Just For Kkkc[z They wor-k alone, or at mtn, in gangs ef three or toui, a.nd always by night. Their favonte spots are the small ponds an,ý miiarshy streamns that fleck thle rýich pasture lands of soutbern Louisiana, below New Orl-'eans. Tise water mrakes it e2asier for IllVn te ide the ev;idence of Itle In clumpa of woodls, theyý wail uintil g ýoitary ÇQW loshes into s -b âl allows. Th)en a rifle isi raised and a single shot f irEd, aimred frein close range sat the back ef the aninial's he.ad. Swift- Iy, one or more figures close in oum the fallen cow, slit its throat, and set te wvork remeving isauniches et beef. Then it's off to a pickup truck park-ed nearby And disappearance juteo the dar.,k. That's th)e- way soutihern Lou- isiaua's îinodern cattle rustlers work -- andi the fr-equtency with whicb they strike bas corne te pose a Major problerun for cattle growers, arnail fariners, and law cenfercement authorities in the ?ive parishes of the New Orleans area. At least 200 bead et cattle havcd, fallen Il- the rustlers in the pà!s year, according te the Southeast- eru Cattlemnen's Association, and Jefferson Parisb Deputy Sherif f Alex Courouleau tbînks the ac- tujai number is considerably hgb- er. "You ciln bel your -boots the figure is ever 1,000," the deputy aaiid recently, "and I'm- conservai- tive a that." 'Pluinb Scared': Tilting- his 10- gallon hat, fingering the bene- handleçl butt ef bis six-shooter, Courouleau. - locally known as nise rustlers' nemneais - went ou: "If only the public wouid coop- erale, we could break il up iii nolhing fiat. But the average gfuy whe sees something auspi- cous like a man packiug hind- quarters mbt a pickup truckt on P. lonely road at night turna his head andi goes int his sheil 1k s. turtle. He's plumh scared 10 ay anything." Courouleau, andc other iaw of- firare hopeful that the re- wards posted-' recently by thie eettlermens grot,-,eciied upon at a mass neetîng a.1 the Cow- town Saloon in the town of Ara- bi - will increase the present triekile of information -the law- men gel 10 a flow. "Maybe the expct~çnof reward will over- ~ilè theîr fright," Said Courou- kau. "It's 100 early 1to ll, What sets tho bo.LQslana rust- lors apaxt frcm sinaîl-time erimn- --i.als iu other parts of lhe coun- try I1$ that apparently lhey are ttityamateurs. Judging br tise few whe have been caughi, tisey are outwardiy respectable otizens ofsmnall communities netar New Orleans wbo work aI ordinary Jobs by day and turu Lito maraudera bynight. Why? Just for kicks, the laW officers fthink, 2and perhaps to impress tiseir familles with their re- sourcefuinesa. Rarely (Io they try 10 sell their plunderc; they pack il into their own deep freezers. . .... . . LEDGE END - A rocky iedge, projecting toward the Kaietur FaIts in - B,ritsh Guiona, offers o-'e of the most beautiful anrd brecithiaking views in the worid. Athough it is oniy 300 feetf wide, th4 faits has a drop of 741 feet. Lote Summer Gardeniui Tips O)ne secret of a restful garden ;s net to overcrowd. In our -ea-<erness-to, raise ail the differ- ent plants we like we are oftezi tempted to pack themn into our flIower bordera, mass shrubs close together, and give our trees teo littie roomi to grow jute nat- utral shppes. With everythirng standing shoulder to shoulider the place is like a jainmed sub- way station at the rush-hiou-r, F'or most of us, this la tdie time of year for late summrer trimr- ming of shrubs and climbing roses, foi- cutting back lush early sumrmer growth, and pruning out weak or interfering branch- es cf trees. 5omne perennials can ho ffiôved,, aisô, and iris can ho dividèd.