EXHIBITION Th~e Fair hà- bren extended frOcr tlie usal one-day mfaita full tw( day oxhibiltion .with entertainifefl ~eigprovided fromt noon Frida3 uitil l ate Sa.turdtaY.~ Thicenibit and displays will b open to the 7pxibWc at 10 on Frida, and remain open until 8 p.in.. Agaii on~ Satuirday the exhillits wili ie 0o vie'w and these will include nct onl' Iýeme ba1kiii but fruit, vegpetable arcrafts, scho<l work; needbE Sgrain and tobaccO. -he Friday prograrn openipng nconI wilq include the Black an, WhTiite Holstein show, the display and( showmansh4p o! the 4-H Clu mem-jbers and the ever popula hoý,rse races. TOBaAC Co SHO0W day of hustle to the Orono Fair for the c o n aL'eu r,, jiu SJThe Tobacco show which was in- grounds where a parade o!. antIque nunterous gaiues and a inonsteYi troduced to the Orono Fair last year icr will mingle with the barries bigo91erwl asleth n- d j will have its second showving this horse and show horses for supreiU mals in MacDoniald's farm, It, was learned nt the monthly ý rd- vnn with activi- acy. The showilig of horses and týie 1Týhle, you must udrtn are 'meeting' of the Orono Çhantber ýeS1 tis eti g nerayat 7:30 pi.. (aces are always sorne of the best Qnly somof -thef atrs aftheatheOo PbiScolhld c' This will lie held in front of thei in the Province., In the cattle divi. ren would march~ as a group to the. granids-tanid. A ru of judges will, sion the2 Guernsey breeders takel Fair where it £5 1soped~ this year Orono Fair this coming rda f group ~~that a newn high wlll lie recorded ini teroo.gh cîlre idymet a .1coea new Tobacco Queen while'over f romn the Hostein group for a lie attendance record. eron hjhlre ilme i another group will jwlge the speed regional showý. t1,.- school and march to the fair 'n tadacurc .,T he tbacco 'cingwll also A special new attraction wilb In speaking to Mrs. Glbart, sec. arriving at the grounds at 1:45. Fni- '0 ias des the apearkningf the KasasFar-retary of the Fair, we were jgformn- day is actually children'5 day at ceivrwihhsba ftisfrte ed that entries in the varlous èlass- the fair when free admission is bc- GoCart racîng concl1udes Frldays'.mrnwth bis ago n ics orth es were faiý ahea4 o! that of last ing granted to theni. activities exoeping for the dancee eradiapae ttthsow ein the& Orono Town Hall. j On both days the midway v.iI lie ing o! such exhibits will exceed This will lie the first for niany "Y Saturday will prove N) lie another' in fWli swing with the mnany riles other years. ~y'ears that the children have at- ys b ar I Volur )rono eekIy Urne lie 22, Number 30 Thursday, Septe'mber 7th, 1961, Orono ,Ontario Clarke Sub-DivSiOf Seeks' Newcastle Water -' Ihe Township 'o! Clarke coun- was stafed f bat wltb «didening and cil th rough communication f rom the also liy placing a guard rail that Ontario Water Resources learned entralice info flic W. P. Ir-win stub- that an application is being rade division could lie granted. The suli- by a sub-division in the Township division is wvest o! the soutb on- ,Jusf east of the Newcastle liodary trance into the Village o! Orono. 'i3 seeking permission irom flic 0W- The eîgineer did however state in. RC to have wateir piped from New- flic correspondence tL!at sucli an oni- castle to the 60 unit sub4tVivii. france fa the suli-divisioli wouid The4 OWRC £3' considertng the' ne- croate a trafii hazard. qucst ut the present time. Final approval of a parking by- Coundcil throug'h a motion accep- law for roads adjacent f0 Mospont 'ted the road allowancO in, the Mel- %vas received from the Departmelit -ville Jones sub-division li Newton- o! Highways and was brought into ville. It was pointed out that the cff! ct liy the Township, nequineients had been met by the Te eatintoHgwysi sub-i-livider and that fthe noad %vas TeDprieto[Hgwy ! - ' 50~s gave approval for subsidyfoth Accette wsreeve fc teTownship f0 purchase -a new truck, M eton waHsprive romnte The sulisidy was liased on the 10w- Mmni-arkeH otal, oaVioftest tender o! $64-10.00. The tender tbaningClake or hei do~-t0ftaccepted