Fancy ICEî, 'r4 48,oz$ tins 'S CORN 6 l4,z$Il 21b$ tins The Following Itemns Effective Sept. 13 thru Sept. 23rd, \5 for $ Deg House - 15-oz. Tins IGA DOG FOOD 12-$1 Carnoation - TaitiTins Ev >ortd Mil"-- 7 for $1 Agi Ftavuw Jello Powdors 12 ks $1 IGA 25,t Rfi#ts White, Paper 4 tfor WhtGreen, Pink_ YeIIow, and Blue Ballet Toilet Tissu. 10 rolis $1 Peck Frean - CarameFtlCrunch, Nice, Digestive. Golden Wheat, Shortcake- oz BISCUITS 5 pkgs $1 ~1 M Short Cut Whole or Haîýf O'LAMB Wholýe or Flank o LOIN O' LAMB Lambýï n ,a Basket -Ras, FRONT O' LAMB t1Progress Report 0f New ji Mi~ioia1Hospital lb 43c lb 29c Ghlops, Stews I bi19-c TABLERITE COMBINATION OFFERý One i' lb. pkg Side Bacon sîiced rinïdless On-e 12-cz, pkg. Bolognra, sliced one lO-oz. pkg. Wieflers $1 î IFresh Meaty PORK SIDE RIBS 14, 59c Maple Leaf MiId Cured Peameal COTTAGE ROLLS lb 55c hacyFes~~S UavfIa ORANQ4. Grade Ctee.- imited Quantity DUOHXS*, APPLE8 bu 99ç' TOKAY GRAPES ..... ... 2 lbs. 25e No. 1 Garden Feesh CELERY................. 2 large size 19c Sun kist LEMONS, size 150's ...........6 for 29e Ne. 1 Grade Bartlett -Niagara Grown PEARS----------6 Uart bsket 75C -.....--. -z- q--9 o FROZEN FOOD DEPARTMENTr EXTRA Birdseye PEAS, 12 ounce pkgs....... 5 for $1.00 A Total ~ .Bns [ Kraft Cat-adlan ARrEPRMN NAI[ LU CHEESE SLICES, 16 oz. pkgs . '..... 2 for $1.00 of $440nlnBe-e We Reserve tuLe Right tLo Limiït Quantities Recelve FREE $6.00- in BONUS TAPES- with DELMIONTE DRINK - &W Pineapple.Grapefruit - 3 45-oz. Tins-----------...$1 .00 BEANS with 6 5oz in------$0 Aylmer Boston Baked - 5o. is ...... CAK E MIXES Betty Crocker White, Chocolate. honey spice, Cocoanut - 3 20-oz. Pkgs .......... ..............-......t100 (LIGHT US O Westinghouse- 25-W, 40-W, 60-W 6 for ....... ... Reýeive FREE $10.00 in BONUS TAPES with CANSULATE CIGARETTES carton of200 fFollowing Items Effective Sept. 13, 14, 15, 16 only QReceive FREE $2.00 in BONUS TAPES with 1 FRENCH GREEN BEANS - Birdseye Frozen 10-oz. pk gPOTATOES - Ontarlo No. 1 grade - 10-lb. Bag o COOKED MÉATS - Tablerite Vac Pac -Mac. and 0 Ch eese, Dutch, Chicken Loaf. pickle& pimente 6-O.o ~~~C= -- C c C=0C C=0 ý =0 c ý0 .r = . 0GS SPECIAL ALL DÎNERS $ I 19 EA~H Wirî TIMESTHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 19U1 - - The nw'we sin place,.and 30 ar e the Ueevatj s, Ithough l ot in use. Thle air cnîinngeupeîis. almot cmplteand the diesel cil- ectri geneaterfor 'emlergencye- ecrepower nasjeeninsal ei Initerior paming wiý vilcmec sLhartly. 'lte colo)r schemies which will be used throug-hout have been arranged by our, architects' color consultant, and we are sure that Ieresult will be pleasi:ng. Harry V. Cryderman chairman L0f the Building Commiitee, reports that the wor4 hlas progresseci ac- ocx~ sno.av rnivatedu or -vr.nged. Some of these areas wiJt1 require in.-1 nediate attention. An example of thiis thatte i*cresedbed-cap- acity and patienti servi-es wil re- quire more staff. For tisl our ex isting cafeteria is inadequate. Ourj k<then will require extensive re- designing and new equiprnent .for ,be preparation of meals for moreI patients ani staff. T-he inereased demand for stei-ile upplies will require the purchase f of a nw larger, autoclave at about' When yeu need a new oil furnace, have your present humner unit checked. If it's in good working order, it can be transfer red ta your new furnace unit-resulting in substantially re- duced costs for you! Enjoy t'he wonderful wor/d ýf Esso warmh-with Esso heating equipm-ent, only 10% down (CS/ î(PREtD comforable VER 5J -Payments Ail the Better HoebaePlmig&llaigh Partner Puwbng H Haig - WE S:ELL THE BIESTr SERVICE THE RESTe' ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE ORONO 1782 "i Suonny Mocm ItiA COFFEJE Keînz SPAGHETTI Il Choice Hîalves - 15-oz Tins IGA PEACHES Ph~one Wbithy 552 3 L undas St. E., Wlhitby FINE 0QUALITY MONUMENTS kAND MARKERS Let us erct a handsome, dig- nified monument over the rest- ing pIbce o& your Ioved unes. lt's net expensive. And Seeing f bis last fribufe wW q ive you endiess comfort. -'C R fi NY S ~~IO1~Lc~r~ ~ 17 0.Tecnrlspl ~at B~re s c Me~~r'l .~Tosptaj ~1ehe1e roglesbecuse~f h~ ent phrmay nrse chng mon w v adiKour te you ep1i 118~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~fe ne esXry eatmn e urhigsand mentofuYmeat w Tew lamautr, newfatuhaeen: be about 1,250,000.Over $50th00. hranceeand eergency operting is cemng troAlocahsources an rooxn, new boli-ereom ad iunryrortm $0000 hmth o fices Abosut 5 per n fthis morcnt hA: wolrruos been one inludng win-, stalleci , ard thrieemansotside w maotspd. tinismg ad tpa;mun, aiso mre The aPenstions tothe present gradng of the grounci to be donie. os1 t ,w ichae reqr(d t- make Durig the last f ew months aS the wvholeito one efficient unit, gre del f te teror or lis'ay rireas muchi as$2 00i.n- breaecarrir.of i. Eerîc wjiring .c1luding the newautcalave, buit al has been inbSaiîed, terazzo flooring b pn has been pb- sa and grounci to its, (otinueci page S) final finish in ali nursing a.nd adi- inistrative areas. lasterîng lias _________________ ben fiihci liese ar'eas. lbuibigha mn nsaBl i STAFFORD BROS. most of the rooms and other p1w,esx wnere reiured(. i Mfinun-u'ntil vWé, rl I le0o'l- ý-