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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Sep 1961, p. 7

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He Has The Desire - Also The Skili When the Professiornal GoJfers, Association chamnpionship bgr iii Chicago last rnonth, the pros ,were talking about themawh wasn't there: Jack Cupit, a 23- yearý-old Texan with brown hair ', green eyes, and a golden tuch. 'Jacky hits a long bail," said George Bayer, the pro tour's longest hitter. "'ci' say he's the best player in the country under ",Jacky's a real good putter," 2dded Bih1 Casper, who, when his gaine is on, is the pro tou's best7putter. "IIe's remarkable," suggested Gary Player, the mnost remarlc- eble golfer of 1961. "If he has the esire, he cani develop into sne of the great ch amnpions-." Jacky Cupit, 5-foot-9 and 165 poundis, has an abuandance of desire. "My ambition?" he drawl- ed,, as ho resteii in Hlouston. (Hle wa-,sn't eligible for the POA, not having been a Pro for the ncces- sary five years.> "I just want to becomne the best golfer in the world." Only two months ago, Cupit was one of the most obscure ehampionship golfers- in the world. !Even though lie won 39 amateur tourarnmerits and made the colleg-e All-Aneýrica.n teamn at the University of Houston, lew people outside golf's cogpos- <renti knew his namie. Then, in the U.S. Open, Cupit put his manie ii headlines. After two rounds of 72, hie fired a sizzling 47 and mnoved inte second place. He slipped to a 76 in the final roun~d and wound Up in a9 tie for ninth place. Since the Openi, Cupit, one of Ilve golfing bro thers, has been the hottest golfer on the tour.- In eix tournaments, he hQs won nearly $9,000. At bis peak in the Canadian Open, with brill7ant rounds of 66-69-64-71, he, won his first major prof essional ehamnplonship. Tied for second: Buster Cupit, 34. "I ýhope I can keep' up the pace,"' Jacky %aid. "Some young goelfers get everconfident when they do well the f irst few ,months." He smniled easily. "I don't expect that to happesn te me," he said, "'ve worked toc hr o iret here." They Stili Say 'Th. ISaII's The Sanie ,ê.G. Spalding & Bros. of Chi- 0pe, Mass., prides Itself upo0n ioKess -in every fild ~but one. ha MProV1ýd ' footballs andi basketballs, tennis balls anxd golf balls. "But the mnajor-le6gue baseballis aunehangeti," Insista, EZdwin Parkèe, the firm's presï- dent. "The sPecijficatîozs ar'eex- atly the &&me as in 1926., The baseball has a cork center gurrounded by a layer of black ýubber, a 1ayer of reti rubber, 121 yards of rough gray weol, 43 yards of White wool, 53 yards cf fine gray wool, 150 yards of white ctton, a coatng of rubber ce- rnenit, and a horsehide cover. Its ziernference is P to 9Y4 inches à»nd its weight 5 to 51/4, ounces, Mach sten in the process. incluti- Red Strongmin Amazes Britin One nen-cosmonaut Russian te mnake z deep impression on Lon- don during the very busy sport- ing-curn-social season is Yury Vlasov,. .Reputed te be bthe world's strougest man, he turus tbe scales at 268 pounds, wbicb is quite a weight lu auiybedy's language, whetber it be inter- preteti mbo 19 stones 2 peunds, or just left at 121.557 kiiegrams. He halls from the Soviet Union .where h. bas a job as radio en- gineer witb bbe Red Army. The purpose of bis vîsit te London was ln connectioi with tbe jubi.