was $7038.80. ~to the new adduion and stated fur- tlher thaf 75 percent o! proj oct was Tbe conditions o! the new win. mo.ew cbnlpleted. tors work program was re!ferred t< A letter was receîved from flie Counillor Stone, chairman o! fin. tCounrty' Road Engineer in whîcb if (Continued page 3) Oro0no And Port Hope Boutle It Qut Tonight The fial and> sudden-death gamne the desired win to take a one yame of the Orono~ - i--rt Hope- Major A lead in the keenly contested series, play-downs will 6e ha-mmered Dut The Port HoDpe club drove out a i n the Or-no Park tonigàt wlhen a total of 12 hits to Orono's meager 4A 1-t1a--u UUI.AiUI tlr > n he-- - - winrwill lie doterrined. This series. of wfbîoh there have been lnenabtter now rests at three gamnes aplece with oie tiedý The de- sidç'red ends ah Wt-nigit unless o! 'Course, the game rests in a fie and lias to ie- calle§1 due to darkness. Came time, we understand, îs f-ive tlhuýrty. The ort H ~ope Club tied the ser- les on .Wednesday xigt in Port Horpe by taking a 3-1 victory. lin this feature the Port Hope crew outhiti Qrono 85 and cae frDmn behind a one run deficit whiclt waa ruxi up in the finsti by Orono. Wakley ,wnt the distance for7 P-Ort HIope and rag -up his second playoff win &oer the local, boys. Stone and Kelit West 'shared the Orono mound duies. *1 Local ilorsemen Eniter j8 Plays Ente red In DrnaFaklf ir Races Drama Festival Day At Mosport Thrilling entertaininent wià ble During the weekend of 28th, 29th Mosport Park on September 901 provided again this year at the Or and 3th of September amateur ill fetucr ongeveCnaasthe At ono f air this week-end by thé ap, drama entbusiasts froni ail over ni nesinrcngevenTs, h es.n perneon 'lotb days o! the speedy Central Ontario will blieconverg- nual indian Summii ter Trogyracme standard ýbred horses. Mr. Jack Reid iiig on the small community of Or-wl ostofevneet orbh who is in charge o! this department ono. For hene in ibis small village cwill cndist o eleseetsfrbt of the fair states tbat a fine group with a population of 900 will be held o! horses will race on both Friday the annutal 1Irama Festival Tiis and Saturday afternoon with all the Festival is sponsored' by the Cen- The highlighted driver will lie benefits o! wagering pivileges. rai Durhhnm Agrieultural tSociety,1 Ludwig Heimrath who bas driveil which fuis year will celebraie itsj victonies at Mospont this year, Son f naioslOertote.ý19th year. placing himself at the h.ad o! the Someof ntafo'sb~ben -r~ten1championship calendar. The Miss and pacers will lie at the starting The Festival always manages to Whiz Lola Climax, driven by Fran- gate for the mnany race features produce its surprises. Last year, for cis Bradley, Heimirath's areh 'rival provided for your entertainmnt. example, Mn. Phil Long won ac- will bie in bot pursuit o! more class J daim from the citlc and audience Ipoints. Harry Entwbistle of Hanuil- Mn. 'Reid points out that noft on- alike for- bis magnificent effort in ton and 'bis Lotus 15 15 really p'îov. ly the best f rom other parts of the taking the lead in "The Twelve' ing these days. and a large feild of Province wilIliec in Orono but aise Pound Look at 241 hours notice. loca and U.S.A. drivers wlll lic somne of the local horsetnen vwill lie pushing the leaders.: The 'lap record out to prove their steeds. Ju~nior1 Also last year the Wbitby Thea- stands at 1 min. 29 secs. for the 2.45~ West, one o! Orono's sportsmen wil tre Guild having received one o! ieMsotcusadi ol appear lioth days dniving Canne's the iumnerous awards in the Or<oomile Mosor courSe nptemb ouldn Pride and will lie seelçing top posi- Festival, went on to even greater wl elwrdo etme t tion for bis horse, Another avid giory by winning the Arthur Geiber horsenian will lie Gerald Robinson Tropby for accomplishmeiit in 'the Motorcycle racing this year has who bias this summer reached suc Regional Ceintral Ojtarjo Drarma bee particulanly closely fouglit out, cess at the Woodbine with bis borýe Con Wednesday, September 13th, at and Ivor Lloyd, winner o! the July Brcltwhere tbey were out on Festival. 