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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Aug 1961, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLV TIMES THURSDAY, AUGCUST 3¶st, 1l61 iVcLaren' â FUEL 01V IQuicI-i9nting, h;gh in bct *~2Clean bur~ng... helps prevent but *2 troubes. Autoaticllydeliverd with< Cell siw te t rrange for siext winter's cm ORONO FUEL L&UJMBER LIMI Phone IIerk wans neyer a f ty ha*ts hle-11 But he His Lai For he Unow< > 1 Ify< i races at tl-at big racing circuit is, The ortHop Onanis took ai sholrt and Beaton was saf t0Ia scbeduled for 'Sunday, September, one gam-e lead in the best of seven, the bases as Harrison erred. Maar- 17, wîith ai] classes of machines OBA Intermnediate Major "A" play- tense and Jones struck out but Ly- participaing ini cross-country events. dowýns with Orono on Saturiday, cett walked to force in what proved Th et ssntindb1teCn nligbt before a large crowd by for- to be the winner. ladian Motorcycle Association and f eit Mien Orono could only field will get underway at 1.00 p.m. Ad- -- -1 q>."-',,'± n4 ueII ud r pyen playeçi for Orono, O on1fa iy tdmnitted frece. Howvever, an abbreviated f ive in-W thîe Orpbans eked out a tight -1-0. decision. George "'General"e Jones L usW ipl went the first three innings for the The second game 0f the Orono- merwiners givlng up but one tïlt, Port Hope OBA playdowns was a, walking two and claiming twe 'via decisive victory for the local diubi tuestnk~ot out. Jm Hrekun- b a coe of -11-4. Witb two games Louis William Dippell, principal cd the last twu and struck out three of the series played both teamrs o omnil i' colfr3 allowing nu free tickets or bits. were creditcd wiCh' a win. The third 0f awm.dinvî1Mnen11gb t.,hoolfr 3 mot0 Mike Harrison hiirled the first i gaine was played in Port Hope on dy as, d 28 at Minen, eont6.M- two inniags for Port Hope allowing Wednesday nigbt with the fourth dy uut2 tteaeo 6 tb ree bungles, walking one and to be played in Or'oao tonight at strîkîng out a pain. 1He was the: the Park. Mn. Dippell was born in Chathami 1frt ]ser on an uneanned rua. Bily~ Ont. te Mn. and Mrs. M. G. Dippel]. Wakely finished the final three GereJns11re nte e married the former Lilian Pot- counits wiltb two bits, une free ticket Gog oc tre n terto in 1928 at Clinton. He taught and three stikeouts. mound for- Orono and pitched the higb school at Kincardine rand later TED ~Orono got th%- only rua in the sec- fsttecnigsgig psix at Renfrew befor mi t ITED rid nnin as ane.who becamne ,bits and two walks. Ia the fourth ravl" the flicnnth, mari atter -the gaine was Ted Stone wcnt to the Orono mound i' I )fon1ieted, singled leading off. Rare taking five stnike-outs and giving Mr.Dpelgauae -r h 148 16reached base un Kelly's imiscue at one bit. Lee was C&h losiag pi4cber Un.eriy of Toradntdfromathe for Prt Hi> in 1920. Bis studies wer'in tcrrupted by World War 1, when he Ronfle West led the Oronio Jiîs enlisted if the 25tb B3attcry of the plate. In ail the Orenu boys colet_ Royal Canadian Artiilery and 5r TOwith three bits in four trips ote" for four and a baUf years. Be- dIw o hik d a total of twelve bits wlth Erie' -sides servin g ini tbe Fr'ench c 'amr Carleton, Charles Armnstrong and paign, he was a mnember of the i h Jhn-Shetler alil collected two a- tlidexpedition te Arcknngl in e a iw r tpece îin thnee tries. Russia dunin g the peniod ofth didn't suJrvive Iotlop-!e(d-h scoring in After h ah onitdh gbour Day drive..t~ 'cn wh-erthnee rutis were dlegnee a'iotonto an spntaya drove whhout care,-jrred coff three bits an-d two' at theOnaro oleg o Euctin drv nonch t ar, ' aks. Th-ese wnesconed after the DuigWnd W r Il hewa ci n0Cha1ant ar, fisi two Pont IHope battens were Commianding Officen of resenve are that safe drivng is Work I placed out. one final counit was jfo)rces Wfte ilndRgmnin irei~ divrsknw coedî forot'Hopie -in- the third1 which be held the rank of major. irfldriv erng sfey -'of thnee sngle bits. drlvtime lobi i BoCfliM'.Dipe and bswif e_, u ful tme jbwbotauht athemnatics at the '4, the third O(_rono ran wild and",eol rtre at ue Yhtey doh"t speed~; they obey tra -ffîc siips, sc2ored seven runts off five bits, two j shortrdls u hey leave a safe disance between carsg waks and a Port H-ope ernor, Thnee Mr iel aammb oth tey signal their intentions welI in odvarce. funthen -rruns were added i te Miin. Dippelibwa