi Our certificat. of menit.) Â.-W,' give you onily mutations wvhiclî are hi demand for f ur garments. 5, You réecive from thia organisationýl à guaranteed paît market Ir vnlting. 6.Membership i our e xocljusl jVe brederý asocation, wherehy on1Y Parchasers of Ibis stock may partiel. pate hI he benefts so offened. 7. Price!, for Bree-ding Stock staert aI $200. îapair. Speclal off an te those who qjualify. earni your Nutrie on our cooperative ha-sis. Write: Canadien Nutrie, R..No. 2, Stouffville, Ontario. How Can I? By Roberta Lee Q.How can I keep dirt frani Iodging under the edges of my fingernails whlle l'ru gardenîng, Or performig Sanie other kind of partieulariy dllrty work? A. If you dislike wearing worlç gloves, you can rub the ends of yotir fingers over sonne candie wax, taking care to get Uif wil under the nails. Theni, \when you),r work Is com-pleted and youir hands washedf, youýr nails will ke as dlean as <ver, Q. Haw oaa 1I nsuire smooth, tight-fltting slip coverrs a nmy furniture? A. These slip covers will stay in place better if, after they've been tucked taut, you wedge somne rubber or cellulose spongeq between the armis or back eand cushions of chair or sofa. Q. How can 1 waterproof sarne matches? A. Dip theni into lacquer, and then stick them headýCs-up in a bru-sh to dry. Q. flow can 1 make a quicker job of dnylng out lawn clippings-- for faster brig 1 A. By spreading them ouitonra screen which is suppoz-ted a foot or two above the ground to per- mit circulation of air, and s;et in a sunniy place. An old sereen door wil serve the purpose, ai- though any screen tacked over ai conveniently-sized f-me will do the trick. Q. What is a remnedy for prickly heat? A. Bathe the body in a strong goluition of bicarbonate of soda ($SITE 31 - (961 o OPPORTUNITIIS FOR MEN AND VWOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER .IOIN CAHAD.A'S IIADING SCHOCL Great OpportuMnity Learfi l{ird:resalng- Plaatdignlfled profession. good wages.Thouaad>?of uccessfui larv *el Gauts America't GreateiSystem Illustrated Catalogue Free Write orC, 1 MARVEL HAiRDRESSING 9Cm-bOL 8100lr st. W., Torontco Branlch-es: 44 King St WV, Hmlo 72 Rldeau I Street. Ottawa PEItIONAL HYGIENIC RUBSEER 4000 TESTED gsiarant(eedý, mziled ir plaiîn parcel, lnc1udin.g cataloguie and e 'book Iree with trial arsortmnýent. 18 ror t 1.00. (Finest quality) Western Distribu- ore, Box 24.TPF, Regina e skF. PET STOCK EUDGIES, annusl summer sale. ilgh- grade heaithy stockbdr, normis, virgin, or nestod. $10.r. 6 pair $50., Zther tarieties availabie Aiso baiest for pets. MIrs. T. Brozd, 114 Elgin trecet Ea,3awa, Ontarlo. PHOTOGRAPHY FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB box 33.. OALT ONT. Films ,developed eýnd 8 magna print.s 40e i2 rmagna pr;ita 00 Reprints 5c eaclxv KODACOI.OR ù -liopinlg roi ur olînrudi ~ Ints). Color -.Prints 'Oc each ~ta rsco and Ektlachrone'31..i nim 20 ex. parures imounted in lji-es $1 ?i o'o prints trom ilbes 32c easci . Moneyre- lunded,in f ull for unprinted negativ"em. FOR Sale - .Ponles, ridLisg mares. studs, 34", 64", ail colours;, îaso Psic- inro. E. linger, Ayto, Onit. 3 mil"s North cf Clifford. PROPERTIES FOR RENT STORE for rerit, in the, tow,,n of Ayl- sier. Approxiniately 133 by 25 plIuq warehouse space.Exeln location on mnain street. Has moem f ront. R,. S. Sheppard. 250 John St. ,Sutt, Aylrni Onti PROPERTIES FOR SALI. Motor Caimp For Sale $LU3E Top Motor Capr omprisIng 6 or more acres on No. il Hiiglhway 3L,ý miles north of Orillia, ovePrlooIinp iLeke Cbuchichilng. Suitable for hoti, motel and markxet gardon. YThis property has 8-room moedem ,residlence,. 3 wlInterlzed cottages, &Il modern con-venlances and 1 double and 5 single, log cabins fer sumnmer tourista. For fu rtier inform- tioni apply to Chas1-. A2"i. R.R 7 Orillia, Ont- RlJSBERRBELTING £& MOSÉ ÂLL types 0& rubbar beiting ind boa. fer saleshals repairedÈ hi 94 hus Remflsnts at specili prices.50fan hait 6" wlde - $4500. Sriowdien trial Rubber & Plasics, $1 Bruce Street, sh aontarlo. TEACHERS \WANTID ,[A.WK Junetion publicecholrequire..j rc tnt teacher for grades K.P.. ore, two &rd three. Appro3F. 24 pupls Sal. a1 50 0 0 o$360000. Send Parficulare" Wu W.lon, Trainor. ertry ei DOSTON, LOS i4NGEU$ LON4DON ltrsting UneaîNcIrwýoy St., Bostron ,Mo, Seknd youtr newspcperfv r tye r checked. Encioaed ftEnd mv y hgck money order. L"jI1ye.r e22, CI 6 months $11 3methL$I5 't C'eLASSIFIED ADVERTISINO N N -N N N t.- N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ---t N -N N N N N N N N 't. N 't. N N N N N N - N -N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N '-t -N N N N N -t N -t N -t' N -t N N N -t N N N N --t N N N N --s. N 't N t-' N N s -t N N N -t. N --t --t' N N N *",. 'N 'N -i -tf S <N., s N N N N t- N N -'t N 'N -t N -t

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