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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Sep 1961, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLV TIMES THURSDAY, SEPTEMqBER 14, 1961 -i>oest ei protected Ii;elds hv Diurharn Federation 1tgtryeia ri rpvgf Lettel To The Editor besande grasses, grain >s being Upf 20< to '5,vgtbe 0 ta ea Mr. Forrester: 50% anld grasses 25%ý ta as muc j n M1onda-y, Septemnber l8tch fromi pen Fa l err i s 10% reterwiit reeei pr 2ta 7 pmni iteh Womren's flispital tetin.Aiu.ilhary s conductJing' a canvasl Forest belts redcwýe tite vlelocity orunstoj fuirnish tite patient Then fiwt metnga the lau aa wînertem I heDuha juny teMaIoa ffown Matc an id rafed by; 30%C ta Ooms on: the iro Floor. Federation ~ ~ ~ ~ a oj Arclue asedDuamhsbnaked ta Man th 'ý tests have sonand t'hede Thebo-~ M an Mp. Crn,3 cut from-r 10%, ta 30%7 in a period of I oncinwttorxesn Aln it om 2 iretrni alwn th usiness part aOfdy, id. idersa alsa is odcin hscavs ay 'L i lires(the mingý,il Mr. andl Mrs. Alfia venfed and protecte-d hoesaloreer yalu to1 ite( report of Mr. ~esfor shlelter botao in-l rtsia aad nwhc fi is may- be obtaied from, the sitolwn that1 in! spite af very caref( at omnlcSt, bu res>lLt uligadequi-pment afi îldî be- sent "in now taenur d-2t %a 1,5,0.0 ryv ne-xt s;priag. isand(y hoamr or saý lite best h oe' astlAxli ~les fori theppae are red plin 2, was awrea this andl aithougi if ~ with popa and white cedar., adtt a itn omo h omede orvrydysoli are CrocFlaatactofbout fch ine polar, an cdarl. $3, if was f elt y hemera uce and whlite pine grow Iairly Llatý titey wauîd like ta(nrel i ~îshi1ng flthe new winý1g. Thle Aux-1 ihar hd avng o $.00 for thte newN W11ng- anil be r'eceivinï -:ý of ew a thse amuns if weouldj rais an ad î inaLI$ 0 0 w o l have suficienlt ta fuirnish the paf ~~~ ~a, cost of abu1,00 CeIît thatt o ta pass Makins aiSL,1 fhy ap be gladC ta have' anl opportunify ta chied Maî,ss Corner 11nd( the car 11 cnribut 1e sa tu'a au j iltajlspit al dUO[1'G~ anaianided aglain, titis fimei da1mf-agilIgý ofl e re debf. çarfakrs deelo te paprty Caada driver Lud(wig IerahRynS leIt front witeel s0 baly and~~~~ ke po a b tt r c n ii n f a Toronto. Jthat he w as forc-ed fa reire. O n the*1ý b e s e ir r lere a o n iion p u p s s .I l o w a a a r a h e a d h l Y o u m a a s e r e d o s f e O n - Recenflydamaglias bjen donie by This itowýever did nof- Iplace lienm hî afdfo ieMkn' troHsia nuac rga brakn aI tales adgerlvani- rait Out of top plaýce ila the Canaud li edn fhsia aepi irui nai dahsm Te metngdicussed tie a aig driVers' ctmiahp maffer nd appinfed commlitr'tee Hleimr11athi, will fia tlaubf5 take thie' Lap0 alter lap o-f hefe'atureEnHcpthLuacecvryoras t(ý negofiate îth te ConiseiWaLlol campioaship wviien rin(,g closescm edmmr nldn eia supplies, nuoeals, Aufitority anid report at' future, tii year. He 's hopieful aof igttn a' eg beetndftebr staff salaries ai-d waes iien, i-ueeing.sponsoreýd by elesf drive7 fl onle! driving H-eimrniath. Lapi tîmies drap- 1aneac t. oee fd of file big Grand Prix lai Euriope- minut 4ri19 second ane(ds tenon -lo cae cao ulin diin Tie sec-retary out1lied tit.-W Iules eimati Ca aci hast ye ai, t seetett a Ew eaiacmoaion or the Original ndrgulation-s af, an LNSLGNLA ,en fiems mpoe aada i i ý ost of capital equipmnenf. Tt ContLest being spolsor>'ed bDY 'Ile On drive rbe a et of itosital cýare do seem- higli. trFederation af Agriculture. cesttsya.Memor ial Hptl itas anc o aI hie itscontest is for, f he designiing o f Tw aslfrEtiteple etcarges pe(r da-y in Onitaria. a rst or Lnlslini ta be uLsed alliec- ouf a fr7action of a lead witit a time, -At less titan a dollar an bour your jýa7h by thte O..A Tt design mnust Peter Ryani was literally knûcked.1P 0f '- m,*inute 40-7 seconds; the lastest ,bolspital bias ta, have accomminoda- besbitdbyOt 6ad ilb u a ieCndan racing- drivers': timýe af the day, ani averag speed~in tfadcupeft ev Met- citampionsitip an Saturdlay. a 6mi.yui n mrec Iacdn judged at fihe O.F.A. Annual e an nessmaerny ofre adt - ÙgPrizes are offered