- It is therefore- a good tirne te look'the place over and do away -with overcrowding. ShTDSs that bloorned this spriiig should have their spent bloom heads cut off. Lilacs, rhododendrons, br i da i wreath are amoug thiese. Notice, hcw- ever, where the new flower shoots are forming orc where niew shoots that -will be the source of next year's flowers are, and ,don't cut thein Off. Lilacs for next Year 1-f rm at the base of the "Y"' made by this year's two sprays. Azaleas form next year's flowers Imme- PAN-AMITY - A long way froin the homne range, in Texas, Airlines hostess Peggy Martin greets Argentine gaucho CI*- mente Pena at the. famous livestock shwi Buenop Aires. d1ia.tely after blooniing. These flower buds must net ho trimaned off. Bridal wreath bloomas on new shoots apd can ho cut bacis sevwrely. Forsythia is a lush grower, but bloomis next seaseni on this year's nexv growth. Watch for suekers from the rmots of hybrid roses. Any shoots comiÎng up frein below the graft wiflinet be the planta you bought. Wisteria ide shoots can ho cul hack te lwo leaf nodes, and unwanted leaders can be cut off. If your wisterià is well es- tabllshed, il may n-ec! prunfing every lwo or three weeks bo keep it from limbing all over the landscape. Large-flowerod clîmbing roses should ho thinfled, but do not remove ail the olti canes. for flowering branches grow fromn themn. Oriental poppies can h transplan'ted frorn uow cn, as aise can kearýdç i ris, Divide the latter, with a 1eaý noe 01o each division. Peonies toe close te- gether can ho transpianted înin August lu the ïiortb, writes PMiil- licent Taylor lu the Ghriatian Science Monitor.. This is a geod tinie te take walks along ',the bordera te see how te improve lhemi anotiler yer fthey are crowded -- as lbey probably are - decide wliat plants can ho moved or given awiay. Well-caredi-for bare soul betweeu the plants gives tbem roomr to gruw,, helps centrel mrildew, and is neat and attrac- lime. .A rnulch ef peat mess- is ujsed by many experienced .ardeniers aro-und plants and shruhs, and besidea retaiuing moisture keepa dowti weeds Look over your shade trees. Any dead weood should be pruned eut at Ibis lime, and a1sQ croWded or interferi ng branches. The cul shouli ho made close ti the junction, Small culs eau ho painted with shellac or grafting, wax. Larger cut surfaces should be coated wîth- prunîng paint. The stiff coniifers like cedara and spruçes oughl net toý be shaped by pruniiing-. Pines aire pruned b,,,-pinchinjgouI the lead- iing caudles. Yews can 15e sbýap- ed, an.d cutting th.e Ltop of an arborvitae wî]i help il widen eut. The secret of goed pruniug la freeing the tree or shrub fer more symmn-etrical and natural growtb. Pruning la not -for the purpose of rmaking a tree or shrub samaller than il wanls 10c ho aI maturity. -Someone has said t1hat the beat pruining is the kcind 1thal can inover ho delected aI all. T'o provent slipping on a stop latider or on cellar stops, herezs a - good trick. Paint the st4epa- wlth varnlsh, then wheu i e var- nish ;s stili iwet ,enkle -with aand. -When dry, the'stops wffl ho slip-proof and an accident May be Ave'rbed. China's Great WcaII Tumbling Dowl 1 la the world's greatest wall destined to crumble and eventu- aily bh-,forgotten? It seems that thila may be th* case according te a geologiat who' bas been unofficially inspecting sections of the vast twenty-five- f oot-thick Great Wall of China, which extends ",500 miles over mountains, rivers and valleys and was bujIt as, a defence against the savagýe Tartars. The Great Wall has stood for more thtan 2,000 years but~ today So)me of it is in a state of ruiri bcecause it ha long ago ouitlived its usefuineas. This giant barrier-t-he mjighti- est ever built by man-ha towers or bastions, forty-feet square at the base, erected at every hundred yards or se etitds length. It is calculated that in this single wall, on which 300,000 men worked night and day for fifteen years, la sufficîenit buî;ld- ing mnaterial to erect a barbier right around the globe at the Equator at least eight feet high and three 'feet thick. 