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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Aug 1961, p. 1

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ekly voluî He3 la a n condtlcted of Orono vole test Lime cnur lied as sa ccncuded from the fciOWS: mafch ie-xi mrs -ini scilage c si eration p ovîsin pi; la thm The reî ertius w= nuimber o 105 wells moere SUS! Tur e pc inels wu Stn1ucted, Iis categ Mhat 29 o located ý systeinsC probabty ination. The are A toZ, M ,other pro The reF wi'h few th'e surve. -de 11,0M iby the Dr Developin watêror mided. -OBSE RV. The a r and the v ilnudig over crov numarber c mess estal A well factony' n cd and h tien wil nannot bc of a wate of tue Sc ~wAl as tl, termihed port only agQ dispc type of ýs single si Ihr-om a w;,efl, orC Ceet of a mnay be r * lng woL -mittent c( wefllswit: in this ca Ia this 20 of tue ed toocA ,or privies Times High School Board Engage Architects rit 22, Numoer 29-,,-' Thursday, August 31st, 1961, Orono, Ontario Atn 3mfaiI Crowd ttn well as the principals of h I sehoo l'r on August lBth dis-. IArRec-reatîon Piogîam . the Durham ony itic 1ii a Ith Unit Survey Shows OnIy1 oprBieae posed of a fair-sized agenda in a couple of hours. Carlos Tanblyn, En ijfnC nD ry Orono, vice-ck-,airmati, presided. 79 SatisfadoÏyWeII's Q)u t 0f 14v9tEud Withinth Teonin Camngbuines rDeate by« lap prevented Ivor Lloyd of Toron- The Recreational Programme at to, ft-wn gaining a victony in the Appointment of William Carmii potreceivedi by the Orono U the possibility. R. Forrester stated1 the nrono Park conclded its activ- Canadian Championsfip Motocycle Orno, to take Fred Lycett's plce ustee fro the otu- dIitJJ iii the move Was towards siuchiiisfrti summer with a Titi Races at Mosport Park Saturday. on tue bon-rd. 'ui-'ham Health Unit in re- installations and would like to see Catii Derby. jlcino .FobsHyad a Water survey recently 1Oacrono eýxplore such a policy and if Th . s eetws i an Bob Webster of Toronto, roared Ealec-ton, othJ. Fore s hyid.o 1by them in the Village 10 ~ ~ r~ possible to placee wires under- Wl is vn a i ap past the stalled Lloyd in the cîosing Drigot h himnhpo For New Street 0 ~~~~~~~~~~Con~tstants 1ýdt olatncntefnnecmiteipaeo it stated that 149 Wells r ~ground in any new vdevelopment. abad te g o ni t e can ý ýmoments to cross the finish lune as the finacetcWoeimeent w p ace s edanseted and o lngtegond ofhtuinfo. winner. Close bellind was Ed La . Lyet hoeeteetwa niber only 79 'wene classi-1 At the Orono Hydro meeting oniE etotie h feto h Wi»ners were Rave an!d Belle of Philadelphia, who had bat- broughit about throtigh- illniess. E.tDntfactony.he was of.theShêhley Mercer. In the tin can bowl-, ted for second pace wvith'. Webster Passing of accouints totalling Thereort Moda nlhtin isu ian ex- new provincial Sales Tax i»n e- ing David Mercer and Carol Mer,- throughout the race. $20,779. 1by a recommrrendation tension of hydro service dowfl gartids to IHydro and on 'hs request a cen were the winners. The wunners Onoftepretrodsnc HeathUnt hich was as Chrh, tet R orse u motion was passed i the effect that for the Slalom Race were Michael hepks.pnng ated the cy- Receiving and filing of a letter "Bicauise of lb situation gested as this was a new develop- tepr' pnn ael i-sts and which will become mn that the hydro lines be- placed o-yanê mun1il ate uue1 atenadCao ere.cists tak<, their starting positions. from the board's insurance agent, ificetapato hludrrudand that the maîuýager be charged for water leater rnal lTe last event was a tin cati tar-ý J. A. Reynolds, suggestlng changing )fhen ce n ateo h nderg ondtte oo eehnlin re osmpiycagn teDvd Aboard a powerful Norton 498? pupil accident insurance to another f Orno, b imeia te C son ntat heOono "a