a mmber f th fourth ,j) vkhen Wakley, then on the :Bowsfirnan f e 1iR~i'o-ard lu,aps- ou're gong out oni the highwcys Pr Hope mound, gave uip four ,itLs preincia of tbe e rtalmb, Mef this holiday weekend teý the Onono battens and bis tem piialfteJnuamLog mates committed errons. John Shet- aend te Paeestinter.Unied dlon't foret .... l er. scored tbe final Onono rn eogeIotennntyUle the fifth wvitb bis'bit and one to TedOhrh and was active in cbhurcbi H-1e paýrtiCipate-d in ai] athlietic Cor- a ý~Onc-ono on he g7bele were strung ganizatiGnsi the town, and w7asa at bat and biad little trouble -n' mebr fth owaviî e - ulgtie ntar.ios in this feature. IThe- Oshawa Business College iopnail year. and our [ mehdof individual itutio permits you te start at any time DayScholCourses froi 0 wihte choose r EVENING CLASSES eTUESDAY and THURSOAY f C h oi e of S ubjeets Special Classes for ' n Teen-Age Typits S FREE LITERATtJRE AVAILABLE S 10 Simcoe Stree-t North "DIal RA. 5-3375 G. Il OrGro, Ontario the British Empire with a yearlYi Unveil Historic Plaque volcume of 4ome 25,000 units. ISiln o s T a e A %onvel 1 ~~~~~The subsecquent increase in ,ISalesg M o sTo R ce A perite another mnove to a larger! àn%&rlng tplant. This move was ill-fated, for'Ià, In û a rl'infl n Decembeir 1899, the plant was'luI ermiteted razed by fire. Undaunt-1 Mosport eptembe 3 th cd b t121sdisaster, McLau.ghlin set! On Wensdî ugs 0,16 terested in wood-working, first as a op temporary production facilîties, ýci-ermencng al 2:00pi., njýistoj- hobby, and later, bec-ause of his «;i-iGananoque. Thus the company, ieal plaque Ce-omemri1at:ing obet ate skill, as a source of revenue. was able to provide for t1-e most, buiît in England and flown to Can- fis Club, Badminton Club and Golf MeLauglii, was u c-iedo the 1115 first efforts were axe hanies urgent orders until a new plant waus S tiri ng MOs0f England, on]e Of ada for the occasion, he establishecl Club. f-arm ocf Ewý,art MLuhicn which found ready hale amnong ilhe corïpleted if Oshawa in the follow- the worl's gratetrangdies a lap record of 1:40 for the tricky, esso aligo Twsp neig1')Ltouring farmers and at th(, in.g year. will return to Canada to compet'e in 2.4-mlle circuit. Since then this time; Surviving relatives are, bis wMfe 1Titis plaque is one of a series being ~a e in nearby Bowmanville. another international sprt ca hsben ateedb to aada His eagerness, however, tuo make' The company, which had beenarcetMo rtPk,6mlsnthaigdivs Lilian; two daughters, - Ms .B cecethogutthe 1province'f)'arce bv otPr, iesnrhraigcriesMenzies (Margaret), Clinton; Mrs. theDeprtmnt f ravl ad Pb-more ambitious use of his SelJf- partnership sin1ce 1892, when Robert 1 f Orono, on Saturday, Septemrnh Içyagonthe adviceen of the tand U ghIklsle l1oatep h had taken two of lis sons, Pobert30 R. R. Muirhead (Marlon), Sudbury; s In a bitacerngyocoheestedcrace th skollsson, hJohnooftClintt nhe i30 Archaeùlogical and Historic Sites construction of a cutter in 1867. H1e' amuel and George, into the busin- I augu t ,ter yn of MnraeaOr'ndMso n,.ono litn i BEjrad of Ontario.butitiadivnshdnahsesasicrraeif10.C- Moss, who in recent \veks has also at the wheel of a Lotus 19, and Wednesdy's cermony ws ar- nn ýe whch wýas situated o ase- age, sales continued te, soar until Wanedad spcrone y thvasha- i f h aml oe se -Histhe successful advent of th,ýa auto- won several major races in England Danny Shavî of Weston with a Sad- Funeral services were held in ,awa and District Historical Society. efforts were admired by a neigh- when.Toofse heinad ad wonEroewst erhe un brigthesalihe anw rakTnniy nte Curh Thrsa whose President, Mrs. Gordon j).bour who wished to purch.ase the'by this new formi of transportation-, we ewo hebi nenainlrecord with the identical time of at 3 p.m. -with burial in Bowman- connt atedasprgramechir fiisedprouc. obet n hethe McLaughlin Motor Car Com- road race which officially opened1 1:39. It is expected two racers wvitlk ville Cemetery. Rev. W. K~.FHous- ;uan Mr. W. H. Crarteton, Chair- other hand offered to build him one pany was formed in 1907, and pro- ti-aigcrut tta ie i ou 9swl eicue mn lander, Trinity United Church, and ian of the Arohaeoogi, nÏ î- ~ beit. Thus began his first I duction of the famous McLaughlin te20ml vn i ~etdschte etiswo Wl opt Rev. A. E. Menzies, of Salford of- toieSiesBordfOnticland,'de- prdeion une. Buick