for tite best O tiehsla tet carscrni ihlness, round tnite ck forn( 3 cre-sfs or insignia submifted: isfO 1el" a,-l w asiles on h luýfi $50;2nd $15.00; 3rd $10.w0. Rules Ryafi's dramatic elevenfit-iitur! bupdtgte ig up the 124 hQurs a day every day aI fhe and,é regulatiouis may be obtained bld for fte cliamplisi came tau ai back ar-ete- anld Eutwistle seream- yar -io fite secret ary. jarring hait la tite first lap) of thit ed aver- f he fialisit line witit bis f en- leadcer bending 20-lap feature race drrpigit i etra he.1 Pase wh-eal, _ bis Por-sche Rs 61 orw Thuts, as. you cani -see your ileeds e Pansarealradystarted forfite ed f rom H-erib Swan of Cleveland -nnnw abt dies {i-i this New, Wing, ,equirevoutr counfj-,y Aniuaî Meeting and Mr. wash fi-ure timesw la collsio drivers fite W-Tildeni, President aof Iite On1 p eruMakins' Special ctrive by ratit had beenl assessedi a 3ei-secondspot.N asei oe eev fana Fderatan aI gricuure, or-mer stock car pilaf Geýorge Mak-! p)enalty f-or to stop a l in1 rmr motn ayuyu lisucepted anl invitationl tal bers th, -l lu1 guest Speaker, . Tilden hba ywel during fthe race. rec.ently returnied froin Yugioslavi.<a Int , ýerationa Fe),edl- Mýakins, witbh nothing al stake la Entwisthes vîctories were bis f Whe fiecnasrfrtt1 where~ ~ l- -a & eeatereefme' asia Au-xihiary-ý cahîs an in ite *teChainsii Ioc is Cor-! of tite seasan. Hi il n f1'la-Mnay etnbrLShd egn ' rton-a Agiut r Pr(ucers' 1f ,Spebr1t ob efe l aehn l-tpoii.i oL,-ýot b Cafrnecmmnyýon a vett pq\wered special- befwveeni te r etgve - hl capinii ros 50 titat wve miay reach ui b LFA.. vI. iibas a wealfh o frnroPrsieaIeiattndpitsadutpdhm nt ti Jective of $6ý000. and if, Yeu put us Mr. orn tia an a knck Iine - Ryan as fte cars -oared off the, place wifh-, a fatal af 28."oerteto",o wl Row that sprcn tts iitbmarasadgnda hesat Tite 'big home-I you are "gofig fte second mile" fo' îng1es. l 1)gs jiS ice* ni H;ieimirafh picked up 7 points' thon aI will display a Federa whicit gives hiis abetig-acsYusinrey Agrcutur Batia te fl- ~llwytruhtelap -Ryan ota f b'9 points.(MsL)Edt asn PresdenV, Woen's Ha1(spîfal AUX 'I REV. B. L-ONG RîEpPRTS Lt s nteesifg ta0 lot( a tite globe was reSting. Very ue- n tic liat pepeare gaîniig -- f- "Whre féYouGong it Mye Worild ville. any la1titis acras if1 uandc m-ade bis~ \N alefiril il e n att Jbs~ s oe present ooîi olh oo- finie areer be- ly1be Jobse be ar i t on giningtafeel aý dee dstid bac -Iltear w flan ~ 0 iibfi etta joealv a.B tiusi as lie was ready tojfe are acopiligis a manrej le- til questio taaser o ite a goadý mnany othler îit1-ingsU iser there fiai aia- pur, came taîý hlme itit thJqetin ;fs(lahI? andC if there is, wher-e Ddyweearyugon ihscaauFalFrsweehervdngaob asien rtyj do e itla s ndvidal? y wrh?"The fathber wa tr-ctlie na ieo he mnerr- steepiy inl recent years. Titi aIj course !las ta djo itre- led, nat 50cit by the sondaIbs o ond T tra vel ila a circle for sposiblut. Vry ew ouj dobt onsvoiebut by thle implication of aw i l thn et oiff at 11he saie' TJust haw (Iï stehyl bogh u ti odbs reteimanl for a pur7- bis question anitsipraceilc rniwihie treil! unte nua uve Ile au thati ti lld ) eeryýe( littie c ill u is ein n Iterie h ln bwr afteeqetont ehiebste ih ostiee tagthmsî as a i asesbc rAtesrt-era it uvy thasu eve t-qug Crmy vic ourselves ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l" thatl weill danthv--bïba o ~scl ltasi ni roe offý i il dietos, ie 98 vraecptluv~mn a whchwe50alencapl-i. ar ndv'dulchalleng,-- butani hic is wothiti.e ant d lastu ing -Il l ne- l1 - Authorized as Second Class mail, Post Office Department, Otw $5 Million for Physical Fitness The recetanneent by, Primew Minister Deebkrt the e-ffee"t thlat the Feder'al Gov)ýer'1nment wil imi pply a funld of $ mnillion to promiote sport and phyîýsicýal fitness in Caaaas be well receivýed by those in- this fieldi of edavu.The, purpose, w understand, is to bîtrCaniada's phy-5sical fitnless anid ta ri CaainAthietes ini order thlat thýey wiil be mnore com-petitive,ý in It cdoes, hoevr see-m a shame thiat the Canadlian