lphonla odrt îpif hrigteget and the winners were Da mdachine, Lloyd drove into the company offening highieixcoverage. isudbegvntteCopn laflOigasmarnew tax. Th~e manag-er was also Manning and Carol Mencer. m o h r ftefa.inmesepesý ist oyf a municipal water su.p- plan1 for this street. TI-Às street is j iei appnoval for, the manager to lead froi te rp o h lg.A-Svra-enes xri dist n iear future." locatedi ust north of [tue Oronlo Carol Mercer and Raye West ter six circuits, he was lapping the isfaction at the proposed nw-c»r School. Mr, . Dent, manager, sta-. e' ý the silc of -, c er heaters were the-n declared thle Grand reapr-place(d niders, averaglng one pany's mnetbo-cd of handling ca or sowd ha 46 ro-ed that he would iketo se iupafacrigt heuulpatcs C~pons. with the most points. Iminute, 55 seconds around t1ie Hwvr tteMsiaiao ne surveyed with a total plan carnied out and will invetigateilit; ~ twisting 2.4 mile track. Strike, Bowmanville, who feIt that )f 1419 Wells. The water in Tecide hi noe 1 the board should aim at wider cov,.- tesed atifacory - 3'party and ail said good-bye 'til next Lloyd lookedl like an ada c rage, it was agreed to contaet~ pilu,21 unsatisfactory. hoyea, cu oraugs agon rain. other school boards for, a complani-, rnnealsI s1atd ,at Hape Atthis stage, the dries erei son o f coverage offered. Tepýs 'e flot satisfac2tonily co--i ~ ~ l.L to hlm were u Webster, and La Belle, ent Durham C unty polîcy provides tops not water-tighit, 26 la * ?UIt H pe Vut, 11 and they were a f uil minute behind. a maximum of $100 per dlaim for ory. The survey aiso f oundi To FrýnC a D one Close on the heels of these two were j ain annual premium of $ -00per~ )f the Wells surveyed were ,i c e se0 1 1 Vin n ame Tom Faulds, Toronto, on a Norýton tde too close to septic t-ank 4 n re s a p r-99; Bill Shar-pless, Tor-onto, on a, or privies, which would________________ Triumnph 500; and Marsh Ansley, H'eaning of a report from W., C. show initermittent contam- Apealgerlmeig0tecu ltveathrtef The third game'of the Orono- ScarboroughI on a Triumph 500, Keyes that repairs were bei-ng A secal ceera metng f l-, cmultiefividend atte ae fPrt Hope OBA playdowns was Ieading the Senior Class line-up. made to gas pipes la the science Orono Telephone Company Lîmnited 6i percent per annumn. The Company a victory for Port Hope on theirf laboratory at the Port Hope higli ea surveyed were aIl blocks shlarehioîder's is to be held "latter this may.eem)rprcesadpe home diamond last niiglk.t. The By the 27tkaL aBleadWbsho. III Street, Main Street and week when a niumber o)f proposais ferenice shares. The said shanes itrwe 21frheOa-,srhilhngdeastretme. )perties. ~~from the Board of Directors are to would have voting power if the iory whenfuth 2-1 forthe sOnt a riste rohned lead's tredce d esgofpoges ecr considened. Company f ails to pay a dividend bes wThe furh ae 0fn the ser- Fn la on t, Lld oydesfred-coled Rndening Cl prke oriesnreport. port continued stating that Congidel-ation 15 to be given of a for a peniod aggregating two y e il epaedl rn t-Nronsee mre. brook high schools. Foundations are exceptions, ahl lots within, resolution passed by the 'Board of nightmatt5:30 atthe Oroiio Park, A primary chain failure forcýed lnanad brickwork is in prog-ress at yed area are sinaller than Directors of increasing t he metig îl ls cnsde Port nlow has a 2 to 1 game Sharpless to, ro out of the race.j Clarke; Courtice willi open in Sep- square feet recommended ber of directors frorin five to ten adi huk dvsbe ofredge la the seven game series.1 With hlim went many spectatîors- temiber desp)ite a delay in electrical Ppartmeat of Planning and with, five -naking a quoruim, theGera By-law enactedl by the Orono will be out Vo tie the ser- forced to dtrop out due