,ÔFONO WEEKLV TIMES THURSDAY. SFPT.EMBER 7, 1951 Medium Size 47c ESQUIRE POLISH Szu--ff Kote btl 35c ShI Polîish tin 25C Fetr!10c off paek For Dishes G',--NTLE FEUS 73C Featý'urel Save 6c - 2-lb. Creamed Bilie Bee Honiey 53e Best Buy! -- Shiortenin.g - Save 6c - 4ec-off Paec 1-lb. Pkg. SNOWFýL AKE, Best Buy! Save Sc -2e Off Pack - 15 oz. T in Sest 1'Eu y F-'Ros e Br and -SaveIlie eARINE Best Buy! - Heinz Fresh Pack- Save 9c il-oz. Bottie Secst Buy! - ave 6c Chieken Noodie - Tom-ate Viegeta LiptoqOP Snow White No. 1 Large Heads Ontiiarjo Nb. i'1 6 cit. Basket Ontartoj No. Ï - smalli YelIow OIN CInt ar io N,).'l able 3pkgs 35ec r-eature! Save 10e Maple Leaf -6c off Pk. ChedR Spread 49e C(-ooked iHam$1 .49 Feature! Save" lie -York Brand 12-oz. tins Me a t lBails 2 for 59e Feature! Save lie - oldi Seat Solid White Tuna Fish 3 for $ 1 Fetr!-Save 7c - MAaple Leaf - lbh. pkg. Deluxe IS PIC K LIN G TIME I VINGAR gllon75c lviason - Sma7lI Size Supreme rn - 3 oz. cello $1149 21c 13C SI C7ERTO CRYSTALS23c $100900OAddition To Newcastle Plantl TheDuruinCo-oper'ative Grow- erýs Storage iie have luce aplan 1to ices h ieo hi cent. The cost of teprojeçt a miounts to $0000.00 forwic a feeralssièdp was ,inmntI d r- centby in the amount Ci $3333300. The grat was approved und'er the! CoIld Storage ÀAct and Regu-lations-. The anniouncement was imade bYj Dr. R. P. Vivian on beI-,af of Agri-; culture Min ister, Alviii Hamilt6n. Mr.Iri Colville, presidet of the Co-ope-rativýe, points eu',t!tha due to inrese pple preductioni in tbe area and moogst thie members of the Co-op thiat thie addition is nleededi. It was ise- pointed eýut that a, number of new young or- chards are mnaturing and the. clapl- ac(ity at the presen)t luint is nwi fuli use each year. henew. abditin wilWad"to Slubd:iviLsionî (Continued frocm page I ance. A by-law giving the Durbiam Dis- trict I{igh Scheol Board !the ap- proval te borrewv a sum of $675,- 000.00 for the new Clarie school asgiven two readZings. A road closing by-law was alSO given twe readings affeeting lot 23 in the inth(l concession. This sec-' tieni of road is thie uno)pened inthli It was learned at tbe meeting- that the R e H. E Walkley, will be at - tendig th Road Convention n anfas arerentieote Best anid Hoo0ey~ (Cnlued fror-1 page 1) ,Conted.1 1,1n!Orýoo rsBy'd Wood,' Misses Joan Aliderd wr hostccsses in hJ I.OO.F Hll for, a miscellaneousi shower wbee any loively gifts, wvere prçisented. The groom attenCýdd Wodcville Public and, Coinuation Sehool, Or- onio and BomavileHgh Shos Un1iv'ersit y of WsenOntarie, Lnna' js oMcommenjCing bis final yer at Osgoode Halî awv Sehool, Toront. Testaff ofth Candian .tiImi-perialBn of Corn- merce OslawaKi*ng and Smo 3treets, whe,-re the groom has be emlydthe paist f i\-(,summer, maea presenitatien anid best Wlsi- es were extended býy the manage'r STABLES anci PUMIPING OUT SEPTICTAK Bert Tmpîs Phone Newtonviiie 4721 or edelling your present one then contact -. W.McQUAY g REALTOR o M77ChurCh St fl owmanvilleRMA. 3393 nepw controlled-atmospbere roomns iii wihfrom 20 to 25 thousand bush- el]s ofape will be stored. It is ex- pected to have the addition coiple- *1 *2 *3 te this faiL It wM!lmeamsOur: 100 feet,1 The present storage capaiety Le- ic 100,000 bushiels. The original plant was built hi 195i0 by the shareholders who ncyw rnmber 38. Peridicaly ther fruits and veý-, etabl)es are stered at the plant hut 1 he main itm beld Un the teme Atuivd contrelled roems is appies- Quick-ignitng, high in heçit. Clean burning ... helps prevent burner troubles. Automatically delivered'with personal attention fa your needs..11 -Cati us now to arrcmnge for next winter's comfort. uORONO FUE-L & LUMBER LIMITED Orono, Ontario. YAL Phone 14816 Bowmanvil1e MA,'-. 3 -5 58 9 TIIREE EXCELLENT FMATURES COMING VhIS Thurs. t73,Fni. -Sat,, 7 4&9:30 Roe-kHusn Kirk< Douglas, Dorothy ýA a] 0ne in Mon. Tue., Spt. l - 2 ai 7:30 p.m AN D B3egiriniing Next mVad, Sept, 11. atd7:3 ANl in Color DRONOTISOPI SIIE ET B-il AINTSetc . R. LI LOGAIN, Prop. Phone 11816 Orono, Ont~ario N rhrite - Retail value 70c WriîingS et 9 Twin Pens - Red and Blue Ptc RZA Das Saee CURITY inch Save 4c 5 yd. 35c be 3~assuredf with MeLarétn'.s FUEL OIL pkg 27c,,,% 10 for 95c Bes Bu! -Save 19'c - i2-oz. Tins K -M Lu-ncheoýn Meat 2 for 79éy 2for 45c, '4 $ -i -i -4- s '4 '4 -4 -4 * -4 -4 -4 t- '4 4' '4 s -4 4 -4- -.4- 4' 4' '-4 -4' '4 '4 4' -.4 4' 4' --4 44 ~~1- F-eature! Save 15e - P3illsbury ~RED AND WIlTE 1 1(