- le. celebration of Britain's Amia- teur Weigbhifting Association. The mighty Viasov matie a spe- cial contribution. He celebrateti with a world record et bis own lun the bwo bauds and erk sec- lieu. This is tbe third' and ast ef bbe tbree prescribed exercises whicb go te constitute- a complet. lif t. Vlasev's jerk was a Hercuhean heave ot 4511/4 peunds. Thus thec ivold msark b. hiniseîf had set wben winning the Otympic golcf miedai at Bomne ast September was upgraded by 5 pountis. Iris, thrte-lft aggregate, however, ý,-;as 1,157 pouuds, or semne 27 less 'th'ax that with wliicb 'he sbook bb th oidtons of Reme's Pahaz- zebto teloSport. Language diWficulties prevent- ed reporters fromx getting a clear uxu4rstanding as te just wby the- 27 potinds went amiss. Or, te b. precise, the 32, for baving gaïined 5' ou the jerk be was that mnucb înferl!or on thie twe hands dlean and press and the tvo baud& inatch. We gathered, however, that tbe glantt lasoy was riystitied and disapponted and therefere net absolutely at peak ferm. Nevertheless, it, was torm wblch 1.f t bis rivats trailing. The reason fer Uic mystica- tioin was the average Loudoner', lack of awareucss about these weightlittlng jubile. celebra- iens, Competitors had arriveti fromj- many eoiutrics; the Soviet Union, the Unlted states, Fi,- ]and, Hungary, Pelauti, Malays, aud British Gulana amng themï, but tb. citizens and their press A HOI.E IN ONE - This rind frame offers a ïeed's-eye vicw of Lerry Workmncin, 11, as lh. firishes cf a slice of ,w/aterrneon Li a local coniest. scarcely noticed themrL. And the venue, the Scala Thenter ini Chialotte-street, was very miuch au otfbeat stage te that wbich Vtasov and comip2&ny were used te back ho-ne, Back homne, Vlasov bas been uised tei the treanent 'accorcled te Soviet hercies. Last year he was voted No. 1 Sportsman et the Year and te hlm f.ll the bonor et caryîng the Soviet fiag at bbe Olympic march past un Rome.Fewof us present wil ever ferget 'the sight of this mighty mrnrcarrying at tbe end et an outstretch. amwbab ap- peared te b. a treec4nunk frorn which tb. bamnimer end sickle banner flapped lu the breezes. He only cbianged arms twice ait the way round. Vlasev, whose prowess is net el cntirely below the shoulders -bhe aspires te iterary werk - takes this business of lifting bar- belis very serieusly. H. was ap- ;palled at the leck et facilities 'heB. ritish previded, or, to h. exact, tbe hack et facilities the British had with which te pro- vidie. In. Brituin bbe BAWA is eue et tbe lesser ot tbe mineor sport- lng associations and kept alive ouly by the. entbusiasm eoft he llmited number of ultra-keen. It la lu receipt oftrio stabe subsidy enti because thii nber et people wbe pay te wabcb are fewer than thbe people i,o participate, bbe ameount cf moimy aaialei ;sIender. Ib was net surprising with bis massive trame te fill that Vlasov sbeuld have somie comment tw make about lack' et sufficient prebeins aud ether supplements te bis uutrýiment, but be sbould net have been surprised at neo masseur being ou cal. British. wveightlifting and weightliftiug gexierally, has te dispense witb, such luxuries. The disappointed Vlasov, et course, Could have becu mis- taken on bis receptien lu Lon- don if h. bad been informned lie was goiug te b. the same sort etof central figure that Onbitman Gagerinws when h. was there a few weeks carlier. On that comparison bbc werld's streng- êst mnan would appear e. mere nobordy. once ou the stage, Vlasev was very much a aomebody. Just bow lie takes the equlvaleut of one-and-a-half timies bis owný bodyweigbt and thrusts lb up above bis bead is truly astound- ]ng. America's Bill Niecler, bbc, Olymnpic sbot-putting champion cari testify to Ibis. Que day dur- ing a get-together lu Rome',-.s Olympie village, Vlasov got hohd et al of Nieder's 235C pounids and beki it at arms' leugth above bis head. On coming clown, Niedler nemnarked that h. woullcl't have believcd lb possi- ble if h.i hadin't beeni there. Bill Vaughan: Tbanks te tb. alertuiess oethle sportscasbersad the miracles 0f m-odem icomi- miiunicattion, lb las often possible, te kuow the score o et ev n ajor- football gameic in the country - excepb