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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Sep 1961, p. 5

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ORONO WE-£<LY TIMES THURSDAV. SeFTEMBER 7, I Fid Crops Iniprove The monthly crop and îste ePort f romn the Ontario Depart- Iment o! Agriculture states that be- ýcause of favourable w,,ýarm humid w.Neather with frequent showrs, lield erops have improved in appea-r. ane~ and now generally promise normal to slightly above normal yields. ~E In Durham ,County oats, barley, mixed grains, hay and clover and 1AE-tth ,ahae ur all pastures are above niormal while, siýng Home on Wednesday, Septem- potatoes, fodder corn and corn for ber 6th, 1961, Louisa Jane t>avey, grain are below normal. Fail wheicat, beloved wile of the late Edgar soybeans, buclewheat and turnips Davey, formnerly of Leskard and are normal. The preliminary esti., dear mnother. of Mary Leone (Arin. matela urha fo fai what strong), Mil&red Martha (Dent) mat i Duha fr fllwhet sland John Harry Davey, in her 35 bushels per acre, 50 bushels per1 82nd ye-ar. Resting at th'e H-. H acr fo oas, 5 ushls ev cr Barlow Funeral Home, Park St., arfor barle, 4 bushels per acre o Orono. Funerai servié2e at the Funý foibe grai8and.5 ts per acre o eral Home on Friday, SepteMber grai and2.5tonsper creSth at 2 p.m. Interment Orono Cern- for îwi first cutting of hay crops. etery. ORONOI SE PT EM BE FRIDAY Seplember 8 Black and Wite Show 4-IH Clubs Ilarness Racing 7:30 pm Tobacco Show Choosing Queen and Tieing C6ntest Go-Cart Racing Friday Evening Dance Friday NigLi Town Hall Orono F8&9 SATURDAY Seplember 9 Ilorseshoe Pîtching Gyuernsey Show Rarness Racing Big Horse Show The Kansas Farmer, DRESSES Our new Fall Dresses have tarted te arrive. In the grotêp are ail the new fabrics including double knits, oron wool jerseys, tweeds and crepes. There are rich new Fail shades ini plains and prints. Sizes 9 to 241/2. Priced f rom'$12.U95 to $24.50 RTATS In our selection of ladies' Faîl Mats are ail tSe newest styles înicluding the deep cloches, niew pÏilîboxes, be-retsý) anid turbans. There art velvets, wool feits and velours in beautiful new Fail -shades - Price $2.95 to $10.95 WOOL SLIMIS e xpýrtLýy tailocred. Gay new, tartans and plinM hads îf r îwaI r. Szs8t 0 TAILRED LOUSES "Londn Lasie" B ouseso war wvith skirts andt slacks. hrth eq arter aiong slezeves. Prints andi plaJins.S,-,es 12 to 18 Prce 2,98 to $13.98 LADI ES' SWEATER',-' We are Cleariýng a few d ciscontiniued lUnes in Swmeatters, nmadýe jh a famoius mraker. Cardigans and Pullovers in lmsol rlonür or Ean-Lon. Sizes '34 to) 4.Regular va[lues t 1.5 Yojur Choice $3J.95 MEN'S SPý'RT SIIIRTS We have redur-ed thýe balance of our men's sport shlirts. These are wvell-tailored shirts with long sîeeves, ideai for Fa;liWear. Sizes S. M. Lc and XL. Regular --sale price $3.95 Store OpertArImorng'o Ni n ciaya Ev enngn Fritay and aura Open Aýil Day INetl-1ezsday rlj SU.,NDAY, SEPTEMIBER 10 CHULRCI-tSERPVICES Les .......... ..- 2p. SUNDAY SCI'IOOL Kir-by---....-........... Il a-ni~ Letkard . .~~Pa- GIANT MIDWAY - MONSTER BINGO - ALL RIDES MERRY-GO-ROIJIND - FERRIS WIIEEL - Etc. MacDONALD'S FARM DQMESTJC SCIENCE, NEEDLECRAFT, ART, DISPLAYS LOCAL NEWS Miss Almna Cuttel pent the week-end with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Junker, Preston, Ont. Rev. and Mrs. John Kitchen and son of NîagaraýFalls visited friends in Orono last wveek. Mr. and Mrs. Perey Hayward,i Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Champa, Iroquois Trail, Ohio, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Raye West and1 f amily on Sunday. Mrs. Donald McGee and children are with Mr. and Mrs. Les, McGee1 while Don is working In Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Beddington, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and M'Nrs. Alex Watson and cal]- ed on other friends. I Mrs. C. A. Cuxmming, Bowman ville, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cum. ming, Bob and Barbara of1 Kitchen er visite(] on Snnday with, Mr. an~J Mrs. Carl Billings. Mr. Carmen