ORONO WEEI<LY TFiME$__THURSDAY,_SEPTEM~BER_14,_1961 ________________________ Bewoiey Trustees O- 1 pcurmel'ig CoLOA NN noniJonT y all thre enwanarol anend e ~dhtMsLCLNW manSass iNthrpat arold Hodgson and Mrsi p1ose, * e atpayrsa eatio1wsfna - -ifrngement ofthe Mlage by-! Jiectoroýno er A Rg otefiniW s àhow the, imously signed 6y ai! l presentcmu - ascadl an, tnhrwnsipoftherunt Ms i as threee ransoad !0fPolieu rutees pwerig the ttehes 14to rke U co nil"a" %ythat I thre nusteeon Saturday and together called onj cf e laeof Ewdley dsibmeasoures necessary o po sej hadctecudeto esCap a 1 yc f iendsin udra te eut orce the by-laws of the Vil-I Irustees Qlaim continuafly break 510fl5 t NEW FALL FSHONDRESSES God elctonfor the fsho-aar omn ncasual aýndlae Wa fer Wls, ilks, rayon ,crepes -ranid nvelty vweaves in i group. Stle nrlude sim r fuil skirtis, sc;ooped or high neckli'nes and m rany mor fahio deail. eds god-clousblues, cgreenrs as weHL, asc beig, bowna-id black. Sizes 9 to 24½.ý Priced front $12.95 to $24,50C ONE-OF-A-KIND FALL IMILLINERY Turbans- 'cloches, berets, pilîboxes and profiies in rîch shacles for( Autumyni In wýool felt.. velour, melusine of velve:t. Choose yo-urs now.,ý while the selection, is good. Priced front $2.95 to $ 10.95 LADIES'IHA NDBA«S A rnew shipmient of Ladies' Handbags in leather, soft rsýhmal- Iow plastic and cotton tapestry, beautifully styled. Black. browni,, beige,, %aan2rd navy. Priced front $4.95 tor $10.95 DAISY-FRESH GARTER BELTS 0f Nylon power net elastic with yellow dots, front paànel oýf lac-e. Sizes medium andI large. .~ Prîced at $2.ù Sarong and Daisy Girdies Saý'rngPaît-OnGWrdie with brocaded cottorn anirayonvL crojssoýver front panels, Ny- 11on powEr nt elastic sides anid back. High e- lastîc c Lartp. Waist sizes 24 te 32 Priced at $ý5.0O Sayong GirdIe with Zipper Closing H7gh-waisted iGirdie with rayon Lbrocade. Grossoyer front panels and leno el(astïc sidIes. Downstretch satin elýastîc back.. High cla top. Side zipper coin.Watst sizes 2E te 33 Priced at $10,00 panl,0~i~1~.DI2ISY-FRESHt GRDLEsanLstxfnt par,ý t'igtlydotted with yellow. AISe pull-on Pantie Girdie wJtfCh permaînent nylon tricot crotch. Sizes M., L.adX L, Priced at $5.00ac INFANTS' DRESSES AneW shfIâmneiŽt êfabies Dressn cottori, nylon, and teilyleVIe and aecetate, daintly trl*unet. Pink bitie and white. Sur.g' 6 t. 24 months Priced $1.95 to $2.95 M.nay ~ WZOp~en I ay A rmý.3tr ng sýýplW.4dnegIay sM a TE cANADluiArlN CLUB >f WuEST DURHAM Arinounce the Opening of the 19%e1 -62 Season Thursday, September 28 iLuIN'S CEnTIm, Bownianville SPEAKER: John Coliugw@od Reade Mr, Reade, a well known international speaker, newscaster and jcurnaiist, who has just, re- turneed in the past week f rom Berlin. OTHER SPEAIERSFOR THIS SEASON: Tues., Oct. 24th - THIOR HIANSEN- "Canadian Arts anîd Cr.afts." Wed., Nov. 22nd - PETER~ ACHROYD - "Planninr Canada's Capital." Tues., Jan. 30th - SIR ROBERtT HADOW - Topie will be some