1 Maniy of the Great Wall's. sec- tions are still in good preserva- tien. It wvas repaired by succes- sive Chinese emnperors when tneyr were threatened by invasion freithe uorth. s1 One nuthorîty on China, M'ýr. HIadlan.rd Davis, reported that rich and poor, iearned and sim- ple Chinese, spoke of the builder of the Great Wall, Emperor Shih Huang Ti, with centemnpt. Ameng 'Ëe workers were n who hadJ given hum offence, sô the Emperor ordered that thiey should do the heavicat asks of lifting and placing stoues. Those who paused fer a moment to rest were pouuced upon by a brutal overseer, kîlied and their bodies crus'hed mbt the founda- tien oet the Great Wall. The mighty eld waIi was the scene of miany terrible batties1 centuries age. As comparativeiy recently as 1933 it played a part iu the fighting in China agains.t Japan, Mickey Mantie Caught Off Base Mieckey Mautie had one of -bis rare baçl days recently. The New York Yýankee power-hitter f ailed te bit a homne run in four trips 1 te the plate, and lie was caught off base by the Federal Trade Commission. The FTC said that Mantle, who earns up to $50,000 annually in- produet endorcemyents, had al- lowed the M'id-West Creamery Ce. of Ponca City, Okia., te ad- vertise that il sold "Mickey 'Mantle's favorite milk" 7when, in tact, he neither drank --er pre- fetred it. Mantie quickly agreed that the endlorsement should be dropped. Explaining that Mautli didn't even kno.w about the Pou- ca City endorsemnent, bis agent said thé' deal had been arranged with a daîry association which lu turu hadi farmed eut the right te use Mantle's naine. It wns the first ture ne uin- ory that a celebrity had been cailed upon te prove that be reai- l-y meant what he said bi an en- dorsernent, but il may net be the last. The FTC made it clear that while iît has neo intention of asic- ing famnous people a lot of em- barrassing questions, it wifl take action on any complaints. Tbat's how Mantile gel into trouble. Que of Mid-West Creain- e-,ry's comp etiters compiained that Mantle couldn't he drinkiug ils rival's locally distributed milk. hecause Ponica City isn'l part et the American League circuit yet. How Con 1? By Roberta Lee CLASSIFIED ABVERTISINO BABY CHICKS BRAY dayolds and started availabie, u llets, mixed, and cockereis, includ- I1sg 1ome Ames. Send for Uist. Order Septembher-October broilers See local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 Jobik North, Iamiltùin, Ont. BBRRY AND ROOT PLANTS RASPBERRIES Pasl planting, strong disease-free planits. $4.00 per hundred post paid if cashwith Qrcder. Thos. Bisson, RU. 6,. Markdaie, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RESTAURANT for lease with living quarters and gas pumps in the heart 0lf thse tourist district. Character and cred- it s4ferences are required. -Apply ta Mýorris Fý. Sadller, R.R. 1. Brockvlle, Ont. THE TREASURY of MUSIC has openings in tis ares for personis of bigit character to sell miusic libraries. This should be a 1f e time job, exclusive protected territory. Our peopl'e caîl on piano teachers and stwdeïnts NO KNOWLEDGE OF MUSIC NECESSAUVY Must have car and be willing te travel withlnk resen--hom1e week ends. No age limits. Persens cho- sen will be f ully trained by Divisional Sales Manager. Commissions begin IMI MEDIATELY. Our people make higb weekly earnings Write for more infor- mation and interview, E. K. BALL PUBLISH-iNG COMPANY, Box 282 Cler- miont. Indilana. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR, SALE DOG KENNEL ESTABLISHED dog kennel for sale acres, Large brick dwelling with iside plumibissg, iocated on main highway. Qwner cdeceased. Downpam4,4 blnaon i mortgage. ýna Rose Real Esate, 78 Coffn Ont. FLORIST business for sale, 3..zere- land. 6,000 fi. glass steami heated brick bouse Ow,ýner wishes te retire. Real buy to the righit man. Appiy Box 111 Essex HARDWARE STORE .NLIAL4ARA peninisula; cdean stock and fixtures Brick building; doing $60,000 annually WilI taike mortgage on build- ing; recently remodelled. Inventory $18,000. For a good buy and a soid investment, write for appintment te .. Corupe, 36 Spruce St., St. Catharines, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE ST. MARYS DISTRICT PARMS 50 acres- -al new buildings; more land dan be bought If needed. 70 acres-6ý-roori s'ed brick lhause; barn, driveshied; henhouse. 75 acres,-6-rooem house; barri, garage, will sel or trade on 150 acres. 100 acres - paved road; 4-bedroomi brick house; barn; hog pen; shed; silo. -150 acýres- on highway; -bedroonm brick7 bouse; large barn. 220 acres - just off hlghwsy; 6-rom hous.' with modern conveniences; haras 36 x 50, 40 x 60; pole harns 45 m 60, silo; suit either dair-v or beef. MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE PROM NARR.Y E. WA0I4ORNH REALTPURS QUEEN ST. PHIONE 323 ST. MARY'$ »SALreSMAN B!IRT DOUGLAS PHO?41 1270 FARM MACNINERY FOR SALCE BUCI<EYE farm trenciter 302 model. Thtis machine has done very Iltlep work. Perfect shape. Phone GL. 1-7432, Donald C. Armstrong, 28 Hiarper Rd., Brampton, Ont. FOR tALE MISCELLAMEOUS SHOTSHELLS $2.03 box. Free delivery on group orders. Free demonstration samples. XL Explosives Ltd.., Ilawke- hury Ont USUPUL buportesi glfts, new, different, Write for catalogue. S. Lucasý, bail Or. der, Simocoe, Ontarie. I.ELP WANTED-MALE WANTED, Lin1otype Operator. Apply The Trentonïan, Trenton, Ont. LIBRARIAN WANTED MILTON Public Library requires Il- brarian witb a Casas C or better certi- ficate. 37½,-heur weeki, sick leave, holi- day psy, pension plan and health In- surance benefits; minimum starting salar, $4,011, Appiy by letter te Mr* C. S. Lockie, Chirman 0of Board. PO Box 234, Milton, Ont. MEDICAL PEOPLE ARIE TAI.KING ABOUIT THE GOOD RESUITS FROM TAKING DIXON'S REMEDY FOR R1HELIMATIC PAINS AND NEURITIS, * MUINRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1 .25 Express Collect ARTHRITIS Try 'Edoren'"! Rellable herbai treat- muent for artbritîc pains. Pleasant, Saf e, effective. Month's supply $5; mioney back guarantee. Wite for particulars. PICKETT'S DRUG STORE PICKWOOD PHARMACAL CO. LTD., MILTON, ONTAR~IO POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the tornent of dry eczemna rasbes and weeping skin t roubles. Pot's Eczena Salvýe wili not disappoint you Itcbing, scaldlng nnd burning ecze- nia, acne, ringwermn, pimpies and foot eczema will respond readily teo the stainless odorless ointment regardleas of how stubborn or hopelesa they, seemi. Sent Post Free on Receipt or Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St. Clair Avenue Ëest NURSES WANTED REGISTERED OR GRADUATE NURSES, POSITIONS open f oirfulileor part-timet dtuty Apply DIRECTOR o0F NURSINO 'TORONTO HOSPITAL WESTON, ONT. RO. 9-i1ý1, LOC15 ATTENTION PURCHASERS OF NUTRIA When purchaslng nutria censider the fellowving pointse which tis organiza- tien off ers: . 