Bendeli, London, Ont., spent a few days witb Mr. and Mrs. Percy Morgan. Mrs. Harry Bailey, Wayne and Lynn visited an Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bailey, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin String, Brant- ford, Ont. spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Morgan. Mrs. Campbell and children are visiting with her mother. Mrs. H., 1Bowen. Major E. Camnpbell and Mrs, Campbell and family have resided in Surrey, Eengland for the past two years. An old time cheverie was held last night when friends of the re- centy married Mr. and Mrs. >Lantz Pain assemnbed at their homne with 'noise makers. IMiss Elizabeth Reid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Reid. Ë<iiby, is on ]oan to the Armed Forces through the Board of Education of Port Arthur. to teacl at. Hemer, West Phalia, Germany for two years. She has visited Paris and seveal pacesin Hollanld. Robert Robinson r-eturned 1o j onlast we-edafter spending9 two ee-ks, at The Onptario ,thletic Leadlersip apLkeCuc ching. Mr._ and Mrs. Zipzer and seven children fron, Toîedo. Ohio visited the latter's rmotheMr.E. GradY for a wvee-k. M.and Mrs. J. C. Tamlblyfl and1 family are t+îiis week moving to Oshawa. Scolopened -in Orono on, Tues" day as it did throughOut the Pro-, vince. The enrolmertt in the Publie School jumped again this year and on Tuesday reaehed a mark of 185 pupils of which number 27 went into grade 1 for the t irst time. The enrolmen.t in the schooi last year averaged around 175 pupilS& The enrolmnt In the- schoil was not as, large as expected being due to the shifting of families. The Ôrono- $igh Sehocd recorded an enrolmeflt o 122 On Tuesday which equals that of last year. Two new te-achers have taken up1 their cluties at the Orono High~ Sehool while one new teacher is on the Public Sehool staff. Those f rOm the Village of OronO played a considerable part in the annual exhibition J port Perr)ý on Saturday which ranged from the horse show tei the Mnusic depart- ment. 11th, hrns$herse division 3 drive-rs took part being Junior We-st diriving Cannes Pride :for a tidadfourth. Edgaqr Mdlt foud mre vccsswith a f irSi in the irt het ad athird in the owne by aroi eoy o Ore. i trinng tX woeay1irts for a-1 son ameout n tp frm te stàrt retredfasttîefor th[e hait, Oroo asais rp-sen)ýed by INSTRUCTION IN Piano Violin Organ Singii FOR BEGINNERS At4I ADIVANCIED PUPILS Preparation for Conservai Examinations HENRY HAYEI Organist Orono United Chu 517 Burnham St. Cobourg, Ontario WE-' ROLL-ON4 DEODORANT ~ y YARDLE un* anti-perspirant *rolls on easily and dries ia-.seconds / / *lightweight, unbreakable 's ligtly scented to keep f \ V you flower-fresh ail day Stutt's ~~ Phirmcacy Phone 168J Orono, Ontarlo FAIR vWEEK MnsPEIL MesWhite Handk-erchiefs, generous 17" x 17" with 1/,2 in. hem. Quality hankies at a budget -12 for .98c Lunch Box Kits, comprizes Box and Vacuum Flask. Complete ....... .........$2.15 Don't miss this! Aluminum Sauce Pans with cover. 7 pint capacity.................. $1.215 Cotton iasnel Shirts, Assorted patterns, med- îum~ weight. Boys each....$1,00 Mens...$169 Lde s G ngha, Se evel ess s anii ze assor-tedcor. gua$1Ofo... .. e BayDol yaaasre p iadhblue Lad0'iesSmmrShe"u o 1.59 prn.J!This wVeek Sp)ecial Pair................98C Dishl Clothes, MuLlti Color futi 1'3 in. x 13 in. Special......10c or 6 for------57e Sýponiges, super Soft - Cellulose for kthn bathroomi and cars. Cello Package. 7 for ...... 25c Biefjs, Ladies and Misses Rayon, assorted cor.Sizes sm--alli, mad. large. Trhis week package of 38 for .... ..................85 Lowney's Bridge Mixt-,ure. Pound ......... 53C I RONO 5c, TO $10 STO"',êRE 1 tI OPEN F'R1DAY EVENINGS N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N NI N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N *~ N N 'y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'k N N - g UPHOLSTERING D REFINISHING Have your work done by experts itory Phone collect for Free estimates Kennedy iurch Upholstering Ltd. PORT HOPE î TU 5-4054 T.5~2

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