1st International Kaye Don races; top in a nuinbler of features. Gerald, BbWbtrwocpe h a diving Bracelet, williec i the fea Entnies have been subriitted this tional Cbamnpionsbip in' August, ture Saturday afternoon and, states year from Pickering, Whitby, Peter- and Ed La Belle a previous Inidiai Mr.Reî, illli a etur t Wîl.borougb, Lindsay, Woodville, Osb- Summer wvinner will lie trying f or He will lie opposed by seven other awa, Rowmanville and Orono. Ofthcekrdflg top Ontario horses among wh-4eh these, Peterborough's Knox Thea- will lie Mighty Ricb owneo! y R, J, tre Group was last year's Festival Actiing as bonorary starter f o' Ritfhie, Torbnto and1 J&rtiny DleYvnnrand the Oshawa. Little the twô' feature events will bý owned by J. Bail of Baltimore. 'Theatre the runner-up, 'Prîncess Indian Surnmert' anc when the boys see ber, tbey'll bE Anohe Studâ fatrewil ie Mr. Leonard Crainford wilV have evean more~ anxiols for the firsi Anohe Studa f -tue il b the difficttlt task o! adjudicating pce, the lovely trophy, the auther trotters !rom Onftaio.1 non deparfment which allowed Or- ono to run Up a 6-4 vicfory. The - t was alsli pointed out that Dr. -amne was played in the Orono à. J. Taggant and Edgar Middleton Park. o! tbe Village willibe contenders in Ronnie West started the game th ae a h art- sweed for Onono wbenh le took first on a wvalk, sacrificed to second F Lycett and scored on a dryv D ire Desr s ighft field by Dean West. drive ts, bonne also sconed in the first wben T obacco And Kiln ,e also tool f irsti on a walk and gtole second fin ally ta score. Or- ono added two futher counts in [the second when Don Mercer reach- Fire on Tuaesday night, close to led f irst on a Port Hope error wbich rnidnighvt totally destroyed a tobac- was followed by single bits to Jini co kiln oft W. E. Adarns on the 3rd 1also scored in this rally. fine o! Clarke. Thle kiln at the tinte the fullofndthbuil adingewatss- timnated at $4500f00 cameUp wtfl ronomutliue 1eut J - iC r awards. Mr. Crainford is well- known botb here and in Amenica and also in Great Bitain not only as a Founder Member of the Cana- dian Guild oft Draia Adjudicators, but aso as a crtie lecturen, teacher and actor. In the latter capacity be bas appeaned on. televlslon and ra- dio for the C.BC, The plaques which will 6e -award- eci for the group and '4ndividual a- wands will be on display at the Or- ono Fair this week-endl. Mosport, a 2.45 mile roadl course is si'fuated north o! Orono. The r 't seint a t tu/et evigw5 1nwsw at the Brentwood Motel Resta.urant. Two new memibers were welcomned to the Chaniber on Tuesday night. They were Mr. Jim Stubt, owner o Stutt Pharntacy, Orono, and Mr. Ken Ferrin, proprietor of the Brentwood Motel and Restaurant. A letter was received from- Mr. Carruthers li which he stated that consideration was being given as to more adequate signing on 35 and 115 Highways in respect with Orono day includes the type of orgaflizau Iiin t-eir brie! "montiei" coStume3« tion and racing w hich the Briltlh Indian Summer Trophy Races Empîixe Motor Club is fanmed, then ft(rt il aý.m. September 4th, 196. the Indian Summer Trophy Races Admission $29.M. Eleven Events. must be your outing for the day, "Princess Indian Summýier" will Camera fans will have ample op- lbe there. Winnersreee authen- portt»iity to "sniap" "Princess In- tic Indian Headdresses. Banquet at dian Summer" and her two escorts 8 p.m. at Bowmanville. Mariorie Anne Best BriQe 0f Watyne Hooey Orono United Chunch was the! Mrs. Paul Rutherford, Kingston,1 setting for the wedding of Marjorie I was niatron o! hon*tur and thle J Anne Best~, da'ughter t' >tMr, nd D*<idesnaids wene Miss carn - Mrs. Horace Best, Orono, -and j Tennant and Miss Catbryn iiooeY I Wayne Leonard Hooey, son o! Mr. sister of the groom, botb o! Bow- j and Mrs. A. L. Hooey, Bowmaiiville. manville. They wone street-length The wedding took place ,eý,gust dresses styled allke in graded1 26th-2 at four p.m. Reverend W. K. shades of! hue