the one te wbicb, you are listeniug. NN Living on a moderate incemek, ien't se hord . . if jondoiVt triE tecp il secret. Hunters Asked To Spore WiId Ducks ResouLïrc es Minutet r Wa 1ter Dirisdale has appealed by open letter to fish and game club mnembers i li t h r e e Praîrts Provinces, and tý-cstern Onitario '0 help his Department iform duck hunters t'hat canvasback aind redhead duclks, whîch are, in short supply, shoufld not be shot' this year. 1 11e said that sqvere drougbit condcitions on the Prairies, w1tere 70 per cent of the wild ducks in North America nest and% raise their young, have 'seriou si af fected waterfowl production unf geni-eral and the already 10w can- vasbýLack and redhead populations in particular. 4"If breedisg stock is to be mantindtô Pr-Ovide Lfor rea- sonable comec-back when habiitat conditions im-prove, We imust make even greater efforts this yeair to reduce the kil of these t~wo spLeies." He f, d ~mention, -howevýer, that "hunters will b. ailowed one canvasback or red- head, duck as a mistake bird. This provision has been macle so that if one of'these du&ks is shot by acci,'ent, it will niot be disearýded- by the hunter to avoid peatand so be"-w-asted. "To help huniiteiËs leahnIo--le cognize canvastbgcks a nd rizd?» heads, the Canadian Wikhife Service will be distributin., iden-1 tification pamphlets on these two sp-cies, throughV our pro- vincial gamre, departments, te li- cence vehdors ln western On- tario, lÇýlantoba, S-askatchewan an-d Aibcrta. Pamphlets will aiso L supplied to R.C.M. Police D- tachments, Hudson's Bay Com- pany posts, Indian, Affairs of- fices, and post offices. In ail, a quarter million of these pamph- lets wvil b distributed. In ad- dition, television spot antieunce- ments will remînd hunters te pick up Pamphlets when they buy their licences." M1vr. Dinsdale askýd foir "the chib's ce-eperation, în «rnlzing, the tacts sufficiently well known that hunIers going into the fieldi this year will b. able te recog- nize male or femate canvasback and redhead ducks anti know why they shouldn't b. ihot. This is on.etfthe important contribu- tiens organized hunIers can. make Ibis year'" "lu recognition et the special rote that members ot fisb anti game clubs can play in educa- lion and public information on conservation maîfers, niy De- partment will bc sending copies eof ail press releases en thîs subs- ject te clubs in the arcas 1 have mnenbioned." The. letter ended, "As large a bree4ing population as possible should b. ,available next year. 'Whebher,. naturalist or bunter, iYou Will b. th, Žbeneloiiar' Cleun-Up On The Mexicun Border The whisky distiller wbo macle a national reputatiou as head ef Pemiex, Mexico's nationalize4 efl industry, was bard at work again. His new assigument: A cleanup of the whole 1,600-mile U.S.-Mexicau border troan the Pacific to th~e Gulf of Mexico. By the time he got, Antonio Bermudez promiseti, hait & h u nd re d min - rdden honky-tonk border towns that line bbe Mexicarn frontier wouhd be trausformced into "Th&, Long.. efst Show Window in, th* world."f Onetinse maynor ot J'uarez,' *Tony" Bridez was named director et Méeios Eedteraj Program hasýt wiuter. His pro.- gram la, a costly One, but Der- mudez expeets lbit ventually te pay for itself. As a, starter lnst mnonth, bulldozers stéarted moving eartb lu the 550-acre river botomr land lu the center, C-'fLASSIFIEO ABVERTISINO BABY CIK FBLE copy "Ailles In-Cross Poultry Management Guide". WUll help you get better cegg production, tfrom lany tlOcks. Contact Bray agent or wýrite Bray Nattliery, 120- John North, Hamilton, Ont. BUSINESS PROIRTIES FOR SALE FLORIST business for' sale, 3aer6 land, 6,000 ft, glass stearn heabedl brick house. Ownier wlshes ta retire. Real buy ta the rlght mïan. Apply Box 111 Essex, D005 FOR SALIE MIERRITT HOUNDE FINEST of the Real Old Time Black& Tans. Long Eared and Bugle Volce. A good selectlon avallable. A. Leoeard Shinn. 