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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Sep 1961, p. 1

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-~~~~~.. .. -.......LISIrak. dy~i Thursday, September l4th, Volwme 22, Nmbr31 1 a - ae I 1961, Orono, Otal fteeKa LOWe Larg>e Art, Uusplay IsMo rtxu i àwàeeei isThe first regular f ail meething p Heather Rebekah Lodge N. M was held Tuesday evening ith Si 5 u:a Iiva jter MLa udae Copler ol rn,1 0 C n a s s V e et F i pesidingwtsi ster Emm ý ,,,, naLu GrarsucsfothOo Vice Gi and, a:ssisting.histon w sIbsyer ute There was ar eesllen t atend tedu bruh te itac aB0Mnce.- bigger anid bet,1terdipashd the Agricultufal Bulding and Lodg cpne acrdngf rouitu n arked inc2rease fnteexit Tins ear c. .nobanc flca~ ~ ,w~- 0, ,. la- wthroîl eal] ofofic-ers _sbiowing cat3e a rse.The over-ailp a wIae utand4e (os5lu he Or- A IU lart Ra. WaddeLtre bet ure of the fair ,waýs on'e ut4C Unu F l Aflr t he- twenty cars ?r adelis sbuwn ridig lethe wtt -La marked mrveei ~s a t I Mraugbln Buie, 1961fair n the uick.Oneuuttanding accournt wassuefte pamnswic passd fo payenlddg reatly l10 Ibis success. The Vice Gran-d gavein acco)unit1Theanulehbto Ibsy 'ci ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~of cards, fluwers and tratw tatmde lis dbups,,luda beha ent dýuring taie past tlwu and lwas in operon on ot hcp ~c~'4< unlhs. ay aTSt dyutls ek c~.'.**'-.~ .ýSisterlIree Murraygave her ruMattennceonFriday cas rat Port a s Trasurer. m4-eagru butsil$0.O.a ol a ne omuiain,.sviied atlthe gates o 1tisdafr thank-ou notes weru rami, aalaatron ad eeig tb lutteI r from Le'Prsie nto Fe.eS1 WThe ttal ,at rciptS Lju beça Asubly, outlining ber pro ed by $I4000te a present day jeestsfor ererm fof fic.codu 800.T!is n-s O')..magàzine wr itiue greater diligence as excerle The Bernevolent ïConmittcu ru-ithe gales. T' rowd ln itsi w tprtedý1 c that ther -had been busy dur- .tugt 10bu less ta aIye- m ~ ors shw1a Ono FAWi iohrse team ntry cf R.Dawson, n tesumrpcthh ipigThe Oruno Oddtelows contractud Lindaypardesin rontut hu her an whe hep ws n~e4 look attur thle gales this yea-îra always a fine sboing and the four- grand stand. Seodnmntos eehdtfrndered a most succueful servii ulective officers. rto the Agricuiltural Soety.ý received trom îiie estate cf Uthe 1e rcuttural Building exceeeded 'hos - the aninualir niopuily If àTuin ls VRobert Littie. This amount wams of former years andi proved most races on Satutrdayd wbichps o provîde I1L~III available xwhee ih i decided ivee altending the fair. Thu majorityv of 1ail seeking a in oser the fast rDejjseT e lt to use ift te-the best advanîage for, tihe displays wvere artisticaily ar- ono track. oli ÎeH d P o14Drt the0qo aG gorod of the Order.1 ranged and swere Ibis year displayed Teble es lse eea- Ail are invitud la attend a s;imilar J________________ Birthday Greetirigs swere e on inew display counturs and tables. 0Tst aning hitrsuch lasse s eas- 'araiieg Course bto hat heidlasit lit an O.BA. besi c« seven Major e oSster Hilda Wý,ood, Sister Dor-ATECLSArOON AR Ibe $10000 sg tesb lagingouIasuai-. This year's dates, will bu ep A in,,termrediate suries that wenI aflohy Bailey. Stîr Vilda Cowan i,18. 