aspect of the International scene Fri., Feb. 23rd - M. J. COLDWELI - "Canada's Role in World Affiars" or "Future of Democracy ini Asia an d Africa.' Mý1,arch - To be announced. Apiril - Tentative spearker - Rabbi A. Feilnberg. Men-imberships may be obtained fromn any member cf the Executive. Feýe $4.00; two mnembers of samte family$75;eh succeedùig eme MVembers of Eetv:Hon. Pt-es., Dr. Qeo %I. Jamres; Pres., Mr. P. G .Newl; 1Past Pre., rs. Ken Werry; 'ist Vice Pres. Mrs,E.S- uel;1 2nd Vice Pres., M.L. Gotdýard; Co:rr. Secretary, Miss M. Couch; Asst. Cerr. Secretary, IMrs. WV. Teeple; PRec. Secretary, Mrs. E. Mann; T7es, r.R. L. Mtchell; ExeCutive Comite MsrE1. oekn M4rs A. L. Hooey, Mýrs. Lo;rne Aliin, Mr. R. Bet FMcos GlarMr Gordo Martn, Panist Mr, RoSs M4etcalfe. Mrs MevMeSmsc etni.e 1Mr'. and Mrs. Clarence ,Turner cf I~ ~ ~~q z-o-vnil eegtýs o(f Mr. adMrs.EvrtStpeo afe Weeen gust wth Mr1. and IMrs. rileChlic ere ýMiss Djiane Pollard, Whitby, MissDen 1vMs.H.A ikenMillbreck. W.Melville Rainsberry WVesto, setthe weelýkend with Mr. and I Mr~T. Lewis. Mr*s. C. A. Cuming, ]3owman- ville, Mr. and. Mrs. H. C. Rickaby, Oakvîlle, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings an~d at- tended Orono Fair. Recent visitors wîth Mrs. Chas.1 Wood were Mý,r. and Mrs. Fred Par- ish ,nd Heather,, Oshawa, Mr, and MUrs. Lloyd Broomn and famîly, Sol- mna, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Young, Pet- erborough, an-d AMr. and Mrs. Ne,"] Woo, YUakefield. Mr. anid Mrs. Ted Co-pp)ing, an d Bob', mr. and Mrs. Jim Barnes, MrIYs. SilyCoppîng and family and r.and M'vrs. Fred Grahamn attend-1 eýd the Graduation Exereises at thei Peterborough Civîcý Hospital oni Wedinesdlaycof thijs wee. Preen, Copping graduated this year and Wein the prize for 4he highiest stand- ing ;n Medical Nrig ogau ations Doreen. The Orýon-o Boy Scouts wiII hold a paper drive this Saturday morn- inging and ask that papers be tied and.placed at the curb early Satur- dayv. Pick-up wi1F commence at 9:30 Greup 1, W.M.-SI. The opeiiing meeting of the lail session of Group 1 of the -W.MS; Washe1d in»-the Bunday Sehool Aud- ioitnon Tuesday,, September 12. ,tlh Mma. W. E. Armstrong presd- th e meeting opened wlth the singing of Hymn No. 45 "Yleld net te Teinptationi," using' the song boks, tolewed by a short prayer b)y Mrs. Aoemstr'Ông. The worship; servioe was taken by Mrs. Aim- strong w»t> tok ler scripture read. ing from the first rhapter of Prov- erbs and she spoke on tbe f4our dit.- Lerent types of tools. Hymn No 96 'God will take care of youi" was sung, concluding the worship ser- vice. The iutes cf the last meeting were read and approved and c1ter- ing received. There was somne discussion as to the date and aise a speaker for the Thanksgiving meeting. lEt was sug- gested te hold this meeting on oui' regiflar day in Novemr snd eut invitations as usual, providing; this is satisfactcry to memnbers of G'roup 2. A short play "We jcin