to primary %vork occassioaed by lighltniag stnfk- lent where no municipal directors of the Company recently. les to-ii-t. interest failutre. ing a transformer ten days ago and- seae yten aepr- Also up consideration will be the It is uaderstood that duning the Millbrook Iand(scap;ing is ii pro- atoizati-on of an application for1 past couple of months tuat lin e T l ngt'sgieOroosI hnLoy aldto 1pass the'gress. Supplementary Letters' Patent la neighbourhood of 200 shares of the single run was scoredl by Beat lap-tîmier's beach for the- start oh AT IONS whic-h tue present '3410 abares would. Oronio Telephone Company Lirnited Who smnashedl out ai double and jti- '-Ï,28th lap, a gcroup oh La- Belle-' Official engagd-ement of Bar'nett be 340.() ommon shares and also in- have been pundhased and are now , scor-ed on a single by Dean West. Webster fans did a ji-ntetr and Rheider as archiitects fodr the ea frontiag on Main Street cýreasing the authonized capital oh ilheld by tb,ose with interests la thej Dean WýNest was tu-.e star of the i mac.%-i ngtthPotHp ves sdeofChrc Sret heCompany from $11,900 to $211,- Dunnville TelephonC ompany. The gm hah agtwa a-jIhigýh school. Meetings will bé heldc blocks 0, P, Q, aad i1-4 are 900 by c7reating 4.000 preference Dulnaville Companly was one Of peared an impossible catch la Welshmnea presentl (Lloyd iîs ,asoon with thletehia direc-tor, 1T. vded with respect to the sh'ar'es -Wîth a parf valueof$00 th-ree Com-panies whQo oiginal ly the outfield and made a play to transposed "Taffy*", as Welshmea . rolto tkrash out details ot of family units and busi- each i ssuatile in Series. T-e-1- t aabdt purchasec the Onono secondt for a. double out. Hie also ar ald) hiurmned "Men tof Han- shops. ýblishments. Senies would bce 1000 preferEp,1ce Toelpone Comnpany earlier thic collected two single !lits. Charles 'lefti" and mrseydnillted o'ff. Af-J ___ shares witi- a fixed preferenitial year-. Armstrong also in the 9utfil, ter therae Llofdl told us: "The jlg water supply to be satis--- came uip with a great defensivý. motor just cut out -- 1sili dion'tt h(vl ' sh~~cmestdsie ocatebd serhatconsttan- play. kilbw Whly." jwhtfolis had-bneàak h b nnn ouste popenly coastna- Don inslow VW ins t-'%l000 00Ail runs wýere eariied la tue Mawie akat [the race, tyod ,a 1-la etre evti not resuit. Contamýinationi gaine with Bill Wakley being th? Webster p)ikedl up trophy and plan- and finishiag second ina& five4lap on t he asis dits y ldrcg ou LaABllera ýr reert nly.Te locaion rsh p or O nt. Ag . ollege winnmng pitcher and- Keith West disbJutdgnotLaeiet eimnr.- - .n m eot ny Telcainthe losing hurler, ýwage disposai system, as ___ , Orono on Wedn-esday lwatedly h;e type of soit, must be de- -Mn, Donald A. Wîiasl91vowfoh idal xmntos i a enpe protested1 the calling of the gltme on the basis of a water ne- amme hteDranCounylent f the student oacla In- at 7:15 after seven innings of iThe location of the -sey-1 4l-11 Clubs bas been awandeýd 7an tefr-Collegiate, hiaving been active piays. Plenty of light existed to sal system, as weIl as the O A.C. Alumai elclarship? fo)r la basketball, track and other play aine 4fram-es b,,ut tue league- il, miust be determlined. AI S10, ffr- --rt siit4-scbool -'"- ý nh 1 atisfactory water report 1 poorly coastnucted one located within flfty îprivy, or field tule bed, aisleadiag. Frequent samrp- uld probably show inter- ýontamination. Some of the h satisfactory reports were tegory. survey 1't was fountd tuat wells sunveyed wene ldcat- ýose to septic tank systems year degncc course at theOtao Six Scbol)arshlips- were awarded *Agicufltuire Cle Donald who i3ltis year to outstanding. studeats the son oh Clare Wiaslow, da lhas a ndý this money is provided by a be-en very active in 4-Fi Club