silk ongaxiza over H-ousiander, Bowman ville was the mafching taffeta. fitted bodice with off iciatiny clergyman. The chunci a scoop neckline and full slcîrts [ was deconated with standards o! with cumnmerliunds o! taffeta at the 1 wbite gladioli and white muras. Mrs. waist. Tbey wore short white kid 'M. Staples played the wedding mu- g-loves. Tlhe beaddress was a rose sic and accompan'ied the soloist Mnr made o! matching taffeta with nose John Ford, Toronto. ,veils, and tbey carnied nosegays o!l The bride, given in marriage by white gladioli wifhb hue pom pomn ber fatbe'r,- wore.a- ful iengtb gown muims fe match eacb dress. o! white peau-de -soie fashioned wif h Neil liooey, Bowmaniville, was a !itted -bodice and elbow length best maxi-for bis brother'-aun4 thew sleeves , scýoop neckliine, fashioned ushers were Mn. Douglas Garnsby," on princess uines, falling straiglit Oshiawa and Mn. Ronaldi Bèst, bro- ai the front and for-ning a slighit ther o! the bride. train at the back. Long- white elbow The recepf ion. was held in theu langf h gloves were worn. Acicu aSnday Scbool Room of the cbunch crw o mprcdoaneblsom here the ýbride's mother receie he h fli'ingetOip -eil o! -k lr u' na pninted beige and brown Ilinen jion and she c2arnried a cascaue o! dr'ess and miatching jaci<et, green, j in elgh oss.w itecanatiolas accý(essonies and orsage of Talismen. broýcade dne8s wlth matchlng jaect and bat With brown accessories 'and corsage o! talîsmen roses. Fo te oenymoon trip to Ot- tawa the bride wore a suit o! deepe b~rown, lione accessories -and cor- sage o! bronze nmns. 1On their return the couiple will ireside at 590 Lawrence Ave. W.. Toronto. Guesf s attended frnmLond<on, Clarkson, Barrie, Woodville, OShI- awa, Gravenbhurst, Peteýrbo ro, port I-ope, Toronto and Port Credif. The bride is a graduate O! Teacli- er's, College, Pet erboroughi and £3- now commencing lier fc rh :year alt Gien Park School, Nort h York. la June the staff made a qreseýntatîofl o!f an electnic fea. kettie. In. August Misses Grace Tbrendylc and J'yI Miller, Toronto, were hostesses at -a dlinner party at Suniset TerracC Restaurant at, whicb imeuse! ut giffts and a bnide's book were ýpro'- (Continued page ~ 7, t - t' Tokens" for new citizens who may move into the Village. A census c the local businessmen is t» lie taIt- en to find their reaction to this Mdea The president informned the meet- ng that the next meeting would a- Iain lie held at the Brentwood when the Orono Higli School Honour stu- lents would receive the Chamber Siwards for obtaining tl-is position during the past schoo term.. It 'wiWl also lie Ladies' Night. Hope Twp. Consid ý rs Canaraska Requesi Representatives of the Ganar- aska River Conservation Autliority and the Departifent of Planning and Commwerce approached Hope Township council regarding, ex- pending the limnits of the Authorlty to înclùde al of the townshp of Hope. Fred Jackson, Department of Planning and Commerce, outlined the neasons for the nequest . He said that Hamilton Township and the town of Coboutg had neqxiested ad- ittance and thene was a strong possibulity that Clarke -TownshiPl- would apply following their next council meeting. Hie also said that the AuthonltY would like to set a certain systeTu for collecting money. There wereI now. some 30 Authonities' in the province and ail but the Ganaraska Autbority had some specific systemn o! collecting, he said. The present system was established 15 years ago when the Autbority -first fornted. Hope Township by a "gentleman's. [agreement" bas been paying. $1400 eac'h year. The Authority hopes to estabish a system on the basis o! assessinent 1at a suggestec l half-ill rate. Thïs would work out to approximately 1$1600 per year for the~ wh(-kýleof Hope Township at this rate. R.eeve Stewart Gray said he' Swould like bis council to give soifle', i misideration to the approach li-- fore making any definite decisioli. "The' Autboritv in the past has ,done some excellent work and bis . oroposal is weIl wortb considering," 1he said. 1 1 1