commenced. This automobile othes- internationally-famous dru'- against Moss on the last day of ficiated. The Bowmanville branch toicSiesBar o Otri. ep 1u -O had a body hand-tooled by the Mc- ers as Joakim Bonnier- of Swe-den September. Several oflier top-flight of the Canadiàn Legion held special rese-nted thlat body. Among those Hits business prospered and inl Lauighlin craftsmen and was pow- n lve edbe fBlim 1diesfo.Erp n h n And oliviearlynd0bien of B elgi div e las fo uo pad te Un-services at the Morris Funieral taýking part in the cere'(mofnY were: 1869 he moved to larger quartersered by a Buick eng-ine imported'A 11o0eal 000wtnse td'Sae ilaso prîiae Chapel on Wednesday nigh't at 7:30 the Honourable -M. B.: Dym n Enniskillen where he buîlt bisI from the U.S.A. the thrilling racing classio. Meanwhile, plans are nw finalized itseilsrie fteMsn M0.D. Ontario's Mirrister of Hlealth; f irst carniages and established tl J vtc Lspecal erics:f4heM5on Mnr. A. Carruthers,, M.P.P. (Dur- McLaughlin Carniage works. This The carniage company \vas sold1 Announicement of Canada's first' Races to be held at Mosport on Sat- hanm); Mr. G. B. Rickard, Reeve of enterprise expanded rapidly an in 1915, and the production of Chev- "Grand Prix" event of 250ý miles urday, September 9. This colourf-,l J)arlington Township; and Col. R. was moved int 1877 te a ,small thr e. 1 rolet cars commenced. Th'en in 1918 and M(tsss participation at Mos- meet, also organ ized - by the British S. MeLaughlin, E.D., C.D., LL.. story plant which he built in COsh- the companies became General Mo- port on'September 30 wvas made te- Empire Motor Club, -will include ja, F.R.C.S. (C), Chairman cf the awa. MeLaughlin's pride in his tors of Canada with Robert Samruel 'da 'by J. Ron White, Toronto, five motorcycle races and six Board of General Motors of Canada, craftsmranship and bis disdain for Mc!Laughlin and George McLaugbl- President of the British Empire Mo-' spor-ts car races, commencing at il X k tvho also unveiled the plaque \vhich poor workmanship caused by undue lin as president and vice-president tor Club. It is th'is Moter Club'A.M. W ie ahn commemnorates bis father. haste did not permit a rapid growth respectively. which will onganize Canada's first V A vaIl RobntMc~aghin apiner f f hcbuinssunil he patented a uigthsyerofd infr "Grand Prix" ei with the com- Approximnateîy 80 entries are ex-, ALE the Caniadian velki1cle industry, %vs us new gearsof e forfr lee antibuggie edraso Iandetedicarnagesyleevnt ~ornnarTyoeOnalo Otnî n theearlyfor88buggies agdeariobestecarniage industry and its re-tpeesntino andd~aiu~1 ntemtrcceeet bey narTyon, ntri, ntri i te ary 88's Tisgerwhchplacement by the manufacture of terfationale d'Automobile of Paris,. from aIl parts of Ontario, Quebec : n -Vounty in 1836. lie was the eldest1 repolutionized the carniage industry 1ewsnye.]et rciie elûnîran Jo h ca larriish an- pan sion of the arniageksto a -tive part ini the company's affairs, ing tbrougbout the wonld. least, 150 sports car drivers wilI Robert, as he grew up, becamin - millne dhe lair e t errise and it b-,himself te the suppleme ting of his Following is first appearance at d 1ar n at h i p ed kl n S P 1 A in-cae helaget cnnag~wnk ~beloved carniages by automobiles. i Mýosport,, Mess spoke in the most Bert Tom-k ins j 11He died on Novemiber 23, 1921 atjglowinig terms of Canada's new if- J A beautîful Toronto girl has been a the age of 85 after spendin g bis ternational racifg circuit and cx-v chosen as "Miss Inian Sumnmer Phone Newtonville 4721 >later years in an advisory capacity.f pressed the view it' compared fav- 1 rnSs and she will reign over_________________ Robent McILaughlia hru hbis. ourably with the best tracks in the the event andpresent trophies and nwj skill ai-id initiative became one iWorld. authentic Indian beaddresses to the_________________ efthe eutstandîng figures dunringi winner of the main event in each b e thsu e die penîod \when modemn Canadian A 4attiedrvîg Ltu 1, 3 34.ustn-y was bein-g establîshed. AI ie, ritegaoLtus19 * lu1A gala victory banquet will be CA BE N "Ir imn ý ~held in the Legion Hall in Bowmaýn- O A EI WITf Orono Wins First Oame 'ville- foflowing the IdinSunimer CRETANN f aUj 1meet on September 9. C R E T ANN .But Lose Gamne By Defcti INetoog f ntrce AT ANY lIME f U N 'w eranuf moocyl

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