wor7jk un that bas been set Up by Alum- hias competed six Millbnook Calf ni -.embers oh the Ontario Agni- Club projects having placed fn cul - -ral Coilege. To be elligible, a as well as beiiig a keen student. Uieyu man must have a hlgh stand- twice, second~ once, fourth one, ing lanhis grade 13, have practical fifth once and seventLh once la the tann nIHadohratvte clu. I aditin, e i a embr f as well as a desirable fanm back- the North Durham Grain Club this grôuad. It is designed to give as- year. -- sistance to those outstaading stu- Donald had a pencentage oh ap- dents who la future years wiU be proximately 7511/lai hi-s grade 131 leaders in Ontario Agriculture. Carl Pandoff KiIIeàýýd By Car At Newto nville, seven ianing gaine. The battl, resumes tonight. Guides To Benelit rM Tea Served At Fairý A3Y ton Mobile Tea Wagon which cornes complete with three- uniformed hostesses - will 'be la Orono on September Sth and 9th, for the annual Fall Fair, - 1 The tea wagon will bée stationed in tue ,f aîrgrounds, with the hostes- ses serving complimentary cups of io t or iced tea la aid of Local Girl Guide Association la Orotio. * This is one of tw,,o tea wagoiig custoi-bult for Salada Foods, wlth the kitchen-type internons lacludingi cul- with the m ory n.Pidffdd'1a ..sse, a twodway telephone, I le Mih- A Niewtonvilie man was kllled 1,ave a chance, one witness said. a three-speed frecord play1r (for d thati and another jumped for hîs 1f e in Mr. Gilmer'saw the car comaing tea4time music), a power plant and ed at a car-motorcycle accident shortly and jumped just in time. His grand- refrigerator along with fâcillties for eat- after ý7 p.m. Sunday. mother, Mrs. Gibier Smith, was sit- seInfg30 usoft _e or rission Dead is Carl Pandoif, 31, RR J, ting on a verandah la front of the I>urîng the past five mnonths the somne Newtonvil¶e. fle died of a fractured house at the l-ime and the car was Salada Tea hostesses have served Street skull and multiple other injuries reported to hnave corne to rest only tea at bail parks, theatre queues, t chip- in Oshawa General Hospitalabu four feet from her, sports car demonstrations and in 3to bel three hours after -Jhe ws -,,struck Pandoff was thirown about fffty oliher crowdv.ed areas, eks while sitt ing on his parked motor- feet by the impact. The hastesses wear natty- b1ue cycle. Hie was employed at Generail Driver cf the car was I'rederick uniforms with wedge caps. . They Town, MMo-tors in Oshawa. F. Swaine of Lindsay, were chosen from more than 100 'e tle Pandoff was reported to have The deoeased' was -a son of the applicants on tlbe basis of persona.1- .îîy at I Just let a friend, Pîhil Gilmer, 27, off late Andrea and Stola Pandoff, He ity and because they enjoy meeting % Lo-i e bike ini front of the Gilmerlis survived by a sister Kathleenpeople, epart-f homne on highway 2 ln Newtonvillc. (Mrs. S. Duke, Toronto , a nd bro- "As an experiment, mIale servers n con- Thae two mien were talking when a thers, Peter of Toronto, Aýlex, ER 1: taffed thie wago.s.," said Gene Tey is westjbound car ,,,erved across the Port Hope -and Boris RR 1, Newton- Easton, a former secretary, "~Men a 'por..road, side-swiped a hedge-fence,1 ville. Another brothier, Nick, pre- ldn't work out too well as tea serv- bounced off a tree and ,oliided'deceased !hm. ing is better suited to women." -N s- -t -s -t t- -t s- t- N -4- 't -t -t -t- '-n "1* -s 's t- t- s- N N s N s- Trlnity United Church, B3owm-anville, was butWfuJIy decorated ni Augisit 511h, for the wedding )-f M s;br jei Bathligate, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bathgate of ~ Bowmnanville, to George Douglas Gamsby, son ofÊ MrS. Keni- nieth, Oronoi and Ihlale Mi,-.Grb Fuli Days, Septl 7,

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