175 Province Street South, Hani- liton, Onitaria. FARMS FOR SALI ST. MARYS DISTRICT PARMS 50 acrer-li new buildings; more land cn be bought If needed. 70 iÀcres--6-rooni red brick bouse; barn; 75 cre - -ronibouse; bai; garage; wvill seli un trade on 150 acres. 100 acres - paved road; 4-bedroorn brick bouse; barn; hag Pen; shed; aillo. 150 acres--on hlghway;ý 5-bedrooni brick jhouse; large barn. 220 acres - juil off IhlghNway; 6-rootn wth modern convenlences; barn$ 36 x 50, 40 x 60; paie barn 45 i 60; silo; suit elîher dalrv or beet, MANY OTIIERS TO CI400SE PROM HARRY E. WAGMORN REALTORS QUEEN ST. PHONE 323 ST. MARY'$ $ALESMAN SERT DOUGPLAS PH-ONE 1270 FOR SALI9 - MISCELLAt'EOUS SIUOT1SEIFLIS $2.03 boy Fre delvery on -gfoup sol'ýlrs.Free drosrto sansples XL Explosives Ltd Ha'Eles- burv Ont. USEFUL îmported gifl, new, dIfferent. 1Write for catalague. S. Lucas, Mail Or- fier, Simicoe, Ontario. SEND for aur new catalogue listing dozens of new products. We Ilsi a f ew: Mlens' ail wooi wark hase- .85e per' pair. Fancy Nylon hase- .60< per -'pair. Magie Sturap Remrover -$10 jCut Flower Preserver - $1.00. Amax. lng creme kilis ants - $1.00. Magie MIlender, maends ln seconds, ciothes, fab- rics, nylon runs - .9fle Steam i rai Cleaner - $1.00. Dûaesnaf-ethles Items. Expr'ess raid. Satisfaction guaranteed or moûney refunded. TWEDDLE MERCHIANDISING CO. FiRGUS 18, ONTARIO FOR S1tl'it*MN¶W INEWSPAPER and Job prIntlng plant ln Chapleau, Ont. 4 Pressem lacluding auto- rnatlc and Melle cylinder press. Living -accommodation If desired. Good equip- mtent. Apply: Chkpleau Poat, Chapleau, Ont. *IFTS EXQUISITE, d e c c r e, t e r pincushion.i. Handmade, "hat" style of tafetta, net, rlbbon. tiowers. Beautifiil glfts, $2.00; 3 - ".00, Satisfaction guaranteec. Git, P.O. Box 1960, Houston 1, Taxas. HELP WÀNTJU6-MALIR WANTED, Linotype OPeratûr. APPIY The Trentonlan, Trenton, Ont. LIISRARIAN WANTRO MILT014 Publie LB&rry requises l- brarlan wlth a Ciass C or baller certi- ficate. 37'/-hour week, sIck leave baoil- day pay, pension plan ansd healtb In- surance benetits; mnimum staglng salary $4,000. Appil Y Y ltter te Msý C. S. Lockle, UhaIrmian c<f Board, PO~ Bosx 234, Mlton, Oint. MA AE Ales P SALE ai $.Neia Magazines. Ail Canadaa territoi!y. e- ter dIs fe ~rcegew -mâagere. Write: Mark Steele: "Te agazne King", Steela, Missouri, U.S.A. MEDICAL 1715 IXCEILWEN'. NIAL RISULTZ ATE TAKING 6tX-O '$ RVMrOy FORt RNHEIMATtc PAIN§ AND 4EURtIM MUNROI PDRUG STORE 335 110114, OTTAWA ARTHRITIS "r 'Edoren"! Reilable herbai treat- ment for atbritie pains. Pleasant, safe,- effective. Month's supply $5; nsoney back guarantee. Write for particuilars,. PICKETT'S DRUG STORE MîCKWOOO PHARMACAI. CO. LTD., MILTON, ONTARIO POST'S ECZEMA SALVE DANISUH the tarment of dry czsernia rashes and weeplng chkm troubles. Post'as ema Salve wUll net disappoint you. ltchlssg scalding aud burfflng eeze- nia,' acne; rlgworm, primples and tact eceensa wIfl zrespond readily Wte t atainless, adarless clntment, regardle." of haw tubborni or hapelesa they seem. sent pest Fret on Reclpt of plrice PNICI $3.50 PER JAR PO1T'S REIMEDIES 1168St.fClair AvenueUsa TORONTO à Million Mexieians living 2along the border and 16 illion *U.S. citizens living just north et il. Last yýear these same U.S. citi- zens spent $520 million along the border - compared with $150 million spent, $y U.S. tourists in ail the rest of Mexico MEOICAL YA-RCOSE vein)s f legs,piev- cocele. Permanent relief frorniail suif- fering guiaranteed 1w corrc-,t self-mas- sages, etc. Send $2, on!,y cost. E. Cole- maniO13 L Division, G rand I1apid1s, mlch. NURSES WA'.NTEU REGISTERED OR GRADUATE NURSES POS1,11ON"S open.' for fulI orpa-im duty. Appiy DIRECTOR 0Fr-4(JRSimG TORONTO HOSPITAL WESTON, ONT. no, -11 O.2 NUTRIA ATTENTION PURCHASERS 0F NUTRIA Wlien purchias7n Nnia osle 1h foHoawlng points w;hiýh this orga,ýnia- tiosn offers 1. The best avallable nek ucr0ss' bred or standard types recomniended. 