pol ar -n ed aI suchlegi'(-siation. Itretandepeill niitie MUSt be )lacking.'ThIese aI0course, rethe ma1,in nreint o individuialswh should be participating fin sports. Money wil neein itseILf, rý-etephyic l ess or great athietes wvho will rersnour natioýn at inter-national events. Tt tisqute v udn llhenWe 10ok at ar wncomuit t .seeithe dapin interet nden-thu,,lsism for sprts1Indating aur memry ac a umbr f vyears, 01rona0supprted an ac-tivebd mintn cub nd enn1is -clb) hc at t imie provided thrî own fnnigand had withe inlitiative and dý esire tafi)play hv spart s. To-daýy these sports areprciay none existing anid b may eceve fnanialassistane through gr-ants. The ew simmng polvas not that greatly patronized,, by thos in t1heir 30's and 401s and hiere- is a spor)it that is c!laimedý, ta be to-ps in estaýblisjbing physical fitness. Paens ho littieý intleresti Inthe sports provided forthi chilrenevenat minmumOf ast 10ta tem. !t is difficulitotafind enoug-h with- interest ta ass!st in OrgaizýatiOn anid leadlershijp Furher coehe, cnsitenly epot tat îparents ar eas a rul, abýsent from tei1-ï,1am gaes evn onite home dimn r home ice The it(s1 ntaie n eeriainof form-er jer sieal.This is not only faund( in the field '0f sparts but h man aterssuch as aurchrchandlocl r'g'aniZations. Thegven sae evýericenasistneta ail theseL argniztins a simlat cratvenssand endeavour. What is happnin hee isapprenly tue he aunty oer nd s , we feel, most unfortun1ý1ate. Wyshould 1,(iit be tatsprt aat hletic 'r'ecratonbat be ~ ~ LO'l spa-e nadrt Ind paricipants ïand [to rigabout a bettr pysial ftnes pagra. Tiswe ould no(t aaswer, but Fire Protection Needed Ti-e(-fire in Kendi(al on Wdedyshould havebrgh mor10le fO]r(Àbly tath ýe frot e need for' fire proteçtion in 1he Tow'nship af Clarke, This is especially so il] the 1Biltup areas af the Townrship ývwere fire ecould spread frora One building ta an- other \withly va lgtbez lwn.A (changei h ieto of the w indonWdnsdyn Kendal couid have speljt ruin ta more than one of twa living dehns This was al1so sa n Newt-onville a couple Of years ;ago whv1en withoutthasianeaPrtop f redearmeta goodly setin f the hamliet couki hlave beeýn Thlene for, this prtciis quite evidient but apparently thle slution is nat1 as eiet Earlîer this year a special commnittee '>st p t ivesigtethis ne reparted 'th-eir findings ta the Townhipcoucilwho hiave apparenly balkled on the cýost, close *ta $60,W00.00. Thiis lis undierstandable as few mutnicipalîties are willing ta sink such a sum aof maney into l ire protection especiahly whn e area is spread out over suchi a wvid-e area anid with a iin-ited source af rvne Clarke Township is, however, about the only municipality fin the Unîtealcionties without lire protection and other avenues are certainly open as a solution ta tLis problemi. Neighibouriihg tow-,nsipls have aipparently fouind it more reasonable to purch-ase fire protection from those that have it rather than setting up their- own dprmns hog suchi agreeme-n(nts' the offering centres are able ta im-prove theijr equipmienlt and thus give lite proteýction needed. Somp'Twnhp have agr'eements with as miÎanyi Tas ltvoorithree lire cdepartmnents ta serve different sections of 1theýi roillunicilties. Und!Icer sucit an agreement the.y Jhave no proiblemns of, housing f tee'ic e nofai mlaning it whlich Could exssin parts wher ew inh-abitants were cpaleaIoperating Ana(ther lslutiocould be the etIup aI portable equp mienttruott heTwnhp andafa mnium oasf aa1 wihasipiiy faerta.Lt --udrs dtai: such equip- ment c ub sabihdaf a castf $,0.0prunt A sluio s psil agv repoeto and should be Andt'her factor fcn tebilt up areas is the alvailabilityý of wtrsupyand this was fund tabe ntst leknginKedl an Wdedy itrs'eedyand w1ells toowfor, pportable o, r'nyfire qîpet adawu wtr 3 G C AR.1SON and BRE ELEPHANTS -LION",!S -PARE ANIMALS CýLOWVJNS - AERIAL CROBATS KI NG'STREET ,EAST LOTS 0F FREE PARKING ShOWS 2 p.m. d8pm Sponaredby the KWvvni)sClbf omnle S A1CKETS A A.L-BLE AT FGOLiN DS and TT' P-AMG

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