19 20, 241, 25, 26, 27 and O 1, total ~~e utegagne h Pr oe ~ u u ad Sister D'oris Tornlinson heAr evur incruasieg numrber cf 1herses-3 Onlatrios tînally cbspôsed oftIhe or-1 n earmn b sdl lses * o rinenPe 2atind 3. iii e ommîitlee -was set up for the adoubt 11 Un aIt aseinatieg e btin lot-teE;ls n etr eiigIi oredu e cuOpans last Thiurýsday on Or- v iiy tJ nnual Bazaar, rwkich 1is b le held a 'efar ! islye-, roe- i wl oerte ese- omtn eli csariiy aeae Ibat you willieY onu's hme roud btor a ig eniai »arn the fîrst Saturdlayiin Dece-mber. The jsial laient of lca ai eigbboïur- Sctios. These classes w'on mh ucclted10f111 aniy office inth erw iba bard wen 5-0()sbuotoulConvenor otfIis committe is 5k ing amateur artissand occupiedlfaven'r witbIbe Iýgrnd stand audi Church)butwe hope Ithat alil b Min ' I Fir,ý un Wedn1esdaýy atrno er >Aliîes Hooey. fthe enlire wdlb th11e arclua uc.Atnio a iedietdl usil a ili avail tesle Lung John omnws aaefomYcpley dstoda barn in the Dates weru nnounced forthe 1 bùiîdng at Ihuenorîh end ClOse' lu the Lune Spuciai 4erboys andu beoprtnt u utbrn Bruwe's pUiig choîce tor thc big huart Autheîhu amîetcf Keedal.On- sallin fthe ldges in Ibis bj"- on ¶*ere their Christian Educatilen,, onu andbu cme up wt ýa grual tbrug h at httewnitit wde etiswr n i- il 'it aw r orshw l' ïr(,uhffý"f".tjpla)y friom sktcestewatur coum rs' manship ly suwing cssonte v.LonfJg -and Mn JameSRik effortlimaitinig the Orpbans b just wshuig uad h nrbws Lodge cesdaccording Ythetcand il paiatîngs. Thiis show was ble.\ab .i u Ihe .leadersfr Ii four hits, walkng three and strik- uthler neig1bbouring bl uildlings were ritutal after wiba cup flea tVs beid in two divisions, The Orono fSix fourhsu tamis paradedli- coue. ing eut tour. un->atfectud. ' Ivs______apparnt_1____________________, ma Gramrp West started for the lb-c wsqitpaen n ye ~jArt Crup heid Iheirow> shQwngý. fore th gan sad s.hV ero fourtb Ibat. bdpl, e wind leue le tire d le in wiyt eIonand onetsiteUdirectiofn tbat Turansky's1 ALEX WOODS SAYS NE WILL - departnient le wbicb any amateur casswr uebtdw sa'oktBwavie oi ,han Eor iCtooncame onelu sore wuld avýe liuea ictim cfLats asalwdleo- exbibi't. The maimm t tucm ade10up te, lenal impovmtvas seexI oi'ciandhErsixh an sevueb it! t bazan pssVy)threai' JAPPEAL JUDOE'S RUILING large cafrvas'ses with a multitude cf var-ious tases trouL1gbou'Ithe ientiru f air which Ic he josers. by bornes. AIliro ietinataeao cîour and with a varying sabje t.Saturdjyayv'nîeg AsCarl racing exteedud laIeb' mdtway and prae- WeI ro rnu n vn1Thu bar1ewas on îLe ,propenîy oet Miiibook Restaurntoplneratoer, alter preve4 a major exhibît atI took ove c wubil p<aries a;mps iieg tialiy aven! phase oethIe fair. dezenits and picked up oneetreMc. ind sIb Ser aouse. No tire i ice as a solicitor icivil or erimln. efi.Ntol eeteset-fr h a tAipro hlnadH h ticetwih fur gingdo n'eclly bue hcoutsUneia rsurvd jugNmetlors cemimentis mosb praisiag bu-t, K'eitii Hodgso, sojnnvii; mi -dis ssuccessful. figblifouequimenl was avaial curt In a rsre ugis menT 1added was 1the impression lefll witb _______________________________ stie ro hi cnb f nýfWhn qiijn a aal egîven Tbursday by MglbrteT siks otopeuircenieed cItr nmas Ibene any supply cf watber Yx. Will fne Wod $5andcouais, te judge. inga. PoI Hope ommitle Ihe od frem weîîs or cistereis lsfie eurin Ibree. _______________JWoods tirsl appeaned la magis 1FLOWER SHOW COLOURFUL O n ai r Porti Hope cpuffed t1e scoing lan ' rate's court in Port