2. rhe repation of a plan which [r provinS ltself rsubstanTtiated hv fleC0 Fsatisfled rancher. S Full Ilsurance agkinstreýpla(ce- ment. shouald they not lîve or fil the avent of sterility (atil fullyeplîe In Our certificateý of mený1t 1 4 We give you only mutatloos a hîc U desnand fanfur garets 5l. You receive ftor iài-is ongainlial ton ax guara!nteed pelt 'market [Jn rit in, 6.%.emberslhIp ln our excl1u , % breedelrs' association,'- wh0rebv only pirchasera of i bis tc ma'onil. paie in the bene'its gao ffered 7. Prices foipr eredin Sok trie $20q a pai Special offer tq those ;vho quallfiY: earn vour Nutri1l on31aur coperadtiv basis. Write: Cânsdi;1¶ $4à)ie Ltd. ftR. PiNo. 2. 55.uffville 0ntiao JLADUIS AND GENTLEMEN AGE la na barrier to entening the masY sage profession. Free bi-ochiure on re. e et. Canadlan College of MJassage. Il anAvenue, Toronto 7 OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN ANDio WOMEN RE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADAIS LEAQII4O 5CHOOL Greai potnt L-earn Halrdressitng Plezsant dIgnîflea profession: good wn,-ges. 'housaidçs of sccssu Mlarvel Graduates. AnelàeGrestest Svsteni fliustrated Catalogue Frer Write or Cl MARVEL NAIRDRES 514G SCNOOL ?A Wleer 55 . W, Tcronto Braýnches,: 44 KInE St %V iHamlton 72 Rideau Street O-tlawn PikSONAL RYGIENIC PAUBIIR GOODS TZS'rED n¶uaranteed, m in j'ptla parcal,ýn udlng catalogue sud sem bok Ye vwlth trial sotmn.18 fier 1.û0O.(pïneet ýualty)We5fern istrIbv- ï*w 4- P. RnnaSeaik PHOTOGRAPI4lY PAImIR's CAMERA CLUB BOX 8M. rALT; ONT. Films teveloped mid & magna prints 404 A niag ia printa 6Me Reprints 5e ach. KODACOLOR Z)eelrçîAi rll ýOe'ro tincluding Ansce îand Ektachroame 85 mi m 20 e!4. po>stages l1unted In sildes 5i 2ü Colcr riaIls iron sIldea 82<e achb Noney r.- nd4 nfu for unprlnted negativem. ' PONIFO FOQR ale - Paonies, rldiug mares, rtutxlà, 34ý 4,'ail colous, alsa Pale,. mïo - er, Ayton, ont 3 miles -4roswlntderlzed bungalow pear soi, g achools, chuyches, zuW taites , $7& M r. W. W. Jordan, Caii- nington, Ont. Phone 15. RECORDS WIN Fret 1Eecording, Song writing ses'- vices. Order 24 riew recordings by top Gospel Groupas, get free _entry blink. Send $2.98 plus 35< parn l[l. Wonder Record', Talent Contest, Box 14292. Cincinnati 14, Ohio. RkUbSER STAMPS YOUR own Personal PockIet llubber Stansp! business or pivate for only $1.98, C.O.D. $220. Piit nanie, Stree-t,, City, send to: Pawstan Sales, P.O. Boaf 3118, London, Ontario, Canada, TEACP4ERS WANTEO 11 ?d1ALGAMATED school , North Weiwt vuer, Labrador requafres hlgh scljool teacher, muest bc able to beach French and English as chlef subjects, aiso pri- mary teacher for grade one and be- ginners. Latest Newfoundland splairy scale plus northerftetrs Accommnoda- tIon aI prevaillng rates or own aîrrange- ments if preferred. Unusuaily tntereat- ing workt. Apply: Chrian Amaali- sfated School, North Wjest Rivet,, Labrador. SUMMER RESORTS FOR complete Infor.matin on, sommri vacation iu Muskoka, write for frýee colour foider. Palghion Eîouse. BR 2, port canilng, o'r phone 110. 5-315.5, ISSUE 34 1961 N N -f N N -A N N - N N N NI N N '--f N 'N N *Nf N N N -f-I N N N N --f N N1 N N N N '-1 --f 'N 'N '-i --f N N N -'N -N 'N N N '-f -f N 'N -f N N 'N '-f -f -f N s- '-f N f N --f N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N --f N N -f N N N s N s' s- s- N N N N N -f -f -f s' -f --f 1 PM MMý, i- 1 1

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