1, The heat available stock, ne corss- bred or standard types rcme d 2. The reputation of a plan v-wiih it proving itself substaniated by, files of satisfied ranchers. 3. uill isurance againat replacemesnt shouId tthey net live or l In e eveut. of steriuity (ail tsÀl1y explined tin ouk certificate of men1t). 4.w We gve yeu only mtatoswbscb are ln cdemand for fur gaments 3. You receive front this organfization kt guarasteed pelt kt in wrlting. O. Membership ln our exclusive breed- ers> association. wbereby only pur- chasers 0f titis stock a oridpt ln the henefits 50o Cffýeed 7. Prices for Breecing Stock tart- at $200 a pair. Special off er to -those ho qaiy earn your Nutria on our oprtv hasts. Write: Canadian NWuiri Lftd., R..No. 2,Stouffyille, Otrd - . OPPoRTUN»ITtES LADIES AND GI=N MEÏA .. AGla s nobarrie' ente #ri cirg the' -maa-ï quea. Cnadan 6i1ge~of Masarge'-11ý uana Avenue, Toroitc 7 OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN~ AND WOMEN4 BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CAMAOAIS LEADII4G SCHOOL Great Op)portuity-ý Learn Hirdre-ssing Plûasant dcignified profess>ýion, 900(l wag-es. Thousanda of -uccessfu1 M4arvel Gradi,ýMts Asnerica's Grett SYteTI 1llustrated Ctalogue Free Write or Ca!) MARVEL mAIRDRESSING SCMOOL 3,-8 Bioor St. W., TorontO Branches: 144 King St, W., Hamilton-i 72 Rideau Street, Ottawal PERSONAkL HYGIENICRUBER 00005 TESTED, guaraniteed, mailed in plaift iarelicdluding catalogue and sex C.re1reewithtrial aascrtmejtt. 18 for 31.0M. inpst qaitlWetern Distrtu- tos-Bx24-T PF, Regini, tSak. ÏPHOTOGRAPHY FARMUR'S CAMERA CLIJB BîOX si, rOALTC, ONT. rliiadevelepeil vné 0 rmagna prInts 40Û,'., 12 magnea prints 600 Reprints51 each KODACOLO* Developiug roll 904 <,net liidludlnU.ï rints). C,010r pints 304 each extra. Anseo and Ektachrome- 35 m.m. 20 ex-ý posures rmounted In alideS 1.0.Cler f>lt rom xlides 324 eaeh. Monley r.- fwldeel in fefr unprinted egative5., PROrURTIiEb FOR SALÉ MîODEeN 4-roor- vintelZed bungalow ln Fseeon 'aIlla.New autornatid oiÎ furniace, spacieuýs lawn, samaîl garden, usas shopping- sdjools, churches. 10w taxes, $00 VIr W W Jo)rdanf, Cas- nisngt0n, Ont. Phene 15Z. TosAcco WANTED ATTENTION tebaccogrwas, lie re psykinkg top market prices for rye,.L rruckisig arraned,. Caîl Byrôn 801, Ed- mudaTransport, KOM017a, Ont. TEACMERS WANTED AMALGAMATED achocol, ,orth Wet River, Labrador requires higli acheol teacher, muatit be able te teacil French aud Eniglisb as ch ief sbetaise pri- mary teacher fr grade onue and be- ginr.Late ,t N ewfoufldlsind salar sale plus nortýer') extrasAcomoa tio etpreailngrate s or ow n arrange- istents if preferred. U1nustiallv 1interest- lng work. Apply: Cara mla mnated School. Nor*tb W, t ivr Lattrador. TEACH-ER wantedi for Cnii Town- ship acheol; ïgrades 0oua te eight Mar- ried mac p3recferredc. Prtalvrnishied twe-roomnaaten aebui lding asm school. Rent freeitrture for janutoy service Oh henting thr1o ti No Hy- dre; no run11ing u atr. Slvthjrty'- twe hundired.Wrt Miss V.B.Mri, Secretar-y. Moose h iver, 0Ont Pi-YSICALEDCTO TEACHER IN GIRLS,' pRIVuATE DAY Pulicare lhdsibdu. odsar boar (ajdrooint fdeie Fend foil yORK MOU)S-tSCHOOL VAN COUVER, EBC. SUMMER RESORTS FOR omleeinformatin o-nimer vacation hin Mujsitoka, write for fr-ea colomrfoidaer Pa-ighton Huse. RU 2, Port Crln.or phoeeRO .5-3155, -s 't. 'N 'N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N 'N 'N 'N 'N N. N N N N N -S N N N N N Y., N N N N N N N N N N N N N '~1 N 'N N N N N N -4 N N N N N N N N ~t. N N . N N -N 'N N N .5 N 't., '5 -s, N N N s N N N N N s,, N N 't N s. -t S N N N 'N N N s' N N s N N --t s' N N N N N N N