Hope on Aug. C iie rjy O o o F i a the Ibhird wi'lb a trio et r'uns asaohr efc igbt wt he .AtriŽaigbsieyfc 1e As ustal tIre tlowen sbow'ing ad Enusen, N. Wakely, Fenton and1 R.sirgV, sand a walk anddh-r,ou le locdeedant and C.IH. Walken aller- tbe tair was another higbllgbt ewtil Wa ly ilsingled len succe(ssion rues and sue ocney for Ibe Law Sociely et Upper a-good rupresentalioe cf eultae_1d-ý plus an errer by the sotso.Tbuy1 Ray addc ahaseS inAdSiegl Canada wvhicb brougbl 1the charge, iCg lourns The Jutnior Gandeher-sl gel t-womoe!n Ithe fourtb as il- 1plus =ano u n a-, P"t e*id MagistraleJWillis ruserved Sudgu. Club and Senior HriutrlSc murJt-, and LeW)ýrysingled, were saij- ý'i-Ftnam pwbwe tsse, m etil Tbursday. Ielty also lbcd. an ey;tctg5ç- iced0 alongbyHoimanand scured a Yd .tar.Piemagistrale tbld Woods Ihal bbl iIcicb reeied muei-cbaIimt on ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~0 NHi ek /ion bsekec a W rute;unfisancd sc cepting a Lue for, cepresenting as weil il sbculd.j onuil noe ai sckeut- ond a K ai on0 eut ýle "bb 'tncf -Pulb Wilscec Cmbelreî The tobacco exhibit was antberi It wlasfthe WeIkPIy Bruth lers1once heseveeiib , '7 ar1 rdcj wik icwe qbarges lasI January l. Port 1etf noIe and ,,was accomp)anici .'oy a again shoieg thew ay oftunsively edly tciBrennmtIrd wbo reclayud IHope mnagistrat&scourt, ire wunlt reinankable display by Playur's Cig- to )lseOcaneosalong mwith George teisecued ru catc Osernu ferabey-ýon'd Ibe terms et tIre CriDîinai1arettes, luInand J'im iler. Neil Jbaid Iobeplay unidpcPdtee-garce. CodeetY Canada. APPLES AND COQKING s Lk Ià- I àobacco Queenl aller eiglir-thirly 'clock liir and recaîved a trophy preseeled byl 'nieg. lire CrowurSs Associatien. MMore Qarece uorewburucevedwasalso Tobacce King le 1960. AI stest wnber et peinnts in th2e tropbly was aise awanded ,itebMr. L. )bacco claisses vwas ieciared McI(Dcniald, ruinner-iup. Kiii- fr th es The Iropbies are denaled by 112e Durham, Nc.-rtbuýiimberlaed and Re- trew Fu-ue Tobacco Associ.a- -zlion A n,ýuw eiosud-in idispîay -unit gaveý promlinece le1Ihe omeýstie cec items et cakes, ,cookies, bies etc. ThIe display sens a-nother tIraI saw ,greal improvement aven form- er years and Ih-us recetvedl greater attention. TIre Junior departmunt cf sehol chîldren's wcrk and. C1e nieediecrafttdepartment seere aise 121gb cr the list fer 112e spectatersý ,who bneused lhreugh ,,ne buildiin. BLACKS PROMINENT RN G ATTLE DEPARTMENT Anioîber featur-.e ofthlie evenling bacco tuing cotuat. ure Celeven frmuNlo iSu aml teams consisec tinu hanlers TIeodpametlthbutcle.T ticca o5is,ý( jdý annaddbnce euasitdwt afn hrh rhumlu e stick. EcbStickwa Ocrdaafeeuthan tu hou 2 bunchs et Ibue caE; Rlacki d Witie So asbl a ~ ~ ý temfu 1 oac arm f inlSauîunday aedaise bi an I Mn E.4lkesCastieto. Thela igcoel 10ba.Teee membrs enePa tcailtieyEditIr' u,wle wee t1 , eulAbae - Ma Fe, U ,Pont Hope ,NexI puiled e rnaic hoiýme tle coînii f tolly,cwed 112e talc -am Murre Hec.The ýwet weailher Iras delarudI luescf rafen.le ount *a a puntîo coslderably dbis yýaar local tuam n om 112e tarm -cf AibuerI OP îO ENI Saman. Tleam member-s sere Agnes SATUJRDAY RACES Kenniie d Y, Thelima Forrester and JSe~ C~akolc.T,,i-he arness hors0again pie fl~I.~LL I ~i. - s 'c s s s' s' s' 0~~ s 'c- "c c-' N s s

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