Forces, depicting the union cf W.M.S. and W.A. was given- by f ive W.M:S. members, Mrs. Long, Mrs. C. Wood, Mrs. Cecil Robinson, Mrs. Wm. ,Robinson and Mrs. W. Cobbledick and was enjoyed by ail. The meeting closel with one veseof thte thenw song and 'the Mlzpah benediction. UNÎTES C1IUR Orono Pastoral Charge Mi n iste r Rev. Basil Long~ SUNDA, SEPTEMBER 17, 1961 Text --St, Luke 8: 18 Topi Lie'sRelenitless Rule (Teeis n sanig tii CHURCH SERVICES Kirby-9.145 a.mi. Oron - 1:00a.mn. Leskrd -2:00 pm SUJNDAY SOHOOL 01r011 - 10:00 a.m. Leskard - 1:00 p.m. K'irby - 2:00l p.m.ý Charuesculaantee ArgusCris...... ....--1metWt -eeîJpecama, HoH.sý l Hne. . .........7R~.'r o~~cetinCmitet Jamsn Lxo. ...... ........101 -h .. aliik Alvin Wilson.......2R6 ert.-tcndoMac. f MUrs. Mary Grr .........21 oeJnay nmking such a grantanid scodif T-he chairs used for the Qucen 'lsuch a grant w'as legal, wvoldýthe Contepst andthe M'oving Pic.ture- lYs- sz $1,)be justified.Sera play were -ý-thrOug¶'the courtesy of ob-,ject ions havi\e been raisý-edl in the Kel Rit FurnIiture M'vanufactiurng of cedondll at the amounit of guaraatjee Oronoithe scheol is seekitig. INSTRUCTION I Piano Violin Organ Singing FOR BEGINNýERS AND ADV$ANCED PUPILS Preparatïcnfor ConservIatory Examiniaticnpr IHENRY IHAYEK Orgarls.t Oro n ntdChur-ch, 517 Eutnhani St. Ccbourg, Ontario UP HOLSTER IN G R EFI NI 8H ING Have your wark done/,,b Sexperts Phone collect for Free estimatce5 Keaiaedy Uplxlsteriog Ld. PORT HOI>E Tu 5# TU. 54322 THIS WEEK SPECIALS'ý Capstan Blended Yarn, 4 -ply double kçnitting, Ilegular 65c. a bail. This week's Special 2 balis 991 Hiandbags, New Fl,1 styles and clos$1.98 & $2.98 Boy'ýs Contin ental Shirts, wt hidIden poekets, sizes small, mediu~m or large. 'Regular $1,49. Man *ager~s Special for only............... 97c le. Sale New Woodbuty's Beauty Bars, 4 for 39e Something New - Teeniagers Seamless Nylon ilose Colour Sunglamiour-,,size 81/2 to 10. Pair 77e 2 - $1.50) Talcum Powder, Cashmere Bouquet, 4 oz. tins. 23ce or,... ..._ý.................. 2for 4âe Pyjam-as, Boy's Cotton Flannel for warmith and comf oit, sîzes 8 to 16. l'air. .....$18 Curi- Clips HollywTood Klippics Card 8 for- 35e This week Special............. 8 f or 25c, Paint by Number Sets, encourage your ehild's Artistic talent, aiso suitable for adult use. Çornplete set for ............$1.49 DON'T IJSS THIS - Men's Cotton Flannel Shirts, sizes small, medium ~or large. Niee clear ,patterns............Each $1.69 Ladies' Rayon Briefs, assorted colors, sizes small, m-edîumi or large. Special...... 3 for, 85C. Terry Towels, size about 15 in. by 28 -M.,reur pce31c. MngrsSpecýial.......7 Handbags, Cidrnassorted styles ancolors 75k ORONO 5c" TO $1."O TR OPEN FRIDAY EVENNG II II N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N - N - N N s N N s N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N j N -i N N N $ N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 's s- N N 'S' N N